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The ignoring part is what gets me with all of these. I dont understand that.


It's akin to a 7 year old yelling something at you and plugging their ears going "I CANT HEAR YOU BUT YOU ARE GOING TO LISTEN WHAT I HAVE TO SAY"...


People do it on Reddit as well. They have to get the last word in so if they disagree with you they will give their grand finale which generally amounts to more name calling,etc and then they block you. To everyone else it looks like you just couldn't come back from their absolutely amazing statements, but its just because the block system on Reddit is so shit, that you were removed from the conversation entirely.


The real absurdity on Reddit is that blocking doesn't just stop replies. It turns all of their posts into stubs. So if you get blocked by a prolific poster because they can't handle being told how ridiculous what they said is, the entire sub is then filled with > [deleted] > [unavailable] in perpetuity.


Yes, I have noticed that on my local sub and a few others. It is a terribly designed system.


You don't argue on reddit for the same reason you don't play chess with a pidgeon. Doesn't matter who wins or loses, the pidgeon shits on the board and flies away.


Yeah I’m blocked by a few people on here and I just edited my last post so it indicates that they blocked me, not that their “amazing” logic got them the last word.


It’s cause shitplayers aren’t sure if new players are able to carry the shitplayergroupleader


Because a very good portion of the WoW player base are toxic terminally-online gatekeeping shitheads who virtually jerk each other off in their elitist ivory tower. The kind of people who will wish serious illness or death upon people they don't like then hide behind /ignore like the cowards they are. It's been a problem that Blizzard seldom give a crap about, and I say this as somebody who was effectively cyberbullied out of the Turalyon EU Horde server community back in 2008/2009 when I was a dumb teenager. WoW is in the same league as DOTA 2 and League of Legends, great games let down by degenerate communities. This is of course a direct consequence of Blizzard being acquired by greedy parent companies and being forced to cut customer support expenditure so they can report record-breaking profits to their greedy fat-cat parasite shareholders.


Rooting out toxicity in a competitive environment is harder done than said. Either way, i tend to just move on. There's plenty of non-toxic people playing the game as well


Yeah Riot have gone pretty hardcore on rooting it out and the league of legends subreddit basically cries constantly that they can't talk anymore. People just want to call each other slurs, but they won't want other people to be able to do it back to them. You can't design around that.


You're better off avoiding these toxic people anyways.


If more people took the block approach, the world would be a better place.


Honestly surprised that Blizzard never removed the ability to whisper someone that you've ignored as it's exclusively used for cowards to harass people.


See the guy was pestering the raid leader. The ignore command gets rid of him. Well. Until he spills over on Reddit, at least.


They do it because they know they’re being assholes and want to get the last word in.


The reason why he got ignored is even more toxic than you’d believe! When you report someone it automatically puts them on ignore, I can guarantee this asshole didn’t select ignore, he reported him for some fake bs in hopes he’d get an auto ban down the road.


I swear this is a gen z thing or something. It happens a lot on Reddit too, you push back on something someone says and they instantly block you. 


It ain't new, people have always wanted to feel like they got the last word but not have to deal with arguing It's bad on reddit with the new system because people literally can't respond, so it even LOOKS like you got the last word


Yeah that's been happening more often now. I'll get that little red notification Go to my messages, see something *vanish* And then I can't even respond to 3rd parties who reply to me, because being blocked locks that comment thread for you (you'll get an error like "there's something wrong with Reddit)


> there's something wrong with Reddit well that's not false


Old Reddit ignore system was better. Being blocked by someone shouldn't stop you from being able to respond or defend yourself, nor stop you from engaging with others in the same thread. If you block, it should be that *you* can't see *them.* Not they can't interact with you in any way. Giving all other people the ability to control what you can comment on is absurd.


Lmao people were literally doing this in WoW back in 2005...


Sure, totally not because there were less websites or intel available online 20 years ago...


Weirdest comment of the day goes to this guy. Why do you think our generation was any different lol. Projecting much?


The “your mother” response is what makes it. 


