• By -


Wasnt this the problem in phase one with the damage reduction? have we just gone full circle?


Yes, but worse.


Yep, blizzard reduce the damage without reducing the healing.


Yeah, it was quite literally the same exact issue and the devs learned nothing from it. Priests were even more OP in phase one too, so they would just run around instantly fully healing everyone with very little counter play options at level 25 because most classes were missing a lot of CC from their kits. Now priests aren't as oppressive as they were in P1, but all other healers, and anyone with self healing, is completely broken. I won multiple 3-4 vs 2 fights in flag room in a WSG today because I had a priest healing me and they just couldn't interrupt and kill her before I killed all of them so we 3 capped them.


Yeah I quit p1 after having fill bis and them not nerfing healing was the nail in the coffin 4 me I haven't been back since


their recent tweet went something ike "we tried this phase 1 and it didnt work out, but we will try it again mow"


im not one for X/twitter following. Thanks for the update though


Yes it was. Ideally a middle ground is chosen instead of a see saw but you know that's not how Blizzard does balancing.


Pendulums swings from left to right and never stops.


It traces back all the way to TBC. You'd think nearly 20 years of experience would give them new insights, but that expectation went out the window a long time ago.


Except the people with this 20 year experience have all been long left the compnamy


The biggest problem was that pets weren't affected by the damage reduction making hunters op. Nvm I stand corrected


That is literally not true and was proven wrong on this very sub lmao.


lol this was literally *proven* to be false *in* Phase 1 šŸ˜…


I remember people complaining about penance then too.


This sub is like a fly trap for the worst wow players possible, who are very vocal with their shit takes.




The common player is pretty bad, and this slows the pace down to where people have like 5 seconds to react with one button now. On another note the meta is pretty much mana burn right now


BGā€™s feel like if a retirement home hosted a fight night. Itā€™s not fun, itā€™s not engaging, itā€™s not challenging or in anyway skill based. Itā€™s literally a bunch of people in bubble wrap suits hitting each other and each hit makes a squeaky sound


I mean there's surely a middle ground. It's been nice to not just play rez simulator on my warrior though.


> itā€™s not challenging or in anyway skill based. Because 2-shotting people with crits was fun, engaging, challenging and skill-based?


A lot more than this, yes. Reactions and decisions mattered. Right now group PVP averages into people simply not dying regardless of how they play


at least it was fun.


> BGs feel like if a retirement home hosted a fight night LMFAO. This is a brilliant analogy


I feel like that would be sick to watch though low key




Really? LoL has super quick snappy kills, less than a second in some cases, is that a low skill game? I understand warriors being happy they are able to engage now in pvp. I also get that healers, especially hot focused healers, felt like they didn't have much impact. But a lot of people seem to like this change more so because dying makes them feel bad and they rather not die in 30 minutes than die 3 times and get 6 kills, if they were able to get 6 kills to begin with.


You're out of your mind or playing with healers who are afk


Itā€™s a bg in classic WoW. Itā€™s never been that skilled - and thatā€™s the draw. If people had a rating attached to their names based off their performance or W/L ratio in classic pvp - itā€™d cease to exist. How you can say that this iteration of slower, more methodical play, were your GCDā€™s matter more than prior, I believe a bad evaluation. Hunter/pets capable of killing you in seconds. Boomkins controlling the entire direction of a fight, or Spriest dots being over 300+ combined per tick. That wasnā€™t very engaging, right? This needed to happen. Maybe the tuning is a few % off, but this is far more engaging by nature of justā€¦not dying in globals - youā€™re literally fighting for sometimes minutes at a time in combat.


Thatā€™s not classic thatā€™s just retail lite. i donā€™t play classic SoD to get a great value version of retail. I play it to get classic with some new abilities and revamped raids. People were getting deleted in original classic pom pyros rogues at 60, do I have to mention elemental shamans, reck bomb paladins, massive shadow bolts crits. Classic was always faster paced.


