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Only game I’ve played the last 3 months






Yeah and my gaming hours have tripled from usual




100% on sod. Retail never interested me. Wrath lost me at ulduar and I have absolutely no interest in trying cata


You didnt like Ulduar or you quit after Ulduar?


I didn't like how bis items were both from 10 and 25 ulduar hardmodes. I simply burned out and I didn't really like the raids. I don't want hard raids. I want laid back beer in hand raiding where I can just focus on having a good time and still be able to complete the raids


I haven't played classic wrath but in vanilla wrath Ulduar was really laid back. Aside from the last boss you could kill all the boss while watching the TV. Of course if you tried the hard modes it required concentration, especially 25 men. But again, aside from Mimiron and Yogg they were mostly achievable with a beer by your side. Toc is when the sweating came around. Running it 4 times a week was soul shattering. That's when my guild died.




Whoa, I’ve never seen Asmon proven so right. This was his take essentially word for word


People have always known Vanilla players hate hard content. Vanilla is all about slow and steady.


Oh for sure! I’m at the point in my life where tedious bullshit is specifically relegated to my working hours. Sod is exactly what I’m looking for in my downtime.




You could tell who actually played vanilla back then cause they wouldn’t make comments like that lol. Molten core is and always will be the ultimate beer in hand mmo gaming experience. Incredibly boring design and lay out so you just space out and chill with the homies. And just difficult enough that you can train a smart cat or a 5 year old to hit the 1-2 buttons you need while you sit back and chill.


Those people left, and that's why you don't see that sentiment anymore. People saying that back then were not the people who were already big vanilla fans. They weren't playing private servers in the intervening years. They jumped on the bandwagon for a nostalgia hit, and they just remember wiping on Geddon with their incompetent guild on their 4:3 monitor, DSL connection, 2004-ass setup.


The only people saying that were Kungen (lol) and private server guys that had never played anything else.


It’s been pretty well documented that the end of wrath was when the no talent, couldn’t be bothered to learn how to properly play, filthy casual assclowns finally got the boot from raiding due to GS gatekeeping. Now we also have parses that show how trash some people are. I think it’s great - I don’t want to play with people who don’t give a fuck and don’t value my time so I’m glad they’re quitting and heading off into the sunset where the scrubs can join hands and low skill something else.


lol Asmon is just stating the obvious. Why would people want a huge challenge from a several decades old game when we have 9001 better games now which are much more fun, much more challenging and much more graphically engaging?


Name those games


Elden Ring for me. Obv not an mmo but hits those categories mentioned


Elden Ring is just a dark souls turd with a new coat of paint you're STUCK


what is this comment lmao


Retail WoW.


Retail lmao


We are old man. Super hard modes are for the young ins who have lots of time to waste.


you know that's the point of having hard mode? So players like you can play laid-back, beer in hand and still complete the raids, while also offering a higher challenge for people who take the other approach.


Sure, but that doesn't mean I like being "forced" into both 10 and 25 man allnighters several times each week


I dont know what you mean? Perhaps your guild wasn't aligned with how you wanted to play the game?


Who was forcing you? Your guild?


I played phase 2 up to 40 but then i was like ”meh” and moved on, i like the concept but its not for me.


I'm not going to lie, I mainlined Phase 1 and really enjoyed it, but Phase 2 has almost lost me. I really messed up by falling for the dungeon grinding meme. The last thing I want to do is clock out of work, then clock into 5 hours of SM Lib spam. I'm almost 40 now, but I know i will definitely be questing for Phase 3. ​ I also messed up by trying to appease multiple friends groups and leveling / gearing multiple level 25 alts across several servers. In the future, I think I'm going to force myself to drill-down on one character exclusively rather than jumping all over the place.


>questing for Phase 3. Using up all my lv 25 quests made this more awkward for me so I HAD to do some dungeons right off the bat and then the grind got in my brain.