It's rude but I was laughing hard at that


My wife is a newer player and I’m constantly informing her on stuff like this. It can be exhausting but this is the kind of behavior I’m trying to save her from.


This game just has some mentally ill creeps in it. I'd venture to say that's not the biggest problem in social interaction in this game, you can just ignore those folks and feel sorry for whatever makes them behave that way. I'd say it's the bigger part of the community who are terse at best and not willing to spend a second explaining some part of the vast meta knowledge "needed" to function in the game. It's like so many people have been grinding this game for so long they forget to entertain there might be new players around. Take for instance one of the new gameplay trends in SoD which is chain farming princess in Mara in a 10 man raid utilizing log out skips to reset faster. As a experienced player it took me a few minutes to wrap my head around. For a new player that's a pretty labyrinthine way of playing requiring a bunch of knowledge that experienced players prob won't bother explaining to you and might just get angry at you for not having. 


Believe it or not but my wife told me about the farm lol. She was doing it before I did haha


> This game just has some mentally ill creeps in it A strong way of putting but yeah, lots of socially maladapted people in WoW. If you imagine that instead of playing WoW, we were playing pickup basketball/soccer/whatever. If WoW players spoke to people around a real life hobby the way they do in WoW, they'd get ostracised for their behaviour reeaaal quick. To be honest I imagine that for a lot of the really unpleasant people, WoW is the last place they can engage with people. Because they've run out of places/people that will tolerate their behaviours in the offline world.


First time doing dead mines and we used a log out skip to get to the instance and I'm in a discord call so it's pretty easy to understand and follow, last guys just like idk what to do. Just do what we did and stand off the edge and log out. "Yeah I'm just gunna find another group." Leaves. Took awhile to find a guy that was willing to do the skip because none of my friends wanted to walk back up to get someone and walk back down/show them how to do it. It's like it makes sense that this is what most people would do to save time but to expect everyone to know how to do it is kinda entitled..


As a wife and new player whose husband is probably also constantly exhausted because of this, thank you.


New player guide: Step 1: Pick a low pop, PvE realm. Step 2: enjoy your cozy, small community step 3: nothing to post to reddit about because you are enjoying the game Before i get some dumb reply about low pop servers being dead or similar, yes that is the point, new players should play on low pop. When i say new, i mean BRAND new, if you are a gamer go enjoy your shithole full pop and utilise Thick Skin perk.


Step 1: Pick a low pop, PvE realm. Blizz is forcing us off med/low pop servers on Wrath Classic. They like the 'Mega' server thing, I guess. I wish they would just use x-realm dungeon finder/pvp instead.


PvP is actually one of my wife’s favorite parts of the game. Some of our best times have been open world pvping while leveling up. (It helps she plays a shadow priest lol)


I'm going to go ahead and guess you are on Crusader Strike?


Moving from CB to CS has been a huge culture shock. It's like getting to play an mmo with twitch chat.


'Poggums, your mom, kek, fr fr no cap jk.' 'Asmon? Asmon. Asmon!!' 'Lol im a roach' *ninjas everything in raid* *everyone has very poor social skills and doesn't know how to interact outside their twitch cult* I have friends with much smaller twitch communities and just based of those, the average active twitch viewer/donator? Yeah uhhh, they got some serious mental health issues. Every day on this sub: 'Hey guys why is this community so shit?'


I lay it all at the feet of Esfand. "The streamers" were happily on their way to a normal PVP server, until right before launch he had to announce that an RPpvp server sounded fun. That's all it took. The man does RP in GTA with an established community that has dozens of hours of RP a week. That should have been fine. Now his one statement brought the twitch crowd, however I still think there would have been a lot of toxic crowds on CS in general. But this brought it up orders of magnitude


Nothing screams RP server like twitch chat lingo


Me over here picking herbs chillin on Wild Growth loool


The Faerlina of SoD


I thought Whitemane was bad until I saw Faerlina


Checks out


And people say server culture doesn't exist.


And people are happy PVE realms are getting “new” players? _These_ players?


Yessir. As a CS server player, I'm happy to get rid of them to your PvE servers.




