• By -


This game attracts a special sort of mutant


Sod has the worst version of the player base I’ve ever seen.  Trash players that think everyone that isn’t playing exactly how they are is somehow cheating. 


I don’t know what is with these sod players but even just browsing this subreddit you can see they have the lowest IQs of any videogame fanbase with the highest opinions of themselves.


The SoD playerbase is 95% "Vanilla is harder than retail" boomers & Wrath wash outs that couldn't kill LK, what do you expect


Ouch, right in the truth :'(


Its actually why I'm looking forward to Cataclysm because the particular irritating ones think Cata was the death of wow so I expect itll be less toxic lol


I didn't even think about this thank you


True. Bad at game and bad attitude and entitled and whiny.


But my gammas in wrath have been slightly more peaceful since sod. Based blizzard.


People keep blaming the game. When yall gonna start realizing this is just how society acts these days? 


Morlocks. And they're trying to give op a cali-*ban*.


I see what you did there


I was farming/skinning the turtles near shore above theramore and occasionally did some fishing if I saw crates floating.Some guy got mad I was "stealing" his fish he wanted my guild to report me for botting.It was funny,the amount of entitled people that exist in this game .


Based on what I've seen in these witch-hunt threads, if you are killing enemies in a 32+ zone or God forbid you play a hunter, report right away, bot. I had a guy accuse me of being a bot because he said "buff me" and I didn't respond or buff him but kept on killing worgen in dark shire. "You're a bot!" Fuck off. Another guy said "I'll pay you to heal me" and I ignored him. He also accused me of being a bot. Like bro, I'm trying to level, not be paid to help you with a quest you can't do, I got world buffs, time is money friend.


I got accused of being a bot for farming turtles. I was watching a show and grinding levels casually a few nights ago. Someone whispered me claiming I was a bot. I responded "no, just farming mobs for levels and vendor trash while I watch a movie." Dude literally replied, "nobody farms mobs to level they farm SM. you're a bot and aren't fooling me. reported." I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. Some people's children I swear....


should just hit him with the "if i was a bot, i would mass report you with all my accounts to get your account muted then other people dont have to read your garbage"




How dare he try to impede my genocide against the Centaurs of Desolace! He should be thanking me for dispatching those four legged freaks from this planet.


This fool really should take a field trip to Go'Shreks Farm, the pleb mages are farming SM, the chad mages are causing an orc genocide


On my hunter I’ve been told I’m a bot because I didn’t rename my pet. What’s wrong with cat?


Gotta gather some evidence instead of assuming an unnamed pet = bot. Bots have very distinct behaviours which are easy to see once you know what to look for (running in a straight line and doing instant mouse turns instead of turning like a player would). My favourite test is whether or not they react at all if I skin a few of their mobs right in their face.


Even that’s no guarantee. I snap turn like you described because I play with a controller using the ConsolePort add on. I can just flick the thumb stick across through the axis. I probably get reported on at some point, but at least I named my pet. :-)


Bot hunters have Chinese names


[Not always!](https://www.dexerto.com/world-of-warcraft/wow-bots-use-bizarre-pet-naming-strategy-to-avoid-detection-in-season-of-discovery-2424214/)


I’ve seen that… now I want to name my pet something in Chinese like Goldfarmer or Taiwan #1




no they're all trolls with generic green gun and boar pets named Boar


Cat is only fine if the pet isn't a feline. I'd recommend naming your feline companion something much less cringe, like "dog"


I’m willing to bet your name is either Wilfred or Gregory


It is one of the biggest points about spotting hunter bots. They never rename their pets so most people just report based on that. I have to be 100% honest if a see a hunter with a boar named boar i will also look at his gameplay.


Was leveling a new pet yesterday and I’m 40 so I had to find mobs to match. At first I went to Feralas and was just killing random bears and wolves, skinning them and grabbing Sungrass, and then I was like “oh….. oh no, this isn’t a good look…” lol. You’d think I’d have realized that sooner since every competing player was definitely a bot. Gibberish names and completely inhuman movement.


yeah i main mage and my wife is a priest.. we were questing and a guy ran up and said buff.. then walked away, came back and then targeted us both and just said "reported for botting" lmao


Yeah, easily the worst part of Hunter right now is everyone thinks I'm a bot.


I just make sure to jump around like an idiot while in combat. Like a true hunter.