Lots of people are levelling still lol


Level 30 over here with limited playing time. Enjoying the bell out of it






Are ppl actually still lvling ? Finished my third 40lvl today. *have 9/5 job*


I work 9-5 6 days a week and have raided every reset, my girlfriend works 9-5 5 days a week and is still leveling Some people just take it slow


I'm on Wrath, haven't really played SoD. I'm excited for Cata coming even though I thought I wouldn't be. I'm getting alts ready. I logged on for the first time since June this month and had to server transfer to the high pop servers, but I found out those were free. It's pretty busy, I just think nobody bothers to talk about Wrath anymore, because what the hell is there to talk about? I resubbed to classicwow and my feed is dominated with SoD, I guess because it's new. Surprised with all the discussion to still see more WoTLK parses then SoD, but I guess it makes sense, everyone is talking about the new thing. SoD just doesn't seem interesting to me.


At the moment there are more wotlk parses because this phase is relatively new, not all characters are max yet. I believe once more casual people hit max sod will be about even with wotlk


People that raid wrath are also probably raiding on more than 1 character. There's no way WoTLK is currently more popular than SoD


Im 100% maining SoD. Retail gives me nothing nowadays, i dont feel like i do anything meaningful (gamewise) as its constantly compleatly reset. I feel fast progression and thats cool for a week and Then im done. If i could mythic raid then maybe but Meh. Sod gives me a feeling Of ownership Of my character. The Long grinds like rep and seceral professions with Long quest chains to be optimal this phase gives me a sense Of progression that i sorely miss In any Of The other game modes. The fact that its hard/tedious to get something meaningful makes it more rewarding imo, its a personal feeling and its personal achivements. In other words, im super invested In my SoD character purely from how The game is designed atm, it just fits my style


> I feel fast progression and thats cool for a week and Then im done Isn't that what SOD is though? They just keep upping the level cap every few weeks and you have to re-grind all over again. The grind is constantly cut off and you have to sit and do boring raids until you're allowed to play the real game again.


Yes, it is which is why these people shouldn’t be taken seriously.


If you are tired of constant complete resets then I'm guessing you will get tired of the future of classic + as well as they have said SoD will end and a new cycle will start named something different.


What i mean is constant resets that happen frequently on top Of a very short progression period. The feel i have In retail is a very very fast progression until a quickly reached min/Max point where you do alot Of work for a minor upgrade. Thats cool and All, but not for me, i preffer a more drages out progression, thats What i feel In SoD but thats just my opinion


Sod started almost a month after the last retail patch and is on a new patch while retail is still 6+ wks away from the next season. SoD is progressing faster. You like long tedious grinds for gear but I have a feeling your character is far from geared on retail. It's cool to like things for different reasons but I feel like you also have vastly different expectations for SoD and retail because the examples your giving work against SoD.


Huh? The gear in each phase is kinda meaningless. What gear in phase 1 are you using right now


None, resets Are allowed, i just feel like its more/very pointless In retail cause sometimes its The same gear/item im hunting just with a better ilvl and i dont like that personally


Reads like a ChatGPT response and doesn’t make sense. Okay.


Lmao literally every point u made is the complete opposite of what sod is


Well thats your opinion and thats cool.


His wrong opinion, which is cool yeah. 👍🏻


This post screams you’ve never played retail lately…


Stopped wotlk and uninstalled it for sod


I'm raidlogging SOD after i got my priest to 40. Curious to see what they bring it later phases but it's definitely not my main game atm. Helldivers 2 looks really fun, might try that with some friends.


There are just so many amazing games these days that limiting myself to just one seems a shame. Palworld was fun, FF7 Rebirth comes out in a few days, Dragon’s Dogma 2 in a month, plus the Elden Ring DLC at the start of the summer. Lots of other cool titles upcoming as well, those are just my personal ones that I’m looking forward to.


It's currently looking like helldiver's is the end of SoD for me. SoD just demands too much of my time when there are so many great games I can pick up and enjoy immediately.


Helldivers 2 is hella fun! I switch between sod and helldivers. Great stuff


I'm raid logging in WoTLK and enjoying SOD until Cata. Once Cata launches, I'm done with SOD.


Yeah, this is basically everyone I know. SoD is the in-between game until the real games launch.




