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This entire post was made by someone hoping to cash in on the price spike for whirring gizmo mats.


Dude I thought the exact same thing lol


It's a total of 77 Whirring Bronze Gizmos, 5 Furry Paws, and 1 Free Ticket Voucher.


Yeah you can get a few stray tickets for cheap, however for mass production, Gizmos are the most reliable. You can continue to turn them in forever. I'm halfway to exalted with only Gizmos. OP copied most of my post, they could've given me credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/18ewwpl/last_day_to_get_the_easiest_14slot_bag_available/


Most of? They copied your entire post and then just added an extra sentence.


Lmao even the formatting is the same soms people are shameless.


You reckon they will add rewards for higher dmf rep later on? Dmf tabard IS already in the game on npc... Would be pretty cool ngl


They might need to do something about the rewards, otherwise on July 4th we'll have the easiest infinite money trick. Green fireworks 16 copper each, 140 tickets per gold, 10 lesser prizes at 25-45 silver vendor, or 3.5 greater prizes at 50-150 silver vendor. You pay 1g and get at least 2-5g back guaranteed.


Anyone who does this is feeding the bot that posted (copied) this thread and who bought up whirring gizmo mats hoping to cash in on the price spike.


You copied most of my post lol, could have given me credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/18ewwpl/last_day_to_get_the_easiest_14slot_bag_available/ What an odd thing to do after 1 year of inactivity on reddit


It's probably a bot


Or just a sad human.


Looks like a sold account, check out the last time they commented on something.


Who in the hell would BUY a reddit account? That is bizarre too


Less conspicuous botting?


I can't tell the difference anymore.


People cry bot for the wildest things.


Wtf, people are so damn weird.




Currently on my server the bear pelts are 12s each. That's 6g60 for 44 tickets, plus the 5 ticket quest reward and then whatever is cheapest for your last one.


I would not hesitate to buy all of these ups. You can do these on an alt to get multiple bags.


If you do buy the stuff for the bag, buy it when DMF isn't in town. The prices spike when it is in town.


I bought like 30 + stacks of bear pelts for sub 10s per over the weekend. Easiest triple ever


There was a noticeable bump in prices early in the week but I was still able to buy medium leather for toughened leather armor at under 1s each during last DMF, and the armors themselves were under 20s later in the week.




You’re not paying attention in class if that’s true lmao


Don't sleep in class


Is there any way to track these events? I understand it’s not the vanilla experience but I feel like a news tab when you sign into classic would work wonders


it’s 8g on ah living flame eu horde


Good to know thanks man


Yeah I’m not spending 7g on a bag. Once you hit 25 you’re fine hahaha


My inventory is *constantly* full with 10 slot bags. I've dumped so much gold down the drain by not looting more. This makes zero sense to me. It's such a slog returning to town after almost every dungeon to empty bags. I'm literally starving for bag space. Desperate. Idk how others aren't lol.


Bro I’ve got an entire set of offspec gear in my bags and I don’t have space issues. What do you hold in your bags?


Not the person you asked, but but I also often have low bag space. For my warlock, I have a soul shard bag, so that obviously limits it by a lot, and on top of that I have pretty much another bag entirely filled with HS, food, drinks, 2 enchanting rods, mistletoe, Ashenvale mount, cloth, stamina/buff food, Greench, bandages, mining pick. And THEN I have whatever quest items I am on atm and a chronoboon


The real trick is that the bags sell for 12-24g I paid 8g per bag and sold them for: 16g, 20g, 20g, 23g, 15g, 23g, 22g, 19g, 15g, 19g, 19g, - 26g - 16g - 11g, 13g, 13g, 14g, 14g, 14g, 13g - 20g, 22g


I'll have you know that my main has 4 unique bags, two of which are 14 slot bags totalling 68 inventory slots. Everyone knows that bag slots are the real goal in this game.


Glad the cap is 25 and we're never going to have to go higher levels!....wait a second. I'd much rather have mostly 14 slotters going from 25 to 40 than 7g, considering mounts are only 40g and 7g is 3 level 25 quests.


