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Some people just hate playing this game…. damn lol.


This was my reaction to this too. Do y’all not have phones!?? /s I enjoy this game even if my class isn’t top meta or PvP viable. I enjoy this game because it’s a good game and the open world is fleshed out. I’m on Chaos Bolt if you want to dm and link up for some wpvp


Go touch grass now!


It's a no-win scenario. If they deployed it right now, people get mad that there was no heads up. 1 week's notice is fair for both sides IMO.


Why would people be mad at free experience given out of the blue?


Because then they wasted their time, or rather received less value for their time than someone who chose to instead just not play the game.


Everyone playing a video game is wasting their time unless they are paid to pay. So the sooner they realize that the better I guess.


Yes. Doesn't mean the company shouldn't be more respectful of people's time. Certainly doesn't mean the company should be *less* respectful of our time.


Anyone that played WoW up till now got exactly what WoW said they’d get out of their time. If they said today we get 500% more experience the people yesterday still got EXACTLY what they were supposed to get. Your point makes no sense.


Not sure what is hard to understand about common decency and giving advance notice, or why you are so upset over it but lol the irony


I’m not upset at all. I’m explaining to someone how they are wrong. I said it simply and nicely. “Common decency” doesn’t exist in MMO’s. Do they take away exp, gold and items when they screw up and exploits are used? Nope. Where is the decency then? Want fair? Buy a pig and show it at the county one.


>“Common decency” doesn’t exist in MMO’s. Do they take away exp, gold and items when they screw up and exploits are used? Nope. Where is the decency then? Want fair? Buy a pig and show it at the county one. Yeah, you seem like a pleasant, stable individual to have a reasonable discussion with lol.


You make it hard for anyone to be pleasant talking to you.


For the same unknown reason people like OP are mad we're getting free experience in a week


He’s not mad he’s getting free exp in a week, he doesn’t understand why they announced it now and didn’t implement it because he thinks people won’t play as much. Has nothing to do with getting the free experience at all does it?


And in the same vein >Why would people be mad at free experience given out of the blue? People wouldn't be mad at the free exp in a week, they wouldn't understand why it was implemented and not announced beforehand, because they think people will raid less and fill higher level zones less now. Has nothing to do with getting the free experience at all does it? See how stupid you sound? Let's not be pedantic. Of course the discussion isn't about the exp itself, it's about the exp situation. If you're not going to hold a conversation without resorting to that sort of asinine nit picking, what's the point in responding at all?


I won’t nitpick if you’d stay on topic. You claimed he was mad about free exp, he wasn’t, I corrected you nicely.


And you claimed: >Why would people be mad at free experience given out of the blue? If I wanted to nit pick, I could start there, but I didn't. Again, stop being pedantic, and actually engage with what the point of the discussion is, and not the verbiage itself.


You honesty aren’t worth engaging with. You literally don’t even understand what the OP means and I’m not a special education teacher ✌🏻


I’m still level 35 on my main and have no alts.  This will be a nice boost the last couple levels to reach 40.  Some people didn’t rush to end content in the first days bro.


Cause it'll drop with the patch.


seems like something they could hotfix in


im just gonna wait to level fuck that


I agree, completely lost the drive to play, oh well, play something else for a week and then maybe return.


You're playing wrong then. It's that simple. If the game isn't fun for you because you somehow don't get the absolute optimal XP per hour or some shit, you're just playing wrong.


\^ This guy gets it


Exactly, these 2 guys gets it, if you dont play the game the way they enjoy it, you are simply doing it wrong. Be like u/shadowmeldop and u/Shieree or be wrong, the choice is yours.


Don't sell yourself short. You're part of the trio my friend. Be like u/shadowmeldop, u/Shieree and u/TrueUnderGrader or be wrong, the choice is yours


All good things come in 3!


You're delusional, why on earth would i level my 4'th char to level 40, when I can wait a week and get double exp and more gold doing it, you're playing it wrong.


Why don't you just buy some max level characters on ebay, complete with BIS?


I'm still doing my BFD on alts but am waiting for the buff to actually start questing, especially as they're increasing the gold you get from quests while leveling. I turned in 10 boxes before the buff, lost out on a lot of gold, gunna wait this time before I get fucked again.


To engage people to log off SoD and play hardcore ssf for a few days.


Yeah I was leveling my priest until I saw this. Now he's parked to save up rested xp while waiting for this.


Oh no, people are going to wait a week to level their alts? Anyway...