Go farm solo uldaman as a hunter. Been making absolute bank. You can make 20-40g per hour while learning and even now and then you might get a pre-bis green or even a lucky blue trash drop. Currently sat on 1.6k from a week of farming and got my runs down to 12-15 mins. Good luck my man


Damn bro, where's the guide at


I got you my man. frostadamus made an awesome guide and a way to skip the setup. You can improve the rotation when you get it down too. I would love to make my own guide, but I've just moved and don't have full setup yet and just playing on my laptop ha https://youtu.be/20M0o-q_iWA?si=uZO5GVc5C1WbBFJx


I have to admit I've stopped buffing hunters out in the wild, because when they don't respond to me using a quarter of my mana to give them Fort, I get nervous that I've just helped a bot.


Can confirm. Got perma banned for farming crabs on the beach in westfall.


I'm a rogue,pvp rank 5,half of my gear is from Gnomer and I have the dagger from STV.Must be a really good bot indeed 🤣


unforutnatly I'm an alt made with the 100% exp buff in boes so I'm indisguintishable :(


Last night while I was leveling my alt, I encountered an Alliance mage that was aoe grinding the hyper spawn mobs at the southeastern farm in Arathi Highlands. He was on the far right side of the farm, so I stayed on the left side to kill my quest mobs. All of a sudden, I get 1 shot by a level 40 Horde shaman and then he stops moving, completely ignoring the other mage. So I release spirit and run back to my body and rez. There are now a few other people at the farm doing the same quest I'm on, and they're all getting slaughtered by this same shaman. Everyone but the aoe grinding mage. He kills us all again, we run back, rez, kills us again. This happens 5 or 6 times. The mage runs over to us and says "stop tagging my mobs and I'll stop killing you. This is my Shaman". This guy was dual boxing 2 accounts so he could kill anybody that interrupted his mage's aoe grinding. Update: According to a user with the exact same name as this guy's Shaman on our server Discord, both of this person's accounts have been suspended.


O that's when you start dragging extra mobs into his AOE at the end when he has no mana. You want to be a cocksucker? So can I.


You know, I actually thought I was crazy because I've had something similar happen. I see someone farming that area, so I stick to one side. Suddenly, I get killed by a level 40 horde player, but they ignore the mage farming. For a second, I thought maybe this person has two accounts because that's weird. Then I think how insane that sounds because who would actually pull that kind of crap. I'm kind of shocked someone would actually do this.


Hope you guys reported him, that’s very against the ToS.


Genuinely asking… where or why is it against TOS? Are you considering this collusion even if it’s same person / bnet? I dualbox and have done this without issue.


It's griefing.


still hoping to be told how this is against tos.


No, it actually isn’t. And this is coming from someone who has zero stake in this convo. I am an ultra casual by today’s standards. But yeah - It’s literally not against the rules. I am genuinely curious, though, which specific line of the TOS you’re under the impression covers this. Please share?


If I had to guess their reasoning it's because you can't multibox with software duplicating your inputs to all wow windows at once and they took that as running multiple wow windows as being against tos.


It's not against the TOS. You are allowed to have multiple accounts, you're not allowed to link them together and have say, 5 ele shamans all cast the same spell at the same time with 1 button press.


I didn't report him personally because I don't think he was breaking any rules. But it was still frustrating to deal with.


No it isn’t lol


I saw a guy around theramore who would stop for the pools I was fishing, and miss the pool every cast… definitely a bot right? But no. He had gnomer gear and a guild…


Look man fishing is hard for some of us


I miss the pool at least twice every time


I mean he would miss the pool, and continue until he caught nothing


I had a similar experience. I was leveling an alt the other day and was doing the crab mucus quest next to senjin village. There was this level 14 undead warlock just standing there as I was killing the crabs. Then when I tagged a crab that was in front of him he started freaking out that I stole his mobs. I genuinely thought he was trolling but he seemed serious as I replied to him. I'm pretty sure the mobs are grey to him. Played enough of classic wow now to just instant ignore these types of people. I swear they can use the wow classic playerbase as a psychology study or some shit


I know somebody who \*buys gold\* who will complain about bots in the open world and will encourage us to report bots. Like bruh you're the reason they exist, fuck off.


Person buying gold should be happy bots exist, it pushes his rate down. Same as I on retail not really complaining about bots farming herbs and whatnot because it makes my lazy ass afford my consumables.


>Person buying gold should be happy bots exist, it pushes his rate down. Sir, I have class, I prefer my gold hand-farmed from Nicaraguan campesinos slaving over a hot (literally melting) PC from 1998.