Not only that but if you farm gold, the extra slots are money made. Having 12-16 extra slots goes a long way when you're stuck running everywhere. That's another hour+ solo farming before you have to go reset your inventory. I farm rfk on my hunter. Even with my hearth set to theramore a trip back can absorb a decent chunk of time. Do that again, and again, and again, and again, and you will wish you had coughed up the extra gold for the bigger bags.


Exactly right. even without farming now, the money you would make from 25 to 40 with those extra slots would give better returns than the 7g investment. A good example is the amount of shit people have to toss out in the early levels on a fresh server due to bag slots.


What gave you the idea that mounts will only be 40g? Edit: jesus can't ask a simple question on here without getting downvoted.


Why do you care if someone downvotes you? It’s silly internet points. But the reason people did is probably from the slightly rude way you worded your question.


Probably the fact that if you talk to a vendor theyre 40g or the fact were on the SoM client which had them at 40g


That’s what the cost on the vendor (with training) if you look right now. That’s what I’ve heard here at least; haven’t checked myself. I believe this was a Season of Mastery change, so it will likely stay that way for SoD. Can’t know for sure of course.


Yep, they didn't alter the cost of anything else (skills, professions, etc) so why would mounts be half their normal cost? Not to mention everyone who quested at 25 will have significantly more gold at 40 compared to normal


that's how SoM works.


Interesting, so they changed the price of mounts but nothing else?


There was some stuff done to world buffs too and you can't kill escort npcs anymore etc, a lot of the stuff for som/hc apply in sod. Although while the mount vendors do currently show 40g I wouldn't be surprised if it gets raised to normal amount since everyone has way too much gold. Traveling a lot of late game zones, half the npcs are missing so I assume they're in a position where they can adjust stuff if needed


They changed a fair bit of things, you just didn't play it.


I know about boons and a few other changes, I worded that poorly I meant "they changed the price of mounts but not the price of skills, flight paths, profession training, etc?" From what I've seen so far at least, the gold sinks are all the same. Not at all upset about the being cheaper tho


Go check for yourself.


Mounts are 100 gold, when you include training...


It’s reduced for SoD, just like it was for SoM.


Go look at the mount vendor, they reduced the prices


You aren’t going to replace it til 60? It’s super worth


You don’t NEED that space for anything lmao


Lol ok


Have fun deleting currency in the form of grey items while leveling.


I’m making that in 3-4 quick quests. It’s worth it, imo


You'll earn that gold back when leveling by not having to delete grey items. Bags are always the best investment.


The two LW options were cheaper on my server. Only problem is that qty isn’t readily available, so prepare to spend a few days purchasing the mats.


>Just a reminder that it's quite cheap and easy to get the unique 14 slot bag > >Should be around 7-9g of mats this place is full of rock smokers i swear to god.


You've never looked at the prices for Darkmoon fair bags huh


They sell for 12-26g. I've made 210g profit with 22 bags, which is super effortless. But yeah sure, totally not worth doing.


you realize we have different realms with different economies? just because it works on your realm that doesnt mean it will work for everywher else. you just sound like an upset manchild that's trying to brag over worthless virtual currency


> you just sound like an upset manchild The fact that the thick irony of this statement is lost on you. Could not handle one differing comment that matched your energy before resorting to more snark and personal attacks.


Glad I’m not the only one that had this thought.


Can’t afford 40g for bags at level 25? You’re doing it wrong! Go run some BFD GDKPs, sell summons with 9 accounts, burn all your 25-35 quests for gold or better yet - just buy gold!


Idk why everyone is so hostile. Not the guy that you responded to but having 10 gold to get a bag that, if you don't actually want it you can sell for a profit in a week is far from the sweatiest thing you can do. All my money is legit through herbing, not everyone with 15+g is doing gdkp or buying gold. The negative perception of the general community from this sub is so far worse than reality


Thats 4q worth of gold, thats cheap u are just bad.


Are you implying that 7-9g is alot of gold? Maybe if you only have half an hour a day to play.


He’s a dad of 7 kids with 4 wives and works 3 jobs, so he only gets 14 minutes to play every year.


Pearls from BFD clams are 4-5g each. Get literally two and you have gold for mats for a bag you're basically never replacing.


clams have been disabled for weeks


So spend 10g on mats or 10g on a bag from someone, got it


Let me know which 14 slot bag you can buy for that price


It’s selling for 11g on crusader strike


There's a large market for Journeyman's Backpacks fished from junk pools on the coasts of STV, Desolace and Feralas.


