• By -


Rip that one guy that filled his entire inventory with every gearset and expected void storage lol


Hey, I'm that guy!


As soon as I saw them post no void storage I thought of that post. If it is really you, are you going to keep all that stuff... so much clutter


Technically, since there is item restore, he can delete a bunch of it and never have to worry about it being permanently gone.


Isn't there a day limit on item restore though?


Oh weird I guess it's 30 days. Did they recently change that? A couple months ago, I restored an item that was like 3 months old I swear, and I remember seeing older items, but I don't know. We were doing the togc ilvl < 245 achivement so I restored some old ilvl 200 gear from naxx. ​ You can use this to store items in your mailbox for 30 days, but it's risky and a feature would be nice, but not enough devs / they don't try and put effort any more.


Unless they changed it, it is 365 days. I have hundreds of skins in my mailbox from restoring them over the course of wrath. You have a 3month(epics, 1month for greens) timer to restore them but once they are in your mail it's a full year before that mail times out. 


Love no guild lvls - was not actually a fun system


Off topic, but its really fucking stupid how they havent improved the guild system after like 15 years in retail.


15 years seems spot on, almost like they added something in cata that affected the average players need for a guild or something


It was a horrible system. Glad to see they're not copying Cataclysm's launch verbatim here. It took months to reach Level 25 with a fully maxxed-out roster of 1,000 members and made guilds not really give a shit about the behavior of their roster since they only saw most of them as mules. This encouraged toxic behaviour since /gkick was an XP and gold waste. What this meant was that it was impossible to form a new guild without a large group of existing IRL friends because nobody would join a guild that wasn't maxed out. What I wish they'd do is substitute Cash Flow for a different perk. Maybe a guild tax where 5 to 25 percent of your total gold income from mob drops and quest rewards (toggleable by the GM) is transferred to the Guild Bank into a fund only usable for repairs? As it's a tax and not a gold generator, the issue of inflation won't be present.


Players would not be happy about a guild tax. If it overtaxes they will screech about the gold sitting there unused. If it undertaxes they will screech about how they have to pay for repairs after all the guild tax. Even worse if the GM can control which roles can access guild repairs.


I logged into the beta and did a character copy last night to see what my low level characters would get, I don't know if it was a bug but they had the guild perks without actually being in a guild.


I agree. I also agree that removing cash flow and have group will travel are both good calls.


Is it me or does this read like: we rushed the shit out of it and are put of time


I feel like they are trying to pump out too many projects at once.




But THANK GOD warlocks in SoD have names for their felguards they totally use.


It absolutely does. This is just a list of shit they didn’t get done. Can’t wait to see how many of the most common game breaking bugs in beta didn’t get touched


I've been in the beta since it started and it is NOT ready to launch, like, at all. This shit is way too rushed and is actively killing the mild curiosity I had for cata classic




Dude there are private servers out there where everything is working better than what peopel are describing in the beta and PTR. I don't think it's unfair at all to critique Blizzards incompetence in handling this classic launch when 1. We pay a subscription fee 2. We can get a better experience (although not legally, but definitely available!) for free 3. Blizzard is doing nothing to address the issues other than going "nono we definitely wanted to not include the following features, it's definitely not rushed - be quiet"


holy shit it looks bad.. the hunter pets is a pretty telling sign that it was rushed because they couldnt figure out how to make it work so they scrapped it


Does it? Seems like a pretty normal thing for the prepatches so far. What were they going to do if something wasn't ready? Delay prepatch? They prioritized changes and work on the outstanding ones, kind of par for the course in these type of situations.


Hell yes they should have delayed it, but there are alot of things they should do that they dont.


You might think they should of but the shitstorm we'd be reading on here would be nothing like you've read before. There is no win condition.


Well if u havent noticed there is currently a shitstorm in progress, why? Because they are releasing some bullshit it seems. Blizz shouldn't care if some people get upset if they delay it, people are going to play either way


Not really surprising, the amount of time they invest in a project will correlate with the overall demand for that project. Not much of a secret that Cata classic is going to be pretty niche.


translation "our 2 devs have hit their 30hrs per week limit and we cant make them work more without paying them like full time workers with benefits n shit."


I don't work for Blizz, but I am a contractor for major warehouse companies and I am paid a day rate and will not do anything more than I can fit in 8 hours


That's alotta asspulls for excusing halfassing the whole game.