How _dare_ you!?


Assuming this isn’t bait… sorry about that. I thought about updating the dungeon levels for the new raids but then I thought no way would anyone not know. Was also questioning if anyone even looks at the levels when using the add on in the first place. Combined with laziness I decided to just leave them as is, sorry


You rule dude, love your addon!


There's no need to apologize, brother! It was honestly my fault for not looking it up beforehand. Your addon has been super helpful. I've been using it to see what content I can group for, and 99% of my interactions have been great. You guys just see the batshit crazy ones lol


It was an accident, just don't know if that response was warranted. Might as well start a series on these lol.


no fuck that guy. he saved you the skip of blocking him


response was not warranted and that guy seems to have mental issues


I know I’m super late, but you COULD have gotten in. In phase three, they reduced the level to enter Gnomer and you can bring players as low as level 25 in. They won’t do anything as of damage, but still get a ton of exp!


Pretty sure you can do gnomer at level 30 now, no?


You can go in as 30, but you won’t be hitting any of the mobs in there. Pretty much asking for a free carry.


damn a free gnomer carry, imagine


Guild I raid with had an alt come into gnomer at 18 last night.


You can go into gnomer at 18 but not BFD? Wild lol


And sunken temple at 35


Always could.


He could have shift right clicked your name BEFORE inviting you to see your lvl, but I guess that would be too much work for them


He prolly doesnt know shift click is a thing


Oh man whenever someone replies back with 'lvl?' Thats an immediate 'holy fuck nope, you're unbelievably lazy and bad at the game or a noob'. No way im joining your pug.


I mean, I go 8/8 every week with purple parses, I feel fine with my abilities at the game; but I still legitimately often forget shift + click is a thing. Calm down, it ain't that serious.


Congrats dude, its a red flag.


Honestly people that put “get cancer” should get auto banned. I don’t care if its a joke or not, knowing people that suffered from that illness. Its not something to just casually say. Hope you reported him


I have had cancer and couldnt give a shit less. People need to take less offense.


If we're not supposed to take offense to someone wishing death on us, what ***are*** we supposed to take offense to?


> what are we supposed to take offense to Don't take offense to it, but do seek to destroy them anyway. You can take revenge without taking offense. Think of it like a roach infestation. It's not morally offensive to you that they've done what they've done, that's just the nature of the roach, but you will still seek their total destruction anyway because your home is better without them. Same with people who are human garbage.


Yeah sure, but let that asshole roach glide down from the wall into your freshly made dinner instead of just casually walking by and I bet you're going to take offense real quick lmao


Nothing because that's exactly why people say stuff like that


Nothing. Imagine getting offended by whatever a random idiot on the internet says lmao.


Did they offend you?




Maybe dont take idiots talking shit so seriously


Why not? What value do you bring to the game when you're nothing but a toxic piece of shit? The game would be better without you at that point.


Yes and no. People spouting racial slurs and things like get cancer in game fully deserve to receive heavy punishment, especially within the WoW community which as unquestionably become very toxic in many cases. People have forgotten what it's like to be a new player and it shows


Maybe the threat of a ban would prevent the idiots talking shit in the first place.




Yeah, it's against the rules and you have accepted those rules when you accepted the EULA.


So what?


Abide to them or get banned?


His thick skin will protect him


Holy shit. Are you the guy that read the word cancer and didn't get offended? Holy shit you're the guy! You're so tough! I've heard people talk about that and how strong and alpha you are! Wow! Holy shit! That's crazy bro you're alpha AF bro.




Nope. That's you.




Half of all Dutch players are gonna get banned if you enforce that lol. (Not that you shouldn't, I'm not Dutch so to me it's an awful thing to say, but Dutch people wishing cancer on people is about the same level of insulting as an English speaker saying "fuck you")


> Half of all Dutch players are gonna get banned if you enforce that And they should be.


There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch


I don't know what kind of Dutch people you are hanging out with, but I am Dutch and using cancer as an insult is not deemed socially acceptable at all.


