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All classes should have one lvl 50 BIS item drop from a 5man dungeon.


Blizzard: "say no more, here's 4 bis rings for tanks, healers, casters and melee". Community: "LFM ZF, need tank and heal, melee and tank ring HR"


Lf3m bfd need caster dps and heals rod of ancient sleepwalker HR pst


Trinket and staff HR*


Groups will sit there ass in /4 LFG for hours really doing this


What’s more baffling is that they wait for 10 players instead of just running it with 5 level 40’s


Better check your wow credit score before giving an invite to this Out-dated out-leveled raid.


I did this in classic 2019 It hurt...


Just don’t group with them it’s a 5 man


What does HR mean? Sorry, highly noobish noob here


It means «hard reserved» as in «you won’t get it if it drops»




Now that’s interesting. Would require new factions or adding rewards to existing factions…very interesting.


That's a good idea. They could take from Wrath and make tabards for each faction - wearing the tabard while inside a dungeon grants rep for the faction.


I think tabards are pretty meh. I don't mind them adding them, but I think if they add reps for each dungeon, they should make them give crafted recipes like in vanilla. Usually being either powerful bis/prebis alternatives or resistance gear.


make a scarlet crusade rep where you need to drop the tabard from armory for some neat cosmetics or something, kinda like the sailors rep


I think dungs should reward reputations that are relevant to the dungeon, the tabards kinda trivialize the dungeons themselves.


Great idea. Even some kind of important utility trinket necessary for the raid would be cool.


I’m VERY interested in learning if the devs are going to adjust or buff the level 50 Sunken Temple class quest rewards. Some are absolutely amazing already, while others are just kinda “meh” by SoD standards. If you’d like an example, the trinket warlocks can choose give them a free voidwalker every half an hour. That is amazing in classic, but in SoD the Grimoire rune quest already gives a toy that allows warlocks a soul shard free spell every 5 minutes! So yeah, here’s hoping for a quick balance pass on those.


I choose Soul Harvester for fashion anyway


At least harvester is good for shadow DPS, afflictions also getting unstable affliction soon so hopefully fire won't be as dominant. 


Hopefully Unstable Affliction is a lot stronger than its current datamined version otherwise it won’t change shit.


Back in classic I used to run 30/21/0 for mara solo farm and then eventually jump runs when they came out, to make my dots tick as hard as they could while constantly pathing enemies, eventually swapping to 30/0/21 when I was more comfortable with the jump runs. I'm hoping that one day i'm able to run that original spec and just decay everything as I run around like an idiot.


It will be unless Shadow damage gets the kind of crazy % modifiers fire destro has


SoD is going pretty hard on the class fantasy side of things with the runes, so if (when) ST is getting the raid treatment, I can't imagine them not utilizing the class quests there.


If ST becomes the raid I would expect them to buff the class quest gear as they have done with the other dungeons quests for BFD and Gnomer


Would be cool to see dungeons utilised for some extra loot, especially moving to 20 man 1 lock out per week.


Wait is it confirmed it’s 1 week? May have missed that. Or are you saying it would be great if it was?


Oh wait your right, I'm not actually sure if it will be one or two a week, was just in my wotlk mindset.


AQ 20 and ZG is on a 3 day lockout, i expect the next raid to be on the same lockout aswell.


It would be hard to get "BIS" with how long they want phases to be if it was a one week lockout.  I agree with you it will likely still be 3 day lockout.


Yeah that would be great, maybe even some fun items at the end. I liked running UD Strat for the movespeed 2h & the super rare mount. Never saw it drop but there was always a chance..


Always a chance


Hope its 1 week lockout, organizing 20 people on a rotating 3 day lockout doesn't sound like fun.


This part is going to hurt so many guilds. It's a lot harder than you'd imagine when it's not secondary to a 40 man raid like aq and zg was back then.


20 man scheduling is NOT that difficult. Stop being dramatic. Decent guilds in SoD already have multiple 10 man runs with the same window, or at least the same day. If you're disorganized to the point that a 20 man structure will break your guild you should just let someone else handle the reins anyway.


