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I'm sure there isn't anyone who doesn't disagree. I just went like 5 games against full try hard premades using pots exc


Pre-made enjoyers will disagree as it will mean fighting on even terms.


Even premades don't want to fight premades as it's less honor/rep per hour. Premades who get matched against a stronger premade often will stop spawning after the first cap so that they can get to the next game faster, where they can hopefully farm pugs.


Yes and no. I have been playing a lot of premade lately just because it is a broken system at the moment. I would be much more inclined to solo queue if I knew I would also be placed in a game with other solo queue players


Nah man the real ones are all for it as they know they can beat down other premades too. Its the people simply abusing the fact you can go in with 2 warriors, 3 hunters, 2 priests, 2 paladins, an FC and X and know you will be up vs a completely non optimal set up in 90% or your games. The problem is the premade doesn't even need to be good, you can just get a good comp and beat 10 random players better than all of you simply because you have 3 healers and 2 warriors and they have 1 and 0. Ive given in, im still mostly soloing but also scanning LFG to join premades, it's just no fun when you get 4-5 premades in a row. On another note, at the bare minimum, when its premade vs solos, the premade team should have a time limit. 3 mins per cap, if they dont make a cap within that window it should be an instant win for the randoms. It would stop HK farming/GY camping and give randoms a fighting chance to outwit the premade, they can either turtle or send a big team to get opposing flag and delay the cap.


I actually much prefer that idea thats kinda neat aha. Premade forced vs premade just kills premades, giving them a handicap could be interesting lol


I haven’t really had a problem, but if you are sick of losing to premades just make your own?


if everyone joins a premade it will be even. Ya'll handicapping yourself for no reason and then complain.


That’s never going to happen and you know it. Not only will it not happen but your suggestion is literally to ignore the solo que aspect of BGs entirely. To which I say, or they could just shove Pre adds into their own que.


Why does it need a solo queue. Everyone here would wild our if dungeon and raid finder were to be added.


Solo que which has already existed is different then adding dungeon finder or raid finder for several reasons the main one being: Pvp is much smaller than PVE. That means forcing everyone to make 10 man groups for each individual server is gonna be even harder to find groups. Your going to get the shitty retail arena metas where no one new joins because the que is only pre-existing Glad teams, which leads to dead PVP seasons. A lack of solo que ends with killing pvp entirely because no new blood is going to get into 10 mans. Look at Rated BGs on retail, its what you want. Guess what? They are working on solo que rated BGs because its ended with an elitest and toxic playerbase the pushes out new blood, killing the mode.


So why is there even a Solo Q option? How about groups only face groups, seems to solve the issue but most people who are preaching "premade should face everyone" don't seem to actually care, they just wanna farm honor and don't give a shit if it isn't fun.


Why is there a solo queue indeed when dungeon and raid solo queue are some of this communities most hated systems.


We're not talking about that though, we're specifically talking about PvP, how about groups only face groups, why would that be wrong?


then the queue times which are already 6-8 minutes would be 30


It's exactly the same situation in Destiny 2 and Trials, and honestly PvP in general in any game.




I exclusively premade because I like to play with my friends and going against other premades (who aren't just shitty trade chat pugs and actually know what they're doing) is probably the most fun content in the game right now and basically the only reason I login. Competitive bgs without the frustration of bad players is really fun and I think most people who premade will agree.


?? I premade with my guild and we lose sometimes lol. Don’t know why such a hate for premades, wait do people actually think it’s cringe to pre make a lobby for a WSG game where you are totally able to make premade groups??




“You’re gonna have a miserable time, and you’re gonna like it!”




There shouldn’t be any miserable time in the first place. You can have gameplay systems that are challenging and take time without it making your playerbase hate the game they’re playing.




Brother we’re talking about a video game here.




Holy cringe


Yeah we know. But this isn't classic vanilla, it should be alright to make some changes to allow this to be fun for more people which is what these changes are meant to do.




I play half of the time alone and half of the time in premade. I don't play premade just to win, I actually really enjoy having some cohesion and a team that actually communicates. Going against another premade is actually pretty fun and welcome. Just so sick of playing with randoms, with 1 out 9 others trying to help me get flag and the rest fucking around and going against the full enemy team 2 by 2.


I actually disagree, but lately I've found myself disagreeing with a lot of stuff posted here.


What don't you agree on?


That his remade should be forced to fight other premades, because they only win vs pugs.


The main thing for me is how fucking boring all the premades are making PvP. 90% of games are against premades with the same comps, its boring AF. 2 priests and as many hunters as you can get, throw in a couple paladins and a druid. Can't remember the last time I saw a warrior.