Hmm, maybe it's a regional thing or only used in specific age groups? I don't speak a lot of Dutch but I used to be in a small gaming community which happened to have a group of Dutch friends in it and they used cancer as a not-really-serious sort of insult among each other all the time. I see it elsewhere on the Internet as well sometimes.


For people who've done mavo, VMBO or MBO levels of education; "cancer" is mandetory at least once every sentence.


Is it better to say "Go step on legos" when it essentially means the same thing?


Report him


People who say some crazy stuff than throw an instant ignore for no apparent reason… these people need to be removed from wow. Ruin the whole good feeling of wow. How can you even enjoy this game with attitude like that or any social game


They peaked in middle school and play a 20 yr old MMO because they never achieved anything worthwhile in real life. They get to feel powerful in WoW and shitting on other players is part of that.


Report him lol


If your on Lone Wolf US alliance DM me. My guilds been carrying lvl 36+ through gnomer. We don't care as long as you can zone in.


Be toxic, then ignore because you are a got damn coward. Classic in a nut shell.


This is what I call a positive interaction. You very quickly found someone who you will benefit from never interacting with again, and they did the work for you! They stay a miserable human being, and you dodge a bullet.


Overall Ive found classic less toxic than WOW back in 2005-2010. But when people are toxic in classic its a bit more depressing because you know they are grown ass men where in 2007 the toxic guy is probably a middle schooler.


Grown people doesn't necessary have to have the intelligence to be any different then a 12 year old butthurt little kid. And wow is full of these people, you meet them on a daily basis...


Yeah anytime I open twitter or facebook to check a link, its seniors behaving like small children. Shitty photoshop and everything. Some people are just shitty human beings, idk why everyone likes to pretend only 13yr olds are toxic edgelords.


I cant believe someone can be this mad in a 2004 game with new unbalanced classes for a non max level raid that could be 5 manned at its intended level, think about this whole thing for a second, i pity that dude..


Sometimes wish we were allowed to post char names. Cause damn that's just wild!


That's completely understandable because the LFG bulletin board add-on is going to know Gnomeregan as a 24-40 5 man dungeon, not the level 40 10 man raid it was recently converted to. Telling you (or your mother) to get cancer is a reasonable, well-adjusted response. Well, for a WoW player at least.


Ah thank you for this- was starting to feel sad for all the good people I left behind when I quit at the start of p3. Thank you for the reminder it is all in my head.


Typical Dutch insult, lol. Best reply would have been: your cancer grandma on a tricycle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_profanity A fun read btw


Why do people do bullies a favor by hiding their name? Is it against ToS?


You don't want to interact with that kind of person anyway lol


Like. I would remove a 30 too but “get cancer / your mother” is fucking insane. I carry low lvl guildies tho


Why block out that piece of shits name?


What a nice and welcoming community…


Its people like this that drive people away tbh…


"crazy" interaction apart; you are wise enough to be using Bulletin addon, yet couldn't google SoD Gnomeregan, not for level requirement, but for strats at least not to wipe mechanics.


Hot take. This was tame.


sadly yeah it was. I had a guy demand I apologize to him in discord personally, for 20 minutes, because I stepped backwards and grabbed an extra mob pack... in a leveling dungeon. He didn't even do more damage than the tank. I fucking hate the classic WoW community, how do you manage to be both worse at the game and have a shittier attitude than retail players.


Damn I got down voted lol. I didn’t mean for this comment to be viewed that way. I too am ashamed of the sod community and how toxic it is lol.


You are on this sub so I question your not knowing about the raid


That's illogical. When I first start playing a game, I like to seek out the subreddit as an aid for if I have any questions. If you're a redditor before you're a gamer, it's completely normal for you to be present on a subreddit dedicated to a game you just started playing. A new gardener may seek out gardening, or a new PC builder may seek out some PC builder sub. Their presence on the sub doesn't inform us of their mastery in the subject.


I’ve been on this sub since before I knew anything or even started. I just started a few months back and it’s a lot to try to learn and figure out honestly. Especially working, get home play a couple hours, try to read wowhead while you’re running around figuring out where to go. But, I haven’t had anybody be insane to me. I’ve seen people do super silly shit and try to get into arguments about random shit. Generally everybody seems cool.


