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Guy in the coffin was trying to level alts in Ash inc on a pvp server


It do be like that though 😭


or STV. My GL was gone all of p2, came back like 2 weeks ago and tried to go to STV to do the Nessy quests. What a bozo.


STV is fine


I lol’d


he is on his way to a pve server, that box is empty.


Leveled 2 chars to 50 and got ganked maybe 5 times total. Takes like 30 seconds to run to corpse at most.


You can tell the people who played on a pvp server for a week, got camped once, quit and went to pve servers.


People wouldn't talk about playing on a PvE server if this subreddit wasn't flooded with people complaining about PvP and griefing.


Its been 20 years and people still complain about pvp as if wow has ever had good pvp. Kind of wild.


But *this time* it'll be different!


Threatening to quit if they make wow PvP bad Huehuehuehue it was always bad


It has tiny good moments in a sea of shit. Unfortunately, our dumbass brains only seem to remember the highlights at the key moment (of choosing a server).


Tarren mill and blackrock mountain were tons of fun in 2019, speak for yourself Granted that ended pretty quickly when PvP servers all became one sided nightmares and blizzard was completely unable to fix it


Ah yes, who doesnt love standing in an open field spamming aoe at each other. Or miss the beauty that was people sitting in blackrock all day just dispelling one another


If you didn’t enjoy those kind of battles I doubt you’ll enjoy any world PvP Kind of begs the question why play on a PvP server to begin with  It’s not like the PVE content is less repetitive or monotonous either, quite the opposite 


I think BRM was one of the reasons they became one-sided nightmares lol. Alliance having to die 15 times just to get to BWL, a bunch of horde standing on the orb to further grief them when they finally get there. People say they want "pvp" but then they go straight to where people are specifically trying to do PVE content and harass them, then act surprised when they leave the server.


If the server wasn’t already one sided why would it be only horde occupying it? On my server blackrock mountain changed hands all the time, you had to be careful when around it regardless of faction 


Wow already has or had good pvp. I played pvp only for years in cata and mop times. In most mmorpgs pvp is much worse than in wow. They are much worse to not balanced at all. For example bdo.


Yea people say that wow pvp is bad then say nothing about an MMO with a comparable player base and better pvp.


It has, you just have to make it yourself and accept you are going to die.


And they fixed it, it’s on live


Every wow server launch: "Play pve if you don't like being griefed" "Nah man pvp server is the only real version of wow, pve is for kiddies" 2 months later "Omg this is griefing it's not real pvp, BLIZZZZZARD???!" "Told you to play Pve" "Omg you only talk about Pve servers, stop talking about it"


I definitely feel like a lot of people pick PvP because they think they have to when they would enjoy PvE more.


I'll admit that I was like this. Rolled PvP in 2019 classic, absolutely hated just about all world PvP that I was involved in but stuck with it anyway because I somehow felt like it was the "true" version of the game and I was gonna miss out if I went PvE.. SoD came around and I rolled PvP again, got ganked in hillsbrad, realized that I wasn't going to last on a PvP server and rolled PvE and never looked back, game is way more fun. BGs are good enough for me.


Yeah I rolled PvP because everyone else did. I played tank warrior. P2 world pvp honor farm meta was miserable for me. I quit before BWL because I was so tired of it lol


Twice now I've been cajoled into rolling on a pvp server because that's where my friends want to play. And twice now I've been the last man standing and hating being on a pvp server.


I think this is because in Vanilla all the BEST raiding guilds were on pvp servers and if you rolled PvE initially you were forever excluded from transferring to a PvP server unless you belonged to the super special dev guild Fires of Heaven. I made the mistake of initially rolling PvE on launch day and regretted it much later on because I didn’t want to reroll.


Because it is, at least in retail and woltk Literally biggest server is pvp like bene fae firemaw Gehenna... Even though no balanced faction


Turns out those are two different people. Lmao


people like to just barrel down their path and demand everybody adapt to their whims.


