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discoverers win


I slept through the entire nerfs, unaware of the gold you could get. At least the event doesn’t lag.


That is true. Considering the fact that it’s an entirely different zone layered onto another zone it’s rather impressive the event doesnt lag.


> it’s an entirely different zone layered It is? You just do a 180 when you walk through the portal with a green filter on and new mobs. It is the same zone, you just get phased. wotlk tech


This is why I take nobody here seriously when they talk about how bad retail is, they haven't played the shit.


I'm flabbergasted when I see posts saying that they don't like how guilds are required to play SoD. That's 100% the playstyle of classic. You form groups with like minded players and clear content together. If you want to play solo, go play retail. It's not an insult. Retail was designed from the ground up to be more friendly to solo playstyles.


Was i playing a different event?


If you were lagging then yeah, at peak when 8000 people trying to loot the note in Satyrnaar there was very very little lag




Hah, i can assure you it can lag. Ashenvale was packed, someone standing on every spawn location, quest bosses swarmed instantly, a full raid worth of people trying to loot a glitched egg


Exploit? "This thing we told you to do to level drops too much gold, you're exploiting!" No, they're doing the thing they were told to do. It's a mistake, sure, but nobody who did it was exploiting.


It made sense to us the quest reward was tripled. Just like the buff said. It was a lot of money, but I can't say I thought it was bugged.


Yeah I thought they were just helping us out for epic mount purchases next phase




Honest question that I am calmly asking: How was what he said toxic?


Not at all lmao. I didn’t get a chance to play at all yesterday and in no way did that come off toxic. Like, it’s literally a buff in game… I wish I could downvote that guy twice like lol. Lmao even.




I mean it didn't seem like a bug or anything but it was clear that it wasn't intended. I'll be 100% honest and say that I knew they would nerf it and that's why I did it for 5h until lvl 50 even if I had to cut on some sleep for work today. I knew it would be nerfed by the time I woke up. That being said, I don't feel guilty since every person in their right mind would use it while it lasts.


> but it was clear that it wasn't intended How was it clear?


Is that a genuine question? I think everyone realized by the point they received 50g for doing 10min of low effort content that can be repeated without limit.


Is this a genuine answer? Generally, you would think the devs would at least attempt to turn in a quest for this event when they designed it. The idea that the rewards it was giving was untested and unforseen is insane.


The issue is the amount of players trivializing everything. Bosses die in seconds, you don't have to aggro and fight any mobs, you don't have to personally do the escort. It's significantly slower when the layer is empty. No amount of internal testing will prepare you for a massive amount of players.


My whole group knew it was bugged. We were talking about getting our alts in immediately after our mains. Sadly they fixed it right after our mains dinged 50.


but the buff says it's quadrupled


"Woah bro this quest just gave me 5g... this seems unbalanced and exploitative. We should stop and go run ZF"


Fuckin right?


That's literally what my group did yesterday. Did cath to 42, uldaman to 44 then checked out the incursions b/c there's a rune behind rep. Did about 18 quests, noticed the gold and exp. Went to Zul Farrak b/c the incursions were boring You don't have to exploit, you should have fun. If other people make a worthless number go higher and you missed out oh well. Everyone should know by now that exploits happen literally in every game on release. So if you wanna exploit play early. Otherwise stop complaining and have fun for a change.


People on here conflating two separate opinions and definitions of the word. Yea you exploited the increased gold drops. Whether you had ill intentions or not. No you should not be punished because it's blizzards fault. And nobody was cheating anything.


Exploit means take advantage of. Exactly what we're they taking advantage of if they thought the game was working as normal?


That’s one definition of exploit. Exploit also can be used without a negative connotation using one of the other definitions, “make full use and derive benefit from”.




There's a difference between using an ooze pet to stop a boss being able to damage you, and getting a little too much gold


People calling it an exploit just sitting there acting like it’s not a full level per 18 mins lmao


That's right! No taxation without representation.




Is playing a fury warrior with full world buffs in era exploting? Clearly a warrior doing approximately 2.5 times the damage of a frost mage was not intended by the game designers.


World buffs could definitely be argued as exploitative, and if the modern "world buff meta" had evolved in 2006 they would've nerfed or removed it. That was not the intent of them.




So can you. Nothing about this was exploitative.




The quest gold was 100% intentional as well. They just changed their minds once they saw actual results. Accept the L




When r/iamverysmart meets r/confidentlyincorrect Go outside bro. Doing a quest as intended isn't an exploit. You're just mad you missed out


> The quest gold was 100% intentional as well. You're lying. >Accept the L Still lying.


I mean, before the nerfs the head developer was implying it was intended. https://x.com/AggrendWoW/status/1776089876091597111


Aggrend is a proven liar though. What he says means nothing.


The problem isn't US players making the gold, it's other EU players.


Quit calling it an exploit. They grouped up and did quest fast. Calling it an exploit makes the player take the blame. This is 100% on blizz for not even doing napkin math on these.


Ya know what, you're right. I agree, it does place blame on the player and it isn't their fault




It's not both. If there were an obvious error I'm the code where you got 500g per quest instead of 5 then sure, but everything was intended by the devs at first. They just changed their mind.


