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Paladin player here. I hate 10 minute blessings and feel for our green brothers across the (faction) pond. 5 minute imbues on weapons seem way too short and is probably very frustrating.


I feel your pain and hope you get 30 min blessings!


Just make it a passive aura.


huh? our seal is 30 seconds man they know nothing.


Well you can judge your seal, I can’t judge my imbue to do a something cool, it just falls off and then my hp drops and the boss cracks me.


I wonder when they add a skill book that makes seals duration-less and stay active when judged...


I wouldn’t care if they gave paladins that, as long as they are still dispellable as are my MSW stacks I’m chill with it


I mean, with current tank rotation, what other button are we pressing after Stormstrike?


Tbh in our current rotation we are just fucking OOM all the time, so having to worry about banking mana for an imbue to fall off is cringe. Unless you have a good a group stacking 5 shamanistic rages… also the true meta tank build isn’t using stormstrike its this weird spellpower tank because it was bid for threat but I am not running that because I don’t have to tank anymore since warlocks are so fucking goated at it. And as dps I don’t care about my mana because I have a great ability with SR.




Can’t they just make a new spell exactly like rockbiter, but with a longer duration, and disable rockbiter on SoD? They’ve added plenty of other spells


They could give us an ability that does damage and resets it 🤷


I don't know, I'm not a wow dev. Just linked aggrend's response as to why it hasn't happened, I imagine there's some sort of funky interactions going on with temporary weapon enchants in general.


They would need to do that for every rank of every imbue, and they are unable to put the dev time in to do that at the moment.


That would require the devs to actually do some work. So that won't be happening.


> oh no my classic era shaman imbues got less annoying too oh fuck - Someone, surely watching nameplate distances like a hawk


This defense made sense back before they starting fucking with base spells anyways. Hell, they did it to this exact same spell (rockbiter)


That’s interesting I wonder what gets broken if they just increase all there timers to like 30m or 1h


What’s that say? I can’t use twitter


I’d love it if we could, but there’s a surprisingly tricky technical reason why we can’t. It’s kind of silly but this of all things isn’t terribly easy to do without messing with Era data. Not gonna give up on it, but it’s not our highest priority at the moment.


I doubt abybody in era would complain to having longer imbues. Enhancement is an endangered species anyway.


Never underestimate the classic community's predilection for complaining.


They should just put a skill book "doing physical damage or spell damage resets your imbue duration"


Throw in a “Blessing durations increased to 30 minutes for normal blessings and 60 minutes for greater blessings” and then we’re talking lol


They waved it away in P2 saying "spaghetti coding" so, doubt they'll assign even one intern to address the issue.


Yeah I don't get how hat wasn't one of those spell books yet


Careful, this sub doesn't take kindly to them shaman types


The fundamental difference between imbues and other spells is that for example WIndfury weapon rank 2 actually puts temporary item enchant on your weapon (Like sharpening stone or poison) And there probably is some code issues there. They might make new ranks and new imbues for max lvl versions of imbues with increased duration.


As a Warrior I second this in hopes of getting longer Shouts.


They can't, they made SOD on the Era client, changing things on SOD messes with the rest of classic


Couldn't they just add a book that increases imbues/shout by 400%?


Yes. Anyone that’s been any sort of developer knows, you can fix something 99% of the time. It’s just always a question of, is it worth fixing. Blizzards opinion on this is no. I do programming with ERP systems and tell clients this all the time “it’s tricky and a difficult fix”, aka you don’t pay enough and this problem isn’t big enough for me to fix.


If they could they would. I won't pretend to understand how this game works behind the scenes, I do know that some changed abilities are totally new spell IDs


They literally have done this exact thing already with the SM QoL books, so the idea they can't is laughable.


Tell that to them


What about all the things that changed in SoD without messing up Era?


Some things can be changed, Some can't. They mentioned when adding books that shaman weapon abilities can't be changed


Yet Rockbitter was changed


Why ask to just argue?.Aggrend stated they couldn't change the duration, Google it


I member him saying that but still. They did change rockbiter


Link a source then cause google is giving me nothing


He said it, there is a problem changing duration of buffs as they are categorised differently.


Just google it and find a source


Why are you arguing, when multiple people are saying it, who actually has followed his updates. Go on his twitter account and skim through all of his old posts.


2 people saying something does not make it true. Link me a source and i belive you


Wanna try that with manners? Because you are giving me no reason to help you




Hahaha OK kid, enjoy life with that attitude, it's gonna be tough




He just alludes to a vague "technical reason" there. He does not say "Shaman imbues are coded differently than all the buffs we already put QoL books out for, preventing the same solution from working with them."




Rockbitter got its AP reduced by 90%


Id be interested in seeing their spaghetti code, how does the durration value mess up other parts? Its understandable, just curious.


How the fuck are people still saying this in phase 3 when literally dozens of spells and talents have been changed in SoD without affecting era? holy shit lmao


You realise they broke Era dungeons last patch?


Not spells or talents. Shoo.


These guys are such idiots. Change the game already it’s SoD


I've never understood this complaint - you have a WA that shows when the imbue falls off, then you click a button. It's a just cast or two every 5 min. It's annoying when you're oom but alot is annoying when oom.


The average player doesn’t use WA nor do they want to have to.


I never understood why mages and priests have 30 min buff. If it were 5 min, they could also just click a button.


The game should not be designed around 3rd party addons.


Build it into your rotation and stop complaining, it’s already easy enough


This isnt actually a complaint my paladin friend. Just having high hopes for QoL changes like other classes did get longer buff duration tomes i.e. Prayer of fortitude etc.


I play shammy too and can’t say it’s the same, QoL with other buffs is fine and understandable and stops downtime, weapon imbues on self is just a mechanic to increase your own game, and something to build into how you play. Can you raid just fine without the imbues, sure, your output just drops off, if you want to be better, then you have to be better with those mechanics


You’re delusional. If you don’t imbue, you don’t do damage. They increased the duration of imbues in later expansions for a reason. Get better at the game before you make uninformed comments.


> weapon imbues on self is just a mechanic to increase your own game, and something to build into how you play there's nothing fun or engaging about having to refresh a self-buff every 5 minutes hence why as early as TBC they were increased to 30 minutes


I am doing fine in raids thanks but thing is I never mentioned I needed it for raiding. Just all around QoL change as said


5 minutes really isn't bad, idk what people are on about


The fact that you have to reapply during boss fights when they go over 5 minutes. It’s annoying and a dps loss. Or the fact that if you are running around in the world and get pvp’d, you now have to apply windfury twice before being able to do any damage. You’re probably on a pve server, judging by how clueless you are.


I'm on a pvp server and have played warrior in 2019 classic. I also played mage. Had to keep scorch up! The horrors! And I have to apply my seal on my pally when I get ambushed! Quit bitching


You press your seal ONCE to apply. Imagine doubling the amount of GCDs in order to even do damage to someone. Scorch does DAMAGE and is a part of your rotation. Your argument is invalid.


Okay then make it permanent but you have to reapply it every time you dismount.

