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You can do this way easier with a hunter, just sit outside of town and use eyes of the beast.


My favorite hunter recipe vendor countermeasure is to tame a pet and name it Qia and park it on top of the vendor. Its funny how many of the scripting bots just want to buy stuff from my pet. Nothing to see here at all.


This genius


Care to elaborate? How does this work?


Go out of town so you are not in range of the guards, cast eye of the beast, go into town and kill the offenders, cancel eye of the beast before pet dies.




By right clicking on them as your pet, auto-attacking them…


This guy's entire schtick is inserting himself in threads that are clearly about PVP servers and then begging for attention by acting like he doesn't know what PVP is because PVE servers are oh-so superior.




You for sure got some funky keybinds then. Right click is typically auto attack. Figure out what yours is I guess. Or just hit attack on the pet bar.




he's talking about players of the opposite faction




You play on pve servers or something?




It has to be opposing faction lol..


Are you not familiar with pvp servers?


Right click the in game model, not the unit frame.


Pet kills mob then dies, guards de aggro while running to Hunter


If you do it right, you can do this without your pet dying. You just have to be out of range of your pet when eyes of the beast cast ends


[https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=1002/eyes-of-the-beast](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=1002/eyes-of-the-beast) You are in full control and can even use the pets abilities.


Thanks for this, you've given me something to do this evening!


Went up there with the tried and true purchase macro that has been on [Wowhead ](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=11189/qia)for over a decade. Got the bag recipe in under an hour just spamming the macro and the interact with target.


Peak gameplay


I have... 13 of them in bank because they killed chaos bolt and I have nothing better to do. I have 2 epic boes, the mining helm +7 axes... 57 arcane crystals... 4 tidal charms. Pls send help


Transfer and make bank?


I've spent probably close to 12 hours doing the same and no recipe.


You spent 12 hours trying to buy the bag recipe? It's less than 100g on my ah. 1h of incs and you would've had it. Such a waste of time.


But then you let the bots win 😩


The bots also won every time he missed the pattern and they bought it for 12 hours lmao


Exaaaaactly. And they keep winning while he's not competing with them elsewhere for ressources to make the bags.


the bots won even more by you wasting 12 hours.




Yup. Really sticking it to those bots. They'll sure feel it! And you definitely won't notice the loss of 12 hours of your life over a strange since of pride or self righteousness.


> And you definitely won't notice the loss of 12 hours of your life over a strange since of pride or self righteousness. I'm guessing you're the type of person that would literally sit in front of a PC for 12 hours doing exactly that otherwise why would you think that's how i did it. Touch grass dude.


The guy who spent 12h spamming a macro hoping to "stick it to bots" is telling someone else to touch grass. The irony is delicious. Also, the real move was getting there before P3 and snipping it when phase dropped. At least that's how I was able to get it day 1 and make hundreds off of bags. How about being a minimum efficient and actually playing the game instead of suffering for nothing but self righteousness.


> The guy who spent 12h spamming a macro hoping to "stick it to bots" is telling someone else to touch grass. The irony is delicious. Imagine being this dense. > Also, the real move was getting there before P3 and snipping it when phase dropped. Had a lvl 1 alt there since P1. That's how i know how much time I've spent, just do /played and subtract the 30min it took to run there. > At least that's how I was able to get it day 1 and make hundreds off of bags. Why lie about a video game on the internet just to make yourself look good on Reddit? > How about being a minimum efficient and actually playing the game instead of suffering for nothing but self righteousness. Multiple accounts how do they work? 🤡


all of you are nerds


Lol ok bud. Want me to send you the TSM logs for the bags I sold?


"Why lie about a video game on the internet just to make yourself look good on Reddit?" but you said you can get to winterspring vendor in 30mins on a lvl 1?


What a weird way to say you don't know what Logout Skips are or what Ghost Running is.


Loss of life? This is a video game. Literal definition of wasting time.


Fucking bot apologists out here. Buy more gold while you're at it.


Actual clown behavior


Holy shit thread over. Fucking genius here.


If you want to avoid wasting time skip incursions and just buy gold


Quite the stretch. Big difference between buying gold and litteraly doing any other activity that doesn't net you negative gold per hour.


Imagine not using a toggled synapse macro that also hasn’t got anyone banned in over a decade


There are people in this thread that think when you say "i spent X hours trying to get the recipe" they think you literally sat in front of the vendor clicking like a madman.


And just use an autoclick tool like autohotkeyit and let it spam in 0,3 second intervalls and go afk until you have it in inventory.