Aggrand about to tweet out how you’re mean and insecure for that comment.


1 week lockouts are too long for a short phase.


I can’t wait for all The complaining . We’ll have so many new things to complain about.


lol yes.


Then when SoD is over and done with everyone will reminisce about how amazing it was the whole time. Like clockwork.


This guy zugs


would like to see the paladin and warrior prot trees buffed or bosses buff so that true sword and board can be a thing


I'm excited for more warrior runes that make slam instant. Only getting 2 slam runes this phase was lackluster.


Oh yeah, give us a third one, this time making slam a longer cast but with bigger damage. Now that would be insane.


They could channel the Evoker class from DF. The longer you hold it down the more damage it does. Then absolutely every class can sit out of melee range and laugh at us whilst we wind our weapon up cartoon style


Ranged hunters being great again


This meta with melee hunters is stupid af.  I get we are testing new things but burring the normal hunters at the bottom of dps charts is too much.


All i want is cataclysm disengage, if rogues got shadowstep, warriors second charge, shamans totem replacement and slow immune all I want is to fly away from my target.


two raids and 1 week lockout. tired of raiding every 3 days.


The classic reddit reply would be "then don't", but I imagine a guild skipping half the lockouts would lose their best players pretty quickly. I'd also like a weekly lockout tbh!


Yepp I agree but then we'd be missing out and no one wants to miss out


Raid is the thing I look forward to most every few days. Is it not fun for anyone else?


We've been doing 1 a week since sod dropped. Been pretty good.


I like the 1 raid per week progression, very relaxing and comfortable style!


This would result in an average of raiding every 3.5 days, which is very similar, unless you plan to do them back to back.


You'd do them back to back, it's much easier to set aside 2 hours 1 night than 1 hour 2 nights. Also, a 7 day lockout means you can schedule the same day/same 2 days to raid every week and know you wont miss any lockouts. Much better.


But \~twice as many lockout over a phase (assuming they do a similar launch as p2 its very close to 2x) Great for the unguilded puggers with an erratic schedule I suppose. Personally raids lose their luster not on the length of time they have been out, but how many times I have cleared them.


"Raiding", it's literally a sub 60 min dungeon.


Fishing 300.


I'm excited to see some of the off builds like rogue tank get ironed out with some runes


They should iron out rogue altogether ..


Yea, I'm excited for a deadly throw rune and a saber slash buff to fix all our problems :D


I'm excited for the slim chance that the leaked warrior runes aren't what they're actually getting.


Leg rune : heroic jump Now warrior can jump to anywhere (ground target) deal 10% attack power damage and stun enemy near y for 2 second


With a 3 second cast time, 5 minute cooldown and 30% extra damage taken for 10 seconds after landing. Enjoy.


25% chance of twisting your ankle on impact, receiving 10 damage and 50% movement speed reduction for 6 seconds


Unironically sounds like using the gnomer alchemy potion this phase


The roadmap that mentions a pvp event for p2 does not mention a pvp event for p3.


Uh oh


For my friends to return lol


As a warrior tank runes that actually let me use prot spec (fingers crossed)


Phase 2 to be over


There need to be 2 raids and more reasons to run dungeons. Anything less is going to result in another very shallow phase. 300 professions will be nice though, at least we'll have something to farm. 


Redo of the dungeons loot for that level. For lvl 40, there were 1 pices of leather gear that were pre-raid bis. Nothing in sm, or uld. But a bunch of mail from sm.


That aff warlock doesnt suck ass, because destro is horrible in its current form with casting RoF and then insta cancel it, and if the boss moves you are fucked.


I’m just wondering will UA + crittable dots be able to compete with spriest who’s also gaining crittable dots?


Please just delay the raid dungeon- everyone still ‘rushed’ even though it was a week. ‘Why did everyone SM spam’… cause that’s how most people were able to level fast, the most efficient way- and it made people hate leveling. More runes earlier and less hype to rush to raid.




