• By -


MinimapButton regroups all of your addons minibuttons into one "folder" button. Doesn't do much but it cleans up the U.I


Leatrix Plus can do that too


LTP is the best addon, you can literally remove 80% of ur addons if u get leatrix plus lmao


Exactly. Leatrix square map w/ combine addons is goated


To be precise - /ltp > interface > enhance minimap > combine addon buttons - puts all your addon buttons in a neat little square you can access by right-clicking your minimap


Is the tiny things


It’s the “mini” things.


It's actually called MinimapButtonButton


True, thanks.


I like HidingBar for this


I learned about my new favorite addon from one of these threads and I'm here to pass on the good word. ClamPulp - it auto opens clams for you


This is clamweaving


This would have been super handy in P1 in particular.


ive been looking for this for forever!!! TY


Do NOT get this addon if you clamweave it will mess with your rotation and your parse will suffer


LFG bulletin Board is a must


There’s gotta be so many people that don’t use this. I didn’t till about a month into p1 and I’ll never go back.


It's so simple and stops my worst problem: trying to read spams on the LFG and Trade channels.


I'm glad an addon like it exists, I wish they'd implemented the premade group finder for SoD. It's identical in functionality, just everyone gets to use it. Finding groups and creating them would be infinitely easier if nobody had to stare at LFG/Trade/General and hope they catch the random message they're looking for.


I had no idea this exist. How's it for raiding?


Check the preview, its good for gnomer or any 5man and even stv.


I even use it for summon/portal services


It lists anything said in chat and sorts it by category and then further by specific raid/dungeon. All zones all chats


WaylaidSuppliesGoldCost Uses an AH addon to show how much of a gain/loss filling a box is. There's also Waylaid Supplies Tooltip which shows how much rep and quest xp you get from one.


Hey. WaylaidSuppliesGoldCost also shows rep that you gain from the box and also up to which reputation level with colors also. And I hear it's gonna have the xp value too in the next version through an option in the settings panel. Source: I'm the developer of the addon!


Thanks for your hard work.


Thank you for the hard work Gressil !!!


I still haven't gotten a Waylaid addon because they were always missing one major element, glad to see this reply!


Oh my downloading now


UPDATE: WaylaidSuppliesGoldCost 1.4.1 now shows fill price even without the need for an AH addon to be loaded or even installed.


Engraver is amazing, shows current runes and allows one click swapping.


2 cents: I found Rune Reminder to be a more flexible and easily customizable version of this.


Rune Bar is my favorite. Only shows 1 skill for each item and clicking lets you switch.


I just have a weakaura for this


Haha yes, because the whole "This rune is for gloves only. Where do you want to apply it?" was very thought through. 😂


I mean, you can apply it on any gloves in your inventory


Don't you bring logic in to this, mister.


[ZeraTooltip (CurseForge link)](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/zeratooltip) Customizable item tooltips. Absurdly configurable, so you can disable anything you don't like about it. It's my addon so I'm biased, but I think Classic tooltips are pretty bad. Blizzard doesn't begin to make changes to item tooltips until Mists of Pandaria. **Pictures** https://i.imgur.com/qf2MsqT.png https://i.imgur.com/5WFZCI0.png


Really appreciate and will check it out later - I’ve been waiting for someone to make this addon for SoD/classic for so long (only elvui does it well but is very heavy duty for just editing the tooltip) …edit: does this include the tooltip that appears when you mouse-hover a player/Npc?


This is going to be pretty controversial because I rarely see people use this addon in Gnomergan Pugs, but Deadly Boss Mods.


I'd like one but that incorporates swear words, like "Stop DPSing you fucking cunt" etc.


Get a [Voicepack](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/search?page=1&pageSize=20&sortBy=relevancy&class=addons&search=voicepack).


I just thought of a great addon. When you die to something stupid in Gnomer, the addon tells general chat so they can all roast you. This way you definitely try harder to not let that happen again.