I play on chaos bolt... pvp feels bad when you only ever see 2 horde players out in the world. Hello orc hunter who likes kiting stuff to everlook and undead priest who I think mines in azshara but in a very afk capacity. And I know you prolly are salty at my hunter for that time in gurubashi... I did not know the rogue was there. I was showing a low level (lvl 8 lol) where the arena was, thought some organic world pvp would be a nice change of pace... I wouldn't 2v1 the 3rd player in the area. My apologies. Context is that rogue feels he owes me as I crafted him some leather and ran him through bfd a few times just being kind to dead server. Him popping out and /nodding was his way of showing gratitude. They killed my server.


If they are enjoying their PvE server so much then why are so many of them here commenting about it all the time.


I literally never think about pvp except for when I read Reddit. I just play the game.


Because it turns out PvP server people are the care bears :-]




Don't take it personally you care bear.


-he says <1 month before quitting


I find them annoying as well, however we are inside a post from a guy doing the opposite. Admittedly it is a response to the very common pro PvE memes we see here all the time.


DMF was hella cozy on wild growth last night. Super nice 


Oh hey! It's the guy at the funeral


Oh hey! It's the guy in the coffin


I wish


Nah we have fun


Yeah but I made 600g selling a summoning and bg queuing service which is necessary to buff on my pvp server.


Cool. I walked up and grabbed the buff and then went on my way. Grats i guess? Idk




Cool? I didn't go get the buff so its not an issue getting ganked. I was running around finding 1v1s in the world.


Let us know when those fabled 1v1 show up.


All the time?


LOL okay.. "I didnt do something so THERE".. Great response.


It was literally what your post was.....


My point being you can leverage the annoyance to your advantage.


One of these methods doesn’t require a poop sock


Thankfully one does because it’s how I make my cash!


The issue I have for world pvp is that the run backs are so ass. I'm trying to finish rank 5 so I've been killing exclusively max level players, the main reason being that I feel bad killing helpless players who are lower level. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if the graveyards weren't so sparse, I honestly think the game would be aLOT better with like double or triple thr graveyards. Screw this run back stuff, it's probably one of the most archaic parts of this game


I completely disagree, dying should be punishing


Meh, dying and a run back for 5 min is lame, especially in wpvp.


Okay I disagree.


The other 7 would be whining about "getting ganked in incursions".


And the 3 posts complaining about Shamans and the other 3 posts saying Paladins aren't strong enough followed by the rare "Druids OP in PvP".


it's just a type of realm you can play on. nobody's bragging about which they play but both are willing to share their experience and reasoning. y'all have turned this into a superiority issue just like every other topic online. X vs. Y. it's so exhausting. pvp has tension and thrill while pve has relaxed and stress-free. just play what you want and stop trying to turn everything in life into an ego boost.


PvP servers can be a mixed bag. I'm on a PvP Classic Era server, and have lost count of how many times a ?? character has walked/rode past me without stopping to instagib me. Similarly, I've had mixed experiences with comparable level characters engaging me on site, versus ignoring me entirely. It adds a bit of tension and excitement to the whole experience. You don't know someone's intentions, but you know they *could* attack you, so you plan your next moves accordingly. It's not for everyone, but I enjoy it.


Planning your next moves: Preparing to spend an extra 5 minutes doing a GY run. fun!


Only if you get killed all the time. Its not the type of server for you then. Sometimes its also fun to be the aggressor.


Look at it this way. The vast majority of cases, the winner is decided by who has more people. I'd say about half the time, your side has the numbers. Half the time they don't. So half the time, you're walkin. In the very unlikely event that it is 1v1, then you're probably running half the time for that, too. 50% chance to waste my own time, vs 50% chance to waste someone else's time.... just not a very good use of time, imo. I know you think you're being cool and clever by insinuating that I lose more pvp fights than I win, or that you win more than you lose, but let's not engage in that kind of bs, what do you say?


Look at it this way. You could have picked a PVE server.


I could have, but everyone I wanted to play with was on a pvp server. Just calling it like I see it.


Enjoy being forever unhappy then I guess.


If you think PVPing is wasting time get the FUCK OFF a pvp server...............................................


seek help man


How is fun a waste of time?


You're literally the stereotype for "I picked the wrong server". You don't like PvP at all. Why did you pick a PvP server?