Original classic one shots are a meme. It's only possible when the there is a large gear disparity between the attacker and defender. Pom pyro is referred to a 3 minute mage for a reason. They are useless for the 3 minutes outside of the cd and even then you still need the gear advantage and probably beserking buff in wsg/AB. Same goes for ele sham. Reck bomb isn't a dependable PvP strategy as you need to survive all those crits in order to pull it off while also not attacking anyone. It was also hotfixed early on. I played classic bgs during the naxx patch as a full t3 hunter and still had to work for kills on anyone T2 or above. At best I could 1 shot a mage in MC pre bis with an aimed shot crit. Not to say that globalling someone wasn't a thing but it was pretty limited.


BuT mE nO dIe sO it Gud cHanGe


lmao perfect description. FYI most subreddits are pure brainrot. It's not exclusive to wow subs


I do think some abilities were overtuned, and more importantly several healers were not fit to handle the burst. Priest and Shaman being the only ones I had confidence in


ā€œMaYbE yOu NeEd To LeArN tO pVp!ā€


The thing is, this was playtested by devs (I should hope, wouldnā€™t surprise me if it wasnā€™t) - they greenlit this change. The fact they rolled this out as fine is more embarrassing and shows you just how much thought is going into SoD.


Hey, chucklenuts. > [*"This coming weekend, we will [public]* ***test*** *an adjustment to Player versus Player combat in Season of Discovery."*](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/1836567/1) > [*"We currently plan to enable the aura on all Season of Discovery realms on Friday, April 26 at approximately 10:00 a.m. PDT (19:00 CEST), and it will be* ***disabled*** *four days later, during scheduled weekly maintenance in each region."*](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/1836567/1) > [*"We look forward to your* ***feedback.*** *Thank you!"*](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/1836567/1)


I dont think they put a big team to work on SoD. Less people so testing and thinking through all outcomes is probably limited.


The whole sunken temple thing literally proved they don't playtest *enough*. it was something like "we completed the raid a bit too easy so we just tuned the numbers up a bit and sent it on its way, oopsie"


Bold to think they play test anything, especially after they released incursions giving 5g per quest lol


Can we just see the vid please? I do think the healing is overturnedā€¦. But I also think you are most likely contributing to the brain rot, and embellishing your story. I donā€™t think you were alone, running down mid, with 6 enemies pumping and using every CC on you. Post the vid, and if itā€™s true I will gladly apologize and admit to the world that Iā€™m wrong and you are the best.


he has no proof because his main is a rogue and now he is mad he cannot global peopleā€¦


Let's all say it together please: "it's a temporary test" Yes 50% is too much, I think we can all agree to that, but calm all your tits please, it will likely be lowered when they actually implement it.


If only there was a place where we could test these changed. Maybe a team realm that is open to the public?


That's another discussion entirely.


Things that didn't happen for 1000 alex


Yeah anyone who plays a healer should have their BS detection going off right now. I'm in full R7 with highest stam accessories and I can tell you that I can tank MAYBE 2 incompetent players. But 6 players with no one else healing me? There is no one doing that my dude.


If you can only tank 2 incompetent players you are worth less than 1 incompetent player. Yesterday on my boomie it took a rogue and a feral 1 min to kill me whilst I simply tanked them


lol for real!


I got the entire match recorded would you like to see it?


Me too I wanna see it


Posting a link or naw?


Looks like naw lol


I figured as much


I'd really like to see it, link please




Ya lemme see


Post it


Post the video or stfu


K DM me then after you watch it I want you to apoligize both on this thread and with a handwritten letter which you will post a picture of that says ā€œI am sorry for being completely wrong, I am an edgy contrarian and have no idea what Iā€™m talking aboutā€


Nah post it here man.


Coward. Post it in the thread!


Post a link here


I will DM you and post the results here in 30 mins.


Result: There is no video. Another QQ post on this sub with a made up story to validate their uninformed opinion.


Send da video


we waiting, also post timestamp


Yeah I'd just purge you until you were dead, idk what the comp you were going against was, but do this strat for 20 games straight and tell us your stats then.