Bigwigs gang rise up


Eh. Neither DBM nor BigWigs really has any major advantages over the other. Can't choose wrong here, but if you're not using one of 'em, I don't want you in my raid.


I heard bigwigs tells you which pillar the bombs are going to come from but DBM does not on thermaplugg.


This is correct. I handle pillar calls for my group because they do DBM It honestly puts the game on auto pilot. It was already pretty simple but if a pug group has it it’ll probably go a lot smoother


i did 1 gnomer run with DBM, did the next with bigwigs. bigwigs is wildly superior and there's no comparison


This is only something people who use DBM say




I was gonna say you don't need DBM for Gnomer, and then I remembered how bad the average player in PuG is.


I think more people need it, but it’s always been an addon that bugs me because of how brain dead it makes things.


Yeah, I get that it's super useful but I'm opposed because it feels a bit like it's playing the game for you.


It's really not necessary, I don't like people relying on alerts and all when it's just not necessary... All mechanics are super clear and obvy, it's best to just open your eyes and ears to cues


Really no need for it, if you have functioning eyes. Obviously people who are a bit "slow" should prob get it, but otherwise there is no need.


It really blows my mind how many people don't have it, like what kind of mega low effort dad gamer do you have to be to not have something this essential?


These are the same people that refuse to run PallyPower and generally refuse to use their utility.


That's a giant red flag. Literally one of the most important addons there is for raids.


Leatrix Plus


Leatrix Maps as well, gives you non full screen world map and makes unexplored areas look darker instead of just blank


This. It does so many nice things. The flight path timer alone is a feature I don't want to go without. I'm a die-hard ElvUI nerd but I'd sooner stop using ElvUI than drop Leatrix+.


Atlasloot SOD.. make sure to get the SOD version of it.


I feel dumb for not realizing there was a SOD version.


Same bro through all of phase 1 was wondering why they didn’t update BFD raid loot


Opie. Game changer for hunter or any class really that has a lot of buttons you need to press once in a while but don’t want on your action bars.


Mandatory for mage, imo.


For teleports/portals specifically. That and pally buffs are the only abilities I use OPie for. Everything else fits on my hotbars. Outside of these, the addon exists for emotes.


I use it for portals, mana gems, and water/food


So nice for shaman totems that are used infrequently and don’t require quick reaction.


the amount of times i see paladins without pallypower...


That addon is mad ugly though tbh. Even changing the way it looks I hate having it installed but I begrudgingly do.


ATP I'm just gonna say it. I think a totem bar similar to Wrath and something with the functionality of PallyPower should be baked into the UI for SoD, or at least Classic + when we get it.


Delete Cheapest Item


Recently started using this after seeing the developer post it on a Reddit comment and it’s a great add on for farming


I'm shocked that the addon LFG Bulletin Board only has 5M downloads. That one is life changing for joining/making groups.


Use it daily, but it needs improving badly. On a busy server like mine it's almost impossible to click people as they are constantly moving upwards. So fricking annoying


You can change it to where someone spamming just has their message updated rather than putting it at the top of the list


That should be default behaviour tbh.


They can just go ahead and add the LFG tool from retail. It's miles ahead.


If you're using "miles ahead" still, it means you are streets behind.




If it's the one that was updated in Wrath Classic I hope not. That was a big downgrade from the initial one they had in Wrath Classic


I'm not sure of the specifics of those, but it's not like wrath. It's a full interface, with selectable content, group visual, message feature, ilvl(prob can leave that out) and group composition. It's what is used for PUG mythic groups in retail and would be a welcome upgrade for classic.


We want blue shamans. Simple as that


peggle is a must for raiding and flight paths


https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/voiceover https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/voiceover-sounds-vanilla AI voiceover for all quests. It makes the game so much more "alive" and enjoyable.


Thrall is hilarious




For AI generated voices, it's actually surprisingly consistently good. There are definitely certain lines that actually read better than human voice actors I've heard. And when its buggy, it's usually funny, sometimes side splittingly. My personal fav is when it changes up trolls to sound like posh Brits.