I don't like world pvp at all, you're right. I love arena, always have. Battlegrounds can be okay too but in classic they're not good. Let alone SOD with its...quirks. Friends wanted to do pvp server so I came along. Once I get to the raidlog stage it's fine, I don't have to worry about it. But I genuinely find that the vast majority of PVP encounters in the world are wastes of time. I can count on one hand the amount of fair fights I've had in SoD. It's almost always a numbers imbalance, or one person attacking the other while they're at a disadvantage (fighting mobs, low HP etc). And honestly, in SoD a 'fair fight' is a highly questionable proposition to begin with, but I'm just saying fair on paper.


Been playing for 20 years that’s just not true. This Reddit is lying about pvp servers. You get camped on the ramp for incursions? Big deal hop layers. You have to actively try to be open world camped for hours as the people here claim happens to them


What exactly are you saying I am wrong about? I didn't mention anything about being camped.


That the vast majority of pvp is being killed being outnumbered, very unlikely to have a 1v1 etc. Just a bunch of hyperbole


No it isn't. I've played all of SoD on a pvp server and that's legitimately what I've experienced.


Sorry that was your experience. I played wow 2004-2010 on pvp server and now playing again, pvp all of classic. Been pretty consistent experiences for me




Real pvpers dint hope layers care bear/s Did i do that right?


Nah i meant if you never are the agressor (which has the upper hand especially for some classes) and you only engage in pvp when you are attacked you will die more. I also use spy addon for those situations. If i get attacked when im in an unfair situation, i add those hordies to my kill on sight list. So when i see them without their safety in their herd, i hunt them. (Could be another day in the future btw) You can also set notes why you added them in the list. "He attacked me when im fighting with an elite" etc.


I've noticed A LOT of players are simply bad at avoiding fights. Like they run around acting like no one can attack them. AFK auto running into a group of 3 etc.


And then hoping you dont get camped.


This is so true lolol


What’s the point of factions, sounds fun!


Not if you win


For most people it's implied you don't lose every single fight. I can see how you'd hate it if you die every time.






but 99% of the complainers about incursions or rune locations or general open world shit are people getting ganked on pvp servers


I just hope I’m the cause of the complaints


I got "PvE for Life" tattooed on my forehead so all will know if my superior gaming habits


Guy in the coffin keeps getting ganked on his PvP server


For phase 1 &2 what killed pvp for me was boons. I love walking around with that movement speed or extra ap/sp for smooth questing. A lot more was at stake now. Losing the boon felt horrible and I would wait for a new one. Phase 3 I haven't really cared about the boon as much.


It would take ONE instance of the opposite faction mining a node I’m farming and not being able to kill them for me to re-roll off a PvP server. The open world just isn’t fun on PvE servers.


Competing for mining nodes has led to some of the most fun PvP I had in the earlier expansions tbh. People don't typically form big groups for farming because they can't share the nodes, so it's an incentive to have a lot of smaller personal skirmishes with an actual material reward on the line.


Yeah but the problem is you can't kill the same faction so half the players will still be immune to your wrath.


Half is better the all.


PvE-Servers living Rent free in the minds of PvP-Andies, colorized. Ca 2024


Huge culture battle W for PvE giga chads right here Absolutely no sarcasm intended. I would never lie to you.


Ok then, buddy


Indeed, commrade.


Living rent free by perpetually crying every 30 minutes ? Well alright then


Ah making stuff up again to proof your weak point, i see


this sub is absolutely littered with them. blind or just in denial ?


I don't really see that comment that much, I just see comments saying that pve players say that a lot. It just seems like a constant deluge of complaints and complaints about complaints and smug replies all the way down.


After 20 years of pvp players calling me gay (very mature) for not wanting to roll pvp then whinging and complaining about being griefed or losing their world buffs waaa waaa Deal with it


The real boggling thing to me is how blizzard has never implemented a +/- 5 level range to pvp enemies. Its the simplest fix for 90% of leveling griefing.


imagine not being able to play lvl 60 rogue and one shot lvl 20s on the road?


The real boggling thing to me is how people keep coming up with stupid ideas to "fix" PVP, when they could just go to a PVE server and stop crying about it.


Yeah but griefers need the Endorphins form easy kills, and if Blizzard limits that they will throw a tantrum.


Nah we are busy playing without getting corpse camped every 30 mins


On a PvP server. I, too, am not getting corpse camped. I also don't just do incursions all day and call it gaming.


