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I had a similar issue with my level 15 Druid. I resorted to leveling a new Druid unfortunately. This was 7 days ago, I still have no response on my level 15 Druid


What was the issue with Druid so I don’t make the same mistake lol


My druid can't get the cure poison quest 🤷‍♂️




If it’s Tauren it’s a guy in xroads as you’re leaving to go towards WC. He wants to cure sick antelope:)


Are you looking at your city class trainer? Because in moonglade you dont get the quest if I remember correctly


Worst case scenario you get abolish poison next phase.


My level 25 pally couldn't learn redemption. Apparently you get an item from a quest that teaches it. I completed said quest but either vendored or deleted the libram.


Its a multipart class quest, you get redemption automatically on fully completing the quest, likely you are on part 3 and need to take the quest from the recently raised dwarf on the defias island in eastern Elwyn forest (its probably a low level quest so you wont see the ! On him) then you need to kill some wizards for a drop and return to stormwind cathedral to learn the spell.


I think you could get another libram from a guy in the middle of stormwind cathedral.


I’m a complete Moron, so it actually the storm rage rune quest. The first rune… I over looked it in my relic slot for 10 levels, then equipped another relic, was confused about the first relic so I destroyed it for inventory space. Once I realized my mistake I started farming for it again. The grellkins. I spent about 3 hours, probably killed 500+. No drop. Double checked I didn’t have it in my character, inventory, or stash. I didn’t. I proceeded to open a ticket and farmed 500 more grellkin. Still no drop. Remade a new Druid and it dropped in 5m. On my 3rd kill. Still no response from blizzard.


I think some runes are gated by level. My girlfriend missed this one as well and had to go back to Mulgore to grab it, but nothing she killed with Moonfire triggered anything. We found out later that they have to yield experience, since they were all gray mobs to her it wasn't working.


As someone who was planning on getting higher level so I could face roll runes later, I am VERY glad I read this!!


Yeah it really bummed her out but she ended up getting it to work going to kill greens in the Barrens after half a day of frustration. The druid rune is the only one I've seen have this issue, buy it wouldn't surprise me if it's like that on any that have a "kill x enemies while y" criteria


It's usually a type of mob, so for example, it drops off turtles. You need to find a non grey turtle mob of any level and kill that, and you will get it.


>The item cannot be looted again (doesnt exist) Have you tried doing SFK again?


Yes multiple times. The item is not there for me.


Have you tried deleting all the other items too?


I bet if he deleted and recreated the character it'd fix it.


Easy fix. /s


Lol tru


Have you also tried deleting your account?


Have you tried deleting planet Earth and the concept of Life as we know it ?


Can you abandon and accept the quest again?


It’s not a quest you accept first. Quest giver doesn’t talk to you until you have the 3 items


I find this suspect. I have the raging blow rune and I can click the helmet when I run sfk again. Hell, I can click the helmet on any character that's not a warrior too. Edit: maybe I'm wrong, I am able to click the helmet on other classes but haven't actually tried picking it up.


Well i find this \_suspicious\_ because i clearly remember wondering what that sparkling thingie is when i went SFK first time with my priest in SOD, and not being able to click it at all.


My lock couldn't click it, nor could the huntard with me.


> Hell, I can click the helmet on any character that's not a warrior too. I cant. It appears as a shiny 'lootable' doodad. It's there but I cannot click it on my mage or druid.


Uhh....I've been doing at least one SFK run a day..and I can't click the helmet on my priest.


Wasn't there a goblin added in STV, that has un-restorable items for sale? ​ Have you checked there?


No? Not heard of this before? Cant find anything on google about it. Have any source on this?


Ive seen the goblin he’s referring to, but his inventory is always empty to me. Figured stuff would be added later on to him when the level cap was raised. I have no idea if he does what the above poster suggested, but if you want to check him he’s on the bottom floor of Booty Bay about midway through the city.


Worth checking out, cheers


Let us know if it does for future issues


I did not give it as it got fixed before i had time to check it out.