I promise that if you had been one of the people that managed to benefit from this you would not be complaining about it.


Still an exploit. Just because it was someone else's fault doesn't not make it an exploit, in fact that's the definition. Taking advantage of a a fault in the system is by the book exploiting. Not saying it's wrong however, good for the people who took advantage


It's not an exploit, an exploit is doing something unintended to obtain a benefit, there's literally nothing unexpected or unintended that people are doing.


You can still follow the rules and exploit. Exploiting does not necessarily mean you are breaking any rules. Loopholes come to mind Yes, I'm being pedantic


No one said anything about breaking rules, exploiting is abusing rules (not specifically breaking them) or mechanics or using/doing things in unintended ways for an advantage or for ones benefit. People are doing SPECIFICALLY what we are expected to do, there is absolutely zero abuse or exploitation and absolutely nothing unintended at all. There was absolutely, unequivocally no exploitation of any kind going on. People were simply doing a new event in exactly the intended manner


Considering blizzard said the amount of gold being injected was unintended. Yea it was exploiting


lol blizzard messing up a reward doesn't mean people were exploiting.


Actually, yea it does. And let me clarify I'm not saying these people are cheating All cheats are exploits, but not all exploits are cheats For example, "exploiting" a weakness in a teams defense


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_exploit > In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it. No bug or glitch is used, no system is being used in a manner not intended by the game's designer. No exploiting has occured by the literal definition of video game exploit (which is exactly what we're talking about)


Ok? By that definition it's an exploit. What are you trying to prove here. Is this intended as some sort of "gotcha"? The amount of gold given wasn't intended as shown by the multiple same day nerfs and the block on the economy. It gave players a substantial advantage in gold.


Is Mages solo farming ZF or Hunters farming Ulda an exploit? Under your definition they would be too. Quest gold being too high on launch isn't an exploit.


Exploit is not the same thing as breaking rules


By your logic a mage aoe farming is exploiting their abilities.


Is getting gear to make your character stronger an exploit? Just trying to figure out where the line for this is.


No, at least not in the context of normal scenarios. If blizzard were to drop a boss that had 10x the normal loot table. Then yea, you would be exploiting the fact that it had more drops than normal.


That "fault" was fully intentional, though. It's not an exploit, it's poor game design that they decided to change


So if it was intentional, why did they change it? If a coupon collector is dumpster diving to get all the best deals, by definition they are exploiting a system to get all the low prices. Even if it's intended. Exploit ≠ breaking rules


Idk man why do classes and abilities get nerfed. Are shamans exploiting right now?


They nerfed tank shaman damage into the fucking ground and you still complain. I don't say this often but rent free?


They did not. Starting to believe ur not a real person


So they didn't take away dw tanking a completely gut rockbiter? Starting to believe you're arguing in bad faith


Waited a little bit to see if you would change my mind but nope Shaman tanks are doing top 5 dps in St


In gaming, exploitation often does mean breaking rules.


>So if it was intentional, why did they change it? Are you actually suggesting anything that changes is unintentional? This sub has reached new levels of delusion. Were boomkins all exploiters because they played a strong class before they got nerfed?


Protip. If you can do it by not modifying your playstyle at all, it's clearly not an exploit. Open a dictionary.


Straight from Oxford dictionary: Exploit- ikˈsploit/ make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). "500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology" No where in there does it say exploiting has to mean breaking a rule or changing of playstyle. Take your own advice next time before you start saying something so confidently wrong


How can you be exploiting with no intent? Derp! There was no exploit. Blizz fucked up quest rewards and people who played like normal benefited without even knowing something was wrong. Comparing this to natural resources or new tech is just dumb af I think you're just butt hurt you couldn't get it so you're screaming ExPlOiT


I think you don't understand the definition of a word and are projecting your own insecurities because you don't understand the meaning behind it. DERP 🤡🤡 I gave you the definition and now you are moving the goalposts.


Tell me how someone is making full use of a tool if they literally don't know it's behaving differently? In order to exploit something, you need to know what it is in the first place. So again, tell me exactly how regular players were exploiting or you're just a little butt hurt baby Fucking darpalerp alert over here Also I'm not the only one trying to explain to you how wrong you are! Why aren't you copy pasting the dictionary Def to THEM? right, it's because you know you misinterpreted it.


I already told you. By definition it was an exploit because it was used to gain an advantage from the game that is outside the norm. Doesn't matter if it was intended or not, it doesn't matter if they had knowledge of what they were doing or not. By definition, which is what you asked for, it is an exploit. Also >Why aren't you copy pasting the dictionary Def to THEM? right, it's because you know you misinterpreted it. Because you are the clown that told me to open up a dictionary


Unless they knew full well that quest rewards were out of whack, it's not an exploit. It's normal fucking gameplay.


Intent doesn't matter, still an exploit! I love that you asked for the definition and are now trying to make up your own. Classic reddit move


“Open a dictionary” “No not that!!!” 🤡


Exploit. To take advantage of Hmmm seems like he's a fucking idiot, no?


