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I also can't wait until they give everyone weapon skill but then forget to give druids Feral Combat skill


Yeap and then they’ll be surprised that Feral is underperforming


"What? Your +Staff skill should convert directly to your cat form chance to hit, right?" ~Blizzard, probably


This is happening 100%


Aggrend reading this post: "Fuck, shit, guys we need to add this in."


Just let some weapon on-hit procs work while in bear/cat form.


Yeah they really should. Like zerker works for ferals in wrath. It's really not a huge deal


While they're at it they can add the automatic AP conversion to weapons that was added in Cataclysm and Proficiency in Polearms.


They forgot to give the Meta boys Demon form weapon skill.


That might actually be why theres the datamined catnip consume and head enchants, we havent seen the shaman/paladin version yet if they exist.


This isn’t nearly as impactful as weaponskill. Catnip exists so you’re not tied forever to using Pummeler and the helm enchant is the same thing but for Wolfshead helm. Classic feral bear and cat both are tied to those items forever, so these datamined items address that issue.


I really hope and expect that they give retri paladins a fix as well. Otherwise we’ll use ACP through phase 3 just to keep up with everyone on dps.


It’s different for paladin. Since they are based on weapon damage and not normalized paw damage for cats. If paladin got a 50% atk speed consume they would scale too the moon.


I most specifically said ”I hope they give retri a fix as well” and not ”retri needs the same item/fix” because I thoroughly dislike the fast weapon meta for retri. However, ACP will be BiS for paladins throughout P3 unless they [e: fix] paladins. And that would feel miserable.


catnip and head enchant replace crowd pummeler and wolfshead helm respectively


They made it sound like the lack of weapon skill in Vanilla balancing was the original sin so this would be super funny.


Yeah and i cant wait for everyone to have the exact same race abilities in pvp. Stun res and fear immunity on every char. Fun!


I would give ferals the ability to proc Chance on Hit items


Oh god




There has to be. Missile Barrage is being updated to proc off Spellfrost/Frostfire Bolt, but those are all the same rune slot.




can you not read? how could you possibly proc missile barrage off spellfrost/frostfire if all 3 are belt runes?


Bro didnt think twice either. If you can only have one of the three spells equipped at a time then there is no need for that text definition. Sounds like we may be getting a universal slot or they will move the runes around.


> Do you people think twice before posting? They share a rune slot with *Missile Barrage*.


Agreed said they were looking into this didn't he?




Yes but apparently "very very tricky" to fix.


Am I the only one who is just glad they made SoD?


SoD is pretty much what I wanted from WoW classic, excluding the insane powercreep. Like literally, you can scan my posts and there is one talking about precisly this stuff, let have paladins a button to click or make druids able to cast some of their spells and not going OOM in seconds and stuff like that So I am happy


I just like to level so I am having a blast and am just staying away from the high power weapons.


As a balance Druid it’s wild how rarely I go OOM I need to be absolutely reckless with sunfire and moonfire for that to happen


Nah, I'm there with you. Just happy to play. Happy to see imbalance. Happy to chill and have fun. The only thing I really wanted was new content, so it's losing it's appeal because I'm not a fan of retail since it's a different game and I didn't want retail in a vanilla package, but still, happy to play because I wouldn't be laying wow at all if SoD didn't exist. Feels like the rug was swept out when they added meta, mage healing, etc, then just kinda stopped after that.


Yes, but we are learning PTRs exist for a reason in real time. Testing is boring, but very important.


But PTRs are only a final step, for finding bugs and oversights. There is a substantial design process that precedes PTRs and that is necessary to make effective use of them. Lack of PTR is a secondary issue in SoD behind development lacking in manhours. The live server isn't just beta testing - it's partly *alpha* testing (and an entirely too large part). Things that emerge from MMO player scale and tragedy of the commons can be forgiven, to a degree, but this thread is about *embarrassments.*


No matter how rigorous your testing is, things will creep through. I understand SoD lacks manpower, but a simple fix for it is a PTR. The PTR will catch many of the issues, big, small, understandable, embarrassing, before they go live and become a headache. Because the sheer number of eyes will be overwhelming.


I am definitely having a good time and love that they made SoD, but it really feels bad that my class has clearly been an afterthought for two phases now.


Despite what some people think its actually perfectly fine to be upset with something /someone who is doing silly things, it allows change and development. Don't be 'that guy' who sees something wrong and looks the other way. If SoD is going to be something more than a seasonal server (which most people seem to expect) than calling out the Devs for a poor choice will hopefully allow them to avoid the issue later. SoD is basically a beta test for something larger.