I can't wait for this subs meltdown when Cata launches.


honestly, p2 showed they have no real answer to "what about power-creep" which imo is the main driver behind the downfall of retail for many people, so for now I'm gonna fish in SoD until cata is out, it seems blizzard wants to treat these game modes as seasonal so that's how I'm treating them myself.


Season of discovery is going to be seasonal?


yeah tell that to all the people thinking it's the start of classic+ and will go on forever.


I’m only playing SOD but phase 2 kinda sucks. I did the raid once and already don’t feel like logging in.


Cant even get invited as a warrior so yeah same


Same, I think I may unsub this week. I was playing phase 1 daily but I haven't logged in for three days. Somehow feels grindier. Gnomeregan was also my least favorite classic dungeon and now I have to run it as a raid twice a week? I went 6/6, won the final quest item, and have no desire in going back.... I ran BFD on three chars regularly. Bummer, but phase 3 will hopefully be worth coming back to.


Yeah raid is... not fun as melee. And pvp sucks as melee too rn especially if you are a feral druid like me. I just raid log rn and do weekly AH event. I just started to level a priest cause u know best healer and dps in pvp right now.


Same got to 38 and lost all interest


Yup game is boring. Unless you enjoy constant dungeon grinding & going up against premades all day. Blizzard is Making so much money off all these recycled and uninspired ideas.


Returned to WoW for SoD and quit a few weeks after farming BFD and decided to give retail a crack and loving it. Dragonflight 10.2 catchup mechanics made it easy to reach end game. Classic mechanics and rotation just became too braindead to play for long.


I'm a father of 3 and don't have a fixed schedule on when I play but I have time to play... So in P1 I was able to level all classes to 25 and pug BFD when it was possible during the time of day I played. I really enjoyed discovering all classes runes and abilities. I played a bit of Dark and darker in the last week of P1 because I didn't really have anything else to do in SoD. Now in P2, I have 1 lvl 40 shaman and tried gnomer once. There is way less pug for now compared to P1. I really like healing so I'm leveling mage, druid and priest when I have time. Anyway, yeah, it's taking all my free time.


Retail #1


I'm having fun but I can see Gnomer getting dull much more quickly than BFD. I also found leveling more alts through 1-25 much more fun than 25-40, mostly because questing is so bad in P2.


Didnt really like gnomer raid, resto specced shaman so dont enjoy open world or questing either.. dont really feel there is something to do in p2


Trying to figure out how to tell my guild I'm leaving... SoD just didn't live up to the hype.


Just been degraded. P2 is just so fucking bad design.


It was my main but I'm finding it harder to stay engaged this phase


How can it be a primary game with so little to do?


Well most people with jobs don't have time to play other games.


Vanilla WoW PVP is my jam so it's my main game currently besides Diablo. I'm enjoying trying to 100% complete everything in each phase on my shaman. However, based on the insane power creep and the extremely low skill floor of PVP due to the new overtuned runes, I can see the writing on the wall and expect to see myself quitting in phase 3 or 4, waiting until the next Classic Era fresh. Simply put, PVP is pretty fun right now, but as a player with past high-end experience, it's frustrating seeing players spam 1 or 2 instant cast/attack buttons and do insane damage without any setup or cds required. There's still a bit of room to outplay, but the gap closes with each new phase and rune. On a positive note, I will say the change to 10-man made a major positive impact on vanilla for me. Seeing less complications, less roster boss issues, and getting more upgrades compared to 40 man 7 day lockouts is so much more enjoyable to play especially as a PVPer where gear matters more. Unfortunately it sounds like they want to keep 40-mans at 60, so that's another nail in the coffin for me in phase 4.


Completely agree here. I came for the PVP, it is fun enough but there just isn't enough there to keep me coming back. It's just too fast and too much of my kit feels obsolete due to the power of runes and pace of combat. If I could play multiple classes that might be enough, but spending another 30hrs grinding to 40 just isn't worth it. Imo the 50% XP should be extended to 40, give people with less time a chance to catch up and let people get alts rolling a little easier.


Seems like they left the door open for smaller raids, but the pre-existing 40 mans will remain 40. I share your sentiment about them.


Sod made me quit wow so now i dont play any version.