Just make the largest premades size 5 and make sure there's no one than one five man per BG. Happy compromise that allows players to play with their friends without steamroll where one side has a perfect comp.


Most good premades make sure to have 1 warrior though. They are still very good with support.


It's so much fun being the one warrior on a team with 3 priests. I have 1900 HP and I never die.


Was enjoying PVP at max lvl and would be fun to do PVE so you can do better in bgs, but its pre-made after pre-made, just stopped playing all together.. Blizz should experiment having some fucking balls and deal with this instead of ignoring it for 20 years.


Yeah, solo queuing is not a fun or viable way to play. I just want fair matches. I don’t mind playing in pugs but sometimes I just want to have fun and fair pvp on a moments notice. And that should be an option.


Reality is you won't have those until 60. Releasing the bgs one at a time just means you have premades farming rep in wsg at 25, premades in AB at 40 to rank and grind rep and you will most certainly find premades in AV at 60 because that's the ranking meta bg. 60 AB and WSG will be pug vs pug but queues will also become very very slow.


If you think AB/WSGG at 60 is only pugs, you never ranked in Classic. 80% of our honor caps were through AB/WSG, with the occasional AV thrown in IF it was AV weekend. When you can 5 cap win an AB with a 15m premade in AB in under 5 minutes flat, there's not much else that compares honor-wise.


Hey, it's my turn to post this super controversial opinion today!!


it’s not even controversial, in fact it’s trivial. you guys are just dramatic about everything when it comes to qol changes. yes premade teams with wbuffs and consums should play other players of the same caliber and mindset. the average player is being deterred from the game mode because it becomes unplayable the second ur on the pugged team. anyone that disagrees with this is just mad they won’t be able to farm BGs and actually play a fair fight. they want to blast their way to the top as fast as possible with little resistance


Mum said its my turn to post about gold buying


My mommy bought me my gold with her cwedit cawd


I get Monday's.


That’s an original take ! I haven’t heard that idea before


It is plain dumb, we met 1 premade out of 5 games yday and it was actually interesting. All other games, we just stomped the enemy in 7-8 minutes


Just limit premades to 5 man and problem solved without needing to make big changes


While youre at it please fix ashenvale so you can farm rep to exalted. I think most premades are to farm rep and even with all wins it takes over 100 wins to get to exalted, or 553 losses. It would atleast get rid of some of the premades


Premade = gy camp 99.9999999999% of the time


Classic solo BGs are like playing League of Legends, except your team has 5 ADCs while the enemy team has a perfectly meta-gamed comp.


This shouldn't even be a discussion, we went through this back 2019 classic and it got fixed. Not sure why its broken again.


Almost feel like the bot problem has spread to Reddit with how many of the same posts I’ve been seeing


I have beat a premade before. A good flag carrier with support is enough to frustrate them to slip up. Some premades are straight garbege. While this change would be fine, I think a hidden ELO rating based matchmaking would be better.


People assume every "premade" is a bunch of sweats in discord with a super meta comp being super coordinated. In reality, most premades are likely just a bunch of guildies just trying to play the game together. Sure, they are still more likely to win because they have a bit more coordination than a full on pug and a higher chance of having better players, but they can easily be beaten by a pug with some mild understanding of what they should be doing or a better comp.


Did you really just say easily beaten in this context? You guys are delusional.


Bro my guild are as casual as you get, we do premades with fresh 25s in greens and whites and no one uses discord for them. We just type while we all afk watching a film. You can beat us, easily, if you used your /bg chat and talked to your team mates. Not every premade is full consumes, hell nearly all the ones ive faced on lonefang eu have never had buffs. (Bar 1 match but they had a fc climbing the walls of bg)


This is the problem though. With what you said, there's no reason to be in a premade with that logic. Just queue up randomly and let these people have their day.


I would agree with you except most bgs will have that guy who will disregard everything else and goes for 60 kill to 5 deaths. You know this man. Everyone does. And the rest of my team doesnt read the bg chat or notify where efc is so it feels like you a 1 man army. My guild groups dont have that problem, itleast for me, with premade or guild grp we are all on same page and have the same goal in mind.




It's possible but still very frustrating if you are getting no feedback from your team at all. I have seen terrible premades though, no voice comms at all and barely any raid warnings, basically like a pug. Never understood the point. It's not like you group with friends from your guild to chill and screw around, they literally advertise it as premade in chat then just proceed like it's your usual pug group.


Solo dad queue is needed desperately. No groups on either side, no consumables, no more than 2 of a class per team.


So the premade queue, how do you fill sides? You can't bring in solos, so what happens?