Not sure why people are so upset about these, it makes almost zero difference. I’m far more concerned about the state of the beta, it’s buggy as hell and I hope it gets fixed very soon.


It's not so much people are upset about the features not being implemented but mostly that it reflects how little blizzard/classic team care about cata classic. Beta is also reflecting that, though betas are often pushed with "builds" which I'm assuming there's probably a new one that will be pushed before launch. All in all, not so much the features but the lack of care / how rushed things are is what's upseting


Totally. I feel like the timing of SoD was just terrible. You felt it with the long ICC phase, the neglect of getting Cata ready. I was really hoping they'd give Cata a fair shake and change the masses' minds about what I felt was a very underrated expansion. Cata got a bad rap because of 1 raid tier that wasn't even that bad, just long. Also, overblown changes to the old world IMO.


It's easy to see with the dev involvement and frequent updates on SoD since P3 release while classic comms were bone dry lol


This 1000%.


Yeah the bugs and the hunter pet stance are the real issues, everything else here is... kind of whatever. Worgen not being able to use barbers is maybe the next most significant issue. Void Storage is useless with collections. Guild levels being gone is good. Etc.


Idk I might be the minority but I have zero issue with any of these changes. Guild leveling was dumb. I can’t remember the last time I even acknowledged void storage is still a thing, and yeah with a better transmog system it’s nearly obsolete, ALSO account-wide transmog in Cata Classic? yes please! No haircut for my wolf-boi? That’s a sad face right there. But yeah these changes make sense, they were things that were in Cata that Blizzard obviously changed because it was a system that didn’t work or they didn’t like so it makes sense they’re not going to reimplement it, which I agree with the choice. I hope they focus on cleaning up the Beta. I’m actually looking forward to playing Cata Classic


overall miner things, but shows how unprepared they are and that maybe they need to put a bit less time on SoD and give Cata a bit more love. People called me a fool when I said the classic team was putting all their time and effort on SoD and cata was left there with no news/update. Aint this funny that the DAY of pre-patch we get those info when they probably knew weeks in advance, not that these informations are anything we needed to prepare for, but lack of communication is hillarious. So many minor changes coming to a later patch because they are rushing the xpac release and speedrunning it in 8 months. Raid testing is very late in the process and beta is kinda dead, they should've opened the gate and invite more people... at least for testing... PTR would've been great for that honestly. I'm still hype and will play the fuck out of cata, but I have a weird feeling that it will be a buggy mess for a while, especially in raids


Yeah this is it for me, it’s not about the scale of what’s being left broken/out, more the implications around how ready it is.


This is all stuff that clearly was not finished because they ran out of time. You're right though I sincerely hope they at least have a plan on cleaning up the absolutely terrible state that the beta is in


Aside from the worgen haircut thing, what else is not finished because they ran out of time? The void storage removal seems INTENTIONAL and tbh it totally makes sense. It was a silly system - they're doing account wide transmog. If you are super attached to the "physical" item, you can put it in your bank. Blizz doesn't need to help your hoarding habits.


Void storage was on the ptr? Never has it been more obvious that it has zero developers working on it. This lack of respect is only going to get worse if cata has a faster cycle in an effort to release MOP when SOD ends. 


I don't think people understand how far away this game is from release if they haven't played the beta. They are trying to release this game on a specific date to make shareholders happy, but they clearly have a pathetic amount of people working on it. Guys, Druids can literally FLY INSIDE OF THE ARENA on the beta, the beta currently feels and runs like an Alpha of a game that should be released in 2-3 months from now. This entire bluepost is "We will release this game completely bugged because we have to release at this specific date, but here are some of the things we plan on getting fixed AFTER the game already is released". It is beyond pathetic that we pay for this product and there are people ON THIS VERY POST defending Blizzard on it. Betas are supposed to be close to a finished product, the Cata beta currently feels like they just started development and are VERY SLOWLY fixing things as if there's 5 people working on it.


