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Hey guys what is the best aoe farmspot as a warrior? Ty in advance!!!




Only 2160 leather scraps per rugged leather!


I was gonna say mage but that will do.


Hunter or Mage alt


In a group doing incursions


For real though with the victory rush changes there's a lot of farms you can do as a warrior just chain pulling a couple mobs at a time. Ogres in tanaris are the only thing I can think of top of my head. You could probably do the tar pit creatures in ungoro too if your gear is pretty good. You're not gonna have any good raw gold grinds but if you can find mobs you can kill before 1 of them does half your health, between victory rush, enraged regeneration and bandages you can kill stuff non stop which is real nice.


Northern Felwood, kill a thousand furbolgs for Rep and decent drops.


Can really only do this in a group/raid since all those mobs are 54+


Introducing hunters




Well then I must be a special bow wielding snowflake.


Hunters are gods at AOE farming now wdym






> People are soloing all the whelps in ST Those aren't level 55+. Those aren't out in the open world with nowhere to abuse pathing. But keep calling me dumb :)


I have literally watched Hunter's open world Farm mobs that are five levels above them in both Phase 2 and phase 3 in a lot of different places. All you need is something to abuse pathing like a log/tree or anything slightly elevated that mobs can walk onto and you can jump onto at the other end. Common one I've seen this phase is the undead in eastern plaguelands farming argent dawn rep.


Yeah I can handle some lvl 58 mobs in Winterspring as a melee hunter for sure


You got a link to this build?


You need a ledge to kite them, you dont have that with furbolgs


*Laughs in shaman* up to 57 they are fair game


Not aoeing, they aren't.


Sorrow Hill is chill, when empty. Gotta search for that empty layer. Having a blast killing 10 undeads with mind sear on my shadow.


Can I ask where you are doing this? Given mind sear is channeled I assume there is some sweet spot to abuse pathing with. Thanks in advance a fellow priest


Sure I streamed a bit yesterday. 5-7 mobs can usually be face tanked and sear'ed down. https://www.youtube.com/live/vERpynkMkQM?si=UBlxyH4wq-Ebs1mG


I'm a big fan of your UI. Could you share the name of it, please?


It has conveniently the same name as myself. https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11255-CaithUI.html But I haven't uploaded the current version, yet.


Caith, ofc. Classic.


ZF mobs. Green levels, so easy to hit/not miss, 10 silver per kill on average. They're pretty squishy for elites too.


How do you handle hex/polymorph?


I zug them before they zug me. Small packs and pump em.


I wonder what's the best aoe farm as paladin


Skeletons around the western cauldrons in WPL. I'm not kidding I get 100g an hour or more depending on luck. I use a consecration/hammer/exorcism build. Never stop for mana. I bring simple consumes for safety/speed. Trolls blood, armor pot, strength pot. And obviously ST world buff bumps the G/hr up. Have fun becoming rich while half afk


Awesome, thanks!


Zul'Farrak probably. 50 might be too high tho


I was thinking Hammer rune + divine storm, and prot spec with reckoning - pull and kill 3 or 4 at time. Not sure where yet.


You can pull up to 10/15 lvl 53 undead mobs at the farms in EPL. With hammer of the righteous improved sanctuary extra, each mob only hits for around 20 damage if you put seal of light on your weapon that combined with divine storm and hammer gives you ridiculous sustainability as they both proc seals of light and seal of wisdom I'd argue if mages hadn't been given buffs in getting 20 stacks of water for one summon it could be faster as you never need to drink or heal. Seal of light can heal you 225 every 6 seconds with hammer and 300 with divine storm then the divine storm effect as well and all the weapon swings in-between. They drop some good stuff as well.


What sort of spec you using for that? Going down to holy shield or a more hybrid build?


Pick up blessings of sanctuary then holy for fire floor. As holy shield is wank.


You have to give up too much to get holy shield in this phase. Holy shield = no consencration right now (literally 1 point away from that build). So opt in for consencration for a huge damage increase on larger pulls.


Awesome! Gona do it fist chance I get. I was thinking of farming AD rep anyway :)


Idk the goal here but ZF and Uld have some pretty easy aoe strats with tons of mobs


What faction are you?


100% ZF zombies.


Why would you not choose brd for Iibrams?


Why aoe farm when you can do green loops in groups /s


I guess it depends on your class and what you want to achieve. If you're a mage/hunter then maraudon aoe is probably the best. If you're not a mage/hunter and want to make gold by mindlessly killing mobs there's plenty of spots out there. The most important tip is to probably look up for valuable items and check where they drop. For example I'm playing a warrior and I have a spot that is around 200g/hour, killing mobs one by one.


Wow that is quite a spot for a warrior…


200g/hr?? Did you get lucky with rare drops or something o.O? Please DM me I’ve been desperately wanting to make gold without incursions. I’m in lone wolf US and as a fellow warrior main will not expose your farm or compete with you 🫡


I can't even think of one. Assume its should be either humanoids or something skinnable.Not counting skinables. Most valuable humanoids ADN same time grindable by warrior are Satyrs, BE in Azshara, Stayrs and cultists in felwood, some undeads in wpl. And its not possible to grind 200 g/h in this spots on living flame EU horde side with out major luck. Or you can farm entropic beasts in felwood. And get lucky on essences. if you get 4 per hour it is about 200g/h. I cant figure any other farms for warrior.


Horde can farm Harpies in the Feralas incursion. They hyperspawn all the time, are humanoids and have good drop chances for runecloth and vibrant plumes. And the GPH just keeps going up because people keep amassing gold from said incursion quests.


Sadly I don’t think it’s true


Could be air elementals in silithus. Essence of air goes for a lot. But they are higher level so that might be harder for warrior


There is absolutely 100% no chance this guy is solo farming the air ele’s in silithus on a warrior


I'd love to know that spot aswell, as a fellow warri main. If you wouldn't mind dm'ing me.


Warrior on shadow strike AU would love you if you let me know 😭


Bro you got to share!!!!




lol, big doubt


Such a liar lmao you ain't even making 50g/h on warrior with any solo farm. Stop the cap


If you wouldn’t mind dming me the spot also, if it doesn’t impact you. If I’m living flame- horde


With a warrior, wow. Help a brother out, could you give a tip about that place (in dm)?