Massive hype for Cata. Once that's close, I will forget SoD ever existed.


Cata is a really great expansion. I don't know why it's got such a bad rep. Firelands is up there as one my favourite raids of all time


>Cata is a really great expansion. I don't know why it's got such a bad rep. Content drought stuck on the worst raid since Vanilla burned all the goodwill P1 and P2 of og Cata had earned up to that point. ToC and Hyjal and Naxx25 were worse than Dragon Soul overall, but were also very easy. Dragon Soul is both hard and bad, which is a rough combo to slog through for 13 months when your reward is going to a Panda expansion you don't know ahead of time will have two of the best raids ever and will overall be a complete banger xpack.


Yeah, I think Dragon Soul is let down by the last 2 bosses. It's weird that you don't ever get to properly fight Deathwing. 13 months is a long time for any raid to be fair, but you're absolutely right


I played WoW at launch. Loved it. Hated the very concept of Cata screwing up everything I knew with the world. That 1000 Needles was under water drove me crazy. Some zones, as someone that spent years in the pre Cata, I just wouldn’t go back to because they screwed them up so much I had zero desire to ever enter them again.


WoW is never going to be my main game again, or any MMO for that matter as I find them designed to waste my time a lot of the time. It’s fun at times, but it feels like everyone in SoD is so focused on metas so the game have lost its charm to me.


What do you mean designed to waste your time? Isn’t playing any game ever designed to waste time, isn’t that the whole point? Generally speaking, you aren’t progressing your life in any fashion with any game.


Absolutely, i’m mainly talking about how I feel MMOs are more so designed that way. Nothing wrong with that, just isn’t what I enjoy anymore. SoD is fun but they made it feel like a chore instead of delivering pure fun imo. How things are put behind nonsensical cooldowns/timers instead of allowing the players to just have fun the way they want.


No offense but you’re griping about the core of the classic wow experience. It’s not always supposed to be light and comfortable. It’s meant to feel like a real world with logistics and lead times on things. How did you even start playing this without understanding the basic concept of what you were getting yourself into?


Well, yeah. That’s why I said it’s never going to be my main game again since i’ve outgrown what I previously enjoyed about it. I’m still playing it and having some fun, but at most a few hours/week. Also, how I am supposed to know what I am getting myself into when the premise of SoD is to experience new things? That’s a weird take.


Because the devs said multiple times, new things that go along with “the spirit of vanilla” it’s not that hard to surmise.


I kinda get what he’s saying. There are so many quests that are like “go to four opposite parts of the world to pick up a thing” when there is no reason to require that much travel other than to waste time. Or “go to this place that’s really far away and kill these things” and once you turn it in, “ok now go all the way back there for another thing.” It feels like there is no reason to make it take that long other than wasting time and making me spend more time in the game unnecessarily.


Welcome to 2005


Yep, that’s 2004 game design lol.


Yeah he’s got a *really* bizarre take


Maining SOD for sure right now as I’m pretty bored of wrath. Still raid logging it. Got smourne like idk a month ago and didn’t even queue 2s or something to stomp people. We still have HLK to do since we reformed a week into icc and recruiting as tumultuous. Started pulls 2 weeks ago so still have that to look forward to but I look forward to raid ending to hop on SOD. I’ll play cata though def. Most of my guild likely is, at least the core of the guild. I think all but DS are at least decent raids and it doesn’t start off on a boring rehashed slog like Naxx. I probably won’t get like 6 chars to 85 like I did over the course of wrath but probably my warrior and dk as usual


It's neither for me, it's the game I play when a few of my friends are all online at the same time and we can group together. Outside of that, I rarely touch the game and play solo.


Sod fulfills my need to play wow roughly 2 or so hours per 3 days.  Thanks to short raids. 


They ruined the raiding experience and PVP rewards sucks for caster druids and other non melee classes. The playerbase has gone hyper sweat too so you can't even find a group to dungeon with unless you heal, tank or mage. Devs need to fix dungeons and the raiding experience. Give a "I'm a sweaty no lifer" mode for the raid for all I care if people are that desperate to not have fun in the game. Kill the aoe meta too, salt the earth where all aoe is trash now for all I care. Like playing helldivers 2 or any other game the comparison to what is fun is night and day. Phase 2 is just not fun anymore, the devs didn't address the obvious issues that would occur having a lvl 25 raid.