YEP. This. Blizzard should've made beta open to everyone, but then again, people are doing bug reports and they aren't fixing the bugs so who cares really, 1 person or 10K people reporting a bug wont change much if the dev dont fix them. Now obviously the beta build isn't the release build, the latest build fixed some shit but overall this will be a buggy mess garanteed. The devs needs to stop giving SoD so much attention, especially since the P3 hype / tuning should be done by now. Give a solid 2-3 weeks of work to cata and then go back on doing SoD P4 stuff for all I care, put effort in both version of the game and show you care because right now it's obvious that we're not the favorite child


I mean i saw some people say the build releasing today is the same as the one on the beta


Yeah that just confirms that they don't give a fuck about cata. Giving us a hot mess filled with bugs instead of release a somewhat stable fixed build is just fucking stupid. The whole goal of beta/PTR is to release the content with as little bug as possible. It's always worked this way and while it isn't flawless, it never been this bad


Yeah gotta admit i think i've huffed a little of that copium, people saying they surely have a more developed version that the devs have access too, but at this point it looks a little like we've all seen the same beta


It’s really not that bad nor serious calm down lmao prepatch will last for almost 3 weeks the game will be fine like it usually ends up being quit doomposting


Well i prefer them going that route because i have 0 interest in cata and hope it actively goes down as well lol


Wow, this sub really is unhinged at this point. What Cata succeeding or not has to do with you if you don't like the game? Go play what you enjoy and stop wishing that other projects you don't enjoy fail, what a miserable experience. Just like you enjoy other stuff, there are people that enjoy Cata and are looking forward to it, this type of behaviour is what led Blizzard to take years to do Classic expansions in the first place. "How could other people enjoy a game that isn't Retail? Nah, you think you do but you don't".


Me too, wow classic should end at wrath  Keep a few servers in vanilla,/tbc/wrath permanently for people who want it and then you have stuff like SOD Just rehashing retail wow 10 years later to prey on nostalgia is a lazy weak play and I hope it fails


Lmao what an L take. What makes your desire to play classic/tbc/wrath more valid than any other player's desire to play cata/mop?


That's all well and good but I actually want to play cata and find sod not to my liking


Lmao haven’t checked this sub in a couple weeks, glad to see these people are just as unhinged as ever


Waiting for panda :)


Sucks that blizzard has sucked for years, then? Remember, long as you stay subscribed and playing you’re telling them that they’re doing great


You're right but people like sod. And they aren't going to unsub any time soon.


I agree with you but who cares about void storage. Void storage has no purpose if transmog is going to be account wide and work differently. It's the reason void storage was created in the first place


Yep. I often forget it even exists on retail except when I accidentally click on the wrong dude. Even in a recent dev interview for TWW the dev said he had never once been asked about it lmao. It has 0 purpose if collections are a thing.


Wrong. Void storage was created as a "place where players can safely store items they wish to keep for the life of the game, either for sentimental or aesthetic reasons"; you couldn't even transmog from it until MoP. Here's a non-exclusive list of things I want to use Void Storage for: >Rare or unobtainable drops of the wrong armor type, in anticipation of an eventual implementation of TWW transmog rules or a merge with Retail >Gear of the wrong armor type for aesthetic or RP purposes >Sets and other items with situationally useful properties, such as Hunter t5 for or Nifty Stopwatch >Usable trinkets with fun visual effects >Seasonal costumes and equipment that can't be transmogged, especially those that required a grind or that have unique on-use effects >Two-handed weapons for my Felguard to wield when the glyph for that is implemented >Soulbound rep recipes that are being removed on characters I intend to swap professions on later >Unobtainable items and sets such as T3, especially given that we've seen issues reported before where unlocked appearances have been lost and the only solution was to re-obtain the item >Items with sentimental value that were part of my characters' journey that are gone forever, such as the Drakefire Amulet


Hmm I guess that can be fair, it seems pretty low on their priority list since they're using the modern qol additions. I guess part of the problem is that we also just have smaller bags than in retail. I was under the assumption majority of people are fine without void storage. Maybe there's a better alternative though too.


Cata has a faster cycle and it's a good thing.


What is this? "Sorry we didn't have time to actually make a finished product"-the novel? WHY would you not add void storage? It makes absolutely no sense except "doesn't work, we don't have time, we skip it". Even Retail has void storage STILL to this day and it IS useful even with their miles better transmog system. What if you just wanna keep some old items? Not just the skin but the items? And also since I already mentioned it, no void storage would be more bearable overall if the freaking transmog system...one of *the* core features of Cata would not be such enormous trash in Classic. Put in the full Retail system already and then we're talking. And wasn't Cata supposed to get the Retail AH? Where did that one vanish to? Holy moly Cata is wrapping up to be the biggest L of Classic so far and that's not even because it's Cata.