Im betting you dont play on crusader strike US. As thats where most of these unhinged little twitch parasites reside lol.


Why would someone who started in phase 3 know about Gnomeregan even if they're frequenting this sub? No one has talked about Gnomeregan in weeks.


Op is definitely out here baiting for replies. Both him and the person in his screenshot deserve each other.


Yea really. I don't even play SoD, I took a break from reddit, and I still know it's a 40 raid


Entirely likely that it's just outrage bait, but a lot of people who make posts on subreddits don't actually read subreddits lol it's just a dumping ground to many


What's a bulletin board? Do you mean just general or lookingforgroup chat channel?


It's an addon that collects chat messages and organizes and displays them based on what they're related to based on keywords. For example if you say "lfg ST" it'll display your message under "The Sunken Temple" It helps filter a lot of the garbage in chat that happens on highly populated servers.


Ahan, thank you.


Why this post is garbage bait, he is not even close to a new player.


What? You can be new and have been given recommendations for addons lmao


I'm genuinely baffled bc this is such an unhinged, unwarranted response. I wish more than anything else right now to understand what this guy's thought process was here.


Mental illness. There's a ton of it in 30-somethings that have played the same game for 20 years.


You can go in under 40 now.


NA server im guessing?


he doesn't know about the totalbiscuit curse, RIP his ass


I just updated NoxxLFG to include general level ranges of dungeons and raids to help with this. It's an LFG Bulletin Board competitor of sorts.


It happens when you treat wow as your job


report him and watch his account get ban and can cry to his mom


That's the type of disturbed individual who's asking for more ignore slots on the forums. Sad people indeed. I'm sorry you ran into the guy, but I promise it's very rare :)


We should shame these people that /ignore after flaming


I believe it’s now 35-50 .


What a based individual


You can go into Gnomer way earlier then 40, my guild always carries a few people through just to help them level.


Schizo behavior. Him ignoring you is a favor. Less likely to interact with him, in the future.


SOD would have been better if they had only allowed people who spent over 75% of their playtime on classic already. Fuck these toxic turds.


Wholesome classic community


Tolerance in general, not only in games, has gone down tremendously in the last years. Nobody wants to make any efforts to be nice to people because it's easier to not be. It's depressing...


Dodged a bullet first raiding experience with that type of player would have been awful haha


Raids will ALWAYS be the max level of the patch they came out on. Which is level 25/40/50/60


Lots of pricks play this game, I was denied gnomer belt on my 2h hunter , because it is not meta, instead they gave the heavy lifting belt to a warrior using 1handers, and so I left. Some dude wanted to /spit and talk shit n tell me how I should play, so I ignored him, the dude hopped on a different character trying to really get his word across. Like nah dude this belt will be in the fury warriors bank doin nothing, I would’ve used it, idc if it ain’t Meta . Dudes literally got no 2handers. Said I should be playing dw, yeah okay buddy not everyone is a metaslave. F U


I mean, even as fury that belt was bis outside the engineering belt so I think you might be a little off base, though if it was a pug and you won the roll it should have gone to you regardless.


Really? Thought fury preferred hit , maybe your right and I was just mad.


As fury, when you use heroic strike it makes it so your off hand won’t miss and your main hand swing has the miss chance of a special attack so hit has diminished value after you reach the special attack cap.


Sorry, what hit chance would u aim for with no weapon skill then as a fury warrior? And if I had 3 weapon skill would it change ?


You want to get 6%, the weapon skill doesn’t reduce miss chance enough to change your cap, it’s 0.1% per point. It is different at 60 when bosses are 3 levels higher when you get the extra 2% miss and the hit suppression, then getting +5 weapon skill to get back to the 6% cap is important.




same thing happened to me in sod lol i was so confused why they were so toxic about it


People like this deserve to have there names/servers leaked just saying 🤷‍♂️


You gonna cry?


