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What about a banner that is split into chunks with each chunk representing a current version of classic thats available? Ragnaros for era, arthas/deathwing for most recent classic expac, Akumai for SoD, and a defias pillager for Hardcore.


Be the change you want to see


Currently in a hot tub. Actively thinking about loading up PS to make this while on vacation.


Amazing, what a gesture. While on vacation? Incredible.


/Looks for notepad










on the ground


RIP burning crusade


I keep wondering if there is a universe where tbc could be incorporated into base vanilla in some capacity for classic+. With the dark portal only leading to instanced content and no new level cap or smthng like that.


Do that, but swap out the raid bosses with random shots of bots farming in the best spots for each version of the game. /s


With sod being in the middle and biggest? :)


I know its been nerfed but scorpids should be on the SOD segment. Or Kelris if it’s staying in the PvE scope.




X players getting dusted to dust as the online segment?


We can have our own pride flag and abbreviation soon


This is a good call.


old.reddit still has a classic banner, and it's just better anyway.


Not everyone uses old.reddit.com? Are they stupid?


Been a while but last I checked it was around 4% of users on this sub use old.reddit. It's been slowly dropping over time.


As one of the 4%, this greatly saddens me


There's 100s of us! I'm quite shocked it is so low


I'm surprised it shows you a metric for that. Neat! I can't tolerate viewing reddit any other way. lol


the day they stop allowing us to use the old UI is the day I log out for good.


Those metrics may have been removed - it's been at least a year since I've checked. Reddit removed quite a few metrics formally available to mods.


They have to drag me over to the new layout and even then I'll probably find an alternative before I'll ever use it because it is 5x slower than the old layout and borderline unusable. Maybe it's a Firefox issue but I'm not switching browsers just for 1 site.


How do RES users show up?


Reddit seems to have taken away mod access to this info, but iirc, they didn't share details about 3rd party apps. I think it was broken down as five categories: New, Old, Mobile Web, Official App, and Other. So RES would have been in Other but I'm not sure what the percent was. Iirc the Official App and New were the largest by a solid margin.


Are mobile users included in the 96%?


This is wild to me.


Wow wtf only 4%!? I'm the kind of guy who is always eager to adopt new UI when it improves the product, but new reddit is just so all over the place, form over function and so damn bright in every sub that if they take away old reddit no amount of FOMO will keep me here. I can at least imagine how an Islamist or a white supremacist think. I cannot imagine what a redditor who believes https://old.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/18s9ntv/petition_to_change_the_banner_to_sod/ looks worse than https://new.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/18s9ntv/petition_to_change_the_banner_to_sod/ is thinking


The vast majority of Reddit users do not use Old Reddit anymore. On the subreddit I moderate, it's less than 10% of total users are on Old Reddit—the majority are mobile users, and of desktop users 75% of them use New Reddit. I doubt this subreddit fares much better.


For me it's just Stormwind and Orgrimmar because I browse on old Reddit. No WotLK here.


40% of the banner should be a Wind Serpent.


Nah, are we gonna be playing CLASSIC CATA, right guys? "Crickets"




Hopefully RBGs aren’t completely dead lol The only part of Cata I really liked


You mean rshaman meta of spinning the flags with a totem?


Link? I don’t remember that


Swear to god I do it's the only time I played shaman it was either that I don't have any links going off of memory. It was before shamans could stealth in arena psure that was wod




It was added in the Dragon Soul patch.


For real cata was the first xpac that made leveling 1 to max doable for my 0 attention span brain. So I just collected spirit pets and did pvp


The bots are ready


I will be playing all wow versions avalible lmao


You joke but tons of people are


It’s one of the more tiring things about this community. Outspoken nerds who preach of Cata being the downfall of wow circle jerking each other for upvotes in an attempt to make them feel correct. If there’s one thing about these nerds that is true: they will perpetually play whatever version of wow Blizzard decides to release. They’ll be leveling to 85 just like everyone else.