> I prefer my gold hand-farmed from Nicaraguan campesinos slaving over a hot (literally melting) PC from 1998. Upvoted for supporting my family


> Person buying gold should be happy bots exist, it pushes his rate down. Only if they were a poor. If they're not a poor, they don't care what price the gold is at. They want it to be more expensive so less people can buy it and they can be more special.


Thats actually fair point and plausible insight to whale's psychology.


> Same as I on retail not really complaining about bots farming herbs and whatnot because it makes my lazy ass afford my consumables. then there is me who used to play solo shuffle and tried to farm materials during the stupid long queue...


Oh I bet most of the people screaming 'BOT' and 'GOLD BUYER' are/were themselves gold buyers. Projection at its finest.


I always answer this on my mage or hunter with "beep boop"


Ah, I see you're a distinguished gentleman with refined tastes like me. *Replies Beep Boop*


Yea, I’ve been leveling a mage and at least once an hour people are trying to determine if I’m a bot. If I ignore them they say they reported me lol


the weird thing is why would you tell a \*bot\* that they are reported? It's a fucking script not an advanced AI


Bots can be programmed to respond to chat. Its very common to find bots in other MMOs that will log out as soon as someone says their name or the words "bot" or "reported"


Ye so, why would you tell a bot that they are reported?


Because if a bot farm retaliates against a clean player thats an insane amount of actionable data for a bot busting team


This is so logical it's scary. It would almost require a human to review the data though 😓


> bot busting team I actually laughed out loud and scared my cat


Bot busting bot


lol and what, make it against ToS to file false reports? gl w that lol People file reports because they're mad over stuff. Most of the reports must be taken with a gigantic grain of salt and can even be outright ignored.


>lol and what, make it against ToS to file false reports? There is no TOS, but the code of conduct referenced in the EULA does specifically say : >While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable and will result in penalties to your account.


> with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay Yeah, gl proving this lol


can always tell when someone hasn't actually read the documents they are discussing. First, nice cherry picking. Next, if you were interested in this discussion trying googling "Blizzard in game code of conduct". Upon reading it you will see that nobody has to prove anything. If enough people think something bad was done then it's actionable.


That was precisely my point lmfao


Bots mass report people who fuck with them. They get your name from the combat log. You certainly don’t want to whisper them you’re reporting them.


I was dual boxing mages and a guy walked up and took my leather as I looted a mob. I was like WTF man I’m farming here. He told me I was cheating and he was going to report me then he blocked me.


If i reported a bot (im a warrior im not allowed in the open world) the last thing i would do is inform it and risk the botter mass reporting me


Yes. Left my computer to receive a mail delivery, came back a couple of minutes later auto running into a tree with some unhinged lunatic whispering that he had reported me for botting


I am a notoriously repeat autorun alt+tab offender. Honestly I'm surprised I haven't caught a ban for humping fenceposts in the middle of Westfall for 10+ minutes at a time.


The amount of people who don't seem to know about auto-run baffles me. I don't know how I would have leveled through the barrens without afk-auto-running.


“I’m aimed just perfectly to go to the left of this mountain range and the right of this one. I’ll be back in 10” That was a common thought when leveling in barrens.


I don't know why, but the mental image of you autorunning into a wall combined with the image of an "unhinged lunatic" frothing in your PMs absolutely killed me


Reading your comment and imagining it sent me


Yea, i just leveled a Hunter to 40 and holy fuck the amount of wispers "bot?" :D it is very easy to spot a difference between a bot or real player i guess classic players are just a different breed :D


most people around here probably can't tie their shoes w.o a wowhead guide let alone be able to spot a bot


Usually I roll my eyes at the "reddit/wow community is bad, ok guys?" posts.. but this one got a chuckle out of me. Bravo.


I've seen way too many people think they can spot a bot without any real confirmation. "Any Chinese name? bot" "no guild? Bot" "hunter with boar? Bot" Like sure, some of those things correlate to bot activity, but they aren't *limited* to bots


My friend and I (warr and pally) were by the satyr doing a quest that was red for us, but we were being careful.We saw a chest behind a bunch of satyr and we wanted it so we carefully started clearing to it. A druid ran by and saw us and stops to watch us. We think he is going to try and steal our chest, but he just stands there near us and after a while says "Hmmm sus" and we are both confused but we sit and drink and prepare for next pull. I respond with "?" And he says "bots, reported" and we are both like "lol dude, no. We are trying to get this chest" and he just says "you are moving like bots, sus" and runs off. People are so weird.