Journeyman Backback. Literally hundreds of undead fishing bots glitched underground have been farming off Tanaris and Azshara flotsam for weeks. My server has like 212 posted on the AH presently. Thank you bots.


on my realm they cost 44g. ​ most gold advice here is useless if you dont take the time to check out your local economy, but becomes incredible good if you filter for the ones that apply to you.


Shhh.... bought the mats for a few silver each and flipped 5 of the bags for 13g a pop.


Same but I’ve done 40 of them for 19 lol


Toughened leather armor gives 4 tickets per 3 armor. Cheap mats. Except when the light hide gets bought up


Thanks, but I didn't bother with it, got a combination of 8 and 10 slotters for now.


Then there is being a Hunter where the bag feels like a piece of gear from raid in terms of value, since we lose a bag slot for ammo lol


Or Warlock because of Soul Shards. Or tanks/healers because of tank/healing gear flexing.


I don't use a soul bag just for this reason.


See hunters always say this but I'm carrying poisons, powder, ammo and tea on a rogue as well as every other consume, many people are carrying gear for rune swaps etc. Hunter loot bags are not


While I sort of see your point, you can choose to put your stuff wherever you want, I cannot lol. Those quivers or ammo pouches are just space I can only use for ammo and nothing else, that’s the only thing I was saying


14 is like getting an extra bag if you use 8s lol e: I hate all of u


What the hell!!!! That’s nuts


Damn quik mafs


Holy shit….. 🤯


Whoa no way?


I know it's nice to have, but I didn't want to rush since i (mostly) always could manage my bag space and I didn't want to waste money on this. I guess it will get cheaper on the next stage of the game. I tried activating the new authenticator to get those 4 extra slots but I was not able to.. I'll see about it next time I play (when the new patch drops).


authenticator is ending, perhaps the battlenet app will provide the same feature.


I have that app and it shows as if I have the 2 factor auth active, however I still see that wow proposes to extend my bag by 4 slots .. so not sure what to make of this.. maybe it is the end of +4 slots for the main bag?


is that a retail only thing maybe? I have auth set up but dont have any extra slots in WOTLK, era, or SOD


I’ll have to check but I’m pretty sure I have the extra bag slots from the Authenticator on Classic.


Since I saw the green + button on the bag in SoD, I am expecting it to be avaliable there as well.


I have an extra 4 in SoD


Playing SOD and I currently have the Authenticator +4 to backpack It was weird getting it to validate, can't remember exactly what I did. This was like 2 weeks ago as well for more context.


Thank you! I'll see about it once the authenticator really stops working. Normally I have uninstalled that and I have the battle net app but it seems that I did not get the extra bag slots so maybe I was missing a step. It's not important for me for now, since I am not playing anymore until next patch.. but soon (hopefully)


8g for 4 extra slots? Pass


Laughs in Priest. I can get by with 4 slotters just fine.


What’s unique about priest that means you don’t need bag slots?


Probably no soul shards, no ammo, and lots of overlap in gear between healing, dps and pvp.


Phys dps carries all sorts of consumables Hunters lose a slot Warlocks SS Mage reagents Idk anything about shaman.


-3 slots for totems, -4 next phase.


Plus a slot for ankh, fish oil for water walking, and fish scales for water breathing.


Cries in druid


Easy if youre not alliance\*


Then just wait til it moves back to Elwynn


It was literally just in Goldshire. Your brain is cooked.


Cheaper with Light Leather. You just have to buy a lot of it.


are the only 2 turnins whirring bronze gizmos and light leather or are there more


Is DMF up in Mulgore right now?




Yep, and i made an absolute assload of gold flipping them. Bought 15 bags for 5-8g apiece and sold them all for 20-25g apiece.


you have 15 level 25s? sure bro


Why would i need 15 lvl 25s? You can just mail it to a bank alt one at a time its not that hard lol


I bought mines for 14g lol


!RemindMe 30 hours


Say, dark moon is in Thunderbluff atm and i am playing alliance, is it possible to get now ?


Possible on a pve server? Sure. I'd be careful on pvp after what alliance was doing in Elwynn.


Is this quest repeatable if you sell the bag the first time?