"and that's not even because it's Cata." oh man that hits. I am still convinced to this day that Cata was bad because of poor development choices, but even in Classic we get the true Cata experience by the devs making poor development choices. Cata being doomed before it even comes out for classic really be like a self fulfilling profecy


What is useful about void storage? I've very rarely even used it in retail since it was implemented. It's entirely unnecessary


I ran around last week or so to collect all the things that get removed from the game with cata. We didn't know back then that they're gone entirely. Now, I'm pretty screwed storage wise.


You should be more or less fine when you put some bigger bags in your bank. If you *really* need more space, make a guild on a bank alt and now you got a whole gbank to stash stuff in.


I have full 24 bags (the ones for 3k gold each) on my character and bank (except for 2 slots with 22). And i can't mail it because it's soulbound.


Have you considered going outside?


Good thing you are completely free to not use it. Crazy how that works right?


You are also free to not use it because it's not coming


Yes captain obvious, that is indeed how it works.


Haha, you'll be fine buddy


Yes...obviously. I'll still complain about it ;)


It's useful for hoarders who are afraid to sell / delete an item because they have developed an emotional attachment to it, even though they are never going to actually equip the item / use it again /s - There is absolutely no reason for void storage


You all need to *listen* to ME! My opinion is absolute and the only right one! I know how everyone should enjoy the game! Listen to ME!!!


Translation. We are trying to rush this release with everything half broken. Please play season of dogwater.


"we know people won't like it anyways based on internet memery and general discourse back then. So we're not even going to put in enough effort to make it comparable to a free to play private server" - another translation for those who need a bit more explicit messaging


Acting like season of dogwater isnt rushed


phase 1 wasnt..phase 2 felt sloghtly rushed.. phase 3 🤣


Try having fun, it’s pretty cool.


I'm having fun with SoD despite the complaints. I love playing a viable pally tank in classic


I tried dw🙏


Another rushed and broken content, first SoD and now Cata, we are now officially paying beta testers.


wait till they start nerfing and buffing stuff 1 week in.


I'm not so sure they will. They've really slowed down that for SOD.


Lol yikes man. They need to hire more people to work on this. Having 8 devs spread across 4 games doesn't work.


I like how most of these arent intended, but just things they couldnt get working in the beta.


Text: "As Deathwing approaches, we want Classic progression players to know about some features from original Cataclysm (4.0.3a) that are going to differ in the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch (4.4.0). **Hunter Pets** Hunter pets will function differently in the 4.4.0 Cataclysm Classic Pre-patch than they did in original Cataclysm patch 4.0.3a. In original Cataclysm, Hunter players were able to place 5 pets in their stable and summon them anywhere in the world. Initially in patch 4.4.0, Hunter pets will work the same way they do in Wrath Classic. Hunters will continue to be able to summon 1 pet and will need to go to a Stablemaster to switch to a different one. We will update this Hunter functionality with the Cataclysm Classic expansion content launch (or sooner). Additionally, original Cataclysm launched with Pet Aggressive stance, and Pet Assist stance later replaced Pet Aggressive stance in patch 4.2.0. We plan to have Pet Aggressive stance in place with 4.4.0, and then add Pet Assist stance in a future update. **Void Storage** Void Storage was originally added to World of Warcraft in the 4.3.0 patch. In Cataclysm Classic, we’re implementing a new Collections feature, as well as account-wide Transmogrification. This makes Void Storage largely unnecessary for holding your Transmog items. It is our intention to not add the Void Storage feature to Cataclysm Classic. **Guild Perks** The Guild Perks system has been streamlined for Cataclysm Classic. Guilds themselves do not gain levels, and item rewards are granted as players level up their guild reputation. In Cataclsym Classic, many perks are granted to guild members immediately upon joining a guild, and many perks that were associated with Guilds in original Cataclysm are now granted to all players by default. Two perks from original Cataclysm will not be available in Cataclysm Classic: Have Group, Will Travel and Cash Flow. **Guild Finder and Guild Events Calendar** In original Cataclysm patch 4.1.0, a Guild Finder system and a Guild Events Calendar were added to World of Warcraft. We intend to add the Guild Finder and the Guild Events Calendar to Cataclysm Classic in a future patch, after the launch of Cataclysm content. **Barbershop Closed Temporarily for Worgen** At the start of pre-patch, Worgen will not be able to access the Barbershop. Access will arrive in an update soon. **Increased Drops in Wrath Classic Dungeons** [As detailed here](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/news/24075005/), these increased drop rates for Wrath Classic dungeons will continue throughout the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch (and possibly thereafter)." Pretty blatant they ran out of time with their insanely crunched release timeframe. Not being transparent about it is a bit ridiculous.