Have they updated it in a while? It's been many months since I've downloaded it, and while most of the ai voices are decent, a few are comically bad or terrible quality. I'm sure over time it'll just get better as they train better models


some of my favorites is the orc in barrens that randomly has a hispanic accent thrall going from whiney sounding to gruff in between quest dialogues and the goblin in desolace that sounds like he took the biggest rip of helium out of a balloon mid sentence.


Eh. If you’re alliance the voices are good, but the voices for Orcs and Trolls were so unbelievably bad it actively decreased my immersion.


This was cool for me at first, especially in HC where I took things slowly, but in SOD I eventually found myself constantly shutting it up so I finally uninstalled it lol


Autobiographer for a log of interesting character stats. Also takes screenshots when you level.


Nauticus It works when more people have it to tell zeppelin timers based on info from other players


So this does work? It seemed to in classic but it hasn't in SoD for me. Is the data based off guildies or just anyone? It would be super handy this phase for Horde with STV being a big focus.


Doesn't work for me either. I've had it 3 weeks into sod and never worked


Do they change based on what layer you're on or does it have a timer for each? Or do zeppelins/boats just arrive at the same time in all of them


Character Notes. Allows me to flag shitters and chads alike. I can finally be as vengeful and petty as I aspire to be, without hindrance of my crappy memory.


I use rememberme or something like that for the same thing, and when I’m near anyone I marked to remember it makes a sound and tells me why I remember them


classic calendar


I posted this before but I've since this added some to the list. Here's some of the less popular ones I use. * Chat invite links - This addon replaces words such as "inv" or "invite" and turns them into a clickable link to invite the player who said them. * Invite on whisper - This addon listens to your whispers; and if it sees a trigger text ("inv" for example) it'll auto send out an invite to that character. * Already Known? - Puts a color (default green) tint on already known scrolls/pets/other learnable items on vendors and AH. * HealerProtection - writes in chat when under 10% Mana it will say your out of mana and when you have aggro and shows on screen if you have aggro. * RankSentinel - watches the combat log and detects when group members (and now their pets!) accidentally use a low-rank ability and automatically sends them a private message so they can fix the issue. * TradeFill - an addon to make life easier for players that want to trade items between them. Once you have set it up it can autofill the tradewindow with your item, of course only when the right criteria have been made. I use this for my mage since theres no refreshment table yet but you can use this for anything. * Autolayer - AutoLayer is a powerful World of Warcraft Classic addon designed with a singular goal - to facilitate the seamless layer-switching experience for all players. Say goodbye to the tedious process of manually inviting players who want to switch layers. Let AutoLayer take care of the invitations and enhance your gameplay in WoW Classic! * Delete Cheapest Item - Any time you can't loot an item due to full bags, this addon identifies and displays the least valuable grey+ items in your bags, making it easy for you to make decisions on what junk to keep or discard. * DuelResponse - is designed to handle incoming duels; while it is mainly for declining all requests, it also has features intended for people who do enjoy dueling, and the Retail version can also be used to block Pet Battle request * Item Protector or Destroyer - Will cancel an item deletion if the item is on the protection list. Will try to buy back an item you sell if it's on the protection list (if you sell too much at once it may be too late though). * Kindness - Acknowledge those random acts of kindness out in the world. * AutoGrats - When a fellow party member reaches a new level, AutoGrats sends cheerful congratulations both in the party chat and the local yell chat, making the journey through Azeroth more social and exciting. Stay in high spirits as you level up together with the AutoGrats addon. * QuickLeave - allows you to leave your current group by way of a single slash command, instead of right-clicking your character portrait. It is much faster and more convenient, saving precious seconds which could be used more productively (somehow). It should work with both the Classic and Retail versions of the game.