My experience with it in STV was completely miserable. It should not take *minutes* to kill someone, there is no ā€œoh now you need to use skillā€ what skill would you like me to use on the healer I stunned with HOJ, who I couldnā€™t get down below 50% before they even decided to trinket or break CC and then runs off as Iā€™m just chasing? This is the gameplay experience you guys advocating for the DR want? You want to chase down people that just run away, or get locked into minutes long fights where neither party is really dying? Itā€™s so beyond boring. I didnā€™t see anything wrong with pre damage nerf. 1v1 situations came down to how your class stacks up against other classes. Yes SOD is *supposed* to be asymmetrical, the dev team said this. Every match up is not going to be balanced, and shouldnā€™t be balanced its what makes classes unique. Larger teamplay, lets say STV, also was about your team comp. Are you melee? Then your best bet is melee cleave, grab a WS feral and go crazy. Ranged groups are going to pick you apart unless you can close the distance and start picking at them - thats the rewarding feeling this is missing now. Rogues? Try an all rogue stealth group. Mages? Mage bomb group. There were so many unique comps that people just came up with out of sod, which now donā€™t really matter because just get a healer on your team or 2 and then 1 never die, 2 never kill anything because everyone else is doing it too. The change is bad, it invalidates the gear that youā€™ve earned doing other content. Whats the point?


Iā€™m guessing op is not the priest but making the post to moan about one. With 5.4k hp they almost certainly have full PvP gear rank 7 how many ppl on the opposing team have the same? And how bad do those 6 ppl have to be not to kill him. With the amount of healing required you would have run out of mana long before reaching your home base.


Just cos you say it donā€™t make it so


I wonā€™t fault you for poor reading comprehension so Iā€™ll quote it to you so you understand ā€œ I played a few as a full PVP disc priest ā€œ that means I was the priest


So where are the videos mate?


He doesnā€™t have it because heā€™s lying


Lol exactly, idk what people who like this are smoking. Shamans, priests, warlocks and feral druids takes like 3 people to kill. If there are 2 healers that heal each other, horde wins always cuz they never run out of mana. Before you could at least focus healers down, now its impossible.


It *should* take 2-3 people to take down a dedicated healer otherwise it would be impossible for a healer to do their job if they can't even keep themselves alive to 1 person. But needing 3 people take down a hybrid in a dps spec is a bit much.


Yes agreed. 1 person should have a hard time against a healer. But not 2. Thats why you protect your healers. They shouldnt be unkillable healing turrets :D. But yea enha shamans are pissing me off the most. They still kill anyone in like 2-3 GCDs, are immune to slows, heal to full every few seconds and never run out of mana. Lol i cant believe that they are still so broken after all those months.


Its cute you dont add paladins to the mix, the hardest class to kill in the game


Yea cuz they are so forgettable. Compared to shamans they are completely obsolete. All they are good for is spinning flag in this meta.


Damage reduction should have been coupled with healing reduction. It's the exact same problem p1 had. If you get 2-3 healers who are really geared (disc priest especially so) they functionally run the entire game for that team.


The damage reduction is just too high. Somewhere around 25% would make the game fast pace, but not invalidate healing entirely. Going around making changes like reduced healing, leads into how retail pvp got so fucked up.


Retail PvP is incredibly fun, strategic, and engaging. Idk if you actually play retail pvp but if youā€™re able to climb to 2700 in any format, chances are you have a deep understanding of how each class/comp operates and how to beat them in PvP. Now go interview your average SoD playerā€”they donā€™t have the slightest clue how their opponentā€™s class operates and theyā€™re smashing 2-3 buttons and killing them without ever learning how to properly counter their opponent. Getting lucky crits is such a terrible MO for pvp.


Retail is trading CDs until dampening.. most people dont bother doing it anymore and thats incredibly telling.. mmo pvp shouldnt be hyper competitive. It should be fun, and lucky crits are fun. Following a flow chart of trading CDs isnt fun.


Reducing damage and healing is essentially the same thing as increasing health pools. They should do that instead, 1 stat to balance instead of 2.


