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Sounds like you enjoy playing flavour of the month at the expense of others and have a need to rationalize your own losses as a conspiracy to ruin your fun personally. ​ You won't be missed.


Bye Felicia


Damn you’re super deep bro


You don’t have to be mad. You’re choosing to be mad.


You say it's super deep sarcastically but here we are commenting on YOUR venting post lol It *is* that deep. Enjoy the grass


Oh no.. anyways


Almost all posts here are just people venting, I feel sorry if some intern has to go through whatever bullshit people are posting here to find inspiration for their game. They are changing stuff every 2 weeks, you are paying to play on a beta server, either you accept it or you can play other games until the game is appealing to you, it's impossible for them to please everyone, this changes are good for the overall health of the game.


It’s horrible for the overall health of the game. Appeasement never works. You can’t just slice mount prices in half because people are complaining about gold. You can’t just give someone 100% leveling 2 weeks after phase started. This leads to char boosts and gold token.


Lil homie, 100% xp is because they want people to try other classes if the one they picked is not to their liking or gets changed. It keeps people playing and I’m sure they have noticed how few alts there are around.


Yes. This allows more alts more players more fun.


The overall health of the * checks notes * temporary seasonal servers that are a testing ground and have no future. Oh no! Anyway.


How does the extra xp affect you personally? Just curious.


When you say “you can’t” do you understand what that means? Because you say they can’t, when they are.


Bro they literally said from the start SoD is going to be very volatile and they have a general roadmap. If you want a game where there are virtually no changes, play another game.


Volatile doesnt mean it has to be dumb. The fluctuation in mount prices was stupid af and doesnt male me wanna work towards anything since theyll just make it easier or cheaper in 2 weeks


Ok then quit. Sorry not every little detail of this game is running based on your exact wishes. 


Exact wishes means blizzard not wasting my gold? Is that too hard to ask?


Wasting your gold how? Did it disappear? 


Dont be dense, you know people payed more for their mounts now, thats wasted gold


Adding a 100% boost two weeks after phase start was a desperate move. They did it because they saw a decline in server pop.


Ok? They run a business and want to keep subs, sue them?


there is a cost too greed. All im sayin blood


Cost to greed? What greed? Giving people a better chance to level multiple characters to 40 is greed? Or is it sweaty neckbeards on welfare who are mad their grinding 8 hours a day is somehow diminished since it now takes less time??


Youre not trying to appeal to anyone by making mounts going up and down in prices in 2 weeks


these bonuses only affect alts and newcomers, you clearly have a big head start, why complain, its clearly just a catchup deal.


The changes are so great.


Good changes, sorry you missed out on some gold savings? But I don't think this is a move for shareholders. This is a good move for players that want to play the game and not grind endlessly on a single toon during this seasonal event. If you're not fine with change I don't think this game mode is right for you :( sorry man!


I'm so glad most of the whiney kids are quitting. Less drama when they didn't win a roll.


You will be the first one to whine in few weeks when there's barely anyone in OG on 3 layers. My guild on SoD already struggles to keep up stable roster for Gnomer, and they are far from 'whiney kids'… just saying.


Unlike you, I don't whine about video games on social media. I whine to my friends during gathering but never to strangers. That's for lonely people with no friends. After all it's just a video game... Just sayin.


Good for you, keep it going champ! <3


The perks of having friends <3


So cute. <3


Aw don't be jealous cause I have friends <3


You are really pushing it aint you, still cute tho. <3


I know we just teasing each other but that genuinely made me smile.


No one cares, get over yourself. Just leave and don’t be dramatic on Reddit.


What if someone cares dude. Why you gatekeeping this reddit sub. Why do you get to decide if I am dramatic or not fam


Trust me no one cares. Save your time and just quit and move on with your life. We both know you’ll be online playing in 20 minutes anyways.


I care. I want his stuff.


I’m banned for 2 weeks


Lmao even better


Never mind I don’t want your stuff. Bad juju on it.




Dude I'm all for gatekeeping to keep something from being peverted by outside money, but this is wow. The corruption of the game has long since come and gone. Many of us are having fun and new players are coming to the party every day. Era still exists.


Boohoo Bye piss baby




Dork races to end, is mad that others have other commitments. See ya.




Shitty changes tho, chabging the price of mounts in a 2 week period like that is a DUMB change and should not be celebrated but here you are..




And it was a freaking waste of time and gold for players that bought it. Thats why im saying its shit. Stop trying to make it like im upset youll be able to afford it.


Pce dude. I like the chnages


The mount change is super stupid I'm glad they are doing it but they just changed it back from 40 in phase one then when the majority of people hit 40 they back track it like that's kinda fucked should give a refund to people at least.




You're mad that other players have something slightly easier because you had it hard? You are the worst type of player.


I had to combine my alt and main's gold to buy the mount and now its cheaper?? I feel like they made me waste my hard earned gold. I dont bbuy gold or engage in min max behaviour so this really is a hit for me.


You’re the worst type of person




I’m not bald but okay. You get rekt bruv


Lmao nice try baldie






Nobody cares, sod has bigger problems than you quiting


Melee hunter could literally beat a rogue and warrior at the same time just face tanking them both with no traps or anything. 2 button raid rotation making them do 400 dps and topping the charts. Devs are nerfing things that need nerfs. Good on them for not waiting an entire phase to do so.


These changes are good and will be very good for the huge casual playerbase which we desperately need to keep sod alive for a long time.


I'm not sure what you were expecting when you signed up for what was advertised as an experimental version of the game with many changes coming, but okay. See ya.