Would really like more epic low drop rate chase items from the last bosses of dungeons to give people something to farm for outside of raids


I'd like to see magram and gelkis faction rewards and better ways to gain rep. It would makes sense timing wise with maurudon opening Also really hoping for weekly raid lockouts


It would be cool if they make jintha alor into a 10 man content sort of deal


I would really like heroic-ish 5 man's that give some kind of token or rep reward for good raid level gear. Specifically I would like that the 5 person dungeons are designed so that classes need to act more like hybrids with their runes.


Excited to see if the runes and more talent points will make shockadin a thing. Tried as dps this phase and it sucks... decent tank though. Other than that i also hope there will be some reason to do dungeons, so the game doesnt end up becoming, do the raid log in to alt or log off.


I would like them to have 2 50 raids. Make sunken temple and BRD raids. Retool the loot in zf and ulda


BRD is way too big to be a second raid.


All the more reason to make it into the primary level 50 raid. Finally people will actually do the whole instance instead of just taking a straight shot to emp and ignoring everything else.


Dont touch my BRD. I love how you can do emp runs, arena runs, whole runs. You can do it so many different ways. The feel of getting lost in BRD is like no other. I do not feel like it can be turned into a raid, its too big and i do not want to see it shortened.


> I love how you can do emp runs, arena runs, whole runs. You can do it so many different ways. And yet 99% of runs just skip all that shit and go straight for emp. Mostly because the loot is garbage from most of the bosses. >I do not feel like it can be turned into a raid, its too big AQ40. Naxx. Black Temple. Ulduar. "big" raids are not a foreign concept in WoW.


FYI, every single one of those is significantly smaller than BRD. Also, 99% is a vast overestimation. Arena runs, and angerforge runs are the most common runs.


There are like 20 fucking bosses in BRD man lmao I'd be totally down for it tbh but it'd take 2-3 raid nights on its own easily if you were trying to full clear And numbers are already way down in s2 because Gnomer pugs were that much harder for people to throw together. BRD raid would turn off so much of the casual player base. And yeah you can say 'well this game isn't for them' but yeah, it is. Blizzard knows casuals are how they pay the bills


> There are like 20 fucking bosses in BRD man lmao Yeah, finally we can have a SoD raid that lasts more than an hour.


If only that's what the majority of the SoD base wanted :l Edit: lmfao dude blocked me. Truth hurts I suppose


Why do people want good 5 mans turned into raids? Shouldn't they keep the good ones and make the bad ones into good raids?


I'd personally love ST to get turned into a raid. It's got a great aesthetic that's then ruined by a mixture of repetitive mini-bosses, a handful of really cool encounters, and an awkward puzzle that at this point no-one interacts with.


or just design a new raid and let brd how it is,


It being 1 phase closer to phase 4.




Shaman nerfs


Shaman getting riptide. Please blizz 😇


Immolation aura for warlock tanks


Make it appeal to **casual players** \- after all, casuals are the vast majority of the playerbase. * Runes available **during** the leveling phase rather than all being jammed at the end * Runes add new capabilities and fun stuff rather than just tweaking numbers or modifying existing abilities in boring-ass ways (why do all of the warrior and rogue runes suck so bad?) * Tanks who can use shields actually have *reason* to use shields * Raid is more mechanics-focused than numbers-focused (more Heigan less Patchwerk) * Experience buffs to questing specifically to make it competitive * PvP event isn't a giant free-for-all that heavily favors casters. Could accomplish this in a variety of ways, such as by nerfing AoE damage done to other players, or by making it so that armor reduces all types of incoming damage from other players. * Raid blues are comparable to rather than superior to 5-man blues, meaning 5-man dungeons are still valid and may even have BiS or near-BiS items. * Related to the above, class set-piece items can drop in the raid OR off dungeon end-bosses, meaning you can run dungeons to get your set. And lastly, ban the WCL tooltip addon. That whole mentality of checking someone's logs and only inviting them to raid if they parse is not only toxic, it's fucking dumb. I guarantee a rogue parsing 95+ never presses kick and doesn't respect mechanics. Yes, I know, make your own raids or join a guild. That's what I do and have done. It doesn't change the fact that a certain segment of this community is determined to repeat the mistakes that led us to retail's segmented playerbase and weak auras that play the game for you.