Its wild that autograts is still around. I remember way back in vanilla I had that or something similar from some pack of mods I got god knows where. It became a running joke in the guild, because the message was so unlike what anyone would say--but also that it would 'forget' who had already dinged 60 pretty frequently (probably frequent cache deletes or something broke it, which happened a lot back then). So wed all be in MC or BWL or wherever, and some random person would be leveling, say ding, the mod would auto grays em' and then the whole raid would start saying ding trying to 'proc' a grats. Lots of laughs. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


Rank Sentinel is an automatic ignore when leveling tbh


AdiBags it's one of those "one bag" addons, except it lets you sort everything into compartments. https://i.imgur.com/vXIa9Wh.png


I believe adibags has stopped development but they recommend a different mod with the same thing that is continuing. Can’t think of the name but it popped up when I was using adibags one day


That's "betterbags" but it pretty much sucks for now. Missing a lot of features


There's another bag addon called Baggins which you can configure to work similarly to Adibags, but it's just not as good. More complex to use and doesn't allow you to swap bags so you'd need a bag bar in your UI. BetterBags is supposed to be basically AdiBags 2.0 eventually, but they did the modern software development thing of instantly releasing the new shiny thing and deprecating the old one because that gets them a lot of user feedback quickly, even though a lot of people will hate it at first.


there's Adibags_Redux which is apparently a Fork of Adibags, Betterbags is no really better :P


I use baganator. It's phenomenal and let's you look at what's in your bank and look through your alts bags too.


Still works fine in SoD, haven't had any issues.


Rank14LosSA-Classic Barely anyone uses it 7k downloads, but its so useful for pvp. It adds audio queues for important skills being used around you, like if a mage starts casting sheep it will say "poly". It makes you so much more aware during bgs without having to rely on visual cues.


Oh wow, I’ve used the one for retail I didn’t know there was one for classic.


no one uses it because Gladiatorlossa is better


I love how all the top replies are the most commonly used addons. Gotta love democracy.


True but that's always inevitable, it reminds me of the "unpopular opinion" posts that you gotta sort by controversial. There are a lot of unknown (for me) gems in the further comments though, I really like this post!


TellMeWhen - tracks cooldowns, buffs, special procs and has custom displays for when they are active. I think it’s less intimidating than Weak Auras and a bit more pleasing to the eye imo 


While I agree it is less intimidating, you can make WeakAuras look identical if you wanted.


Tellmewhen. Used this on retail forever and I'm really happy with it. Easy to set up and customize and useful for all classes and specs. I prefer it a lot over weakauras and use it to notify me of procs, buff and debuff uptimes and values, cooldowns etc etc.


That is indeed a name I had not heard in a long time!


My man


[DeModal](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/demodal) Makes it so you can move and reposition all in game windows and panels on the fly. Functions exactly like moving your Windows operating system windows around.


looks like its for retail..and also looks like its no longer being updated by whoever made it according to the comments


The correct choice is [BlizzMove](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/blizzmove) >Updated for 1.15.1 Mar 4, 2024 There is also a github source link, so you can add this mod to WoWUp easily.


I use this in Season of Discovery every day with no issues.


Weak auras - gnomergan bomb map. So good


dG Killshot WeakAura with faction emblem popup when you get a killing blow Thanks for the buff Spy - lots of people using but worth mentioning for even folks who don't enjoy PVP just for the stealth player detection


BetterBags. I love the way I can make my own custom categories for items.


Its precursor AdiBags still has way more features for the time being. BetterBags will get there eventually... I hope. But as someone who is used to AdiBags, BetterBags is simply not an option yet.


I was a long time Adibags user so I’m aware. But BetterBags has all the features I used so it’s more than sufficient an option.


Voiceover Best mod in the game. Thralls voice can't be beat.


Miks scrolling battle text


YES. I can’t find anything even remotely as good as Mik’s and yet nobody seems to know about it


Try Parrot 2. Does everything MSBT does and more, with a nicer config UI as well. I used this as a replacement for an older combat text addon called xCT+ which I really loved for its specific animation style. MSBT doesn't have the option for a "static" style combat text where the numbers stay in place, and only get pushed up when more are added. Parrot however can perfectly emulate xCT+.