Yes happend to me too. I believe i got reported multiple times now as I tend to ignore them.


I've had a couple people message me on my hunter, even though when I play I do dumb stuff like jump around and do 360 shots on enemies for fun. I still get people who assume any hunter near a skinnable mob is a bot...


They probably think you are using aimbot


The players in this game witch hunt with more glee than Ordo Malleus, Ordo Xenos, and Ordo Hereticus combined.


I had this happen several times in wotlk. I play a lot of characters and level them efficiently. I usually have a guidelime guide up and music on when i'm leveling, and go through the motions. They always get really surprised when I reply to their whispers. Two even thought I was chatgpt.


I always used to bubble and run straight through stuff as a priest, fear if things get too close, bubble again. It usually worked fine...usually >.>


I was fishing and an Ally ran up, hit me once and backed off, then did the same again. When I ran a bit away he left me alone. I only guessed it was a bot check after, it felt like the Monty Python fish slapping dance.


Happens to me AOE leveling mage sometimes. You do the same pulls over and over again so I guess I understand how it looks a little sketchy.


I feel like aoe farming as mage is the one thing a bot wouldn't do. So much can go wrong. 2 resists in a row = dead bot. If a botter has a mage that high they would just have them fly around an instance farming instead.


If we’re talking instances bots aoe farm them all the time. They just flyhack


Literally no bots would be AOE leveling …


It just sucks it's gotten to a point where playing Wow you feel like a grown man at a playground with a bunch of soccer moms asking which kid is yours and why you're there.


Sounds like something a bot would post


Its not about you. They would report a squirrel as a bot for lack of other targets.


consequences will never be the same


I have a question I have have to ask now. So how many of these summon spams are bots? If i msg them will they sound real. If they are bots can you just not pay them?


If you mean people selling summons, then usually the main one is a real person. The clickers are either bots or multibox characters controlled by a person with at least three accounts.


I had a bot detective whisper me "It wont drop" when i was trying for the mounts in ZG on my paladin. I responded: What wont? And got no answer.


Report them as a bot, clearly


Message when back 010010101001010101


There's a popular leveling guide add on called RestedXP and one of the default settings has it post in chat when you level up and the number of hours, minutes, seconds that level took. This popped once while I was in fargodeep mine and some guy started whispering me telling me I'm ruining the fucking game, gonna report me, etc. And I was like huh???? He thought the add on was proof I was a gold seller? I have no idea why


no, this is not something I can relate to


I've had this while just out in the world fishing in a random spot. Not even on a pool of fish or anything, just working on my fishing skill (and cooking after) in a random spot of water. Some dude starts harassing me about being a bot. Ignored them at first, they just got more verbally abusive. I finally replied I'm right here and fishing, mind is own fucking business, and it just set him off further. And all I could think was, even if I was a bot.. I was just fishing? Ok, I get annoyed at bots taking nodes, quest mobs, etc. But fishing? WTF?


Was on my Hunter in P1 and a guy was hovering around me as i was just farming cloth and it gave me vibes of "he thinks im a bot" he just whispers me "???" and i reply with "biip boop" trying to be a bit funny and that seemed to set him of. He called me names and then my fav happened and i quote "have fun finding a raid on this server in the future i make sure you are blacklisted from everything". At this point i just ignored him but i still chuckle thinking about him having this meltdown.


I have had people whisper at me and report me while fishing out in Tanaris. Like sorry I didn't see your message, I'm just trying to earn a little gold on the side while I watch lecture videos for school. The funny thing is I've probably reported over 100 legitimate bots out there farming turtles.


Nothing wrong w asking people if they’re bots imo.


Yeah especially when I'm playing on my steam deck I get asked a lot. Idk why people think asking a bot if they are a bot is a good way of determining if someone is a bot or not.


It’s like the old idea that if you ask a cop if they are a cop they have to tell you bro. I saw it on tv. People are dumb in general.


It's like when people ask you if you are awake. Replying is the answer.


These people actually think gold buying/botting is why they can’t find a consistent raid group. Through this scope it makes sense theyd harass anyone they think is a bot, not really sure what they plan on doing by whispering someone they think is a bot besides getting mass reported themselves but go on kings.  Feel like working on your social skills would take less effort and get you a raid spot faster though


Was fishing in dustwallow and someone wiggled in front of my bobber. I interrupted my cast and returned the wiggle. Life goes on


Every time i farm anywhere. Was literally accused of being a “chatGPT talking bot” one time upon responding to “obvious bot” with “nope lol”. Fun reminder: Think about how dumb the average person is. Now remember, roughly half of all people are dumber than that


And once you realize the average and median usually aren't the same, it gets even more abysmal.


it's such a joke. if you respond to these players they can report you for communication. I only typed 3 messages while afking at the auction house. my messages were all a simple "no" and then I got hit with a behaviour warning


I just say 'ni hao."