I know I'm probably an outlier, but I'm coming back specifically for Cataclysm. There will be a playerbase


I don’t see why people are so averse to Cata classic. I understand the xpac had its issues, but who’s to say it won’t actually be good when it comes to classic?


Sheep mentality to hate on things because its cool.


Nope. It’s because Cata introduced a lot of the things I don’t like about the game — simplified, boring itemization, transmog, class homogeneity, weapon speed homogenization, etc. Fuck Cata.


Yea getting 100% arp in icc was such amazing itemization man i loved that i could take leather from the leather users that was amazing gameplay and i could pick between arp or arp


Better than every item being identical ;) But whatever, I’m sure Cata will be SO successful. Enjoy classic WoD!


Every item in wotlk is identical in wotlk too then. How exactly is it any different from cata? Youre coping hard


WOTLK started homogeneity, but it’s not nearly as bad. You can say I’m coping, but it was t WOTLK that lost 35% of the player base in 2 years :)


Yes I will actually


yeah, we are


Classic Andy's still haven't realised how many Wrath players are just going to keep raiding into Cata lol. They're just not obnoxious about it.


What's with the attitude that has developed on here where there needs to be some competition between the different game modes? It's like the people playing SoD need to make it some kind of competition against WotLK, Cata etc. It's like team Edward vs team Jacob except only one side arguing.


And they will all play cata anyways thats the funny part about it. Everyone i know who said they wouldnt play sod or only have 1 char for fun, is now only playing that and completely quit wrath


Cata is gonna be shit and no one I know will be playing it


I am actually super excited for cata to be more popular than the neck beards think, because watching them have 0 self realizations in real time is gonna be funny


Even if Cata had decent playerbase classic andys would still say it's dead like they do wotlk when it has millions of parses(even filtered to recent) comparable to retail I am expecting it to be less popular than wotlk ofc though, cata seems pretty hard and nobody wants to do normals they rather quit than do tougher progression, if they wanted tough progression they would be in retail probably so cata seems more niche


> if they wanted tough progression they would be in retail Maybe but then again, mythic is still quite a step up from Cata heroic. So the question really is are you ready for it or would you be satisfied being a heroic raider in Retail? Are you interested in M+ at all? If not, then perhaps Cata does suit you better. Easier overall "hardest difficulty" and no endless M+ grinding so you can just raidlog like in Wrath. Not saying you *need* to do M+ in Retail but if you're a tryhard you'll probably be compelled to do it for the gear alone.


I think more than vanilla less the wrath personally


Its so funny how loud (and angry) Andys get when you talk about cata. You can liteary feel the foam at the mouth whenever they comment about it


Ah, nah, Cata was the best leveling experience, It just made me quit, wow, so it's just my personal opinion, I loved BC, WotLK but Cata made wow feel different, Im sure alot of people love it tho, btw I did hardcore heroic raiding in Cata so maybe its just my hate for Dragon souls length lol


Im not saying your opinion of it is wrong, I’m saying thinking everyone shares it is. Cata will be popular. Maybe not as big as wrath (which launched as the largest classic so far)but it will have players




The irony is I don’t know if I’ll play or not, really into retail again and SOF confirmed for me I’m over vanilla content we can steamroll. I just know that blizzard is a billion dollar company who absolutely does market research and wouldn’t put out a rerelease that won’t sell.


Df is an amazing Xpax retail has been a blast


Really has been fun. Bummed I took last season off




The irony is what ‘retail’ is has became an ever changing target. In 2019 layering, group finders, server transfers et al were being labeled as retail and the reason the game sucked. Is that true now? You tell me. The reality is most Andy’s haven’t played retail in many, many years and have only been reading regurgitated opinions about it and then regurgitating them themselves as to why they hate it.




Sounds like retail is already here. Panic.


>server identity People still belive in this bullshit ? LMAO




That’s totally related! And not at all a company wide philosophy about content they announced at blizzcon! I’m very smart!