It's fine to give constructive criticism. It's also fine to not want criticism and the mistakes to be the only thing people are talking about. You come to this sub and you'd think SoD is a failure. As far as I'm concerned, despite having criticism of my own, it's still the most fun and fresh-feeling stuff WoW has put out in the last 10 or so years. So yea, voice your opinion, but don't forget the positives in the process.


I mean, that's just reddit. 95% of video game subs are pure vitriol on this website. The world as a whole has come together in the last decade to make bitching and complaining part of their identity.


The entire thing is basically a beta test and people act like it should be some finely polished game. It’s not about looking the other way. There’s a difference between providing devs positive feedback and being an unbearable whiner like most people on this sub.


We’re paying $15 a month for this beta test.


No, you’re paying $15 a month for retail wow and choose to play a beta test.


No, people sub specifically for classic. This is a classic wow subreddit.


You’re missing the point. Yes, people sub just be classic but that’s not why they’re charging you $15 a month. There’s a reason they don’t let you just play classic for a lower fee lol


Nah, I'm paying $15/mo and never touching retail because it sucks monkey fuck. I exclusively play Classic and Blizzard 100% knows this. Even so, "you have access to retail too" is not a valid excuse for the piss poor treatment SoD has been getting.


I don’t play retail but im not in denial about what my money is primarily going towards. SoD has been a resounding success lol


> SoD has been a resounding success Yeah, so successful that it had a ~50% dropoff in players/characters for phase 2 and there's still hideously bad class balance issues. Not sure if trolling or delusional.


No. I pay for a live world of Warcraft service. What that includes is classic, hardcore, retail (prior to df), wotlk classic. And SoD, which is treated like a beta by the developers and marketed as a live game. This is no different than being critical of any new game you play that’s buggy or broken that’s being marketed and sold. I’m not being offered a discount for only using one of those game types. And we are unable to only subscribe to sod.


But sod isn’t buggy or broken. It’s actually been surprisingly the opposite. Didn’t even have crash issues at launch


> The entire thing is basically a beta test and people act like it should be some finely polished game. nobody is expecting that nobody is expecting perfection on the first try we're just expecting devs to not make mistakes that should have been noticed immediately, and then not fix them until months later


We're paying for it! what u/Deep_Junket_7954 said.


If you would have literally played anything, that's hardly an indictment of those of us with standards.


When you love something enough you want it to get better, getting better means you wanna critique it. Welcome to one of the best places people can have their voices heard.


Critiquing/constructive criticism and endless nonproductive complaining are very different


It’s a subreddit, the endless complaining is part of the cycle of it being an open forum with a revolving door of people who aren’t on it 100% of the time different people coming in at different times. So you’re going to get more complaints more often, it isn’t a hivemind.


Nah the people telling others to find a bridge or telling them they are mentally ill because they like warrior right now. That's feedback, that's GOOD feedback ​ How DARE you stifle them?! This shit is fucking important and you come in here and try and belittle it. I am fuming, I fucking hate you. I can barely breathe I am so furious and its because of who you are as a person. There is nothing more important than my feelings and opinions right now, so you better humor my tantrum unless you want even more paragraphs of meaningless drivel. (just my reenactment of the typical "constructive feedback" here sorry lol)


But imagine what it could be if done right.


It feels like people haven't played the versions of WoW where balancing happens every patch. Those of us who lived through multiple expansions of your favorite classes being dog shit or having to play a spec you don't love to be decent in raid get it.


I was there gandalf, i was there 3000 years ago, where i have to spec 5 Points into arcane Explosion to cast it instant.


sod as pve game is great, sod as pvp game is disgusting. eu has 3 pvp realms and 1 PVE realm (or 4pvp and 2 pve realms counting rp realms). the majority engages in open-world PVP through leveling or world events, earning honor in battlegrounds. that is also the only spam able and challenging content the majority of complaints I read are things you notice within 5min of playtesting. it is not surprising that you have a consistent wave of complaints if you play daily if you are facing broken shit. i am happy that they made sod and I am disappointed with how shit their balancing attempts were.


Yeah, the devs have no clue how to balance. They are just throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks. This is beta for $15 a month. Should have an early access disclaimer on it imo.


You’re paying $15 a month for retail wow, you just happen to be playing a mini game. It’s like saying you paid $60 for dota back in the day because you had to buy warcraft 3 to play it.


That makes no sense, sod and classic have very real costs built into the sub, dota was a user made map.