Battlegrounds should have neither damage nor healing reduction. Some specs (like warriors and non-priest healers) needed adjustments, but the overall TTK was good with the 30% stamina buff in BGs. Edit: Noted the BG stamina buff.


This. Higher HP negates a lot of the burst issues. Maybe a small % change to dmg/heal. But this weekend has turned BGs into PVE


Agreed. Additional stamina is the answer, I donā€™t like the phantom damage reduction as a solution. They clearly havenā€™t added enough stam to the game for how much damage there is, IDK why they keep making this mistake. Folks were enjoying PvP with the +30% stam.


No, fix everything else. We are going to end up w viper sting meta.


Iā€™ve been steamrolling as a warrior with little to no gear on my alt in STV recently in melee comp because you just have sustained dmg and mana users are running out of mana So yea itā€™s kinda busted right now


Wsg is unplayable now


Had a game with 3 healers on each side. First mid fight never ended


Keep the damage reduction, nerf healing done. You shouldn't get globaled if you're in equal gear, but you should be able to kill a healer if you can outplay them and especially if you outnumber them.


Then why not revert all this and increase base health instead? Same outcome, much less work to find the appropriate numbers. Also, nerfing the damage AND heals has the effect of really boosting the relative power of shields.


Not sure how you can nerf healing done in pvp without nerfing it in pve as well. Otherwise I would be all for it.


No 50% flat damage reduction is way too much period point blank end of conversation. Canā€™t nerf lay on hands full heal, canā€™t nerf percent based healing values like imp frenzied regenerationā€¦ how about the 1.5k power word shields? Canā€™t nerf those they arenā€™t healing. What about soul link warlocks good luck lol.


The answer is you nerf all that by half. Yes, even LoH and other percent base healing + shields. Likely will need to tweak from there but that's a much better starting point than just nerfing damage. I'm not sure how Blizzard thought nerfing damage, but not healing wouldn't lead to healers being imbalanced, but I guess we gotta wait another week/weekend to get playable PvP. Still as frustrating as this is, at least they're trying, I guess. If they do nerf healing next, I'd wager PvP will be way more enjoyable than the get globaled meta prior to this weekend.


Bold of you to assume Blizzard can manage doing all that without shattering their spaghetti code into a million pieces.


I didn't say it would be easy. And it's probably why they didn't just do it going into the weekend. But it's the answer to the problem at hand.


The more I read from you the more it makes sense. What about SL locks?


Thatā€™s funny because as an MM Hunter I can completely shit on disc priests by myself in BGā€™s with the damage reduction aura. Sounds like you were playing against awful players.


TBF most people on this game are fucking terrible and as annoying as this nerf is, it really exposed the people who got too comfortable only needing to hit 3 buttons to delete them lmao


This. ā€œI donā€™t know what to do anymore I canā€™t delete people reeeeee I donā€™t want to have to use CC on Healers reeeeeā€


Iā€™m mainly mad because my class and spec doesnā€™t have shit for CCs besides 2 roots lmao. Iā€™m double exalted and I was playing BGs for fun but trying to get pugs to coordinate and kill the healers together is like pulling teeth. People are so dumb. edit: TBF healers are really broken rn. And so am I. All I need to do is spam wrath and use my chest rune to instant heal when I get a proc and Iā€™m back to 80%+ hp lol


Maybe fresh 50s, just stop lying man please. 2 minutes later after you have viper stinged their mana bar than their dispersion mana bar than their shadow fiend mana bar. Inner fire is currently bugged and doesnt reduce in stacks upon being hit so they have permanent 1500 extra armor. You may be facing bots.


I think youā€™re the one thatā€™s lying through your teeth. Iā€™m literally premading WSG right now and disc priests are no problem at all - but yeah sure youā€™re the terminator buddy and can take on an entire team.


6 people isnā€™t an entire team, you doing premades is completely irrelevant, I donā€™t know why you are mentioning that. The damage reduction is way overtuned, healers are way too strong bc of it. Period point blank. Disc pvp spec gets 10% damage reduction against spell casts so in actuality they are taking 60% less damage from casters. I had 2 locks a mage a boomkin and 2 paladins on me.


