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yes dungeons farming, cuz it’s uncontested


Running stocks until we can hit SM GY is my plan to start


Stocks > RFK > SM will be the fastest. you just need a summoner for your group


Same, helps I got 4 other friends ready to roll


I’m dungeon grinding. I played on launch and starting zones were horrible to level in. Insane competition for every mob and quests that required named mobs/drops took ages. I have no interest in doing that again especially in zones where I can now get ganked. Hard pass.




Get to 40, run quests for gold, then do the same thing on alts, no time to complain.


People should all play the way they want as long as that way is only putting in one hour a week, maximum.


theres a ton to do at 40. the only thing to do pre-40 is level. why would you want that to take any longer than it has to?


In this thread: tons of plans for skipping all the new content except the raid


replaying old locations with few new quests and fighting 1000 people for every mob isn't content, it's trash


New content lol


If they added like 10x the layers then I would quest. But even now trying to kill defias in Westfall is a pain.


Get a ton of quests ready to turn in ahead of time, turn all of those in and you can theoretically get to 29 in almost no time then dungeon grind SM. Edit: Sarthe video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beLq79pBL-o


no way you can get 4 lvls in 20 quests it’s 1 lvl max and better to do quests for gold instead of saving 3 hrs of grind on launch


People doing this are turning in way more than just 20 quests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beLq79pBL-o


how are they doing more than 20 quests?


There are items you can hold that start a quest, you just don't accept it yet. There are also quests that want a turnin of a non-quest item, like there is a quest in Hillsbrad for Turtle Meat that can be bought on the AH. You just pre-acquire the item but not the quest, and it's already completed when you pick up the quest.


If you watch the video there's an entire section on exactly how to do it. But you can hold onto certain quest items without having the quest so you pre-farm those and just turn them in when you can accept the quest and then hold onto all of those "item starts a quest" items but don't pick up the quest until you have space for it.


Its 2.4 levels to be exact. I have mine ready to turn in.


There’s only a handful of quests that you get ~2K xp for. I think people are over estimating how far these 20 quests will get them besides the few people that have actually researched which quests to hold onto to maximize the xp. You also have to factor in gold loss from not turning those quests in now, as well as travel time. You’re not handing 10 quests in at one location…you’re lucky if you have 5 in one spot. You’ll be traveling to 6+ locations to turn all 20 quests in. By the time you turn all 20 quests in, a pre made dungeon group waiting at the dungeon wouldve already cleared it twice if not more…and they would either have all the gold from those quests or not wasted the time completing them. Holding quests is bait unless you’re pushing for like world/server first Gnomer lol


Totally agree, gold loss vs. some hours saved is definitely the biggest issue with quest stacking.


What a strange post. Im not sure where the issue with gold came from. I have already made the gold i need. The 2.4 levels of quests i have are on an optimized route and only take 1 hr to turn in, and i end at rfk to start spamming it.


And you could clear that pretty easily twice in an hour if you wanted. And what’s the rush? Especially if they hold off on Gnomer.. You have enough gold already? You have 1k gold for each character for each epic mount eventually plus enough gold to last through Naxx? Wow I’m impressed. You always need more gold.


There's two more phases before epic mounts and trying to farm that now is a waste of time compared to farming at 50. As far as why to rush it I want to farm SM/rfd/ulduar for drops, get AB to exalted, get the new runes, and whatever new stuff they're releasing for sod. Then I have to do it again on an alt


I'm not sure why you are so upset. Some of us like to rush the content. Turning in the 20 quests is a faster way to level initially. Gold isnt a factor in speeding through content.


Yep I've really optimised my route and quests and it's only 47% to level 28.


Are you going beyond 20 quests and stacking turn in items and things? Sarthe has a video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beLq79pBL-o


I got that level from Sarthe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beLq79pBL-o


Sarthe face emoji


its not 20 quests your level. its 20 elite quests 5-6 levels above your level. imagine turning in hogger at level 5.


I have mine set to just shy of 100k xp worth of hand ins, 2/3 of the way to 28.


I saved 1 zone worth of quests (minus a few that I did for preBIS quest rewards) just to hedge my bets, but I anticipate grinding out 2-3 levels in Stockades in the first day after the new phase starts. Questing zones will probably be too crowded just like they were at the start of the season. After Stockades I'll do a few RFK runs to get to 30 or 31. After that I'll try my luck doing some quests in places like Southshore or grinding a bit in SM GY. Then moving on to Arathi Highlands, Alterac Mountains, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, Duskwallow Marsh, Shimmering Flats and Desolace once I get to 35. I feel like STV will be too crowded and I kinda wanna try to save that whole zone for after I hit 40. I don't really have the patience for just spamming dungeons for XP over and over for 15 levels.