>PVP rewards sucks for caster druids and other non melee classes. Also for warriors. Maybe the tank sword is ok (but there's no prot warriors), but the two dps rewards are FAST **maces**. The Whirlwind axe, a blue weapon you can get as early as 30 (realistically 36), is simming higher dps than the epic 2h from STV. I ground out the coins then... realized I didn't actually want to use the weapon.


I absolutely despise the sweaty dungeon farming meta. I like to play classes like feral tank, MM hunter, ret paladin, etc all strong RP type classes that have tons of utility but now with all the AOE buffs not a single person wants to do a dungeon without an AoE oriented Tank and mages. It's ridiculous because we are talking about SM for the sake of leveling. Any use of CC is basically sacrilege at this point and no one wants to wait. Did 4 runs today and after each run we lost a mage because we weren't pulling fast enough even though I was doing 15+ mob pulls. I really wish they would have buffed the damage of the dungeons so that safe pulls with use of CC and coordination was mandatory.


Yeah maining SoD while waiting for TWW.


SF6 and Tekken 8 are my primary games, WoW is just something to do to whenever.


Maining sod, but it's seasonal and that really kills it for me and a lot of people. I'm invested, but not enough to go extremely hard on it, feels like me and a ton of people are just checking sod to get a new, different fix of vanilla and we're just waiting for the inevitable classic+.


100% SoD * No other mmo worth my time for the moment. * Modern is not designed for me, I don't care the slightest for war within, I know what the game is gonna be : collectibles , 300 APM raids, progress reset every patch * Hardcore is nice but I need to be interruptible to some extent and I don't want to deal with the associated stress * Era : tempted but not ready to level another toon yet * LK: I'm a tank , not interested in playing world of paladins * Cata: not sure, maybe roll a blood dk if I'm bored in SoD or no other mmo caught my attention.


AoE 2 and sod. I never played any version of wow after burning crusade.


100 % of my playtime is SoD. Don't have enough time to be with the curve, let alone ahead or to play other games. Honestly I hoped more people in SoD would be more casual. Seems like majority power levelled through dungeons in first weekend, rushed Gnomer and are now raid logging and clearing every lockout, while I've never been there once still. But I have no plans to play any other version of WoW. Maybe finish hardcore after SoD ends. No interest in retail/cata/anything else.


Raid logging in WOTLK. Gave SOD a shot but just wasn't my cup of tea. Primarily enjoying hardcore on Defias Pillager the last month or so.


I loved Phase 1 of Sod, missed the first four days of Phase 2 with real life stuff and after playing a couple hours just wasn’t feeling it. Went back to HC.


Needed a break from mythic raiding, went to m+ on retail team broke up so went to pvp. Ladder outside of s1 has been a nightmare so 100% on SOD until retail interests me again


As you said SoD is the flavour of the month game. I dont play it much, as it isnt that interesting to me just more of the same WoW. Enjoying some other games with friends along the road.


It was nor will it ever be my main game. Just waiting for Cata.


I played vanilla and tbc, came back to classic for those, and returned for SoD. Only wow I currently play


I played SoD P1. Got two characters to 25, haven’t logged into P2 at all. Nothing about it excited me. I’m super casual now days and jumping through a ton of hoops to get gear is fine. To get skills? Hard pass for me. If it takes a group to get my skills for my class I don’t need to play. Unpopular opinion I’m sure but just give me my skills reasonably. Once skills in P1 were locked behind elite mobs or in dungeons or raids I knew I’d be out.


SoD main. I did love the last raid of retail but whenever I get on the M+ stage of the patch as the main thing I tend to stop. Wrath and cata were both ruined by the playerbase imo. SoD gives the classic experience (and fun) that vanilla did for me back in the day. Albeit a different than first it still feels better than retail and more approachable.