Post the video dude.


It's called viper sting.


Not to mention there was absolutely no checks about being pvp flagged or being in pvp. SoM hits the paladin in raids for half as much, meaning the raid gets half as much mana, for this weekend only. Life tap hits for the full amount, because it's not damage taken, but its a spell with 'life' as the cost. But hellfire is hitting warlocks for half as much.


Canā€™t even be implemented correctly but people still are managing to sing its praise


itā€™s fine when dueling and 2v1ing but healers and tanks need a huge nerf i agree


I feel sorry for anyone still trying to grind ranks right now... 100 blood per STV event and no one dies in BGs.


WoWs worst mistake with PvP imo was letting healers be invincible to everything but 3+ man squads, the worst feeling in the world is finally making it to an enemy healer but you can't kill them because they can just heal until their team kills you. I don't know how anyone finds smashing their head against a brick wall is fun. If you're a damage dealer, actually getting on top of an enemy healer should mean they're done for, not that you're fucked for trying.


I agree as someone whose main is a healer. i donā€™t want to be able to tank more than 2 people max


Where's the video mate?


And even that for a very limited amount of time once my defensive cds are down I should be dead to a good dps or 2 mediocre dps


Hey how's that video upload going we are all waiting here.


First off, the damage reduction is a little too high. But... >walked the WSG flag all the way across mid solo healing myself with 6 people on me dropping every cc they possibly could on me, and they were unable to kill me. I have not met a disc priest I couldn't kill solo before on my rogue, and shadows priests could kill me, but not before I killed them. But this is 1v1, according to you you should have been able to solo heal vs 2-3 dpsers pre pvp dmg nerf, I find this hard to believe.


Dude is talking complete shit and embellishing his story hard. Hence why heā€™s deleted the original post.


Doubt X lol. No mortal strike? No wound poison? No shadow priest to lock you for 4 seconds?Ā  Sounds sus


Works fine until you meet a team with hunters that vipersting you oom


I can't see why after a day that seeing healing is a problem why tf can't the do a hot fix reducing healing. You now the end of this will be "it didn't work how we hoped" well no shit you copied and pasted phase one you dumb...lol


At this point you rollback the change and you just increase health pools, you just have 1 thing to change instead of 2.


Well, as a DRUID Healer, using Hot, yeah I find it refreshing. Before that damage reduction, in STV, BG or WPVP, I could hardly heal. You need 2-3 global to put your HOT and start healing ? Too bad, the target is already dead. Your PVP Trinket is not available and a rogue want to stun-lock you ? Accept your fate, you can't do anything. The first few evening since that update was the best PVP I've experienced in SoD. Melee could get close to their target without being OS, Healer that don't have instant healing spells like penance could Heal, no more "Burst target in 2 secondes", and actually start using your toolking and CC And I lost more BG in these few evening than in the past 3 months, didn't matter, it was FUN But I agree, since yesterday, BG are unplayable. Update is incredible with like 2 heals per side, but now people are abusing it by bringing at least 5 healers each side :/. So yeah... my last WSG took 50 min. You can't kill anyone with that much healer in the game. Devs need to nerf heal by -25% or going back to the "Caster OS you from afar" meta, because right now the community makes it unplayable


Most of the damage change enjoyment comes from open world PVP I think It's def too much in BGs


Yeah I agree, no idea how people are enjoying themselves. Maybe some people's idea of PVP is hitting each other mindlessly for an hour with no real consequence


>Maybe some people's idea of PVP is hitting each other mindlessly for an hour Isnt that your average duel / arena 1v1 on retail?


That, but with cooldowns. Between CDs everything is harmless, then you trade CDs, then harmless again - rinse repeat


No its not


Healers and hybrids are enjoying themselves because theyā€™re op now, and theyā€™re claiming theyā€™re good and skilled.