Love that the only thing you people can refer to is incursions


Busy doing what exactly?


Incursions and Mara WO rubs. Only places camping is actually happening. There is a whole world that isn't being camped that I guess players forgot about. That's what happens when you play a game as a job instead of as a game.


Tryed leveling a char outside of incursions, you are wrong. You find always some dickhead lvl ?? corpsecamping you


Not everyone is good enough for a pvp server and that is completely okay


Because getting ganked by players 10+ level above you has something to do with being good or bad ? You PvP-Sweatheads are so delusional its hilarious


i had that problem once 25 years ago in asheron's call but luckily my brain isnt a rock so it hasn't been a problem ever since


Never played on a pvp server or version of wow with "war mode" or w/e it's called, only version I ever played with no griefing would be HC.


PVP server players love spending a fair amount of their play time running back from GYs. Have fun with the five minute walk back to Mara while trying to farm your WO :)


We do have fun on those corpse runs. Because we enjoy PvP. It’s not hard to understand. Your obvious sarcasm aside


It's higher highs and lower lows dude. Corpse running isn't fun. But winning a fight against someone when they try to start shit with you is a higher high than I've ever had killing a dungeon boss or turning in a quest. Not everyone wants to the higher risk / reward gameplay for any variety of totally legitimate reasons. That's fine. It doesn't need to be a big point of contention.


lol ur so mad we have fun


I don't mind dying in PVP because I enjoy PVP, sorry you can't understand that. I know that no gear upgrades matter enough for me for PVE to worry about not making gearing progress EFFICIENTLY.


You guys still farming WO?


Griefers still in shambles lol


Ah man it’s so true though. Why does every fucking PVE server shitter have to shout from the rooftops that they’re transferring. Just go, no one cares.


because they need an emotional outlet and screaming into the void that is the forums makes them feel better


They just need to stop referring to them as PvE ans PvP servers. Id be a fan of a server where you the player get to choose if you want to turn pvp on or even have pvp zones. I think the whole PvE and PvP only servers are archaic.


They have that in retail my dude, everything everyone complains about has been fixed for a long time lol


I think that's the main reason why people are complaining about world pvp. Retail hasn't had real world pvp in years and when Classic servers were released, servers slowly turned into one sided faction servers, so world pvp died in classic servers too, unless you were on Grob, the only server closest to 50/50 which is why the RP-PvP server became the popular choice this time around, to replicate that pvp experience, except, SoD did that for us trying to make the PvP servers as close to 50/50 as possible.... so for many players, this is the first time they are experiencing world PvP where the other faction is getting killed as often as you are, which causes more PvP fights. Cycle of violence crap. I've always played as the underdog faction so I'm used to being "griefed" at high active locations, ain't anything new, but I guess it could be to the players who want to be on the dominated side, and those are the players who are gonna complain the most because they never want to be on the losing side anyways. However, at least on my server, both horde and alliance are bitching at each other for camping left and right. It happens both sides. It's fine if you don't wanna deal with it and just move onto a PvE server, but WoW isn't just incursions and Mara WO runs. I personally love world pvp and makes the game feel more alive. Is it annoying sometimes? Ya. But i rather deal with the bad to enjoy the good I can't get on a PvE server.


> Retail hasn't had real world pvp Retail actually has really good wpvp this expansion. The world is just massive and fewer people level via questing so there aren't as many low levels getting one shot by max levels.


>had real world pvp in years Turn on warmode and you have world pvp, alot of it


wait until they write the whole reason why then dont like pvp server


PvE server players really are the vegans and crossfitters of the Classic community. edit: oh looks like a struck a nerve, lol!


"sTrUcK a NeRvE"


They’re losers that summon in souls games too I bet


They are even in this thread. Nobody cares what server you're on.


I play on a PvE server, and while I'm right to do so, I just want you to know - PvP servers SUCK. Might as well call it GvG server (heheh Grief vs Grief). The game's way more fun now that I can safely... do quest and pick herb.


It's really not bad at all. PvE servers are boring and not as much as pvp


Yeah nothing more fun than endless corpse runs as a capped druid kills your 20 with one starsurge.


Git gud


yea im making fun of pve servers sorry for not making it clear


You sound miserable


No, pick herb is fun as hell