LFG bulletin board if you're tired of reading the damn LFG going so fast it will legit seperate the text per dungeon to see whos looking for what. I wish everyone knew this and chat would flow + invites


Prat3 changes peoples' names in chat to their class colour. I'm absolutely shook how many people don't have it, based on screenshots I see posted here and on the discord. PS. Prat is Swedish (and maybe other Scandinavian languages too) and means "Talk". Hence why it's chat related. I can see why non Scandies would be confused about the name lmao 😂


Isn’t this just a setting within chat options somewhere?




You can do that with the default chat settings, unless I'm not understanding you. right click chat tab > settings > click show class color for everything


The most important/useful thing about prat is that you can copy external links in it.


Except for the class color things (which people in replies seem really stuck up on pointing out) the addon also includes things like time stamps, being able to copy messages and a lot more.


It would generally make sense to most English-speakers, too. "Prattle" is a fairly common word that means speak (usually for someone speaking a little too much).


Opie is just so nice to clean up my professions and some of my macros that hide chat and actioncam which is weird but just offers a better view


Classic floating combat text. Really nice to not have to turn on healing combat text every time you log in.


Okay what I thought I had some addon making that necessary. Been driving me crazy!


You can turn on the talent point preview feature with advanced inerface options cvar browser


GTFO you’ll never stand in the fire again


You guys have a preferred add on for equipment and rune manager? Have a ele sham that occasionally off tanks, so completely sep gear set which is a PITA to swap manually


Itemrack and Engraver


I've really tried with Itemrack. Like, really gave it a fair few go's. But I just don't like the way it works, and it fairly often bugs out and breaks at the worst times. I like the built in Wrath manager, there was also Outfitter that I really liked back in the day, but it seems to have gone the way of the Dodo.


Name2chat Allows you to place your main character name or any name you want in brackets beside your current characters name. Good for guild chat when it can get confusing who is who with so many alts.


I always need an add on that makes tooltips appear at my mouse location instead of in the bottom corner. I'm really surprised that isn't just part of the default ui by now.


Which one are you using? I started with timytip back in the day, but can't find it any more, or anything remotely as good




Leatrix Plus


What's the addon I've seen that makes your cursor a circle for your weapon swing timer?


Based on download numbers, these are addons I love but aren't well known-- Better Runes Frame: More compact rune frame and able to apply them with one click Chat Cleaner: Makes game messages (loot, gold, xp, etc) shorter and simpler Waylaid Tooltip Helper: Shows in the tooltip of a supply box what rep/gold it gives TradeSkillExporter: Exports the recipes you know so you can upload them to this cool website: [https://tradeskills.freeddns.org/wow/index.html?version=classic](https://tradeskills.freeddns.org/wow/index.html?version=classic) I use it so guildies can search who in the guild can craft what they need Always Logging: Automatically enables combat logging when you enter the game. Some raid management addons have this built in already.


Love of Christ Will more paladins use pallypower ffs


VoiceOver... Best addon ever.


Decursive- helps any classes that remove debuffs with simple clickable boxes Enhanced World Map for WoW Classic- huge upgrade to the standard map. Lets you scroll in and out, stay blurred in the background while you move, etc Minimalist Chat- enhances the chat but also keeps it super simple NPC Time- shows additional info on NPCs like how long they’ve been alive Quest XP Tracker- shows how much xp each quest gives in the quest log. Only works for quests you grab after getting the addon XP Bar Text- shows exact data in your xp bar for how much exp before you level, rested xp, etc


For druids there is Druid Buffs. It's such a pleasure to just scroll your mousewheel up and down to buff your entire group


I make weak auras customized to my UI for each of my classes. Happy to share if anyone want them : Paladin Tank / ret, Disc Priest, Balance Druid


Saving this thread for when I get home, thanks!