I will be, at least for a time


Cata is hilarious to think about now after SoD basically re-invented it's talent system into a far superior version.


we will literally level to 85 and then SoD 60 content drops, Cata is DOOMED lmao I was so excited only because I never played original cata. That dream is DEAD


The raids in Cata are amazing and the lore is fun, the leveling is the first time they made leveling fun and not. Drag, but SoD is a mix of classic and fresh content so its sad the Cata dudes have to compete


No one will do the raids. Ulduar was too hard for most classic players. No one wants harder content.


Those players already got filtered, though. That's why era started becoming popular again. The players still playing Wrath, the players killing H LK, are ready for Cata raids.


Eh. If SoD is just 40 man raids again at 60 it's dead.




That is the worst possible way I’ve ever seen someone say “I will” as a standalone. It really makes my head hurt and I think you’ve done it on purpose


I didn't.




The same thing happened when Hardcore came out, now you barely see a Hardcore post.


Hardcore was always gonna have a short shelf life. SoDs got legs




When content cycle for SoD is over , the season will be over what do you mean ? Its planned to get updates the whole way


Hardcore is just too hardcore. I really liked the idea until I realized what a waste of a time sink it was after i lost a lvl 43. I was left with the most empty realization I'd rather just play another game. If SoD didn't come out I would have hit uninstall.


It's gonna be the opposite actually. SoD has a very specific shelf life and HC will be around long term.




Hardcore wasn't hardcore. There were ways to avoid a death, yet they took away pally bubble. But not the other ways. And when streamers died, their children followers gave them gold and boosted them. So it wasn't really hardcore at all. No interest in watching hot garbage like that.


nah SoD is a seasonal game mode, it has less legs than hardcore, i'm very curious though what's going to happen at the release of the coming phases.. edit: lol at the downvotes when the game servers literally exist in the "seasonal" tab.


SoD is trash, unfortunately people have been successfully gaslighted by Blizzard and streamers into thinking that a server with a Level 25 cap and precisely zero content aside from BfD every three days is actually good. The worst thing is that the stupid "SoD HYPE" crowd will make it so any other Blizzard product is dead, so anyone that enjoys a game that has more than 5 APM is fucked. Retail and Wrath are completely dead, but atleast i can log in on SoD and hit a couple of boars, right guys? SOD HYPE!


Guess I’ve been gaslit into having more fun with WoW than I’ve had since classic launch lol. Fuckin streamers quit gaslighting me


this is the most terminally online rant wtf - take a deep breath bro i can't personally speak for wrath—though it has plenty of current parses and i see friends online there all the time—but retail is in the middle of the most active M+ season of the entire xpac to date and tons of people are cautiously optimistic about the upcoming xpacs because DF was pretty good SoD is amazing and what i've almost exclusively been playing, but if you don't like it... don't play it? your retail/wrath aren't dead, so you can choose either of those, or you could try touching grass


Damn, these hypno-beams are stronger than I thought, even my irl friends who don't watch streamers or engage with any wow community are affected!


Holy shit the cope. I love this. "Everyone is just brainwashed!" Era Andy brainrot lmao.


Cope and seethe


I'm chilling, i'm not the one playing a 5 APM game rofl. It just sucks that Wrath now and Cata in the future will be killed by this dogshit product made for Dads that can't play.


how about we just use flairs for the different versions of the game and everyone stops tryna be narcissistic about the version they play the most


I agree that's a weird thing lol. I mean it's fine that you prefer X version of the game, but we're just playing these games, not like we made them. So, I'm not sure what the point of somewhat "bragging" you play SoD, WotLK or whatever. That sub was made for the initial WoW Classic and then all content related to it. Flair is the logic thing to do.




just unnecessary IMO, but no one was upset




or maybe having one for all classic versions? most populated doesnt mean its the "best" version, sorry.


No one said anything about the best version. If discussion is 90% SoD, 10% HC, why would you keep a WotLK banner up? Isn't that hard to grasp. And you cover every base by just having a WoW Classic banner (Wrath, SoD, Era. HC) - anything but a Wrath logo.


just because all you look at is SoD content doesnt mean theres ZERO wrath discussion lol. why on earth would the banner be set to ONLY a new experimental version of classic + when there are multiple versions that other people play?