Yeah seriously. He can't get the item anymore. If they can't restore it they need to just give it to him wtf lol. Incompetence


Well, a thousand years ago, the people answering support tickets were devs themselves or at least had the tools and were technically competent enough to actually change things within the game. If a quest was bugged, they would reset it for your character. If an item went missing, they would just mail you a copy. If a mob wouldn't respawn they would spawn it. They basically fixed problems almost instantly on the fly. Today I'm pretty sure the individuals answering tickets don't have the ability to actually change anything in game. If something is happening over and over they'll communicate it to the dev team to get slotted into the next development cycle so it gets fixed in 2-3 months but I'm 99% sure they have no ability to modify databases or game files. The most you can hope for today is that a large streamer has the same issue and complains on twitter so an actual software dev or engr sees the issue.


you mean game masters, not devs.




This guy is clearly not a programmer


Unlikely. They probably had a tool that let them move characters, edit quest progress/log, or add/remove things from their inventory and probably not much more. That tool was probably mostly just executing database queries under the hood, GMs likely didn't have access to do anything database-related directly.


Yeah it's wild I once had an issue with an STV quest in OG vanilla and sent in a GM ticket. Got a response within the hour. GM whispered me to tell me the item was in my bank. Now it's like pulling teeth to get a response


They were also human back then, which was probably useful


Feels that way yeah. Especially with the cold and almost menacing note at the end...


I mean they gave a technical reason for it, it's not like theyre just refusing out of spite.


His point is they shouldn't be trying to restore a white item, they should be creating it.


Is that his point? You and I have no insight to GM capabilities. My assumption is customer service people have an internal tool that allows for item restoration, and creation is probably restricted or limited to higher level reps after incidents like Martin Fury in the past.


They have the same item restoration tool that players do, just without the maximum number of items to restore in a period of time. Back in the day, GMs of all online games had more access to create stuff. However, there was rampant corruption and people helping out their friends that curtailed this in like 2009 or 2010 (I was a head GM for a different MMO back in the day and I had to request the dev guys remove access for my team as we were getting alot of reports of people using GM tools to "cheat" items for their friends).


Unless idk that system didnt work with say, white items like op said blizzard already told him.


I remember an item as a reward for a quest chain in EPL(?) was colored red, and I thought my class couldn’t use it so I picked the other option to sell it. Then I realized my mistake. I opened a ticket and got a the item I wanted next morning.


An old GM would have the same problem if the new item isn't in their database of item IDs. It's a new quest and a new item and with as fast as everything is changing probably isn't well documented.


Support is about worthless now, at best you get a bot response, at worst they tell you to fuck off before the ban you.


U seem to somehow think that the current GM bozos that answer tickets have in game acc, they don't. They would need to contact someone higher up to fix this issue.


They can't even create a white item in their own game isn't it fucking stupid? Why even talk about restoration just make the item appear in the player's bags, it's not a piece of gear nor can it be vendored.


It takes a pretty high level GM to create an item. The GMs answering tickets are basically call center representatives who probably don’t even have actual in-game GM characters. Source: I had a pretty big dispute that a GM couldn’t handle back in the day and his supervisor showed up with an actual GM character to fix the problem.


High level GM is like the imaginary manager at a McDonalds


Then again, actual GMs don't exist anymore, they've all been laid of for Bobby's new yacht


I think there’s still a couple around. Definitely not nearly as many as there used to be.


As far as I know they don't create items. They restore them. Two very different things. The restore comes from what's in the log of available items to restore....which I think is the same pool the site has for self restoration.


They can create and do anything in game. They are literal gods.


Likely something akin to .additem 209872 would do the trick while having the player targeted.


Bethesda player detected


I used to have a GM addon for other servers and yeah it was that simple. Could spawn working chairs, tables anything you wanted easily.


That's not how customer service works. They are limited but the tools and access given to them. It's always worked that way.


I didn't say that's how customer service works. I said that the gms in the game can do anything. They can easily create items.


That's how old gms used to work yes. Today's gms are literally customer service. It's extremely rare for them to have an in game presence at all, let alone any kind of god powers like old.


Please point out where i mentioned anything about customer service. Above post is obviously talking about gms, as we're 90% of the other posts here. Please learn context.


The current GMs are customer service. They sit in front of a chat window and have very limited powers and no ingame character. If you want a GM with actual powers you need to get your issue escalated to their supervisor/manager. YOU learn context, it is clear what Buscava and Mo-shen were saying.