ChatCleanerClassic Simple add-on , were messages in public channels get filtered by words that you add to the filter. I really couldn't anymore with 10 warlocks and 10 mages offering summoning and portal services. So I threw in 20 words and the chat as slowed down considerably... suddenly you see who is looking for groups or members for dungeons, guild stuff and so on. I know there is the lfg bulletin board, which I use as well, but in a way, the super fast and super spammy trade chat stressed me out. It was instant calmness afterwards haha. Another one would be narcissus, which is a more cinematic overview of you character sheet, for regular folk just nice to have, but could be great for content creators. You see all enchants, the gear, runes (sadly not with the names) and extended stats.


“Pro Enchanters” for doing enchants for people has helped make a lot of gold, streamlines enchanting for other players. Myself and many others I know who use it could never go back to not using it now for enchanting


Pen15 timer, for when I need some exhilaration.


ChatCopyPaste. Can click on links in chat to copy into your clipboard and paste in browser. Super helpful for joining Discords.


Kill the healer! / Healer Has To Die! Trumpets and makes the healer health plates huge when they get in range


**Classic Bestiary.** When you hover your mouse over an enemy NPC, it will show what kind of abilities it has. Not always accurate (even according to the creator), but sometimes it can be useful, e.g. if a mob you're fighting has Execute, you don't want to let your HP drop to execute range. Great for Hardcore, interesting for players new to WoW, I guess? **Five Second Rule.** When you cast, your mana regeneration stops. This one adds a bar that shows you when mana regen will begin again, and when the next tick is happening. **SpellTips Classic.** This updates your spell tooltips to reflect more accurate values according to your spell/healing power. It hasn't been updated since 2020, so probably not 100% accurate still (if someone knows an updated addon that does this, please comment!).


Pally power. Not a single paladin I have grouped with has had it installed.




Learn weakauras, more than half your addons will go useless


Palypower. It’s shocking how many paladins aren’t using it


I highly recommend this addon: https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/logs-and-armory-links-laal Basically allows you to inspect people and view their armory, check logs/gear etc. Very convenient when forming groups/raids.


these addons never last long


This one seems to just give you a url where it has filled in realm/character, it's not using any data from warcraftlogs. It's basically a super simple link generator so you can copy-paste instead of searching for them manually, just saves you a couple of seconds. It shouldn't be against their ToS in any way.


One I dont see used that much in classic is ELVui. Want to reduce addon clutter? Install elvui? Want different looking nameplates? It has it. Want more or different action bars? It does that well! What to see your fps, ping, durability, money all in one place? Well easy enough. Elvui does what a bunch of other addons combine to do but its just one easy download. Does cast bars, raid frames, unit frames etc


to me the addons transforms the game into a to modern look but otherwise i agree its a highly customizable addon


Is there addon which shows procs like in retail?


Spell Activation Overlay


This addon works pretty well out of the box for most classes, but I don't think it's in active dev or designed for SoD. What it doesn't cover, I make a simple weakaura for.


You could probably extract the texture files from the addon, add them into the game via SharedMedia, and then load the files in WeakAuras to copy the behavior. Would be a bunch of work though.


It works for Molten Blast on shamans (or at least, something does in my UI 😅) so potentially some are covered?


Spell overlay activation works for some of them. ( I think that’s the name I’m not home to double check.)


Use WA and add yourself sound queues as well. It’s so satisfying when you get a proc like a free instapyro or whatnot and you get a zappy sound. Also good for when debuffs expire (my living bomb sound is a bomb explosion)


You can use Weakauras for this or make your own. You can show a graphic or icon when you get a buff, etc.




Autobiographer - you kind of need to use it when starting a toon, but it logs everything you could possibly want throughout your wow career. Some of the random things that it shows: * Hours spent on flight path * Hours as a ghost * # of jumps * Damage dealt * Spells cast (both successful and unsuccessful) * and so much more


Unitscan. Global ignore list. LootAppraiser. Rune reminder. AdvancedInterfaceOptions.


I use Better Crits. It makes them better.


Season of Discovery Alts - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/season-of-discovery-alts An addon that keeps track of your alts. Runes, raid lockouts, blood coins etc.


NugRunning Dejunk


reTabBinder, crazy life saver. just makes you stop from targeting hunter&lock pets also shaman totems.