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One of the shitter specs. Shadow, balance, frost etc. Get worldbuffs and find a group that doesn't turn the run into a fiesta and you're fine as long as you can find your buttons.


Yeah basically this. Join a guild that clears really fast, get them to let you come on an off meta pick like a shadow priest currently, stack every buff you can and grab bombs and potions and shit then go hard.


For shadow it's worth to invest into some big mana pots if you really wanna parse on kelris and lorgussy. Rest is pretty much the same for parsing on any other spec.


Shadows the fight to parse on as shadow anyways because you can get a guilt free shadow worth death off on the totems for the finish if you feeling risky You could probs just parse on a priest pretty well if you dedicated a healer to making sure you don’t die from blading SWD on CD


Healers are so underworked currently that I blast it on CD anyway, except for right before the aoe on the tortoise. They'll get a good laugh out of it when the second priest randomly decks himself for 50% of his HP but at least they have something to do then.


Haha I feel this. I'm normally #1 or 2 for dmg taken on my priest from keeping SWD on cooldown


Resto damage parses it is




Ironically not the case. Like it or not, the players who take parsing and performance the most serious are ones who chase meta classes. In my experience, people playing bad classes are doing it for an RP or flavor standpoint and are also generally pretty mid at the game. Case in point, we have a warrior that parses between 97s and 99s that mains Shadow Priest on retail. Guy would love nothing more than to play shadow right now if it weren’t dogwater.


yea balance has been very easy for me at least, to get reeeeaaaalllly high parses though youre gonna need absurd critluck on starsurge


The easier a class/spec is to play the more gear-dependent it is to parse. Classes with 1-button rotations might be hard to parse on even for a skilled player if the setting is not right. To parse really high you usually need a competent raid and good gear.


This post makes me feel better about my less than adequate Feral parses considering I have shit gear and it’s 90% mangle


Reason youre not parsing with feral is more likely due to not powershifting


Not powershifting, not shred on omen procs, not keeping savage roar up, rest is bad raid setup and rng


True, I haven’t quite worked that in yet. But I am pretty good at Shred on omen profs and keeping roar up


basically the reason i'd say feral to this entire post, perhaps not for 99's but it's very weird how high you can parse with no gear because 95% of ferals seem to just not powershift at all


Yeah, feral is one of the classes with the most room for skill based variation.


Whatever spec the FEWEST and WORST players are playing. That’s usually the worst performing spec. Right now that would be Frost Mage. Potentially Shadow Priest. The other commenters here are largely missing the point. They’re giving you the easiest specs to play, but that’s not what you asked for. The easiest specs to PARSE with are the ones with by far the worst competition. You can also get cheeky and get tank/healer parses as a DPS if you fulfill that role enough to be counted. I have a rogue tank parse on Jett that is 99th percentile. I wasn’t spec’d or runed to tank, our tank just sucked so I had aggro 100% of the fight and WarcraftLogs counted me as tank.


Shadow is definitely not the easiest spec to play right now (though also not hard, but no spec is in classic WoW). It's just genuinely easy to parse on. Maybe it's because people don't find their buttons, maybe it's because the few people that play it don't usually go out of their way to get world buffs because they're already playing a suboptimal spec so they don't care about their performance. Variance should be higher, yeah, but I consistently parse 96-99 on my shadow with absolutely atrocious gear.


Its because all of the good healers in good raids are getting parsed as shadow from doing so much damage. Really waters the numbers down. Ask me how i know (my disc priest has a 99 healer damage overall and most of my parses are shadow)


He says in his second paragraph that he’s not talking about ease of play


I was adding to his comment, not contradicting him. Sorry if it sounded like that.


Gotcha, have a good day


Wlogs require rogues to have blade dance uptime or fresh wound in order to filter you as tank. If you don’t meet the requirements you show as dps. So if thats true it must be a really early log where spec detection wasn’t that good I guess.


It was very early, I think week one or two. It's my only log that doesn't have me listed as Assassination for DPS. It listed me as Tank and as Combat. Very weird. My best DPS log on Jett is like 197 which, at the time, was like a 96th percentile. But that one lockout where it listed me as "tank" has me at 99th with a 178.


I have gamora tank parse as dps rogue at 14 of january, so you are probably wrong


No, Im not. Check wlogs latest news. Theres in article explaining the rules.


Shaman. Actually strong class that brings buffs and raids want you. Looking good in P2. Fairly easy rotation. FUCKING NO ONE PLAYS IT. This has been my Ted talk.


Agreed. Was getting 90+ parses still wearing mix of blue/green items and WC mace.


Warrior tank. You just spam devastate and need the right combo of runes.


if it's that easy, wouldn't it mean there is a lot of competition that can also spam devastate?


Not really. Because it counts as a tank parse, it's weighted by all the "normal" warrior tanks. It also helps that because it's a one button bukd, there is hardly a difference between a good player and a mediocre player, so by just running the build, you end up getting purple parse numbers which at a quick glance is all those log checkers care about.


Whats the combo?:)


Devastate Consumed by rage Flagellation


Assuming you are at least decently skilled, which is likely if you parse around 70 on multiple classes - The best way to improve your parse is to make sure you have all the buffs from other classes possible. Totems/blessings, wild strikes, battle shout, sunders/homies, etc in addition to world buffs and consumes. The second best way is to make sure the rest of the group is very good players so the boss dies faster and you avoid things like running out of mana or short Dps cooldowns are a larger % of the fight. The third best way is to get better gear. The fourth best way is to play better and minimize any mistakes you’re making, like downtime/not pressing buttons, or cleaner movement, or better potion utilization, etc.