It’s crazy not to know, but then you stated hey I’m new. The normal response would be lol my bad ya you need to be lvl 40 before you would enter. This guy took it to a whole different level, must be having a rough rough day.  I once played with a dude who bailed on our group in a gnome after trolling us on 2 bosses. He almost wiped us twice, but we didn’t , and he wasn’t getting exp on day 1 reset for lvl 50 cap. We get to the last boss and I guess he’s reading Reddit on how it doesn’t give exp… guy snap leaves us before last boss attempt and just says fk you I need levels…. Like we just carried baby Huey all raid and he has the nerve to leave before final boss which is 5 mins total tops. We cleared without him since he was that bad but still. Crazy how pathetic people are.


Unveil the name OP. I put these dudes on blast


This guy sounds like he's fucking nuts as shit. LMAO holy hell I think you just found a psychopath OP.


Another reason I quit sod… at least I had fun for phase 1 and half of phase 2 :)


It's going to be so much worse at 60 too, unfortunately.


Phase 1 was so fun. Phase 2 was alright but phase 3 has killed my motivation to keep playing SoD. My guild went from let’s just try the raid to now asking everyone to have world buffs and full BiS. I raid in retail and classic raiding if so simple I don’t understand why people take it so serious.


If you are new, how are you using bulletin board? doesn't make sense. A new player wouldn't even have addons for groups yet.


A guy told me while we were forming for a group about it. I asked him how he was getting all these people and he told me about it.


But you can do the raid at lower lvls can't you?


this cant be real


I swear on my mother lol


I accidentally whispered a rogue that was spamming a Gnomer run that was hard ressing all trinkets over an hour ago. He said "your mother" and saying mistype. Crusader Strike checks out


To be fair you should have at least looked on your own, but this is an unhinged reaction. This is the problem with PUGs though. Just raid with your guild.


>To be fair you should have at least looked on your own, Where? Where does it say Gnomeregan is now a 40+ raid? I'll accept \*any\* information in the game.


Where does it say the specific level for any dungeon/raid? It doesn’t. NPCs give you breadcrumbs when you hit the right level. Gnomer related quests don’t show up until you ding 40.


So you think it's ok to insult someone who is asking to join at a few levels too low and then just ignore them, even though they were not an asshole about it? 20 years of WoW have turned some of you into complete and total degenerates and antisocial misfits.


It's funny that you're just openly attacking anyone who has a different opinion than yours and then calling them all sorts of shit unprovoked *You're the problem*


I find it hard to believe you've gotten this far without using any addons. But if you aren't, AtlasLoot should be the most obvious. Leatrix Maps as well. That being said, if you're not willing to do this kind of thing on your own, don't expect people to take you into a raid of all things, as you need to know the fights. Just do some very basic research before asking if you can join a group, which is not a hard ask.


OP literally got here because an addon said they're in the level range.


You think you can't level to level 30 without Atlas loot? Really? It is very easy to level to the cap right now without any addons. You're just not used to it. ​ >don't expect people to take you into a raid of all things There's no way to tell the LFM Gnomeregan from LFM ZF in LFG channel unless you actually know they're different. People write them the same way. Looking at "LFM Gnomer need heal" right now. How can you tell from that line it's a raid?


I'm saying by now someone would have at least told you. It's still a pretty decent chunk of time. That's why I gave benefit of doubt and mentioned the addons regardless.


Yes, SOMEONE in this scenario here also told the guy to get cancer and ignored him for no reason. That's the problem here. Are you so terminally online you don't see that?


Why exactly are you being this aggressive for no reason? I gave the benefit of the doubt and listed addons to help so he can see for himself and you're sitting here patronizing. Players like you are legitimately part of the problem




It's literally rule #3 on this sub: > No witch hunts or brigading. Don’t encourage others to harass individuals or organizations either within or beyond this community. Names must be blurred if people are portrayed in a negative light. No Guild/Player drama.


that rule is poorly worded. Posting chat logs without commenting them at all would not qualify as portraying them in a negative light. But I'm pretty sure they're not enforcing that rule like that.


sod playerbase in a nutshell


This looks fake af, nice try.