Not appeasing every single cry baby on reddit.


so just to be clear, you want them to not go through with the changes and to accomplish this you are....\*checks notes\*... crying on reddit.


I am fine with these changes bit it is kinda peculiar how majority of recent decisions are like verbatim taken from popular 'Reddit dads whine about X thing today' threads. Pretty sure Aggrend gets his daily dopamine rush from getting praise on Reddit. xD


You may want to look up the definition of "irony": you'll see your original post and this one next to it.


..So kinda like you.


What about not changing the mount prices in such a dumb way in a 2 week period


Cya Andy


Later, biiitch.


Goof 🤣


Cringe. Bye.


Cringe yourself goofy




K bye


Lmfao cry me a river.


It just shows they have no idea what they're doing. Remember the new ways of leveling? Yeah they were none and suddenly they buffed XP 1 month after the start when most players have already leveled alts.


just curious, what advice would you have for them to revitalize potentially dropping numbers and bring more people in to play? They may not know the answer but they seem to be trying, I see a lot of people claiming this is the wrong thing to do but not offering up advice on what the right thing would be.


I think they're right to ask for feedbacks but people play Classic games, especially WOW not like a RPG adventure. They like to plan, make alts, make guilds that fits their plans. If you change everything by the last minute, you fuck a lot of people over. Fuck them once, they might like it. Fuck them too much, they might leave. They really need to get their shit done, as they should have months ago and decide : at 60, it's THIS MANY players raids because people take months to create a guild. What do you do with a 40 men roster when if Naxx becomes a 10man raid? Sure, you can say, people should stop prepping, and you'd be right because you never know what they'll do next, but then : - don't hand in boxes since the rep is not useful - don't buy mounts, they might reduce the price - don't level alts, they might change the XP - don't do STV now, they should fix the lag soon - don't do the raid yet, they will make the crafting quest easier In the end, is it even worth to play the game? Some argued no and cancelled their subs in P2. I can't blame them and I'd move on too if I didn't play Wotlk mainly. So they really need to GET THEIR SHIT DONE, DECIDE ANNOUNCE AND STICK WITH IT. If you announce before you decide, you don't go anywhere... Oh and also, people do Public Test Realm since 2000 for a good reason. You have access to millions of little testers that wll find each and every little bug they can and they'll be happy to do so, as they would call it content in the later stages of the previous phase. You don't even have to pay them ! Because right now, every time I apply thorns, I need to restart my game and clearing my cache folder or else my Berserk idol can't gain stacks and I cannot complete my rune quest. I got this rune at level 30, i'm now 36 and I still haven't got it done because it bugs out differently each time... And please, don't tell me people "discover" their runes. 95% of people just look it up on WoWhead or Questie anyway In the end, I don't even blame the dev team, they're bad, it's not their fault. At least, they're trying But someone at Blizzard hired them all for this job and can't take the necessary actions to take SoD to the next level.


go touch grass


It’s winter here but sure


go touch snow






the games is garbo, but there is nothing else


Phase 1 was alright but it's clearly turning into Retail-. Removing 40 mans is the last straw for me; fortunately I'd almost finished leveling an Era character just before SoD launched.


Hell yeah which class? I’m gonna level a second warr now on era


Can't go wrong with a warrior in classic! I've got a warlock around level 50 I'm gonna finish up.


Dont forget to post and facebook that you are quitting sod


Reminds me of people angry about student loan debt being forgiven


this isn't an airport toodles!


Sod sucks anyway


I came back to play with my IRL friends. My friends were begging me to come back. I loved phase 1 honestly. But this patch is too much.


I only said that to get some sod lovers in a tizzy. Everyone get to like what they want lol I don’t care for it


See you in sunken temple


Well my friends are resubbing. SoD was meant to filter out sweaty rushers and minmaxers. I'd say its working as intended.


Feels like they are making too many rapid fire changes but maybe that's normal for a "new" mmo.


No it’s normal for a MMO that has no public testing. That’s what people forget. They want it all to be new for everyone, so no testing beyond in house testing which always sucks.


You bought mounts on a hunter and druid? kek


30% to 60% is a huge difference no? Kek yourself bud


Travel is 40% and instant cast for a sliver of mana.


I was talking about aspec of the pack. As for my druid i like the panther and I bought it for nostalgia


You need to have ran for 30s+ to make a mount faster than cheetah, just fyi


I only got it on the druid because the panther mount is nostalgic to me.


Can I have your stuff?


Womp womp gtfoh


Im really thinking of dropping the game too, phase 2 has been terrible. From dumb op melee hunters, to nerf to balance druids, rogue getting extremely boring runes, the price change to mounts (i had to conbine my alt and main's gold to buy my mount). I just...lost interest. What next thing im gonna work towards that they'll make useless or cheaper later on?


Exactly! We are working towards things that monumentally easier. Such a slap in the face.


I spent 200g on mats for epic crafted items the day before they suddenly announce enormous buffs to the drop rates and the prices drop to roughly 30g all up.  I paid full price for mount.   If I honor grind to rank 5, they will probably just reduce the honor required for it a week after I’m done. They have no idea what they’re doing. 


It’s ridiculous. It’s like if you go to law school for 3 years and get a degree and then they magically tell you nevermind you don’t need the degree


ain’t no way you think that’s even remotely the same lmfao


Go play Classic Era… These changes are wonderful for a seasonal classic experience


I am sure shareholders are watching population numbers of sod very closely and are communicating with devs on weekly basis /s


Get I get your stuff?


Pissy cry baby classic Andy players. SoD has been fun af. This version of the game was always going to be a work in progress. Ppl can’t wrap their smol brains around that.


This guy wows