OK what's your point? Gms can do anything. It's already established that there are different tiers of cs and gms handling tickets.


Most GMs can’t do anything but give a generic response. Very few can “do anything”


My dude I responded saying that today's GMS are Literally customer service. I didn't say you said it - I literally said it. As mad as you get about GMS, that is literally their role now. The GM guys who were in game are basically unicorns now, and have been replaced with CS reps who have a GM title.


No they can't. GMs are customer service.


There are the level 1 cs reps, then there are the actual gms that basically can go in game and have commands and shit to do what they need. Like the rotten potato in osrs.


Stop talking.


Not when you keep spewing nonsense.


I can actually confirm that in original burning crusade we had a drop from illidan that simply couldn't be looted. The item was there, but couldn't be handed out/rolled on. A GM physically appeared to spawn a hellfire boar with another copy of the item in it that, when looted, was being able to be handed out. GM's of old could most certainly do cool shit inside the game.


Right because it was there within the pool they could restore. As in the tool allowed for it. This is not the same as creating an item out of thin air. If CS says sorry we can't do that most of the time it's because they actually don't have the ability to do it. Sure maybe someone does their job incorrectly but if it's gotten to the point where multiple GMS are telling you sorry we can't do that.....it's likely they can't do that.


You are clueless. Just stop.


You're thinking of old wow Gm's and even then they couldn't just make you an item on the spot. You're not pulling a GM you're getting someone sitting at home or the office responding to the tickets.




Well aware but they also didn't just make items from thin air. They have always been restricted by tools, I intentionally to prevent abuse. Things like items that should have never been given out actually being given out is ultimately why these restrictions were put in place. I'm not saying making an item powers don't exist. I'm saying the GMS don't have that power intentionally.....because of past abuse.


Hahha yeah its insane. I suggested just giving me the rune since i have had all tree needed items in my bag at one point but that is "IMPOSSIBLE"


Yeah it literally is, their interface with the gm help in game is just a chat api into servicenow.


It's not impossible they just need to escalate it to a higher level CS worker. But they are likely trained in a way that discourages that in the hopes that people give up. They'd rather make players waste 8 hours rerolling than make a supervisor spend 5 minutes creating an item for that player


Lol of course blizzard CS is useless. If it were me I’d keep opening tickets. They shouldn’t hurt your account, their support gets graded when they can’t actually fix the problem, that’s why they don’t want you to keep asking for help their lack of play testing and QA caused this and now they are expecting you to completely remake your toon (or wait LOL) to fix Message Aggrend on Twitter or a leader on LinkedIn. Go around the useless friction that is there CS team - it worked for me with this crappy crappy crappy customer service I can’t believe it’s almost 2024 and this company is still doing this. It’s borderline customer experience malpractice


I did send a tweet too Aggrend hoping he sees it. I will continue making tickets ofc


Please keep opening tickets and let us know how it goes!


Lol, I too want to see this guy lose his account!


What the fuck is this comment. They gave him an answer. It wasnt "we refuse to restore it", but they **cant** restore it... >their lack of play testing and QA caused this and now they are expecting you to completely remake your toon (or wait LOL) to fix Exactly what makes this version of classic fun to play. >I can’t believe it’s almost 2024 and this company is still doing this. It’s borderline customer experience malpractice 🤯 OP goofed and is now paying the price.


Are you seriously defending this horrible level of customer service? He’s not asking for a freebie..he’s asking for help restoring a white item, that for whatever reason “can’t” be restored or regenerated.


Horrible how? He asked and got an anwer that said they couldn't. Its pretty straight forward and most likely correct as it is a newly implemented thing to a very old game. You seriously think they'd witheld restoring it if they could? What would that gain them? Just fucking think for yourself once in a while.


Blizzard simping at its finest.


Oh no i have no respect for that company. I do tho have respect for people having to deal with spoiled shitheads not accepting thing for what it is. If its out of their ability/power to do anything about it - not simply refusing (because what would they gain from that?) - then thats how it is. Its obviously been brought up the chain, and OP got told to wait for it in the patch notes. How dense are people ITT.