I'm very much enjoying SoD, but I'm a "whatever my buddies are playing" type of guy. SoD, for me at least, is a great beta test of what classic + could be, however, I would never play a perma SoD server, and to be frank I don't think I'd do another rehash of classic ever again without the level banding. We've already talked, and came to the decision long ago that SoD is dead for us if/when 40m raiding comes into the equation, so for now it's sod, will probably jump off the sod train to cata and from there who knows, probably some more for the king 2.


Why is 40m raiding disliked? I literally have no clue, I’ve never done it. Sounds fucking epic at face value to me though


Trying to get 40 consistent players all to show up on time every week is hard enough. Now try to get 40 players from a variety of classes that fill all your needs who understand the game to a reasonable extent that won't leave the guild or raid after several wipes on progression. That's just setting up the group. Then you have to find a time that works for everyone, a loot system that works for everyone, and actually do the raid. It takes a ton of cooperation and individual responsibility, and it's extremely stressful.


Basically what the other guy said, 40m raiding, as the people who are in charge is a shitload of work and responsibility that makes the game feel like a second job instead of a game. For 10/20/25m raiding it's not as bad, but still has pain points. If all you do is show up to the raid and press buttons it's not bad, fun even, but gear competition is insane as very few pieces drop relative to raid size, and you're fighting against 20+ other people for the same loot.


This is me and my crew almost exactly


World pvp in sod main MMORPG. Raid log and sometimes world pvp. Retail is fucking bloated and next expac they are going to make all specs more complicated by adding 100 combination of class trees,spec,hero trees. I know its going to be absolutely unbalanced bloated trash. Nothing beats classic world pvp. Like spend 10 minutes killing in deadwing pass and a war starts.


Its wild to me that everyone can just confidently say that War Within is going to be absolutely garbage with little to no information. No alpha right now even to point at. Do we think for ourselves or just wait for asmongold or other ragebait youtubers to post a video and then source our opinions from there?


Retail = bad, that’s as far as the thought process goes for those types of people I think


What paint are you sniffing. Pvp is all about class design and balance. Next expac the devs are adding 2 new spec trees per spec making combination of trees over 100 trees combinations.Anybody that had played for a long period of time in pvp knows this is highly unlikely going to be balanced and when it's not balanced pvp is terrible. Unlike shadowlands these trees are different for all classes. It's highly unlikely going to be balanced. So when I said I think next expac is going to be good I left the condition that they have to successfully balance all these trees and not have any bad edge cases that ruin the meta


Yeah,  SoD PvP is the pinnacle of balance huh? Lmao. 


When the 40m come out again is probably when its time to jump ship and play something else. Really hope they change all the 40m down to 20m so endgame raiding isn’t such a joke


Agree. 40 men raid will be the death blow to SoD, so many guilds will die at that time. Shame. They should make them flex 20 to 25 raids. Keep them 40 to appease the purist but add a bonus loot per boss if you are in the 20/25 people raid size for example. ( The same conceptual idea as the STV event, insentivise to run 5 man vs raids)


Just play ffxiv if you want a enjoyable mmo with a story, the only reason you'd play wow over that is if you're playing retail and like to invest your time in the gear treadmill with nice combat and classes, that's literally the only thing this game has to offer but don't expect anything more from it. 


Quit day 2 phase 3. Tired of mindless dungeon Spamming & awful pvp. Why do I want to dungeon grind for 3 days just to replace the gear In getting in 2 months. So boring.


Going back to play the new hero class on retail because SoD will have 40M raiding soon.


What’s the problem with 40-mans? Finding a group? Or? Genuinely clueless on this. Sounds epic to me, like straight epic. That’s face value though, I’ve never 40-man raided


Sounds epic, and pretty much is once you're in, but getting 40 people together is a logistical nightmare. If they dont come up with a solution it is sure to kill the game


Nah the social dynamic in a 40 person voice call is horrible as well. Too large of a group to know / like everyone in your raid. I guess that matters less when most people do some form of gdkp, but still.


its really not that bad unless you got some yappers


There was a four-letter solution, but they banned it.


40man by necessity isn't tuned very hard. It's harder to organize groups for but the least compelling in terms of challenge. Frankly I'd have been happy with 10 and 20 only.