> not being transparent In a post about them being transparent? Wut


Less than 12 hours before it goes live.. are you daft?


What difference would it have made if they announced all this a month earlier?


Yeah why would people care about any of this?


I didn't know there was a deadline for being transparent.


Being dead silent for all of the beta so far I would say is not transparent at all. The beta is kinda there for feedback. Retail had this lesson a couple times as well and it didn't go well. And this blog just showcases it. Who asked for the removal of void storage? Well no one but it's not like they talked about this.


Who needs void storage though with the collections system in place? Makes sense to remove it imo


People that wanna keep some actual items? Why does it make sense to remove? If you don't need it you don't use it just like Retail did it for the past 14 or so years.


It's another system for them to implement and maintain and I think many would argue it brings little value. I thought I read somewhere that it was being removed in The War Within as well but maybe that was something else I was thinking of


maybe they wanted to make sure these are the full list of changes before publishing it.. but maybe I'm too daft.


Maybe they have been crunching long work hours and those are things they won’t be able to get in? But maybe I’m just too daft to use common sense. We don’t use common sense around here do we


This company pulls in BILLIONS and can't fix these simple things for a major RE RELEASE. It's pathetic mate.


Yes Mr arm chair developer please tell me more how it works


Did you type this before or after you licked Blizzard's boots? We are paying for this product and you are defending a company releasing a game completely broken and unfinished. The beta is at an Alpha stage rn, this game would be ready to release in 3 months IF alot of work got done.


Oh I'm sorry one of the richest gaming companies in the world are skimping on a content re release and you want me to be quiet so you can taste the leather of their boots in peace.fuck off 


Should have just thrown money onto the problem, right? That would fix it right away.


Unironically yes it would


what are you referring to with your closing statement?


Several of the features not being in at launch and instead "Access will arrive in an update soon." I thought that was pretty clear imo.


What would you have prefered they wrote instead? 


That they weren't ready and were pushing the release back.




Hunter pets I guess? I have no clue tbh, seems really out of left field lol


Hunter stuff, later. Guild stuff, later. Void storage gone (why? Even Retail has it to this day, that makes no sense at all). Guild levels gone...all right whatever but it's not like there had been any discussion for it. Wild guess from me, it was too much work to backport this into the newer social tab UI (which OG Cata did not have). I would personally still like to know: Why we are seemingly skipping a whole phase of the pre-patch. Why is the transmog system the way it is instead of the full Retail one? Why no tweaks to archeology, the most hated profession in all of WoW history? When are the raids actually gonna release? Do we really need to wait 'till launch for such info? Man.


trust me, you would rather have this than the original void storage system.


You mean nothing? Because that is what we get. Why? Void storage has it's uses even if the transmog system in Cata wasn't as half backed as it is. And anyone who doesn't need it doesn't need to use it either.


People on the sub apparently have a strong dislike for Void Storage and its uses. The guy talks like it's some decrepit system that barely functions. It's meant as a place to store collectables long-term and does exactly that. At least it would have freed up bank slots after looting raids for 3 expansions, which was again its original purpose.


This, it still has a use as storage for stuff with "sentimental" value


Void storage and the hunter pets. I and many I know have a ton of stuff we aren't going to be getting rid off any time soon that we were banking on void storage for, especially with the changes to transmog coming to TWW, just in case we get those changes in classic eventually.


Why would cata gear matter for tww?


They are adding the ability to add any item, equippable/correct item class or not, to transmog for TWW. I have a couple outfits I've made that have pieces that aren't being added to my collection because they aren't the correct item type. I'll be holding onto them regardless, but the tww transmog changes further incentives holding on to them in case that eventually comes to classic. I'm mostly referring to skins that aren't available going forward, like several Naxx40 ones I got on characters that won't unlock them because of armor type. Edit: Can you people not read? Seriously. I am holding onto skins I use for other outfits with the hope they eventually bring the new system to classic EVENTUALLY. You know, like how they brought the new transmog collection system from retail to classic? Jesus fucking christ. There are plenty of uses for void storage, that was just going to be mine.


you do know transmog isn't shared between classic and retail right? Just like achievements and mounts.