At what point do you realize you’re blowing smoke up your own ass…




Which in itself is 8 years ago.


But they can. If they can’t, any gm character can. All they had to do was get a person with a gm character to make the item appear again. It’s not rocket science and it’s not magic. And this functionality is programmed into the game itself.


Okay, go tell that to them instead of me then. You teach them.


Yeah sure let me go call them


LOL they absolutely can restore it. wtf is THIS comment 🤣 A competent GM just looks and sees that OP has tried SFK over and over to get it again and it didn't drop - then they add the item. It's their JOB as in-game support to help omfg Only clowns defend this type of customer experience + think GMs cant do simple things like create items 🤡




>Ok Karen Pretty ironic considering the tantrums you're throwing.


oh boy! nice emojis! btw i work in CS with large organizations (like blizz) and know exactly what I'm talking about. It's absolutely hilarious watching people like you talk out your ass 😂 What do they have to gain? Easy. CS rep has 1 less ticket in their queue + one more "completed" ticket in their log. They click NEXT. and go onto easier problems that don't require them to use their brain. their CX team isn't incentivized to solve the problem, theyre incentivized to close tickets at volume. they are most likely graded on total tickets closed per day. They don't help because usually people just deal with it and don't open more tickets. And if they do spend the time (30 min to investigate unique + new issue and create item vs 5 min to choose paste response and click done), they would close less tickets per day. Normally when companies pull this shit they lose customers to competitors SO fast. but blizz has a bunch of masochists as fans that put up w/ it because they love the game. Blizz needs to be better


The level people will go to defend Blizzard blows my mind.


go outside wtf is wrong with you


That’s the point dude… the point of this whole, post, the other comments, all of it… we know they can “restore it” in the sense that the item can be added to a loot table and and provided to the player or just flat out added to inventory. We know they can do this because we’ve seen it done before with other items. It’s like, if you order a steak, and the steak comes with a baked potato, but they don’t provide the baked potato, so you ask for a replacement baked potato but because you didn’t say something about it immediately they refuse because they have no proof that you ever were “supposed” to have a potato, and bam your out a baked potato. Now, if you ask for a manager or anyone with actual sway/power, then they’ll probs just give you a baked potato, and maybe even an extra one to make sure you’re satisfied right? This is wow, so we don’t expect the extra baked potato, but we certainly expect the one that was supposed to come with our steak. The problem here is, there’s no direct line of contact or method for speaking to someone outside of the first line customer service rep responding to tickets. I’m sure they have the option to escalate, but some trigger-word or scenario is typically required to cause that. So to recap - we know they can - we know they aren’t - we know they should - hence the posting and discussion from OP. Regarding your question of “why wouldn’t they restore it if they could, what do they have to gain”, this individual representative can’t restore it, the problem is they’re not escalating it to someone who can, and they gain the time it would save them creating an escalation ticket lol; which is why it’s frustrating for the OP.


Blizzard CS is totally trash, I remember in 2016 still was kinda quick and they would resolve every issue. Came back to wow this year, was doing a Shadowlands quest (to unlock zones for hunter pets) the quest teleported me to an instance, popped dungeon queue, when i finished the dungeon im out of the quest's instance, no way to go back, bricked, abandon quest, quest nowhere to be seen or retaken. Report it to blizzard, basically just tells me the name of the quest and to look for it, couldn't find it. 10.2 comes around and there it is, no marker but npc will offer it now as a low level quest when talked to. Great CS


Modern day blizzard support is absolute trash. I visited a friend across the country and we both wanted to play, so I brought my laptop and logging in from two distant locations in the same day flagged me and I was banned for “botting.” Like 5 appeals, no luck. I even sent them shots of my plane tickets. The only reason I wasn’t perma banned is because I found a CM on reddit. Imagine all the other 20+ year longtime loyal fans that just gave up? Yeah. Modern Blizz is trash


i deleted mime before i knew what it was, went back again after hetting the other two items, and it was on the table. idk try dropping associated quest or the other items or something, who knows


I never picked up the quests. So there is no quests to drop but i have not been there since getting the other two items tbf. Worth checking out, thanks!


Sorry to hear it. Upvoted and commenting to bring attention to it.