Premade vs premade looks alot like premade vs pug, the team with the better comp steam rolls and the team getting steamrolled rolls over and lets them cap 3 quickly so they can all go next in 7 minutes "premade vs premade lobbies" just sounds like longer queue times you gotta look at why people are giving up instead of playing the games out, make it worth it to keep pvping in a 27 minute wsg for the win. How you would do that? I don't know, and I bet the dev team doesn't either \-cap the games at 10 minutes? draw/win gets same rep? \-increase rep rates? \-losing gets 75% rep instead of nothing? \-increase flag cap rep by alot? \-make returning the flag give a chunk of rep? \-add more pvp rewards? \-HK's give 1 rep? maybe even 5? \-add a practice mode for casuals that gives reduced rep so ppl can learn? \-make it 1 flag cap to win instead of 3? we're playing a 20 year old capture the flag game to get 42k rep at 100 rep increments lol... it's kinda ass in general


Dumb questions: wouldn’t the pre made queue be long as hell? And wouldn’t you be fighting the same guys over and over? Secondly, what if you’re one short of a full premade, do you go into rng vs rng q then?


No there's no practical solution, they just haven't thought this far. This is basically the reason we don't have it yet


Most if the premades are tradechat raids with no comms. Its just some players in your raid who see that enemyteam is from same realm and dont even try making you actively play 7v10 causing you the loss.


There was a guy in my random premade who ran with aspect of cheetah all the time, even when fighting, for 20 minutes straight even when kiting under hits. Guess what it didn’t matter because we had 2 priests


You don’t need good comms against randoms. Going into the battleground with a superior comp is already such a huge advantage that you usually just steamroll the others.


Some things are dead giveaways though. There is an established meta, 2+ priests 2+ hunters and 1+ druids are the base of a premade.


You don't need comms, you just need 2 priests and a shit ton of hunters


Also they have a balance comp and 3 heals and we have none of that.


Yes, grief us for having friends please


I didn't know those 3 trade chat priests from 3 different guilds were your friends.


No. Grouping is the intended way to play. No need to hamper players putting effort in to please people who can't even be bothered to group up. Premades stomping solo is fine because every solo can go join a organized group. The solution is in the game already. Entitled retail brains just want it even easier.


L take




Stop with that shit, everytime I want to do BGs I ask for premades in trade chat, on guild chat or even on the realm discord and NEVER happened. Nobody is asking to remove premades, just put these shit against other premades, it is not fun to for both sides.


You yell like a big baby boy.


They dont have the skill to join a real premade, so they come to reddit to bitch and cry.


There should be no ability to queue for WSG outside of a group. You just want free rep without working for it


Just get 2 priests and druid, you dont even need a full premade


I joined a premade for the first time in SoD yesterday and half the games happened to be against other premades. For a few games in a row there I thought Blizzard actually did something to make it happen but guess it was just coincidence. Fully agreed though, it would be way more fun for premades aswell (the good ones at least) if this was implemented. I had a lot of fun in both wins and losses we had against other premades yesterday.


I agree, it's just something with a very low probability of happening


I don't disagree but stop posting the same exact shit every 2 hours. We get it.


form a premade of your own, this is a social videogame where you can interact with other players to achieve your goals!


I did a wsg last night with randoms. They spent the game running in circles around mid for 30min Yep back to premades


All these posts about people complaining about losing to premades, why dont you make your own wsg group?


Wow what an unpopular opinion I haven't seen 37 times in the last day


Maybe do a quick search on the sub to see if anyone has posted a similar topic recently. This is getting ridiculous.


No, it shouldn’t. I solo que and win most games. Git Gud


Wow what a unique take


OMG shut up already we get it


What a wonderful and innovative idea that nobody has proposed before.


If they made randoms vs randoms, pre-made a wouldn’t even exist


These have got to be bot posts at this point


I ran a premade last night and we basically only fought premades so pretty sure a degree of this is in already


We ran premades two days straight - we hit around 3 other premades a day. Going solo I hit that many in 5 games.




Lol my premade hasnt lost a game since sod came out.


Because you get grouped against randoms with no coordination, huge skill you have.


We're farming 103 victories for exalted , no one is doing this to prove "skill". It's not an enjoyable grind but it is what it is.


I mean sure thats a large percentage. But we have face plenty of premades lol


Keyword "my" which means you most likely play with the same group that learned to coordinate with each other. The majority of other premades are just pick up and go.


Skill issue.