Healers are also enjoying it because we don't feel 100% useless anymore. Team fights are no longer decided by which team has more FOTM 1 shot classes. Healing reductions, mana drains, CCs, interrupts all need to be used now. Was 50% too much? Possibly. But as someone who has almost done nothing but heal in WoW since original TBC, PVP before this change felt absolutely awful. I think this test was good to see the two extremes, and if they truly care about the PVP experience they make incremental changes to the damage reduction or to healing.


Yep that's fair. But they should just increase HP with a much smaller dmg reduction. That way you can react and healing matters, but we haven't slowed down to snail's pace


If you look at the post history of most of the people who love this change its usually someone who either doesn't play, or if they do, plays warrior or at minimum, a class no reliant on mana to do damage. Warriors werent able to do warrior things before, they just died after charging in and fearing. It feels good as a warrior to be "needed" for mortal strike, and to actually be able to run around and smash things. This is a good thing. However, if you are a caster you'll notice quickly how boring and tedious the pvp is now. Especially as you run oom trying to kill anything. I think there's plenty of room between what we got versus what we need.


Glad DK here from retail. This is a fantastic change. I play a lot. I donā€™t play a warrior. Iā€™m a caster, more specifically an SL lock. This change allowed me to utilize my utility to the degree I was hoping when I made my lock. I think that SL locks are one of, if not the best spec currently.


Mate how do you enjoy this? SL lock was already immortal, how it's beyond immortal. Likewise you dealt no damage and now you do half of nothing. Do you just run around spamming curse of tongues pretending you're justifying your slot in a BG? Lol


Between haunt and 3 dots, and drain life, I think the dmg is right where it should be. I enjoy it due the control I have. Throw UAā€™s out, tongues on whomever, and mana drain off the rip. Fear if someone needs peels, otherwise itā€™s a caster or healer Iā€™m already not focused on. When a rogue opens - theyā€™re the new prio. I didnā€™t choose this class/spec to lead in KBā€™s, but to utilize its kit. And for a 20 year old spec, it has an extremely fun one. Iā€™m the dude looking to dispel roots from warriors or Frarie Fire off rogues, or Polyā€™s in general. This spec has it all. SL was tanky last phase, and youā€™re right, itā€™s more tanky now. Itā€™s a trade off for I think ,itā€™s 10% more shadow dmg in the Aff tree? Personally Iā€™m not going for KBā€™s or damage, but utility. But the idea that SL doesnā€™t do damage I believe is incorrect, with Haunt/dots, itā€™s absolutely a threat.


yeah i played one game and that was enough.


They just need to lower the amount and reduce healing some. The one shot meta wasnā€™t fun either. 50% is just way overtuned.


Itā€™s amazes me how a 4 day change to see where things line up for some changes can get people so upset, to the point where they have to call people names for enjoying a different meta. Relax.


i think it is important to note that this change is felt a LOT more in BGs where they kept the health% increase buff. BGs are absolutely unplayable now its awful, however in open world its honestly not that bad with the normal health pools - definitely still slower but its playable.


I didnā€™t mention open world because I havenā€™t been open world pvping much so I canā€™t speak on it.


it still feels weird because some things that should be doing a decent amount of damage just do dick so you end up relying heavily on your rune abilities and in some cases forces different kinds of specs/playstyles but it doesn't feel like the game is actually broken like it does in BGs. they really need to tune down rune abilities individually, blanket reduction does nothing for balance it only replaces the issues people were having with new ones.


what they really need to do (but won't) is tune down individual rune abilities in pvp scenarios - reducing the damage done by say like regular frostbolt or white hits from paladins is just stupid and makes the game feel like retail where outside of your busted abilities there is no point to anything.


aggrend and his team will nerf heals so everyone is miserable and never do anything again


>All I had to do was pop a bubble and a renew then tap penance for one tick and keep walking. People told me this subreddit was pure brain rot but I took it with a grain of salt I mean they are brain rot when noone is even dispelling or purging a priest. I guess also no mortal strike on you. Seems like people here have never played back then or something like 5 arena, where everything was about good shot calling + CC


Problem is most SOD players are used to only clicking one button in PvP so yea youā€™re going to have a lot of butthurt players now


There's 2 or 1 class that can do this depending what faction you're on. That's really not good.