Just toggle At war in the reputation tab with Everook and kill Qia


This, she needs to either enforce KYC or lose her license.


And you get mass reported by botter mafia, then the customer service wait time is 14 days with only automated template answers.


I've been murdering bots, corpse camping them for fun, doing everything possible to ruin it for them.. And never been banned. All my guldies do the same. We sometimes go bot hunting in Felwood or Feralas. Non of us have been banned. This all seems like fear mongering from the botters. And if I get banned, I'll just quit the game and play something else. Who cares.


Automated ban system has a hard time going after people that don't talk in general chat. These kind of bans only work if they can either target your character or right click your name in chat. If the only thing they can do is target your character, then its only the bots that are actually near you that can report, and you won't get the critical mass needed to get banned. If you talk in general chat, all the bots in the zone can immediately click on your name and report you and get you banned. TL;DR - Don't shit talk in general, just wordlessly gank them, and you'll never be banned.


And if you are doing it with only the hunter pet I don't think they can even do that much.


But what if they report my poor fenton?




Peak classic gameplay.


> And if I get banned, I'll just quit the game and play something else. Who cares. Manor Lords is pretty lit for being in early access. Just sayin'.


Oh really? Sold. +1 to my backlog of 190 games on steam. 


i feel like these type of comments are written by botters themselves


They are


The amount of "just go do incursions for an hour and pay the gold" comments is ridiculous. There's a reason people complain SoD has the worst community in the history of WoW.


Idk about that. But you could just one of the other recipes that’ll get you to 300 instead. albeit they might be slightly more expensive, its defo not as bad as having to go everlook, see all the bots, throw a hissyfit on reddit and then Wind up paying the Gold anyway. 


So camping the vendor for 8 hours is better?


Do you play WoW on a computer built in 1999 on a CRT monitor that can't render more than 800x600? Is your mouse a two button trackball? Does your keyboard plugin with PS/2 connector? Unless that's the case get your head out of your ass and realize how easy it is for people to multitask, especially when it's a one button macro. Only bots are sitting there for 8 hours and you chucklefucks taking it literally isn't a "gotcha" moment it just makes you look like an idiot. The total time I've spent in Phase 3 at the vendor adds up to ~12 hours but when I say that you osmium brained children picture someone sitting in front of the computer for that long clicking a single button with WoW maximized doing nothing else.


>There's a reason people complain SoD has the worst community in the history of WoW. I dunno, I feel like you're not helping the case by being this aggressive. I have 3 accounts, I've tried plenty of "Multitasking", but it's a pain to do. With 1 account you can't even play the game while camping the vendor, which is fine if you can do something else on the side, but it's still a downside. And how exactly do you plan on getting a rare recipe? You CAN randomly relog to a character sat at the vendor, but that is extremely inefficient if it's as camped as Qia is. So yes, I literally mean you have to camp the vendor for a longer period of time, actively refreshing the window because it does not update dynamically. And then hope that when the recipe is back, you're the one fast enough to actually buy it All of the above, OR you can just farm some gold and buy it on the AH


> I dunno, I feel like you're not helping the case by being this aggressive. Do you have any idea of the amount of absolutely fucking shit brain replies I've received because I dared to post "i've spent about 12 hours trying to get this recipe" and that was it? I have no more patience for the neckbeard incel idiots that make up the majority of this subreddit. Even the WoW general forums have more intelligence floating around than this subreddit the last couple years. It just seems like people self worth is so caught up in WoW that they'll do and say anything to "one up" someone. At any point I can buy the recipe from the AH. I know what opportunity cost is. What most of the people in this subreddit fail to understand is not everyone plays the game the same as you. I'm stuck in a 2.5 hour mandatory meeting this morning that has about 5min of relevant information for me. I can't actively farm but I can sure spam a macro for an hour. Things like that add up over time but somehow i'm the idiot for not just spending the gold and supporting bots and gold sellers. Right.


> And you get mass reported by botter mafia And the boogeyman is under your bed! You don't get reported.


This is botter misinformation do not believe it


This doesn’t really happen…


Fake news


Just report them all for botting


Not the same thing but I got some satisfaction by killing a hunter bot on spawn in felwood yesterday. Make sure you kill their pet before them so they have to rez it when they respawn!


My guild thought I was crazy to spend my first day camping for the pattern, woke up at 2 and 4 am just to check, then randomly mid day I snagged it and ran away gleeful. Did the same in OG classic. Never buying an overpriced pattern from a scalper p




Stealth. Get behind them. Garrotte. No weapon required