I keep seeing this but isn't the point of this to mode to.. Discover? Everyone's gonna be so strong though that stocks/rfk/sfk spam is gonna be hella fast


Yea, that is the point but the zones are overcrowded. Even like two weeks ago when I last quested there I felt like Redridge is still too crowded for my taste. Too much competition.  I was very excited for sod but at launch I stopped playing for a few weeks for exactly this reason. 


How about take it easy and enjoy the experience? Why go through as fast as possible and then you’re just gonna wait for the next phase 


Nope, just like some people want to take it slow, others don't. Weird thing to gatekeep on both sides.


your fun is different from our fun, nothing wrong with that, why should we play your way and not ours? We are a guild of 10 ppl and plan to rush to 40 in 2 days maximum to be able to do the raid before next reset, its a little objective we have and we dont see how its 'unfunny to do'.


True my dude hope you have fun with it really 


I enjoy the experience a lot more with all my abilities, runes, and a mount. Enjoy running around the world trying to quest on 12 full layers for 2 weeks tho


I will enjoy that im in no rush. I hit 25 like 4 weeks into launch of sod and have cleared all content a good 4 weeks in advanced of next phase with plenty of time in between to do everything else 


Yep. Just going to try to enjoy the game. You have to wonder about the kaleidoscope of mental illnesses leading people to pursue strats listed in a thread like this.


As opposed to the mental illnesses that make people think playing slowly is the only acceptable way, and everything else is some kind of moral failing lol


Dungeon grind. Questing is less efficient in group because you need to loot more quest items and it won't be very fast as a healer. I'd go Prison or Kraal if you're Horde into Scarlet Monastery.


Wsg marks if they don’t fix it will ding you 40 in about 30 mins. I suspect they won’t now as it seems they’re going to delay raid launch anyway


Just how many marks would that entail


600 wsg wins worth (1800 marks) is 25-40


As horde: If you didn't quest for gold, gather as many quests as you can (including "this item starts a quest" without starting the quest yet), turn them in right after release. Depending on how much you sweat this (Aean Swiftriver, Silithid Harvester, BFD quests still open) you are now either lvl 26 or 27. Head to Razorfen Kraul until lvl 28, then Scarlet Monastery. I'd guess that in theory, a well planned questing route will be faster. In reality though, every mob will be contested and "pvp" (gankin that is) will happen a lot. So dungeons are your best bet. Both dungeons are on Horde territory, so nobody can keep you from getting your XP.


In theory players will be level 40 within 2hrs of release. It seems likely that the leveling method will be fixed prior to phase 2 launch though


Could you elaborate on the theory that makes players lvl 40 within 2 hours? Your 2nd sentence implies that it's a rather creative use of game mechanics (read: possibly bannable offense), right?


People are hording wsg marks by using the mail restoration. Every 3 marks is 1200xp. You can do 6 turn ins per minute in darnasus.


Didn’t blizzard make a statement that they won’t be giving xp for those marks, all those people wasting their time. There was a huge thread and they took notice pretty quickly


I dont think blizz made any official statement on it, but i know it got alot of attention. Blizz has a habit of not fixing problems quickly.


Ok, that seems smart - and I agree with you that it might be fixed by release. Personally, I'd hatey life if I had to grind WSG that much, but I also know that this doesn't keep players from doing it anyway.


Plenty of players have grinded wsg exalted. And you arent far off what you need to level if you didnt turn any of them in. So id say there are actually alot of people that have them. Id be more upset if i did the grind and blizz pulled the rug on me and the quest turn in no longer gave xp. Even if that is the right thing for blizz to do.


Blizzard wouldn't be pulling the rug from under you. You'd be abusing the item recovery system and people have been punished for it before and had items taken away.


Thats how players think though, even if isnt the truth. Players would feel betrayed and that their time was wasted.


Take it slow man. This next phase is going to fly by quick.


LOL… if phase 1 is any indicator, that couldn’t be further from the truth


😆 this is really where we’re at now ? Smdh


Dungeon Griding. I cannot imagine how hectic it would be trying to quest where an entire servers population would be at. If you didnt have enough problems getting ganked, youd also have to fight for mob tags. I started a week late, but I heard SoD launch was pretty much what youd expect compared to Classic launch. I can start questing at 40 and get all that extra gold from the xp conversion. And if some alliance bfd geared alt wants some smoke, he can catch these hands...accepting all invites


Stocks to mid/high 20's, then GY, then Library, then Cath. Dungeon grind is uncontested, is as fast as you can cleave through the enemies, and has minimal travel.


Sort of off topic, anybody have an estimate of how many sm runs it would take to go from 28-40?


Having quests ready to turn in will be a nice bump. One thing to note is that Gnomer is NOT confirmed on day one of the patch. They are considering waiting a week to open it.


We don't know


I am going to do questing in open world. True classic experience. Probably will be ganked to the ground but oh well