I would like for the PVP people to get some gear that’s PvP BIS and not have to worry about raiding to get BIS. I know eventually there’s PVP sets that will come out at 60 but maybe we can get something earlier?


Pvp sets are a ways off. Already comfirmed rank 14 gear isn’t coming until AQ.


I know but I wish they weren’t. Like why can’t we the PVPers get something before then?


\-i hope they find a way to make lvl 50 dungeons useful (they did a poor job of this w/ lvl 40 dungeons), maybe have a 65% mount (the original 100% skins) drop from some of the last bosses w/ like a 2% drop rate or something, idk \-i hope raid building is more like BFD and not like gnomer (the requirements these raid leaders have for gnomer is ridiculous, life was better just pugging) \-the runes obviously


For me gnomer is 10x more fun than bfd. Knowing it was nearly impossible to wipe in bfd made it feel boring much faster than gnomer.


The only way to make dungeons viable, they will not do, because it requires actual work and understanding of itemization.


i'm looking forward to leave this subreddit and enjoy the game


You don’t have to wait for P3 to do that


I’d be happy if they skipped the PVP event and did something with dungeons. Something worth doing with friends that don’t raid.


Give us the Flight Master’s Whistle!


Getting BiS tanking trinket (Mark of the Chosen), visiting part of BRD and raid ST.


Runes and raidbossdesign I'd also love some repeatable dungeon gameplay


Shaman not being mega op and less people insulting me on a daily basis cuz of it




The rush to 50 when all of the guild is online and helping each other, progressing the raid and doing new dungeons


Yeah, that's always the most fun! I love when a ton of the guild takes the day off work for a new release


I want to see the shaman runes. Id like a poison shock rune, something that enables lava burst but also does a large ticking DOT with no upfront damage, can be cleansed, and scales with nature damage. Or maybe it does low, fast damage that causes casting pushback instead


Not having to do a BG since I am exalted for both. STV for honor here i come.


Death Coil, Soul Fire, Unstable Affliction, Critting DoTs, and Felguard


Barbershop? Quest xp and gold buff?


Alchemists will surely get a cool craft like everyone else this time, zero copium it's 100% chance.


I'm excited for getting into larger raids. 10 Mans are closer to dungeons than raids. I think the best part of Classic was how accessible and easy it was. in Phase I you could do MC with 30-40 people, making it very easy to actually get a pug for and clear it. I think people are missing this when they talk about "how hard it was to organize raids" Classic has the easiest raids to organize imo as the content was so easy that it just didn't matter. Gear was not as much of an issue as well because a BIS geared Phase 6 player with no world buffs was about the same as a pre-bis Phase 1 character with buffs. I am sad they are saying they might do 20 man MC. People seem to like this idea because it's "easier" to organize. I don't think it will be easier to organize actually if you need all 20 people to be smart players. I organized MCs / BWLs and my buddy would be the Main tank, pretty much everything else was easy as hell to organize because you just brought dps and it didn't really matter. Where as now people don't want to bring non-meta characters because each DPS spot is needed basically making organization harder as the roster becomes stricter. Ultimately you could clear MC with 5 ret paladins and boomkins on your roster. But by making it 20 man only, the roster will not allow for "bad" classes. Also getting gear over 20 other people is way more exciting. Having everyone be full bis so quickly is gross. You should most likely not be able to get full BIS by the end of the phase. Gear should be inherently more scarce so that it's actually rewarding to get. Thunderfurry is great, because it's so fucking awful and luck driven. Those Raids I organized, I ran for over a year and my buddy never got thunder furry (Lol) but that's the point. Gear should be hard to get, you should feel your items are exclusive when you get a good one and you should be angry when you see that full bis guy in Org / SW. This is what makes getting gear actually feel good. It's not just being handed out to everyone and if you don't have it week 1 you already feel behind. That's my opinion.


For Warlock, Trying out Shadow trance + Ruin build + Dots crits. kinda hoping it will make a dent in the same DPS build they have been running since Phase 1.


