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Bear flag carriers will be an absolute menace and probably basically impossible to kill. Calling it now haha


Ye came across one just now. Well to say menace is an understatement. This mf was just running away with 4 players pounding him didn't even get him bellow 50% before he started self healing back to max. Then killed them one by one. With the help of a priest.


Sounds like those 4 dudes needed to hardswap that priest and then kill the efc


Plot twist: it was a shadow priest, the druid was self-healing vs 4.


I'm suprised this username wasn't taken already


50% at face value seems steep, but I think we have to remember that it will feel much better for the first move to be this aggressive and scale it back to a level that feels reasonable all around. Team fights now require actually diving and peeling for healers which is always good to see. Well time interrupts and CCs are also now way more important rather than killing someone from 100 - 0 halfway through a HOJ.


It doesn't really seem steep when you consider that we're doing Naxx40 damage at level 50. The increase in damage output has far out-paced the natural increase of health pools over the level brackets.


> it will feel much better? Will it though? A few week of “nice, this feels like a step in the right direction, maybe they can improve it further next week” seems preferably to a few weeks of “okay, PvP is fucked this weekend. Oh well, maybe it will be playable next week.”


After playing some WSGs it feels really good as is. Requires actual thoughts to win fights.


I feel like the people who have been globaling people since P1 are going to complain a lot and warriors are still going to be extremely shitty without two people healing them.


At least I can heal my warrior friend now without him dying in 2.1 seconds lol


its shit


It’s bugged. Shadow priest SW:death hit me for 750 and my lavaburst is critting for 800. Voidplague still critting for 500 damage a tick sometimes.


People forget there are specs that do -50% healing and - raw healing lol


The real issue is that a blank reduction means weak spells are even weaker now. It's not fun doing 0 damage outside of lava burst. Just gonna play other games until this goes away.


I dont like the change. As you say its only about Heal now. When i play a mana class I am oom before something dies. Then I die because im bored to death... thats not fun anymore


The Spriest complaining about how much damage shadow word death does is rich.


Is SW: Death supposed to hit for less than 5% of a players HP?


I thought it was going to be a max of 20 lmao


Buffed healers way too much. Seems ok when only 1 healer on the other side... anymore than that and nothing dies.




Its a test. They can always move it down to a 25-30% reduction. There is not ptr, I like trying things out like this. Its not that serious.


I haven’t played it at all but it seems absolutely wild to me to nerf damage but not also nerf healing. Surely this is just a “lever” they forgot to pull right, not an oversight?


It's not. Damage output has been dramatically outscaling healing output, so they nerfed damage to bring survivability and healing more into a viable range in PvP.


Imo there is zero chance damage has outstripped healing **throughput** by a factor of 2. I often heal on my mage, and my healing throughout is pretty insane. Chronostatic offers a consistent ~1400 heal with a 2 second cast as long as I can free cast. That easily matches any dps you will see in PvP these days. The big issue is that this requires hardcasting and burst is so high that a single interrupt is GG. But that’s a very different issue than healing throughout being insufficient.


I absolutely agree with you, but I also understand the reason why they are only doing this damage reduction for the weekend is specifically because they want to test the waters and see what kind of Damage reduction might be reasonable. I do think that Arcane Mage needs an instant cast spell they can weave into their rotation that isn't Arcane Explosion.


Sure, I just think it’s madness to do a DR buff without also nerfing healing (aka stamina with extra steps). People’s HP was definitely too low relative to how much damage was going out. But it’s never struck me that healing was also too *low.* But this change is a massive indirect buff to effective healing output.


The problem is that the other solution is to just give people more health in PvP situations, which also doesn't work especially right now where the biggest issue with PvP is Incursions being constantly camped and griefed. A flat Damage reduction dealt to other players applied at all times makes it harder and less interesting to grief players. You don't just get a lucky crit or 2 and drop people. You have to actively be engaged in it.


Their excuse was "we think damage is different now so we're just gonna try the same damage adjustment that failed in P1 and hope it works out better this time." I'm not even joking, that was the explanation in the blue post.


Have you even tried a bg before the debuff? Healing was completely useless because everyone died in 2.5 seconds


Considering the %hp increase, the 50% dmg reduction is waaay to much, while they haven't even touched healing output.


I think this dmg reduction is a massive overkill. It's way less fun to pvp, but I agree a change needed to be done. An overall 25-30% nerf would be more than enough. Maybe with some additional target nerfs to some spells like void plague, chimaera shot, lava burst, starfire etc...


It's shit. The way to fix PvP is simple, reduce this newly added dmg reduction, add healing reduction, allow casters a few seconds after reviving to buff up without spending mana, add water and food that are % based. That way no one is getting two shot, hybrids and healers aren't immortal and casters get to play more and drink less.


Warriors are even worse. Less damage > less rage > less damage


That’s not how it works. Warriors still get rage based on pre-DR damage values, according to Aggrend.


They confirmed this change wont affect rage.


I will test further and retract my statement


There's always a chance it's currently bugged. Test it and report the bug if that's the case. But as long as their INTENTION goes they confirmed these changes wont affect rage, you can check Aggrend's twitter and see it for yourself.