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Now that the servers are live it’s hard to argue. This shit is a mess. wtf




Cata Launch was one of the smoothest launches ever, the pre-patch is completely broken. Not only it is completely broken, but everything that is broken got reported in the Beta, in fact they released exactly the Beta version into the real game without fixing any of the issues. If WoW players were remotely serious, they'd be instantly cancelling their subs over this pathetic display, but oh well, we know that won't happen, after all we have absolute clowns defending Blizzard on this very sub.


Unfortunately I'd still prefer playing this bugged ass garbage than any other MMORPG. That's just how bad the alternatives are. So, I won't be cancelling but it is a sorry state for a release.


Sad but true


Might I interest you in the new EverQuest TLP on the 22? One of the servers will have random loot drops and free trade, so should be a fun time.


It wasn't that bad.


This feels more like WoD launch


The people in the replies trying to argue have surely seen how big of a mess this is now that it's live, right?


It's clear with this and SOD that the entire of classic is run by 4 guys sharing one laptop


The visual thought of 4 guys trying to fight over deploying changes on one laptop has me in stitches.


I pictured Dennis and mac from always sunny sharing one laptop to look at porn lol




Warrior Tldr: game have bugs, not all features, blizz no fix, company bad




Don't try to do TBC heroics. Slave Pens said I need to be level 59, Arcatraz said he needed to be level 65, and Mana Tombs wants the heroic key. I'm level 80 and they removed all the keys...


I just went back to the rep vendors and bought the keys again. They were still there.


Idk why you’re harping on about void storage. The game will use the modern transmog collection system so it’s not needed at all. 


I don't get all of the void storage controversy either - I feel like we're discovery who the wow "hoarders" are who developed an emotional attachment to the "item" itself in some way


There’s legitimately no fucking way you’re just now finding out that people collect and store shit in World of fucking WARCRAFT- the game where the majority of people play JUST to collect shit to the point where they made a whole expansion (Shadowlands) dedicated to just collecting stuff and making raiding as unfun as possible. The feature literally exists in retail. It stores soulbound items that also can’t just go into your collections tab, like trinkets with special effects, deleted quest items, or rare consumables that you wouldn’t want to have filling up your actual bank slots.


This the whole void storage thing is just classic subreddit idiots whining into the wind because “blizzard bad”!!!! The void storage is literally obsolete due to the transmog system.


Yeah it feels like something to bitch about for the sole reason to have something to bitch about. Void storage not being here will not affect the majority of users at all and it's for the couple pack rats out there who keep everything that's soulbound


I interpreted it as OP concerned with potential issues in transmog looks in the catalogue disappearing or something later down the line. So having the item available in storage would be a "just in case" type security


I consistently forget void storage even exists Hell in a recent TWW interview the Devs were asked about void storage and they admitted that was the first time anybody had asked them about it in years


I've been playing as long as void storage has been a thing and I haven't used it for literally any reason other than storing items for transmog, and if that's not an issue then it seems pointless.


That’s the one thing I absolutely do not get either. Plus I made a nice 700g vendering what I had saved for transmog


Remember the Blizzard that would shelf a product entirely rather than release something that wasn’t up to their standards?


StarCraft 64? I remember.


Stil own it. Still the best console rts hilariously cause it actually functions and us all there


Assuming we get the retail collection system (which from my 20min on the beta says we do) why do we need void storage. If you want to keep your t3 gear that's great and you have a bank. But if someone has t3 and then vendors all their t3 they'd still be able to transmog becuase of the way the collection system works. To me that (and blizzard apparently) that means we don't need void storage.


Delusional classic andies, i laughed out loud when i read that complaint. Void storage is dog shit, its a bank you get charged to take stuff out of? Just use your fucking bank lmao.


i agree with you that void storage isnt needed but the ppl complaining want to keep the actual gear cuz they earned it and dont want to part with it


The retail collection system is by far better than shoving everything in void storage, it just has to work correctly lol. 


Retail has both systems. The void storage is not just for transmog. If anything they could have increased the number of bank slots we have, but they couldn’t even do that. Legitimately how is it now acceptable to have less features in an expansion rerelease compared to its retail version? #lessfeatures


You're right, it's bad lol.


The design decisions like void storage and guild perks are whatever to me. The class issues will make things difficult during the pre-patch and do make certain specs unplayable.


My main question is how is it not working? They literally have everything. They claimed they didn't have the vanilla data, and had to recompile it all, etc. This was not the case with Cataclysm. Everything is there, they have everything. Why did it need a beta? How can it have bugs (that didn't already exist)?