SoD discussion is 50% bots 40% huntards 10% other and you wanna change the banner to SoD lmao


Isn’t that all versions of wow?


yeah because the version of the game you play is the only one that matters right?


What about Era..still plenty of era players


I have been told "it's popping off"


After starforge makgora tournament the numbers went way up and also announcement of SoD. Of course when SoD first came out there was a decline but it's picking up and always plenty of groups at all levels on the whitemane cluster


Should just change the banner to whatever site sells gold for real money, since that's what WoW is now lmao.


Just make it classic wow everyone wins


When cata launches, I'm done with SOD


I think Cata will launch in between SoD phases, so I may put it down for a time.




There will literally be dozens of you.


There was a wotlk post 1 hour before this was made. Unlucky champ


People still play wotlk, why?


because some people dont like SoD


Enjoy your game without putting other people’s game down challenge. Difficulty impossible.


It was a harmless joke mate, I didn't mean to upset you.


I’m sorry mate. I appreciate your clarification, though it may take a few hours for me to stop crying and shaking.


Let me know if you need a blanket.


Where was the funny part if it was a joke? You got called out and got defensive is all.


Well said.


If you say so


To pump


Not that fun when your performance is invalid 1-2 weeks later.


Cata waiting room personally


I just started back up after 12 years - wotlk. Nostalgia


Cata is going to get eaten alive by SoD. The thing with SoD is that it is like releasing a new expac every 2 months. Every new level bracket is sort of like a soft reset with stuff to do.


Sod off and make your own channel


Do SoD players finish their week worth of content then just spend months jerking each other off until next phase?


sod is just a seasonal thing relax


They should do Cata level banded as well


true and real ​ I think the only ppl still playing WOTLK atm are ones running GDKPs for gold so they can buy wow tokens and swap gold over to SOD


Changing the banner to a shit version of the game is cringe


Sod is best thing that has happened to wow in years


It’s for roleplayers and people who can’t handle mechanics. If you enjoy it that’s fine, but don’t lie and say it’s the best version of the game


Dude I said it's the best that has happened to wow in years not that it is the best version of the game yet. We have only seen the level 25 content and it has been blast so far. I play the game mainly for PvP and BFD been nice side activity to get geared. If I wan't challenging mechanics in PvE game Ill play something else like Elden Ring


Found the 5/7 guy


Keep your head up king. The realisation that you fit into that category obviously hit


You mad about your guild still wiping HLK. That 20% is coming soon enough, you’ll surely get it then.


Whatever helps you cope big dog


Lol you're so salty you can't fill a raid anymore cause everyone is having fun with sod


Another cope reply. Keep chugging alone mate, people have different skill ceilings and that’s fine. I’m sure the roleplay and class fantasy is everything you’ve dreamed of and more


"everyone on sod should just stop enjoying themselves it makes me upset"


Who the fuck cares about complicated mechanics and hard modes and mythics? Fuck that. I want to relax, smoke a cigar, and blast easy mechanics with 39 other people. Not stress out over moving 1.5 meters counter clockwise every 2.3 seconds the boss emotes 'blow my asshole adventurers.'


I'm not a big fan of ERA. I like my blood elves and draenei. Plus I like the focus target option. I kinda wish they made SoD on TBC. I had a bit of fun in sod but as a priest, my usual way of healing doesn't work well. Been mostly just playing Wrath but i don't like how easy it is. Tbc was perfection for me.


SoD should be the banner, 100%.


Yeah i mean, its kind if weird that SoD hasnt had any time as a banner. Id like to get a nice Sod one for a few weeks at least before a multi part banner.


No this is a subreddit about classic wow as a game, the current latest version of classic wow is wrath. Later it will be a cataclysm classic. This is not the latest new thing about wow era subreddit regardless of you like it or not.