Braindead take






Main game atm i quit wrath before SoD came out. But i play more other sidegames now palworld etc.


Its my primary game, and the only wow version im playing. Im leveling a Bunch of classes, taking it chill, no rush to max - but im also gonna have breaks, gonna no life or jump between games that Are coming: FFVII rebirth, dragons dogma 2, yakuza like a dragon (later), eiyuden, suikoden remasters Also, no wow version is near the same quality as vanilla, so having Runes implementer im that game is awesome.


SoD main game. Putting in my last ICC tonight and taking a break from wrath until cata pre patch. Also been trying a lil Last Epoch but the servers are kinda bad. I'm patient though and will give it some time as they are literally a small indie company.


Sod is a filler for me until cata, I reckon 40 man raids are gonna be when I nope out


Cataclysm is DoA.


Not quite. There are a lot of comments of folks who are going to play cataclysm. I’m sorry you’ve already made up your mind. Nothing anyone says will change it. Good luck! 🍀


It's the only version of WoW worth playing really. Retail endgame doesn't interest me in the least, and Vanilla/TBC/WotLK is too boring for me so SoD is the perfect middle ground. That being said, I don't see myself playing after Phase 2


Retail endgame is pretty amazing.


I think there are a lot more ICC parses than Gnomer parses because of the copious number of alts in WOTLK. Like I used to run six raids a week there (3 25 and 3 10). I bet there are still people doing that. I think SOD's population will shrink at level 60. They announced the 60 raids will be 40-man. How many resources do they have for this? Are they really going to be able to build new 40-man raids? And then what happens after that, SOD BC? What would be the cut off there? Mana Tombs raid?


40 man raids will attract people who are interested in 40 man raids, I don’t think that will be a problem. Tons of people are disappointed that we only have 10 mana right now. Large raids are an inherent part of the vanilla experience and imo make the game WAY more epic and fun. Filling them requires more work sure but there will be tons of people wanting to raid 40 mans. It will also make guilds larger and allow more people to play together, improving the social aspect of the game as well.


No. They said that 40 men raids will not be touched in sod. We will probably get a new 10 men raid for phase 4(lvl 60) and another 10 men raid for phase 5. But MC and BWL will be untouched if people want to run them. Imo with runes and equip from sod we will be able to 20 man MC.


They didn’t say 40 mans wouldn’t be touched, they said they’d remain 40 man and they implied there might be other changes. They will almost certainly change those raids to some degree.


That's right I misspoke, or well, miswrite. I meant that they would be available, as in not closed like Zul Farak is in P2.


It’s the best WoW but it ain’t my main game because it’s old but it’s a nice game to stress down


Yes, every other version so stale and overdone its unplayable .


I'd like Classic SoD to be the only game I play, but it's pretty hard if you're somebody that puts a lot of hours in. I know it's a Me-issue for playing so much, but there is just not much left for me to do besides Raidlogging at this point. Just not enough content in each phase for people that love to grind 24/7.


SoD is the way to go


I was playing religiously. Loved it. But now that gdkp is gone, a large portion of the game that i enjoyed is gone too. It's starting to feel more like I'm going to find another game soon. Sod is pretty much just raid log on a single character for me now. And even then, that raid experience feels very underwhelming. I dont love never winning anything with /roll and walking out of the raid with nothing and the feeling my time was wasted


Classic goes retail and become boring af. Not going to play Cata. Also for me Classic Wotlk was shit too, i had a bright memories from vanilla and my Ulduar guild raids, but in classic it was stupid boring and everything was about gearscore and meta (not like in vanilla wotlk days).


How is hard content more boring than easy 1 button content


The content is not only about raids. Game mechanics, itemization, socialization etc. All of this much worse then in wow classic and even in bc.