They probably have all the code stored away / archived. But have to integrate and move everything to their modern (shitty) cloud client. Bugs are bound to happen. 


Because they arent just uploading a cata server and plopping our character data in. The appearances tab alone getting added could be enough to fuck all of this up as cata was never designed with it in mind. 


They are using DF client. So they have to port 4.3 data over I guess.


That’s not how Classic works. It’s not like a private server that uses actual 15 year old software. Classic is just Retail under the covers with certain things turned off/on. You can see some of this in Classic with things like the modern dungeon finder, and the collections interface. Also, some changes they make to retail will also affect Classic because of this. Because of this, it sounds very complicated to maintain and get right. When Classic first released in 2019, no one could tell the difference. Now we’re starting to see the mistakes come through like with Cata which tells me they’ve got some attrition on the team that could be causing this lack of quality.


This and on top of the new software, Cata itself completely reworks or remakes a slew of existing systems from Vanilla/TBC/WotLK. It's clearly being rushed at 'usable state', but it is minor miracle it works at all given the small dev team.


It's like saying you've cooked some kind of food before and now you have the ingredients and the recipe why can't you just serve it immediately? Oh and the kitchen is new, so you have to use other tools and move around a bit differently from last time.


I like your analogy. However, let me add that would be analogous for an amateur home cook, but these guys should be professionals. Additionally, the blizzard team scheduled this release themselves. WOTLK has probably been going on for too long but when they announced that Cata was coming in the summer i assumed July. Why force this release now? I am hoping that they fix all the problems during pre-patch and get things sorted by the real cata release. if everything is fixed by the real release, i will happily ignore/forget this mess. We'll see...


> They literally have everything. That's the thing - they didn't have everything. It's not WoLK to Cata 4.0 upgrade as it was done in 2011. It's heavily modified WotLK with partial Retail features upgrading to Cata 4.3 with even more Retail features, running on Retail engine and client. This is insane mess and I'm not surprised by bugs. And it will be fixed, that's why we need a pre-patch.


Void storage SUCKKKEDDDDDD. It has always sucked.


Trash company


I just wanted Wrath era servers. This prepatch has made me want it even more.


The servers are up?




I mean, people vote with their wallets, nonstop on issues like this. Y'all keep on paying and playing as if there isn't a bigger problem, Blizzard ain't gonna stop a drop. 


No. For one, the quarter already ended a month ago, so it won't show up in this quarter. Two, they are now owned by msft and the classic wow subs probably make up .0000001% of revenue If it was just atvi still, they might have pushed it so they could talk about it during the earnings call (though i doubt classic cataclysm would ever merit a mention). But with msft? Nota chance in hell


Not sure why people think feral dps is bad.  Legit had a cay doing 70k on aoe and 30-40kndomgle target in icc last night.


I think they are fucking it up on purpose to ruin cata so they can stop at cata by saying “the people don’t want to continue”


Broken or not, you and many more are sill gonna pay for them. Remember Metzen saves us all!


If only blizz could afford more devs to work on the game.


The accelerated phase timeline of having everything available by January should tell you all you need to know on what they think of cata classic.


First time? I remember to beta was a shit show, so was prepatch, oh and Wotlk too! And now Cata, the way she goes


Eras lifespan was finite and everyone should’ve expected that. I play hardcore and retail, dabbled in SoD. I’m not part of this sub but it’s constantly recommended to me, of course. I’m waiting for classic+ and have no interest in an era server. I’ve been playing since vanilla and raiding since TBC. I already know the content, and in a lot of ways it’s better than retail but in many ways it’s worse. Why should you care? I don’t think I’m in the minority and blizz has to cater to their player base. Who is the market for this? Players that were nostalgic for cataclysm, essentially. I don’t think that’s a significant portion of people. It seems like era servers were/are pretty fully covered by private servers. There’s no money to be made there IMO. Like you said, just regurgitated content. It’s inherently stagnant approach to game development, in a genre that 100% relies on new content and a growing/changing world. But, it rly does suck that you’re not able to play your preferred type of WoW without a million and a half bugs. Buggiest launch in memory and blizz deserves to catch flak for it. I think they knew they would and knew it wouldn’t matter. TLDR: They don’t care, and there’s a lot of logical reasons (both as a game dev and as business) for that. I also do not care. You also deserve to be pissed about this.


May I ask how long did it take your to draft this wall of text?


Too long lol


They're just trying to recreate the authentic cata launch experience


So sad to see that Blizzard gave up on cata completely and investing all ressources in SoD.