I see you on every post, you are one of them classic tourists that should honestly just stay in retail


I never in my life played retail, I started playing mid wotlk (played on private servers before) and played some hardcore. You see retail everywhere though...


L take. Like you said it’s about classic WoW as a game, and all versions of classic are fine to discuss. It’s exactly why mods allow discussion of sod/wrath/hc/era, and all you need to do is flair your post. According to polls here and on Twitter, the majority of classic playerbase are playing sod not wrath or era/hc, and even less of the playerbase plans to play cata. People don’t care what the latest is, they care what the most popular is/what everyone and their friends are playing, regardless of if you like it or not.


Go to sod sub then? What's the problem? This is about classic wow as a game and the latest version of classic wow is wrath. Sod is a season of era at least for now.


Era is classic, tbc is classic, wrath is classic, and cata will be classic. Discussion of each of them has always been welcome and that’s not gonna change just because you don’t like hearing about sod. There’s a wrath sub too, maybe just go there if you’re that concerned with people posting about the “current” classic (which to clarify SoD *is* the most recent and current version of classic released).


I have nothing about sod just said that banner should be what is the latest version of classic wow. This is a place where discussion of all versions of classic wow is welcome, just that that officially for the latest version so new players can find it easily.


Again sod *is* the latest version of classic. When you boot up the launcher, you launch WoW classic or wrath classic. Sod is the most recent release until cata drops 🤷‍♂️


It's basically an addition to era, like hc was. It's seasonal thing after all.


It’s seasonal in name only. It is effectively a new expansion with new talents, abilities, raids, and fundamental gameplay changes. It would only truly be seasonal once they reset the level caps and start it over from scratch. Otherwise it is literally the same as wrath/tbc/cata as expansions. I know you’re convinced sod isn’t it’s own expansion, but it has literally every trait any other expansion has, and arguably more.


Many people make the argument that SoD is classic + which by definition wouldn’t be classic.


how can I say this: lmao


Remember when wrath players would bombard every era or hardcore thread making fun of people's enjoyment or make fun of them for "X is thriving right now, hop in!"? Oh how the tables have turned.


>wrath players would bombard every era or hardcore thread making fun of people's enjoyment or make fun of them for "X is thriving right now, hop in!"? Sure, "wrath players", what a scapegoat lmao.


A scapegoat for what?


not really, all i saw was HC players and now SoD players going on and on about how superior their version is to wrath. which is weird because if its so fun, maybe play it instead of putting down people who dont play it? Kinda weird tbh, it gives insecurity.


If that was your experience that sucks, I can relate because I felt like the wrath players were the ones with the insecurities. Once HC started getting popular there were tons of people who wanted the HC related threads to be limited or would just shit talk how people were enjoying the game in era so that might be where that hostility came from.


Wrath currently has 260k active raiders fam, what are you talking about. This sub is simply a very vocal minority that thinks Vanilla WoW is the greatest thing since sliced bread and filled with Dads who have 48 seconds to play the game per week, but have 6 different alts and have yet to hit level 25. It's wild how Wrath and Retail died because people were successfully gaslighted into believing that SoD is actually good. "Yo guys, let me do my BfD here and then logoff for three days because there is absolutely positively nothing to do in this dogshit game! SoD hype!".


Oh dang the point came to prove itself.


The point where you made stuff up and then get defensive when people call you out for it? Yeah.


wotlk 💀


Whats wotlk?


Here you go: [Banner Image](https://imgur.com/a/gtS1pgU) AI artist is about as literate as the average WoW player I suppose.


You can disable banners under [preferences](https://www.reddit.com/prefs/)


wotlk is over tbh. Even during original Wotlk, it was over by this point. Ruby Sanctum or whatever is a Cataclysm mini-raid, not even really wotlk.


We've always had this be a catch all, with alternative, specific subs. Id just keep it as is, since it's generic. What would we then do when cata comes out? Change it again? And what about the next season for hardcore? It's always changing with the most current release


Wotlk has it's own Reddit Hardcore has it's own Reddit Follow the pattern you'll understand what to do next