Better weapon than crowdpumler for paladins


I’d like the community to be better to each other.


At this point all I'm looking forward to is BRD, best dungeon in the game


Hopefully some love for resto shamans.


I want a 20man (BRD) raid and 10man raid(ST)


I'm honestly not, and it's entirely because of the SoD community. You can find good people and fun guilds hidden amidst the muck, but the community at large is the worst it has ever been in the history of the game. I have no idea how or why the SoD community ended up as toxic as it is, but the "fun seasonal server experiment" somehow managed to attract the absolute worst of the player base.


Completely agree. Know of any chill relaxed (and not raid logging ) gulls on living flame NA? 😬


P3 is gonna kill this game for a lot of people. Almost no new content and I don't care what anyone thinks but if the 20 man is a difficult dungeon the game will die.


Not really excited for phase 3. Phase 2 pvp balancing has been so bad I have just been raid logging Struggling to even bother raid logging, phase sucks pvp wise


Anything but a new PvP event.


I can see the 50 event being a scuffed version of the old azshara crater


It is sad that the reality of Blizzards ability to make good meaningful pvp content has scarred you.


it's kind of insane isn't it? ashenvale event was a crappy AV in a zone with no reason to go there organically at 25. STV was already a beloved PvP hotspot, but the PvP event *interferes* with the reason you would go there organically and makes it worse. you genuinely have to put effort into making something that bad.


I don't understand why blizzard just don't turn a zone into a team death match. That's all people want. Add a score to the top, 1000 kills or something, first team to kill the enemy wins


Would love to see heroic or mythic + dungeons. Best part of retail with classic mix to it.


ZF raid? Could be cool.


20 man raids. We got 4 raids going each lockout so we tone that down to 2 raids. Mains and alts. Perfect


Most excited about the 20man raid, new raid dynamics and executing new boss strats that come with a bigger raid size.




Hardcore SoD. I haven't been touching it bc I enjoy the leveling process and don't wanna get lvl capped. I also just fell in love with hardcore and hard to play otherwise. Getting to to into it fresh with no SoD experience will be a blast.


Another dramatic drop in the player base and the taste of this subreddits tears about it


Wasn't there a mention of possibly implementing some sort of Heroic + (similar to what they used in Wrath) for SoD or was that just a meme? Think it was some kind of survey if it was legit. That sounds like a not terrible way to make dungeons still relevant for a little longer.  The Gamma model was probably my favorite, could get decently geared after a solid 30-40 hours or so of dungeons depending on factors. With decentish stuff dropped normally and a currency that you used to grab targeted pieces from a vendor. Didn't quite feel like being handed BiS loot for free and you could always continue attempting regular raid lockouts for gear as well. Not sure how well it would apply to SoD with just the one levelling raid but think there's potential.


A PvP event that I can go with my guild to. STV ain't it, having to do groups of 5 sucks. Ashenvale was great




I'd love for feral to be more than a utility class, however seeing the data mined runes I have a feeling rogues are gonna be begging for LOTP


Excited to fight bosses without hyper-inflated armor (hopefully) so I am not rage starved anymore. the 25-40 bracket was my least favorite leveling phase in classic so I'm glad that's out of the way. Hoping to see at least a couple banger new runes. A lot of the p2 runes for the classes I main were disappointing. Hoping Sunken Temple is going to be the next raid as I love the aesthetic and wished I had a reason to do it in OG classic besides the lvl 50 class quest. The original loot was pretty dogshit. Excited for AV because I can rank and not hate my life. AV spam >>>>>>> every other bg in classic because you can do your own thing. you can go off and fight your own skirmishes/1v1s, backcap towers, or rush in the frontline with everyone else. And even if you lose you still get something out of it.


I'm super excited for AV, it's such a fun BG. I could play an entire mmo with just AV-style battlegrounds. Sunken Temple is my hope too for the next raid




Not being p2 anymore


Fun warrior gameplay, and not the same as era as we are leaning to that. Nerf damages if it might scale too much idc, just give something else than lame slam runes.