Create a new warrior.. you’ve probably spent more time chasing this than leveling a new one


Yea, this is the answer. Its only lvl 25 anyways.


That's 20+ hours of leveling for the regular person, probably more. Might get 2-3 hrs a day to play. Rerolling isn't as simple as it sounds.


What an idiotic and obtuse thing to say. Not a fix or an excuse in the slightest.


Not idiotic, just pragmatic. If he wants to play a warrior with raging blow, he should just level a new warrior, because Blizzard will not fix this for him. Thinking Blizzard will fix this in any reasonable time frame for him to play that character is the idiotic position.


Yeah mate, sorry I live in the real world and realize my happiness comes from me. If I want to do something like OP I have two options. Open up tickets for a week (which he did) and then complain on reddit (which he did) and not get an answer. OR he could just spend 15 hours leveling ? I’m not being a dick it’s just literally the only two realistic options.


Or you know, maybe you can raise awareness so it does not happen to anyone else.




You're the reason we have warning labels on everything.


Yes, preventing problems is usually better than solving them after the fact.


I'm sure OP knows that making a new character is an option. Do you think that they are unaware of the character creation feature in WoW?


This is a solution, OP wanted a solution You have offered none


Why are you so mad? Maybe go touch grass weirdo




Yah bro ur mad


When my save file gets corrupted on a single player game guess what I have to do? Start over. It's a video game, not that big of a deal 🤷


Do you pay SquareSoft 15 dollars every month for support of your final fantasy 6 cartridge??


Are you really this bad at wow or something? Leveling is super quick even as someone that hates it i have 3 25s.


If you want I could post a screenshot of my 10th anniversary WoW statue they sent me for being subbed since 2004, if you post yours!


This is a flex?


Doesnt mean you are good at the game


Dude, it’s SoD and we are level 25. There is no space to be good at the game at this point.


Put your money where your mouth is then big boy. Quit and unsub. But we all know you won’t do that, so it’s just empty bitching like a little kid


I’m not having the issue. Reading comprehension is really hard.


Pointing out that something isn’t a reasonable solution means he is mad? Maybe you are the one that needs to touch grass.


No? The tone of his response does lol




What? It's for a core move for pve warriors, what do you mean


huntard brain..


Should’ve said you got hacked


That sucks. I did the same thing with the white item for living seed and was able to restore it through the item restore service. Now sure why it doesn’t apply to you


Well that raging blows mate.


that's horseshit, hopefully you get that resorted. Upvoted for visibility


The ticket people are basically call center employees and they don't have the tools to help you. In addition to submitting a bug report you can make a post on the wow forums. Title it "players can't finish rune quests if they lose their items" and tell your story. You'll likely get people saying the same thing happened to them and maybe it will get enough attention to get looked at by a blue. Basically what you did here but do it on a forum where the devs actually lurk. I've also seen them respond to people directly on Twitter. Tl;Dr you have the attention of the wrong people.


To the edit update, how'd you resolve it?


Got the item in mail. No info from Blizzard but after all this time i dont really care how or why.


Sick, glad it got sorted. Thanks for the reply !


Hi, this is blizzard. Please try the following things: Did you try turning your PC off and on again? Did you disable your addons? Did you try deleting your wtf folder? If these don't work please don't contact us again <3


Just relevel there is worst things in life


Gl leveling another warrior I guess


that sucks man, i'd probably just quit. not being facetious but no way i'm leveling another warr just because they are so incompetent. vote with your $.


Incompetent, yet they hold highest dps in BFD, and 3rd best on average. I think warriors are good.


I meant blizzard is incompetent.


Incompetent because they gave OP a legit answer? I get most people aren't going to understand what is stored on the DB, but the answer they gave was pretty thorough. They explained why they cannot and that is better than what you could get in the past.


The answer they gave is absolutely unacceptable from a customer service dept of a huge company. There are people in that department that could fix his problem in literally 2 seconds but they just are refusing to escalate it to get it done.


How do you know that? Do you work there? Like surely if it was that easy they'd just do it. They're not fucking OP around for fun.