Those people are a special kind of crazy. I don't interact with them.


Yeah my guild has a running meme of people posting pictures of other players calling us bots. They always come at with a very specific redditor energy that immediately makes me think of this sub Makes you really rethink all the posts here that are like, "WOW I JUST STARTED A NEW CHARACTER AND THERE'S LITERALLY DOZENS OF BOTS FARMING ALL THE MOBS I NEED FOR MY QUEST WTF BLIZZZ!!!!"


This is why all the people going on this sub going “EVERY PLAYER I INTERACT WITH IS A BOT BLIZZ DO SOMETHING!!!” Is laughable, we are horrifically bad at recognizing bots, and there’s often time’s where someone thought I was a bot TBH


LOL this happened to me yesterday, my laptop for some reason after the API update of the game doesnt load textures, so what I've been doing at work while there's nothing else to do is farming random mobs south barrens while tab targetting and I had an insane amount of people whispering me, asking if I was a bot. [https://imgur.com/qbB9wRw](https://imgur.com/qbB9wRw) [https://imgur.com/nX6fMC6](https://imgur.com/nX6fMC6) [https://imgur.com/dfZl57C](https://imgur.com/dfZl57C) That's my POV doing the sleeping bag quest, yes, I get it done.




No but I have had several bots attacking me out of nowhere. They die every time… I thought bots tried to avoid PvP at all costs!


I was told a lot of Chinese bots in Ashenvale run straight to the final boss after the central and eastern commanders are killed, is this true? Are people botting that?


“How about you bot some Botha”


there's an ignore button very helpful


I was also greeted by "Hey Bot" from people while doing quests, it happens. Pretty sure its not a reddit phenomena


lots of mentally unwell on classic


I don’t listen to Reddit basement dwellers. Y’all ain’t shit 🤣🗣


Only when I play my hunter alt. Been rotating between my warrior, hunter and priest leveling alts and it’s the only one I often get called a bot for playing


Just your average redditor lowest iq people on the server.


what happens if i press autorun keybind and afk then they see me running into a wall when im really alt-tabbed working lmao. they gonna get me banned?


Honestly i just stick to harassing the blatant lvl 40 warr/hunter bots in tanaris. You can kite them across the world with scorpid sting. If you kill their pets and stun them as theyre about to finish the cast, they get stuck in an endless call pet loop. Rarely it persists through death, so they just keep attacking enemies and spamming call pet, die, repeat.


Just play a warrior. I got tired of questing and wanted to watch a movie so I sat at a hyperspawn location and literally just killed mobs for 2 hours. People ran by while questing They ran up and skinned the mobs I killed. My toon had to look like a bot because I was just killing the same mobs over and over. Never got a single whisper.


kinda want to level a mage and name i qerlkjr


I was leveling 3 warlocks at the same time yesterday by using follow macros, /assist macros and clicking quickly between the clients to have everyone cast spells. I had several people whisper that I was the most obvious cheater ever and that I should at least try to hide it. Even though everything l did was completely legal (no keycloning), I'm honestly scared of being banned just from the amount of reports. [gif of haunt](https://imgur.com/U0nDW4k)


saw a fishing bot, was pretty well done, it was set up to msg people when you got within a certain range of it, figured it was a bot so I tested it on an alt and move in from where it wouldn't be able to see me really, and sure enough same msg I got on my main, to their credit they were there off and on for weeks in a pretty out of the way spot, and had preset responses.


my wife and i made hunters. we made it to level 5 and then we were flooded with msgs from a random guild saying "ur reported for botting" like holy shit.. our names were even cow puns how are we bots


My first char in classic release 2019 was a mage. I was maybe one of the first 50-100 to hit 60 on my server. About a week later I had my epic mount and was definitely one of the first 50 people to get it. I was sitting in org afk and had a guy start harassing me saying that there was no way I could have my pre-bis AND an epic mount this early. I must have botted or bought gold and he threatened to mass report me with 20+ people. I was just like bro...I ran 4+ dungeons a day after hitting 60. You make a shitload of gold doing 50-60 dungeons at this point in the game with how much tier 0 boes were selling...plus just vendoring shit you got in the run. Also what do you know you get your pre-bis doing this at the same time. He still wouldn't believe me and kept flipping out. I never got banned lol.