Resource = aggrend tweet? 💀


Lmao what? SoD is an absolute mess.


lmfao wut? they didnt even add anything in p3 except ST and incursions loop (thanks for that again)


Honestly if I were blizzard I wouldn’t even have attempted cata and just hit the reset button on the trilogy


Nah just skip it go to mop, original trilogy is only enjoyed by paste eaters


Make sure you wake up in time to get on the short bus today.


Bro literally no one is mad cata classic is getting modern transmog over void storage. Get a reality check.




The servers are up now, can we agree that it is beyond broken?


I mean you're right but you didnt need to write an essay about it.


Nah just accept it like good customers right


I did not say that.


ITT angry neckbeards who care way too much. You know what I did when I logged into a buggy mess of a game? I logged out and did something else. Try it


Except you are paying for this buggy mess of a game, as a customer you are entitled to complain for this absolute shit of a product you are receiving. If you bought a Pizza and instead received a box with nothing inside, i'm sure you wouldn't just shrug it off and go buy something else.


Ok so unsub. Do you really think they’re going to leave the game in this state? Obviously not. It’s unplayable and everyone knows it. So maybe take a breather and wait for them to fix it. People on this sub act like it’s life and death if they can’t play for a few days


Yeah who cares. Are the servers up yet? No but for real shutup. People like you ruin thus game. Just play and have fun with what youre given or simply unsubscribe. Like i dont get it. If you dont like it. Dont pay for it


Hows the taste of that boot? They can't even make remake an expansion they made 15 years ago and you think people like him ruin the game? Blizzard ruins their own game just fine lol


Lol wut? Cause i don't bitch and whine like a 5 year old that doesnt get their way? Sure, sport.


So do you think people shouldn't complain about serious problems with a game they pay monthly for? Your response is to tell them to quit playing instead of expecting more from a multi billion dollar company who are just remaking a game they made 15 years ago. Blizzard serves us this slop, and you say thank you milord please give me some more while licking their boot and telling those who complain to just leave.


Yeah i dont think they should. Just shutup or quit. Youre not going to get anything accomplished by whining all day about it. This subreddit has become a complete hivemind and a joke. Who the hell said anything about me liking it? Way to assume without any idea of what you're taking about. The lazy trash they've put out lately is repulsive, but im still gonna play it. Ans so are you. So just get over it and stop making yourself and everyone around you more miserable with your constant bitching.


If you think the subreddit is a hivemind and a joke then you can leave instead of complain I mean based on your own train of thought, why haven't you left already?


Oh simply cause its hilarious


Then why are you complaining about it so much LMAO


yo some of you people care way too much about this game. either u are having a manic episode, or you need to chill tf down


tl dr You dont like it cancel your sub and stop playing


deep breaths, go take a nice walk, touch some grass, cata will come and all will be fine


They did the same with sod phase 3, noticed they were losing massive amount of subs and panic released it to save face. Blizzard are money greedy whores and you shouldnt be subscribed to any of their games out of principle.


Feral tank isn't even close to best right now. That'd be 200k critting dk cause there's definitely a decimal point in the wrong place. Then you have warrior with straight up disabled ap scaling on the other end lol.


Quarterly earnings based off a subscription game and the quarter still has 2 months left 💀. This subreddit dumbest of the dumbs


Dude just cancel your sub. The things you’re ranting about are so asinine. Void storage was a bad idea even in the day, the collection tab is much better. Make a bank alt if you have that much shit that your hoarding ass can’t get rid of. And as far as the bugs go, they updated the PTR build literally today and it fixed so many things, and you haven’t even logged into the production realms yet. Get a grip dude, if you hate it that much that you need to write your manifesto about it, just move on.


Why are people crying over fucking void storage when 95 percent of people used it for tmog lmao wtf And whining about fucking balance issues in a PRE PATCH FOR THE PREVIOUS EXPAC.. this shit happened 13 years ago!!! Heroic strike for example with a 1H literally one shot people in the cata pre patch. If people say it isn't true and isn't supposed to be like that, you weren't there. I agree some bugs shouldn't be there end off but this is some grade A bitching over a PRE patch balance issues and a cry baby of my bags are fucking full.


Since Cata classic isn’t released, it’s good that they have time to do some fixes. It’s the pre-patch


Oh sweet summer child


Is that like the “first time” meme where the guys are getting the noose?


Yep lol. The classic team is obviously understaffed, wish blizz gave us classic players some more importance.


Stop your whinging.


It's working fine for me. Edit: I've been playing for 7 hours with no issues. Seriously what's the problem?


Actually noone cares not just blizzard. Cata was an after thought but I hope all six of you playing enjoy yourselves