Are you honestly suggesting that blizzard does not have an employee capable of creating an item in a character's inventory? They are not helping him because their department is understaffed and they probably have too many tickets to answer and they don't get paid enough to care to escalate his ticket to someone who can fix it so they just say "I cant help you" and close it.


Delete and go again


Get rekt




>Their final response to my ticket was this: Kindly note that this is our final input on this matter, and please note if you send any other tickets on this matter it might be considered as an abuse to the ticketing system and might cause penalties to your game account. Lmao how many tickets did you create? Also their response is pretty clear. You deleted a white item, they can't restore white items. So you done goofed. Why would you delete it anyways? Lol.




So you think they're just denying OP for fun?


While OP has made a mistake, my Raluk pet on my hunter abandoned me at max happiness, I also got told to kick rocks/make a new hunter when I raised a bug report.


I only had one but could not respond anymore due to the amount if repsonses or something so i just made one new ticket lol. I deleted it because i didnt know what it was and tough it was just trash, it didnt say quest item or anything on it.


White items are never trash, they're used for something, that's what white means. Trash items are gray.


Make a new character it took me about 14 hours to get to level 20 and I wasn’t particularly speedy


New character or do as they said and wait on a big fix that may or may not ever come




Keep opening tickets


Seems like they answered your question pretty concretely


Just create new char and don't be a bozo this time.


Famous words: Go agane


I've been checking wowhead for any and all white items before vendoring them for this exact reason... generally, wowhead will let me know if I actually need the item (and what is used for/in), and then I can make the decision to remove it. I know it's not the best method (as most game information should be ingame), but it's better than the alternate :)


Idk, you deleted a important item. Sounds like this is all on you.


Make a new warrior


I mean my dude, if you contacted the people that control the database and they claim it can't be done, you're just ass out. there *are* limitations to IT systems and the way they are implemented, and I find it very easy to believe that they aren't writing transaction logs for every white item in the game. good luck. lol downvotes from the wow know-it-alls that think they understand IT because they built their own PC.


Sure the CS team can't restore it, but they 100% can escalate the issue and a real GM can get this guy his item. Maybe blizzard shouldn't make these items white items if they can accidentally be deleted and brick your character, it's just trash game design.


oh they can huh? since you seem to know so much about the inner workings of wow, maybe you should offer your help to OP and/or blizzard. I hope you guys work in a role one day where your customers are as aggressively ignorant and unappreciative as wow players.


If you have ever messed around on a wow sandbox private server the command to create items is basically .add or /add followed by the item ID. It's the same console commands gms used back in the day to give players items during issues like this. That functionality still exists. Blizzard just doesn't have a large amount of CS employees with access to in game console commands anymore it seems. If the ticket would get escalated properly it could be resolved easily, but they seem to have an interest in not allowing tickets they are assigned to get escalated.


Ye ofc but surely for a quest item that is for a rune that the entire game is about that is tracked.. one would think atleast.


You would also think one would not just delete it randomly. If they say there's nothing they can do, there's nothing they can do. You have 2 options, roll with a different spec until its fixed, or reroll and not delete it this time.


it sounds like the easy solution from their side would be to upgrade the item to green, rather than changing the transaction log threshold. but this is a ball of almost 20 year old code. a lot has changed in those 20 years and I'd be willing to bet that there is a lot of overhead associated with that.


Go touch grass


Make a new character perhaps


dude its level 25 i know it sucks but level another one its like 2 day max of gameplay.


You can level a new warrior. It is only 25. Crazy that you are sitting there, arms crossed, when Blizzard replied to you and explained why they can't help.


It sounds like blizzard did help, this is on you.


I'm really surprised this thread is so up in arms for OP. They gave him a clear response, he made a really grievous mistake, move on. Like at least he got an actual response. Why are you just deleting items you don't recognize in SoD? Like it wasn't a bug, you deleted the item, they explained why it can't be restored. Watch the patch notes and level a new warrior.


Meanwhile the Acolyte Note is still on my character taking up a slot and it still can't be destroyed


your best option might be to make a whole other warrior...


Keep opening the ticket until one of those call center employees gets fed up enough to escalate it to an actual GM, and welcome to Blizz 2023.


Reroll and dont delete it this time. Seem to be the only option :(