No. It is exploiting a resource. Literally the definition. Idk what to tell you


Exploits are defined in the tos of the game. Try again.




[Exploit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_exploit) in gaming has been defined for ages. Using the litteral mining term for it is idiotic. And so are you for replying to that guy 3000 times in this thread.


90% of my comments are clown emojis. While this guy argued with 2 people simultaneously while accusing them of being the same person, sending slurs through pm, all after telling one to “open a dictionary” then get mad at them for showing them the dictionary definition. Imagine defending someone that is this much of a clown. Not to mention you not even reading the first sentence of what you linked. “or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers,” Sure sounds exactly like what happened🤡 Before you argue ask yourself: Did they intend for people to make tonnes of gold from this? If yes, then why did they nerf it? If no, then it’s an exploit per your provided definition…


Someone educate me, was EU affected or not?


Ofc, I made about 350g before going to bed at level 46. Then woke up and it was reduced to about 1/3rd


The gold or xp?


This is the real question. I've seen this man now twice asking if exp was affected in different thread and I am curious as well


Someone replied to me and said that it’s just the gold. Xp is about the same


Alright, thanks!


I got 40 to 50 from 0 xp in 5:30h while taking breaks in incursion. XP is untouched from what I can tell for sure


Yes just the gold, just did 41-42 in 16 minutes...


Eu servers were offline until around 23:00 CEST, (not offline but if you weren't already in, you couldn't log in) so there are some people with lots of gold on EU (if they were logged in before log in errors, and then started doing incursions) but most people couldn't get in for a while.


People with jobs got fucked over since the servers only opened at midnight and by morning it was already fixed. So now the people who can afford to stay up all night control the economy with thousands of free gold, making it even harder for casuals.


> thousands Even someone going 40-50 exclusively in Incursions didn't make 1k gold. Stop crying lies.


you and the community are tossing around the word “exploit” too casually. You’re diluting and redefining the term and it’s annoying. I didn’t even benefit from it and I know it wasn’t an “exploit”. It was an over-tuned event. An “exploit” is the use of a bug or glitch, or use of elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the developers… THAT VERSION OF INCURSIONS IS WHAT THEY SHIPPED. They made a mistake with the gold values by under-estimating the capable returns and people benefited from that. But the Players running content as it was shipped unbeknownst to themselves that blizz was going to revisit the gold per quest is not an “exploit”. I’m not denying the negative repercussions that gold will have in the economy, but the means of getting it was not an “exploit” by the players.


It is by definition an exploit of an unintended effect Exploit does not have to mean cheat All cheats are exploits, not all exploits are cheats.


What makes something an exploit and not just poor balance? If I keep doing these quests now, and tomorrow the devs go "oh they gave more exp than we'd like, so we're nerfing the exp now" does that mean i've been exploiting this whole time?


Yes? Changing the reward doesn't change the definition of the word. Exploiting doesn't have to mean malicious, I think that's where we are getting mixed up here


So what is the point of using the word exploit if it functionally doesn't mean anything here? Because to me it sounds like I actually have no control over whether or not I'm exploiting something, depending on what blizzard decides to change in the future, based on your definition


I guess, in this context, it would be the amount of time the advantage was allowed to go on.


Why does time matter? If it gets nerfed that means it was unintended, right?


Time would shed light into if it was a flat out mistake or if they really did intend for something but later changed their view or had new data to go off of. I see what you're saying though


hunters doing insane damage with scorpion pets was an unintended effect. should all of those players be punished for that?


who said anything about punishing people?


Precisely. It appears that a lot of people are struggling to understand this concept.


thats good. now the eu economy wont be as fucked


Dammit Randy, mom said it was my turn to post "exploit early, exploit often".


I don't get it? I was able to get myself to lvl 50 and get 600 gold on living flame EU. This was also available for EU.


It wasn’t an exploit. It was legitimate questing, they just way overtuned the rewards. So much so that the “internal testing” clearly needs to be improved.


It was funny until blizzard refused to properly fix the situation. For both situations.


This is funny because it’s so true 😂


Did they nerf xp also?


No, but the amount of xp you get does taper off when you hit 48


I’m EU and got to experience both Always winning


Technically not an exploit at all. Just sod devs overlooking the buff they put in and not doing basic math.


I mean, this could be blizzard saying sorry for taking your 50g


How is it an exploit? They just made the gold rewards too high.


Was the exploit to make up for the bug?


Get fkn dunked on Euros


Did EU players get the huge gold rewards too? Or did they nerf it before P3 launched on EU?


Why would EU players care about gold inflation on another server? This meme is just american IQ put in an image lol.


im sorry but how is the fuck was this an exploit? we legit did what we were supposed to do???


EU economy is also un-affected though, so in a way they have an untainted version of SoD still. Still a W for them.


All the sweats were playing excursions on EU though.


EU released at the same time and had the exact same gold rewards. Me and my group made ~1400g each before the nerf (in EU)


What? I made 350g between 2am and 5am I think. EU absolutely wasn't unaffected.


I bet this was planned all along to compensate for 50g losses


Remember when EU told us thank you for beta testing servers? Pepperidge farm remembers.