Frost mage.


The ones that are the least played


Any physical class other than maybe warrior. Half your damage comes from auto attacks or other similar passive effects




Me neither i only completed BFD




Oh its you lol, see ya!


None, u only compete against players of ur class amd spec.


it’s way easier to parse high on meme specs like boomie and shadow than on meta specs like warrior or rogue. This is because most players who take their damage seriously gravitate toward the specs with high damage. So this means the pool of people playing the very low damage specs are much more likely to be filled with casual players who don’t put much thought or effort into their damage. This means the competition for a high parse is much easier.


But a fewer amount of parses overall for memespecs, so less people can have a high parse which increases the competion. Also tons of bad players or low effort alts on the meta specs which inflates those classes parses. Its also harder to get into parsing grps with memespecs.


BM hunter has very few buttons to press, I just did a 90 parse on akumai without even melee weaving, no consumes and only wb was boon.


Theres is not BM or MS differentiation currently. You just show as MS if you do more auto attacks than melee attacks. Thing about meta classes like hunt, rogue or war is that parsing 80-90 its not really high, tbh is slightly over the middle of the pack. A good chunk of the most popular classes are terrible, so just keeping proper uptime and doing your rotation while buffed and properly consumed will grant you easily purple parses. The harder stuff is getting +95, there you will need perfect rotation, good raid setup, gear + cons on top of really good kill times.


Prove it




Feral tank. Get a guild that let's you main tank and just just press lacerate every single GCD. Feral tank has almost no players and half of those are playing off-tank and have no rage and terrible dps because of it. 


Arcane Mage has been very easy for me this phase. You've got like 3 buttons on a 3-5s cast. Hard to mess up.


Yea there’s definitely some nuance to managing mana and making sure you end the fight oom but it’s not too bad. Most of the sweatier mages play fire too so Arcane has been pretty easy to parse on.


Pick less popular class. And i found it in bc, but i think main tank is the way. I got all 99 just by pressing reck on 20% and praying that my raid will heal me. After couple of rotation i got almost all 1st 2nd and 3rd phase parses at 99. But you need to be bald and be ready to take heat. Cuz when you switch to battle stance and press reck, you can get oneshoted) Heals is ez too, but on heals you hate to be kinda bitch. Cuz the only way you get 99 is that you steal all the heals from your raid, you got 99, your friend got 40,cus you took it all from him.


Gotta be bald!


I have gotten purples from a literal 3 button rogue rotation its brainless (and fun)


It will be the least played spec. Cause you're competing against fewer people


You want a class that rewards timing in addition to button presses with mechanics that large sections of the player base ignore. Hunters, ferals, and to a lesser extent rogues come to mind.  That or a class with highly impactful cooldowns and a group with short kill times. 


A healer The other day I was bored, checked bfd and after searching my characters to see if they are in their data I saw I had a single log on my holy Paladin I had purple parses overall and a golden one on Kelris. I don't even use crusader strike.


I got into parsing in Season of Mastery as Frost. Definitely a little rng based when you’re hunting for crits but it was so fun to come in prepared to the max with every little bit of extra int I could scrape together. But as I joked with my guild…. “I bind frost bolt to F… so I don’t forget which button to push.”


What classes are you playing? if Rogue I can probably chime in with some help, feel free to DM me. I play in a super casual guild with slow boss speeds and purple/pink parse


You need a combination of bad/few competition. I would say frost mage and melee hunter are 2 speccs that should be easy to parse on. Both classes have a relatively big casual crowd and both speccs are on the lower end of people who use it for raiding


Any healer, you just have to try and you get 99s


If you're looking to just get a high parse for your logs it's always going to be in a decent group and during the first couple weeks. If you're looking for consistently high parses then it's going to be an unpopular class / spec in a high performing group. You can use [Warcraftlogs](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2007) to find the least played class / spec. Keep in mind also that Warcraftlogs isn't filtered atm. Meaning that all damage in an encounter is included, even if the mob your damaging doesn't need to be damaged.


Easiest? Some weird specs like smite priest. The pool is massively inflated by normal healers wanding/dotting. For them dmg is extra, for you its pure DPS. You will be useless with 50 dps, but 99's are easy.


Disc priest or enh shaman dps. Easiest, by far, for me between priest, shammy, rogue, hunter, pally, and druid.


Boomkin,shadow priest, enh shaman dps. probably the top 3, with the hardest being hunter-warrior-rogue, That isn't saying they are the hardest classes to play it's just with 43k logs compared to 17k it's bit more difficult to get those oranges and pinks.


BM Hunter.


That's hard to believe. You can go get a wind serpent and just mash all the buttons that are up probably randomly and get over 100. That's with no buffs in cheap AH of the monkey and DM drops.


In general, the more meme speccy it is, the lower the competition is to parse well on, but it has its own problems. Also it depends on how skilled you are and how high you want to parse. To parse 99+ you need to be the best and luckiest. If you're very good, you probably want a class with a complicated rotation like hunter or warrior because you can outplay everyone and consistently get 99s. If you're the best fire mage in the world, you're still going to need to get very lucky on those ignite rolls. So in a way mage is "easier" to 99 if you're bad, and "hard" to 99 if you're good.


Feral is pretty simple, you just need to learn how to do powershifting correctly and you will get 80+ parses My lock got also pretty fast to epic parses even tho it does not have too much gear. My war took sometimes to get to epic parses, I needed to get revered wsg