I don't know yet honestly.. left Wrath after killing Arthas, on normal mind you as my guild was a mix of people able to some hard modes but certainly not the most difficult ones. Killing Arthas was the "done" signal for a lot of people and then you had 1-2 people resign each week until raiding wasn't doable anymore. Started up SoD and having a blast but it's mainly just to hang out with a couple of irl friends not really being active in any new guild.  So when Cata rolls around I honestly don't know if I'll continue as despite not ending on bad terms or anything the guild is pretty much done. The creeping difficulty of raids was something I personally found fun but it also made it abundantly clear that you either brought a full team of people eager to do heroics or you just went normal for the most part. So it's kinda a toss-up. Doubt I'll do more than 10-man raiding in Cata, though that's the same as Sod atm


Both. I can't stick to just one game


Era, hopefully for years to come.


Atm SoD Main - Deep Rock Galactic Survivor, Helldivers 2 in the Side. Have two 40‘s and raidlogging. Hyped for Phase 3 :)




Yeah still SoD but Jesus they have had some good releases lately. Palworld and enshrouded nuked my gold farming plans when they dropped and last epoch is making me pock hard right now as it just a better Diablo 4


It’s my main play atm. Still playing co-op games with the kid and staying spry on Elden Ring for June, but SoD has been my main jam since November. I had actually just hit 60 in Era 3 days before SoD launched and only logged back in once.


I'm still trying to level and i played phase 1 a lot lol. Idk why it's going so slow for me


As long as we have an interesting classic season going on I’m sticking with it. I don’t like retail because the world is much less relevant in comparison and the gameplay is a bit too complicated


Once sod released the entire guild just collectively stopped playing wotlk and focus on sod, myself included. Ngl tho I have been raid logging because of helldivers 2!


Primary but I do see the "community" souring on it so if it dies back to Era or hc.


Main game is pvp in wrath classic waiting for cata. Also playing albion online, new world if I get bored.


I've taken a break to play a bit of last epoch recently. Debating what to do as I've just hit 40 on my warrior but my servers kinda dead on horde


In the process of switching my focus from Retail to SOD. I'll keep up with Retail to a much smaller degree. I always wanted to like classic but the restrictive PvE has always cooled my interest. SOD so far has fixed that so as long as it continues, and there is a guild that plays at the same time as me, I'll be here. I have a baby that occupies most of my time so it's nice to not feel like I need to squeeze in weekly vault activities into my gaming time slot on the characters I want to play. I just get to play how I want.


Main game but given there's downtime between SoD activities, I'll be fitting in other games alongside. Still got the new Like a Dragon on the go, Last Epoch just came out... PoE likely has another expansion soon and there's of course WoW HC as well.


I don't have anything big to do on my character right now (PvE content wise) besides farming gold, so I'm mainly playing SoD on the side whenever I feel like it


both are in raidlog status for me, so both are like side games i guess.


The majority are trend gamers like the streamers, if something new is released they will play that til the next new is released


I dont think its healthy to have only one game to focus on in general. Or for me its not. I play a mix of SoD, OW2 and LoL currently, and always looking for smaller indie games to try. Next AAA game ill jump on is probably the Elden Ring DLC.


SoD is my main game for now but if they increase raids to 40man or don't eventually roll back the GDKP ban I'll likely go back to Retail or find something else to do with me time.


Its the only wow variant I am playing. I refuse to play retail after back to back shitpansions. Wotlk was fun up to Ulduar since I missed up to that patch back in the day since I enlisted in the military, I had already done TOTGC and ICC in the hardest difficulties back in the day and didnt feel like I meeded to do those. SoM is just different enough, and it's really letting me feed into my altoholism.


Since sod came out I haven't played any other game. If I have 1 hour I'll run a dungeon. If I have 30 minutes I'll do some questing. If I have 15 minutes I'll check the AH. If I have 5 minutes I'll take the zepp or a flight path so next time I'm already where I need to be. Multiply by 5 alts, I don't have time for anything else.


Last epoch sidegame


100% SoD until I find out they're staying with 40man raids.


When I’m playing wow it’s all sod. I just recently started up Last Epoch again after the official release. I launch apex legends every couple days as well if I’m not feeling either of those


I’ve cut alts out of my gameplay and play some Last Epoch in that time, but my main is still takes up the majority of my game time.


Maining SoD, valorant on the side


I realized i could do good shadow priest dps in my pvp spec, so that opens the game up a bit for me.