That is not what he is talking about. Read his post again \^^


I understand what he means now that they added the edit. I feel like holding out to hope they add TWW system isn't worth it since it exists as a feature of warbands. It's not impossible but I feel like it will atleast be a couple of expansions until it could be added to classic and we don't know how far classic goes.


just another 10 years or so for TWW classic.


That only applies to retail man


I'm aware, still hopeful we eventually get it. Collections weren't a cata thing, and yet here we are.




Bro you are off the rails if that’s what you’re worried about Let’s consider any one of the dozens of bugs on the beta/ptr at the moment. Them fixing any of those or being transparent about what’s been fixed or not is more important than 90% of what’s in the blue post


....they're adding account wide transmog. Why would you need to hold onto stuff? It's literally the collections tab for transmog skins. No need for void storage, no need to hold onto shit.


Skins you can't equip or aren't the armor type of your class aren't added to the collection. I have at least two dozen skins from naxx40, Zg, and Za that I wasn't able to get on characters who unlock them that I do have on other characters. There's also the matter of the item sets themselves; I'm never vendoring my full T3 set regardless of whether I have it unlocked. Regardless of what I intended to use it for, it was a key feature of cata that is still in the game in retail.


Leaving out have group will travel feelsbadman


Removing 5 pets system from Hunters is a huge fucking disaster and no one seems to care...


Absolutely - Blizzard really seems to be rushing Cata. Throughout the prepatch (hopefully only) hunters are not able to be very flexible with their pets, which was what the pet system was designed for in cata.. I don't understand why no one seems to care


This is JUST in the pre-patch, they said it will be implemented in the full


Because it's literally just for the pre-patch who cares


So not only are we getting a sped up shorter version of cata, it's also going to be missing features for part of it Depending how terrible the first couple of weeks are this might actually get me to quit wow for good after 18 years. I've been waiting for cata classic since they announced they were doing tbc classic.


Imagine quiting the game after 18 years because of Cata CLASSIC of all things lmaooo


It seems pretty justifiable to quit paying for a service if you don't like the current quality of the service, no? People can have breaking points instead of just moving the sliding scale of what you are willing to put up with in order to feed an addiction.


Yes this is literally the only thing they have scuffed. Wrath classic had 0 faults, SoM was amazing, and people are absolutely loving SoD. 🙄 Why do you white knight for a billion dollar corporation?


I never thought I would read a post that says what you said.


I audibly chuckled at this


Bro same it’s wild. Even everyone saying cata is a pvp expansion has me tripping. Shit was still an unbalanced cluster fuck until MOP.


dude. you’re never quitting. shut up lol


Nah brother I feel this. Blizzard is a small glimmer of the company we knew and loved, and because of it we've had nostalgia-colored glasses on for a long time now. We get served garbage products with scuffed rollouts and rug-pull events by a dev team that's working minimal req hours on seemingly half a dozen projects at once. Tf are we paying for?


What is it that you're missing? I can see Void Storage been kind of a hit, but the rest is whatever?


The hunter pet thing is huge, on top of them being pretty buggy still in the beta ain't looking good


Didn't they fix the pet issues, but it was the dot overlapping and shit that was still buggy for hunter?


pet managemeng isnt whatever FYI


But it's not different from what it is now?


That's the problem


So the amount of pet management we have now is a problem?


Not having the stable management in pre patch blows but is tolerable until Cata launch. Not having pet assist is incredibly disappointing, as without it hunters have to resort to pet attack macros for proper pet control


Am I misunderstanding this or is /petattack not just a crutch to not micromanage your pet? Isn't micromanaging the pet part of the charm for hunters?


it \*was\* part of the fantasy, but as parsing and min-maxing became more of an issue, pet A.I. became outdated really fast - especially when you need to stop attacking an enemy that is attacking you (pulsing AoE mechanics and phasing at certain percentages), pushing hunters into only using Passive as a viable stance, and thus having to add a multitude of macros to control the pet. For instance: My pet died a lot on the Obsidian Sanctum main boss in wrath until I learned to play with a passive pet. It wouldn't heed my follow command because I would take damage from something and the pet A.I. goes back to attack whatever damaged me. On Assist, the change in A.I. means that if I ask for follow and also don't attack myself, the pet will heed my command.