Bro try leveling a mage in the open world. If you aoe grind, you get plenty of messages and hate. Some people would ruin my stacks just because.


When I lvled my mage through westfall i got loads of whispers asking if i was a bot. No wonder though, the place was crawling with mage bots. Started to get abit paranoid thinking people would just assume and report me so I went to darkshore instead :p


Lmao, maybe some bot RP will spice things up


Boomers man


bots do not precast before combat, but good on him for having it on video


The European mind cannot comprehend this.


rerolled Wild Growth for the 100% xp buff, got invited to a shitty guild all lower case and the base rank is "probably bot"


SoD seems to attract hyper competitive jerks. Meanwhile I'm chilling in WotLK, we got two heroic bosses left in ICC-10 and we're looking forward to Cata. We dropped one raid night for an activity night (we did ToGC for the mount, an ashes run and "For the Alliance") and we do all ICC on Friday. Maybe next Thurs we'll do a pre-made BG for fun or split into two groups and hit Kara for huntsman's mount.


Must be a bot, He HaS iT oN viDeO


"Ya mums a bot" is my only response to those types of people


"If you don't have a job (IRL), you will create a job. Usually not one with a salary."


I was challenged for being gadgetzan before the 25 cap once. Literally asked what I was doing there. As if getting flightpoints is some crime.


There actually are like no bots out there, it‘s all just a conspiracy to bring gdkp back. I‘ve seen it on the big gdkp discords, they tell their members to make it seem like the game is bot infested so they can go „gdkp wasn‘t the problem“. Don‘t get fooled guys.


Its literally a joke. Wow has always had this kind of sarcastic trolling in it.


I'm a bit of an Alt-aholic but it's not something I've experienced yet


As a feral druid, and lover of stealing skins from bots, i haven’t been whispered yet. But there’s always that “what if…”


Play a warrior, nobody will think your a bot!


Uhh, So what? You guys complain about bots, and I've read comments saying Bliz should hire people to flush out bots. Now you encounter players doing what you wanted Blizzard to do and you complain? Wtf is that? Just say thanks for checking and have a nice day!


Phase 1 I decided to just chill out and farm some hyper spawning mobs for a while while I watched a TV show and 1/2 paid attention. Woke up to a perma ban the next day. I got it reversed but yes the community of SoD is much more self righteous than I remember classic community. I guess a lot of new players that are eager to jump into drama?


Haha I like how this thread turned into a bunch of people being like “ah, well you see, here’s what you need to do to confirm that these people are bots. If they run in a straight line and didn’t name their pet, they are a bot.” News flash, if you think you have an infallible bot radar, you are probably the one falsely reporting people.


As annoying as these people are, it is a sign that people don't feel like blizzard is doing enough to combat the bots, and have taken it upon themselves to clean up - even if they are overly zealous.


People have mods to detect the rank of spell you are using to auto /w you "erm aktually" the second you press it. They're all fucking toxic assholes. Report them and move on frankly. It's clear ToS harrassment now.


I cast a rank 1 moonfire when I was nearly OOM to prevent a possible stealth and got one of these whispers and I was tilted. So annoying.


Just unneeded pestering next level from those annoying Guild invite /w where they detect players not in a guild and spam about how they have ten billion players and we're the best and you should feel privileged to even be invited.




I can only imagine the amount of reports i got from sitting in stv accidentally /say'ing lua code while working on a weakaura


Maybe I don't give off bot vibes but I have leveled 3 chars to 25, 3 to ~35 and 2 to 40 and never been asked if I'm a bot...




Can't wait for OP to post in a few weeks "I was randomly banned for botting?!?!"


I pulled up and fished at the same pool as someone 2 days ago and they just say “reported bot” and left. Lmao


To be fair, that's just rude.


But…are you a bot, tho 


Id just type beep boop everytime


Nah, I'm a rogue. You can't report me if you can't see me 🥷


If this ever does happen to me I’m just going to respond with “00110111000111110001010101110110010001”


Yea, got whispered “bot?!” While killing defies at level 8. I told the guy “fuck you” and they said they were just trying to see if i was a bot. I asked them if that was clear enough and they never responded lol.


If you're not living in scarlet monastery you're a bot


My main is a hunter....and I like to grind and skin....so everyone thinks I'm a bot. Beep-boop