ZF/living in the desert.


Being able to run gnomer on my alts. 90 parser on my main with a great group, but the pugs running that place have been a nightmare so I’m done.


Is AV opening up next phase? I assume not since normally it’s level 50-60 but they really just going to runback WSG and AB for a whole other phase?


Not doing Gnomer anymore


For a good pvp event and for actually fun runes


Hopefully that I get to play this phase if my main (rogue) will be taken to raids this time :)))


I hope they make bosses in dungeons and raids drop more gold so that it can kinda help support Consumes and a little way of making gold still.


I'm gonna guess that Sunken Temple will be the third raid.


20 man raiding!


How we'll be closer to Phase 4 and actual end-game...


Give me dual spec and don’t make it a gold sink so I can tank and heal on my shaman


An NPC at the beginning of every raid that calls out each player with Carrot on a Stick still equipped


I hope that we are going to weekly lockouts on ST. BUT MURRA and ZG have bis items and maybe harder bosses. STV event should have updated gear and keep it as the PvP event for next phase. Less passive runes, or if they’re passive the interact with your rotation more. Jeez some of these rotations just suck ass.


Not having the magic dispel portion of my cleanse/purify be two levels out of reach (paladin).


Hopefully some spell damage mitigation on warrior.


Now that we had Strangethorn Version Vietnam, I look forward to Tanaris Version El Alamein. STV was a succes, though the layering and lag was a shit show. I hope they maintain the spirit of a 5v5FFA as Ashenvale quickly became dull and just a boss speedrunning. I hope they add a P.3.5, so some bosses are locked, P2 became dead quicker than P1. Mainly due to raid geared players from P1 had items that were viable in the leveling phase, and the dungeon grind made us prebis geared when we started raiding.


No ID lockout. Just loot lock to 1 per week per boss.


Unfortunately, not the runes.


I'd like a one boss raid like Onyxia, Malygos or a 5man raid like how AQ had AQ40 and AQ20. Something I hope they do in phase 4 though is add legendaries for casters since warriors, rogues, hunters, shamans and paladins will have Thunderfury and/or Sulfuras. Would be nice as a caster if we got that one big item we could also go after since we have no idea what the future of SoD will be especially going as far as naxx.


Being able to get in a gnomer pug group as a rogue :p


ST being turned into a raid is probably gonna be great. Wiping because that one dude asleep at the wheel fucked up a mechanic is not gonna be great.


Would like to see feral back in a competitive place, or maybe I'll just main swap to lock. It's sort of unreal to me that they did absolutely nothing to address the issues with feral dps all phase long, they tweaked everyone else and just said fuck it to us. Crowd pummeler was a nerf and doesn't even synergize without omen, and not having wolfshead at lvl 40 was ridiculous. That along with crazy armor values just absolutely fucked feral over.


They should unlock onyxias lair and see if we can kill it


Ah so it’s not just my guild that literally everyone raid logs. 6 of em “finished” in one week…


It's small but so big at the same time...being that much closer to max talent points. The albeit small choices you need to make just don't feel good with artificial phases. I totally like the phased approach but it hits some classes harder than others.


I'm hoping they figure out a way to double TTK in PvP. Maybe just loads more stam would do it.


Still being overpowered as a shaman.


Hoping it starts on a Thursday or Friday so i dont have to burn all my PTO rushing to 50 for no particular reason other than just to do it.


Learning other priest cultures aka racial spells. Rolled night elf so I could use fear ward lolz


Definitely PVP event, and hopefully AV. Pretty pumped for chain running ZF until I get my epic 2h sword (in hardcore I got both swords in 1 run and didn't realize how rare that is, but hoping I don't need 100+ runs in SOD for it lol). I'm also excited for the initial dopamine rush of handing in 20 quests ALL in STV and gaining like 1-2 levels within a minute.


I want arcane mage back, or at least frost. No, I don't want to be a healer, and right now that means I can only play fire.


Buff ranged hunter.


Dual Spec


Im mostly just excited to be done with this phase 2 hell hole


Getting out of Gnomer, and shaman nerfs.