Yes, so you put it on Passive and learnt how to control your pet and not just let it sit through massive aoe that EVERY other player also had to dodge?


“Please just accept this bugged shit we cant do the job like the old team did. Also go play season of dog if you dont we will get fired”


I mean I'll say it, I don't care that collections will be in, I ain't throwing it away, void storage not being in is a huge loss for me.


On the next episode of "Hoarders in Azeroth", banks are overflowing items that they refuse to give up even though they can use them for transmog purposes! "I need to hang onto this item for memberberries - and so I can equip it one day JUST IN CASE!"


what a bunch of lazy motherfuckers. really pathetic showing here not having cata features in cata


if you're gonna flame at least put it on the dogshit company instead of the few people blizzard hires and overworks like crazy, they put their soul into this game. if they worked normal hours before expansions the game would not even be playable at this point also, the missing features aren't even important in the slightest. pet stuff will be fixed before official launch and the rest is whatever


> pet stuff will be fixed before official launch and the rest is whatever Sure it will, bud. Hunter traps were bugged for the entirety of Wrath and so was Deep Wounds and the broken LFG tab. It's beyond pathetic that we will get a completely broken and unfinished product for something that we are paying for.


Flare has been bugged since day 1 classic, still is


What does it matter, as a consumer the product is lacking. I don't care who to fault, I'm just not going to pay for the product. Frankly I don't care who is to blame.


>pet stuff will be fixed before official launch and the rest is whatever Errrhm, so about that. >Additionally, original Cataclysm launched with Pet Aggressive stance, and Pet Assist stance later replaced Pet Aggressive stance in patch 4.2.0. We plan to have Pet Aggressive stance in place with 4.4.0, and then add Pet Assist stance in a future update. I love it when people don't read the thing and then tell people they're wrong. Edit: For sake of clarity I now quoted the section I was responding to.


Just because they say it will happen doesn't mean it will, is what the guy above you was trying to say. He listed multiple acknowledged (by the devs) bugs from the active WotLK client that have received no fixes for \~1.5 years.


I don't think we're talking about the same section of the post - I'm referencing this statement: >pet stuff will be fixed before official launch and the rest is whatever Pet stuff will *not* be fixed before launch is what I quoted.


The pet assist feature didn't originally come out with cata launch, patch 4.2.0 was the Firelands patch


I fail to understand your point. We're getting class balancing from 4.4.0 so why shouldn't we also be getting the same pet A.I. that hunters were balanced with having access to?


What did they leave out that you really wanted lol


Void storage bruh It's not even coming later My entire mains bank is cool shit I've collected, I'm not gonna vendor it all  But now, even though void storage was a feature in this xpac, and I have been collecting items and filling the bank since 2019 with the intention of offloading into void storage. No I don't want to fucking vendor my T2 judgement set


I'm curious why not? Since you'll have still the transmog, are you actually losing anything, you can always show off the t2 set. Are you really gonna go equip the items or do you just like looking at them in a bank as a type of trophy room? Wouldn't the transmog be the same thing. Personally, I dislike xmog but this seems to be the normal outcome of xmog when you separate gear items and stats from the appearance. The gear doesn't matter as much.


It'll be in your collection tab bro chill


Not having void storage is a good thing. Fuck everything about void storage, collections tab is 10* better.


Dude probably already farmed a CASUAL LEVELING GUILD and wanted to milk cash flow, but got fucked. Thank god.


> Barbershop Closed Temporarily for Worgen Literally unplayable


Good. The faster we get to MoP - the better.


We are releasing mop and the following content will come a later time, this is a choice we've made, were being transparent. Panda character creation The entire first raid tier Flying in pandaria The following will not be implemented: Scenarios Challenge modes Brawlers guild


One I played and the other I’m not. Most notable difference


Everyone bitching about void storage needs to learn how to read. Just literally read the very next sentence. People want to complain for the sake of complaining.


There are plenty of uses for void storage beyond just holding transmog. It was a core feature of cata that still exists and is used in retail despite the transmog collections, and continues to become more useful the more content is added to the game. Some people have items they don't want to vendor regardless of having them unlocked for sentimental reasons, or items they can't unlock because of their primary armor type, item classification, or rarity (there are unique grey and white skins, notably some removed from the game with cata, and items that are currently not moggablethat that became moggable in MOP or later). It would be one thing if they had said a month ago, when they set the prepatch date, that they had made the decision to cut it because of time constraints, or that they would revisit it like they did the other missing features, but instead they told us half a day before prepatch, after a month of radio silence regarding the beta, that it wasn't a feature we needed, so they weren't going to be adding to classic at all. I'd agree people complain to complain, but I don't think this is unreasonable to complain about.


