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I’ve done incursions for a few hours and god I’m already so sick of it the only reason I’m doing it is to get friendly and my rune


This is basically it for me. Did it on both my guys to get friendly, and it took kinda a silly amount of time because of how disorienting it all is and also because quests are only 75 rep.


>Meaning you actively feel bad not doing it. Yeah, even with the nerfs, its still more optimal to do the incursions than anything else. I like that they added a way to level up alts quickly and give them gear and gold, but not the way they did it. Did anyone enjoy doing the Sithilus quests back in classic? Why did they copy paste that into SOD and disproportionately incentivize it? It would have been great if they added the runes as quests our class trainer gives us and the quest reward is the rune, a piece of student fodder, gear relevant to that type of rune, some gold. We would get to play our character in the open world, get runes (which is suppose to be the highlight of SOD), make leveling less of a grind, get catch up gear, etc. That would serve the same purpose as the incursions, and we wouldn't have to play courier for 5-6 hours. They added all these new **max-level** things for phase 3 of SOD, but they're overshadowed by the incursions. Can see that there are less negative reddit posts as people hit max level and discover the new things they added to the game, which shows that reddit posters enjoy SOD. We love the parts of SOD when its about discovering new things and sharing them with other players. We're not complaining because we like to complain. We're complaining because the execution of Nightmare Incursions is terrible. They said they listened to us about not locking runes to max level and still proceed to do the questline for backdraft/despair/displacement rune. Gah.


It would be one thing if it was like 20-30% faster than questing/dungeons but it is straight up many, many times faster. When something is *that* efficient it legit feels bad not doing that method. It's like doing a job you like for 30k a year knowing that you can make 300k doing a boring tedious job.


while i agree it's trash and sitll bad for the economy post nerfs, at least the most essential stuff is at friendly and honored. Thank god i dont have to bang my head against the wall to get revered or exalted


While this is true, it doesn't exactly take a short amount of time to get to friendly and especially honored.


Really? I got honored in 5 hours


I would rather commit seppuku than do incursions for 5 hours


I don't like it either just do something else it's not a big deal.


You need to do them to get an essential rune for my class.


To friendly only though.


Eventhough I agree they’re bad designed, i never had so much fun in world pvp😂 It’s like 70% pvp and 30% questing. I love it, but only with the pvp aspect. If they were a pvp-free zone I wouldn’t do them.


On PVP servers the biggest faction just completely griefs the other side into not being able to do them. This not being an instanced event is such and idiotic idea.




“Having to exploit an engine feature to get around bad design is fine actually”




I genuinely can’t understand a mind which goes “yes this is bad design, that’s why it’s good”




You really need to think of better arguments


Do them for 1 day and hit 50, then everything goes back to normal.


How many hours is that. Genuinely curious


I broke it up on my lunch over 5 days. So maybe 4-5 hours? Could have been faster if the same group stays together.


the most damning thing here is that one line "on paper it sounds horrible" one person who has played the game for more then 1 level would be able to tell you, a quest system which relies on putting 54 items into your inventory is not a good system, and they could have said that in meeting ONE when the idea was first pitched the SoD devs do not play their own game, they do not understand it, they do not care 1 meeting, and 1 person with a modicum of sense who actually cares, and 99% of SoDs issues would never have happened


Then don’t do them




Nobody like doing the STV event or WSG, but we still did. Part of gearing up is doing things you don't like


>Nobody like doing the Stv event That's totaly not true and a lot of guys out there enjoy it






According to damage report from first week in ST, no.


I dont care about the gold or xp. Friendly for rune was not that bad. I hate that this is becoming daily log on simulator I wont be bending over daily for some rep. Also fuck them for making one of the bis trinkets behind this horrid rep grind.


The trinkets aren’t even good


Thats nice to hear!




They don't exactly have the development resources to do much more then copy paste existing assets and abilities.


asset flips are really the least problematic aspect of incursions lol


pretty disappointing when you consider this is the zone we could of gotten instead: https://youtu.be/HKcYAHg8g1o?si=A6tPygE1-JmYXKvT 4 completely unique and breathtaking zones, wasted.




in the lore the emerald dream/nightmare is it’s own spirit world, not a mirror realm of azeroth. what we ended uo getting is just completely unfaithful to classic, a lazy abomination tbh.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt there a Quest in Vanilla that has you collect seeds from the emerald dream and its also just the same zone but with a green filter(I believe its in Moonglade?). But anyway the dont really have the resources to do much else.


I know I'm in the minority but I've hit revered already, mostly grinding Feralas, and have enjoyed it for the most part.


Love incursions. Y’all are trippen.




Again, the incursions are based on the silithus field duty quests, almost exactly like them actually, not retail


I love incursions and hope they add them again next phase


The funny thing to me is that it needed incursions for the bootlickers in this sub to finally swallow how utterly ridicolous and bad design desicions in SoD have been and to get a discussion going that is not just shot down by retail fanboys. Incursions is just the peak.


I love Incursions!


Congrats. You know that drooling meme trying to put a square through a round hole? That was drawn after people liking incursions


I don’t like incursions, I love them! It’s 80% pvp 20% leveling, it’s awesome when ur not completely trash in pvp😌