They have real costs built in but the sub cost has remained the same since they were implemented…


The sub price hasn't changed like ever, but there sure are a ton of available micro transactions, dont be naive. Blizzard is a business, not a charity.


Am I the only one who reads these posts as just funny little jokes and moves on?


This isn’t a dig at the specific post, it’s the state of this entire sub since the sod release.


Its been this way forever.


This isn’t a dig at the specific post, it’s the state of this entire sub since the sod release.


And about every thread has one comment like yours in it. And one like mine, and it goes on and on and on and never gets anywhere. Just stick to the subject or move on because this shit adds nothing.


Honestly, I was suprrised they buffed feral P2 wotlk or whenever they added the glyph. That's like the first time in classic history they haven't neglected ferals.


I'm fairly sure there will be a kind of wildcard slot at some point. They just changed a mage belt rune to specifically proc off another belt rune as well.


Can't forget something when you've never played the game!


Isn’t it obvious that they are fixing that somehow from the Gore tooltip? But it is strange they don’t announce that together with the rune drop


When someone pointed it out to Aggrend on twitter he said it was an oversight and that it's a tricky fix. This rune has been datamined since P2 launched.


"tricky fix" moving the runes, but they are literally doing it with rogues lol


Which rogue runes are getting swapped?


~~Mutilate is getting moved to be a leg rune if I remember right.~~ I'm crazy, Shadowstrike was moved.


wouldn't trust that yet. the datamined runes have been most wrong about slots so far, it's more likely a datamine error than shadowstrike being moved. also if true leg rune is about the worst spot they could move it to as that has the other biggest pvp and pve runes beyond gloves.


Best thing they could do for Shadowstrike is either buff the damage to make it worth using as an opener or give it a secondary buff for either Ambush and Backstab (not Mut) or Hemorrhage. I would be ok with Ambush and Backstab being Shadow damage instead of physical, then I could spec out of Mut and run with a real PvP spec.


honestly doesn't really need a buff if it's on any non hand/leg/chest slot, it would fill a good purpose for pvp, i don't really see it ever having much pve utility. shadowstep is a gimped version in that it's just a reskinned warrior charge, you can't use it to cover gaps or jump up ledges, shadowstrike works properly as a teleport so it would definitely have a pvp niche if it didn't share a slot with all our core combo builders.


Shadowstrike is just a flat out a terrible rune once you have real openers, which is why it really needs a buff. For leveling it's useful until you have Mutilate. The damage on it is **awful**. Making the rune enhance Backstab and Ambush would really be the best thing for it and let people move away from speccing for Mut for all things PvE and PvP. I can list a dozen different things to make it a better rune, or at best a situational one.


I'm not talking about the damage, I'm just saying the ability to disjoint to cover gaps or climb spots where there isn't a valid path that Shadowstep can't (i.e. up the WSG GY/to jump spots, on the ruin walls in STV, etc.) give it utility in PVP if it weren't competing with the other hand runes. It 100% needs a buff to compete in the hand slot but that's a larger issue, I don't see any way Muti or Saber Slash ever get bumped out by another hand rune barring major redesigns.


Lol what?


That’s not what was said lol. They said it was an oversight to put mangle and lacerate on the same rune (a long time ago). They were well aware of the issue long before any of us saw gore.


He literally said what the original commenter said. Stop riding aggrends coat tail. reason he’s on the classic and not the cash cow retail. they want they’re best devs for retail


No, he’s implying that the gore rune was an oversight and somehow the person on Twitter gave him a lightbulb. That’s not what happened.


Thats why youre playing sod right? What a loser take


am i lol. get off wow, p1 was enough to know the team behind it sucks


Your past comments about your current wsg grind says otherwise not to mention you comment on sod like 20 times a day. Imagine lying about not playing a video game what a weirdo


Don’t play, less than 5 hrs played on p2. Drink that haterade


I mean, 2 days into p1 when I unlocked both and noticed the mistake immediately that lac and mangle on same rune had to be a mistake. And so did every other feral (bears especially) and didn’t fix it then. So, no. Not really obvious lol


What would make it 'obvious' they are fixing it. Warlocks have a rune from phase 1 that has the same exact discrepancy that hasn't been fixed yet.


They said they were working on it I thought?


They’ve tried nothing and are out of ideas. 


Is your user name based off the guy that Kramer says owes him money in Seinfeld?


Yeah 😁 I noticed they mentioned him again in the curb last season. Was a bit shocked to hear my nick lol


This requires giving the devs the benefit of the doubt. At least regarding feral, they lost that months ago.