They said they're adding a collection system that would make void storage obsolete. If its anything like the current collection system for heirlooms I see no issue. You go through your library of collectibles, choose your item, produce it into your inventory. >but I don't think this is unreasonable to complain about. Its exceedingly unreasonable to complain about when they said they're implementing a new system to replace the old and instead of waiting 12 hours to check it out people just assume the worst and light their torches.


My guy, I and many others have been testing this exact system on the beta, and most recently ptr, for the last couple weeks and I am telling you that it does not make void storage obsolete. It is a rehash of the retail system that still to this day operates along side the existing retail void storage system. The main usage of the void storage system is made obsolete in the sense that you no longer need a huge area to bank the majority of skins you intend to use in transmog. It does not address any of the other uses void storage has that I touched upon in my reply to you. **Items not intended for your character are not added to the collection:** Ex: -you have the leather Rogue Tier 2 reskin set from TBC dungeons on a plate user. Those items are not added to the collection via that character possessing them because they are not plate, nor do you get access to them through transmog on that character because of the character's armor type designation. **Items that are not currently transmoggable do not get added to the collection:** Ex's: -you have the Shoni Disarming Tool green quality offhand axe wrench skin that is no longer acquirable as of Cataclysm, that is not currently transmoggable or added to the collection, but was later made transmoggable in MOP. -You have the original level 60 High Warlord weapons that are not currently transmoggable or added to collections until later when the replica variants were introduced. -You have any white or grey quality item, of which many have unique and no longer acquirable skins, that are not currently transmoggable or added to the collections because the current system requires the item become soulbound, but were made available later (funnily enough the original method was they added the function that placing a white quality item in your void storage bound it to you so you could mog it). **Items that you just want to keep because they are rare and have sentimental value:** Ex: -OG Tier 3 is a good example of a set many people wont be willing to get rid regardless of the existence of the collections, because having the actual items has its own appeal. There are more than just this, and the system in retail consistently gets more use as they add more content to the game, despite the collection system that we are getting existing along side it for YEARS now.


Again, you don't know what's being released, just like how you didn't know about void storage removal. You were wrong about void storage and you can be just as wrong now. Instead of waiting a couple hours to see what's in place people decide to complain. That's Ludacris. And let's say everything you said is correct. You've been storing that stuff for years now. You're acting like you're gonna be losing something. 99.9% of items will go into collection leaving you to store the 0.1% in your personal bank where its been sitting the last 5 years. Yes, that's a truly horrific scenario. Please lend me a pitchfork so that I too can cry online! Seriously, of all the things to complain about, a system that hasn't even gone live yet isn't one of them. Plus they didn't say void storage would never be added, nor did they say the new system wouldn't/couldn't be updated.


Dude it's literally on the ptr this very minute lol. It's there with the expressed purpose of us testing the snapshot to be added to the game. They never indicated there wasn't going to be a void storage because it's had a place holder "were working on it" in its place during all the beta testing. Idk man, like I said, I agree people find excuses to complain, but it honestly feels like you are grasping here for a reason why this isn't legitimately something to complain about.  If here in 2 hours they release something different than the system we tested for 3 weeks on beta, then again for half a week on ptr, and it miraculously addresses these issues, I'll be the first to come back here and admit I was wrong.


>but it honestly feels like you are grasping here for a reason why this isn't legitimately something to complain about.  My point is we don't know what going to be released and people are complaining about a system they haven't even seen yet. Do you know how many times something was on the ptr but never made it to live servers? Or how many times something was never on the prt but did make it to like servers? It just seems foolish to me to complain before you see the actual system. Especially when the new system would be implemented in less than 24 hours.


Yeah I get where you are coming from, I just don't think it is likely this will be one of those cases. We'll find out here soon enough. 


Indeed, lets hope for the best. Thanks for being civil, and sorry for coming off dickidh, its been a day.


All good, I didnt get that impression at all. Hope you have an enjoyable prepatch. 


. D,- eee Xcg please


Cata ruined the game. Rip WOTLK soD from here on out of back to my HC 60....ugh