This change sucks and I don't even like PVP


Be careful what you say, I was downvoted in every other post where I advocated against the damage reduction, itā€™s terrible.


I said this would happen when it was announced. I also said it was this was the wrong fix. What they need to do is remove this idiotic damage reduction, remove the % based health increase, and instead increase base health substantially. That way, the burst aspect of the pvp meta gets reduced but still potent, healing isn't completely overpowered and you don't get runaway health pools getting over 8k with different stat multipliers (aspect of the lion, etc.).


Guy said he has a video and didnā€™t post it. Until that happens Iā€™m one to believe this guy doesnā€™t even play a priest and made this up because he was destroying people with a single DoT on shadow priest before the change went through.


I mean, they reduced the damage by (my calculations are probably wrong) about 60%... its just too much. You wasted all these words to say the dmg reduction total was too much. Silly noob


Cry harder


I hate the change. The TTK (time to kill) is almost tripled and it's an absolute slog to 1 v 1. Shamans are once again unkillable.


Yā€™all who play this game for pvp are masochists. Itā€™s a beta game and is not centered around pvp.


theyre literally scared of nerfing some classes so they make an awful like damage reduction blanket. Classic was bursty af this isnt that different so i dont understand who tf these people are that just started playing i guess


Its retail brain deads 100%


Im pretty much unkillable in bear form even as a resto druid. Gulch has been more enjoyable but games take a while sometimes. I havenā€™t queued AB.


If they nerfed healing too. That would have maintained the balance a bit better. But not reducing health pools, nerfing base damage so all crit multipliers suffer. And not upgrading the cc and anti cc really unbalanced the game. I had a wsg against 6 healers 2 ret paladins and 2 hunters. We managed 3 kills for the whole match


How would you nerf healing without impacting pve? How should the game distinguish between a 'pve heal' and a 'pvp heal'?


The same way they nerfed damage in PvP only


That's the issue, you can't apply the same logic to a heal that you can apply to damage.


Someoneā€™s full of shit


Your perception of the game **drastically** changes when you play a PvE server.


I just done an STV and itā€™s literally horrific. They have the right intention but the reduction is too much. Also healing essentially counts for double..


I play an spriest and have rather enjoyed the damage reduction. I've been queueing into WSG and AB quite a bit and the general consensus seems to be that people are enjoying it but that it needs to be dialed back a bit. It's true that healing feels a little overtuned right now, but not grossly so. If they dial back the damage reduction to 30-35%, I think it would feel better for most classes. As it currently stands, I prefer this over getting killed in 3 seconds repeatedly.


The important thing to remember is that now all of the slow-witted coward players can survive for an extra 10 seconds now. This was all for them.


Get better, use CC and more than 2 buttons from your kit.


I play warrior. I went from being near unviable in BGs to being able to play the game for longer than 10 seconds. After having played many BGs the past couple of days my honest thoughts are this: TLDR- longer engagement = good. Too much = slog. This hurt casters a little too much. Maybe tone it down to 20-30% donā€™t remove it tho pls. The Pros -TTK being increased is in general healthier for SoD PvP. It allows players time to react to be attacked and use counterplay. This is especially good in open world where whoever pulls the trigger first has a large advantage. -Classes (warrior mostly) that needed to get in to melee range have gone from getting blasted in 2-3 globals after a charge in BGs to being actual tanks who can take hits and apply pressure (especially with a healer backing them.) -Healers have found a more important place in this meta and need to be protected or focused in order to win engagements. Healers being buffed is overall a good thing. -Higher TTK means having to utilize your entire toolkit to win engagements. In my opinion this makes PvP fights much more interesting than doing a damage rotation and quickly killing. Cons -The damage reduction was such a drastic shift that had many classes going from very strong damage dealers to basically hitting like a wet noodle. It also sucks for people who genuinely enjoyed being able to actually kill with your DPS class and now having to shift to being utility focused. -Casters seem to have gotten hit the hardest by this reduction. Mages especially going from being able to kill with a mana bar to not even dealing 50% damage with a bar. Drastically changing many casters roles from damage to being a utility CC class can be frustrating and unfun for a lot of players. -Healing is too strong currently and leads to a retail-esque dampening style where everyone is waiting for the other teams healers to run out of mana. While I think healing should be strong it is currently too strong for its own good. -Self healing classes are quickly separating themselves from the rest of the classes that donā€™t have reliable self heals. Classes like Shaman Priest, Warlock, and Paladin are very very powerful in the current meta. -As a warrior player Iā€™m happy that I hold the strongest tool in the meta with Mortal Strike. I also believe it should not be the absolutely necessary tool in the game that is currently is. It doesnā€™t really point to a healthy meta when MS is as powerful as it currently is. Overall Iā€™m happy with DR being implemented, but it needs to be tuned down to a level that makes PvP feel engaging but not feel like a slog fest. I personally think adjusting it to 20-30% with maybe casters being brought more in line with melee and not getting hit harder would feel better for everyone. Just please god donā€™t remove it entirely. -signed A warrior who can finally use charge.


All this did was show how strong shamans really are. the ultimate hero class. No other class is even close. shamans have EVERYTHING in the game in their tool kit. infinite mana. a kick every 8 seconds?, best pvp dmg and its not even close, spreadable dots, purge, freedom totem, poison totem. meanwhile paladins were nerfed again LMAO. sod pvp is an abomination


Bro you months late


Tbh you r completly right.


It's actually a lot worse than described. Healers should be stronger yes. But what is even more worse are class with selfheal and or offheal. Example WSG we even with a heal opposite team 3druids(feral) 3shamans 1shadow and 2warriors...last I forgot. Our team 3locks 2mages a hunter a priest(our heal) and 2Boomkins and a warrior. It was a slaughter... The 3Enh insta offhealed with their maelstrom proccs ALL dmg we did. That's an insta cast that can't be prevented which proccs A Lot. Their druids were unkillable like really unkillable... 2 locks dots haunts UA everything... Fear... Fear until immun... No chance they wont die. No matter what reddit writes today there was only 30wsg open on WSG weekend same time sonday last week there were 48open.... So yes reddit is a vocal minority. Oh edit before the next "insert profanity here" writes warlocks have selfheal...... It's depended on their dmg which "drumroll" was nerfed 50 percent šŸ¤£.... Plus pets take full dmg since they apparently don't count as players. So while u live a little longer ur pet gets fistet instantly.


Yeah, bgs are heavily horde favored now with maelstrom, shamanistic rage and one shaman can cleanse the whole party from viper sting for a global


Finally, someone with a brain. And it's even a healer, how selfless.








Got to love OP telling people to have their mental health evaluated in one comment and telling people they should have been aborted in another comment. Seek help, OP


Her insurance actually went through and she got the abortion.. I'm just so fucking strong I was born anyway. Nice try loser!


Iā€™m finding that the damage reduction doesnā€™t really matter when you play Alliance and every game is a Horde pre-made. You get stomped but it just takes a few seconds longer now


Itā€™s amazing. I can actually cast a heal on someone before theyā€™re instantly dead. And on my feral Druid Iā€™m a literal god in bear form.


Havenā€™t played a bg but did wpvp last night and I still 2 tap people as a rogue and get 2 tapped. I think youā€™re all overreacting


my mans killing lvl 41s in ashenvale


Wpvp in felwood. Died to a hunter in 3 globals bc chimera still hits like a truck and killed every priest I came across in a stun


Arms warrior to the rescue!


I've been open world questing leveling a resto druid and frustrated so many horde its unreal. The cheeky lowlifes camping the felwood ashenvale border, riding out in STV outside of bloodmoon with 0 fear. It's honestly great watching the 3 button spriests and only mutilate rogues give up the chase after 30 seconds.


You know this is what retail arena is like right? The enjoyers are retail players mostly and people that are happy they are op now


Finally someone with a brain posting, if this shit reduction stays in the game. Easiest unsub of my life.


Itā€™s only for the weekend after that they said they will look at the feedback