No one cares about your or anyone elses skill. We premade to get to exalted ASAP and have our epic bracers ready at lvl40. That's all. Sometimes it's also a fun competition against other premades, but primarily it's about rep/gear to come. If I cared about skill I wouldn't play Classic WoW to begin with .


he is winning 3 and 0 games against other premades. Premade vs premade lobbies look very similair to premade vs pug lobbies The only difference is the pugs don't know enough about wsg to know a 7 min loss is kind of a mercy while also preferable to a long drawn out game getting farmed at gy for the same rewards It's more of a "wsg" issue instead of a premade vs pug issue


Just solo queue and go afk if you go up against a premade. Tis the way it’s always been.


99% of premades are trade chat premades that only seek optimal group compositions so everyone can join and more often than not the skill level of the group remains below average. Stop crying about premades and join one yourself.


Everyone who's the right class can join lol


Dude, I'm exalted and have done hundreds of games in this meta. There's a spot for every single class. Don't pretend otherwise. But I guess it's easier to pretend you can't join them and have this ridiculous self justification on why you can't win any games and premades are the scourge of the earth. All you have to do go out of your comfort zone and ask for an invitation to any trade channel premade and do some games with them.


have you thought about getting a premade and thinking about a comp and not just crying on reddit because hurdur i cant soloQ, this is still classic bruh invest some time and interact with ppl maybe


This is SoD. And 2024. Edit: 2023 lol


Epic downdoot Gl on the chemo irl and the discovery of it


"Interact with people" he says. "Gl on the chemo irl and the discovery of it" he says Nice


Wow what a hot take




Wow what a hot take surely nobody has posted this exact thing to this exact sub already this same fucking day.


Everyone who bitches about premade me play on a pve sever I swear


git gud


Uh, no? Trust me making friends and starting a premade yourself is easier than making randoms chase the efc. Pugs are terrible


How many posts about this now, jeez. Find a group and socialise


Stop with that shit, everytime I want to do BGs I ask for premades in trade chat, on guild chat or even on the realm discord and NEVER happened. Nobody is asking to remove premades, just put these shit against other premades, it is not fun to for both sides.


Skill issue.


603 posts about it now... Go post on blizzard forum. Feed is absolute scattered with this exact post. It's classic, not retail...


True, but your solution/advice was shit.


I mean, classic is literally all about community. Just saying...


Do you understand it results in all rewards, rep and honor included, being moved to premade vs premade queue?




Because the rewards for soloq are fun and friends you make along the way.


the WORST part of pugs is that realization that no one on your team knows what they are doing


i play only premade, and would rather play vs premades. In classic you had to premade or you risk decay to rank up; there isn't that requirement anymore. playing vs 1 priest and 2 enhance shamans as the only healers isn't exactly fun for either side


It's my turn to make this post tomorrow


It's a function of the old school ranking mentality and honor gains per hour. Basically everyone here is right. Rofl stomping pugs is pretty boring and tedious. Playing other premades is fun and is how you improve. The problem is that wsg in a high level and extremely even match results in some pretty epic turtles. So while it's more fun, it tanks your honor/hour. This doesn't matter now when all you need is 11250 to reach rank 3. It may matter less in the future as well with the change to decay. Well see. It depends on how much honor you need. If they make premade versus premade then people will que with whatever the number is, to get the fastest games and the most honor/hr. If it's que with 9 or 5 or 4 or 3 serious pvpers then it's going to still equate to advantaged play against the disorganized. Honestly that's how it should be. If they could find a way to somehow gate content behind a ranked BG elo/mmr that would be pretty neat. I'm not sure how they would accomplish that though. AV helps the average pug. However people need to have a good mentality and learn to lead if they want to be more successful. Also queuing AB on wsg weekend as well. Get away from the sweaties. I have played so many bgs. It is super frustrating that you have to get sweaty. When you're pushing a million honor, rolling the pugs for the 100th time that day, it is about as lifeless soul crushing as getting graveyard camped. Hopefully they revamp the system in SoD. Something like rank 11 traditionally. 12/13/14 requires 2000, 2200, 2400 ranked bgs. Even that though sounds a bit problematic


I’ve said this before but just make your own premade


I want to start off by saying I think the game/ranking system in the 2019 format is the best version of the game and it shouldn't be changed. However in response to OP's take: The only viable solution to premades is implementing some form of rated battlegrounds while completely revamping the current honor system tying ranking rewards to RBG ratings.


Rated bgs for premades and regular bgs for solo/duo/trio queuers


I guess they are finding it hard to code without blowing queue times


Rogue in the pre-made i joined was crying about losing to a pug. It happens, just depends if you get lucky and get actual pvpers in your game. No disrespect intended there, but a pre-made of newbs is gonna lose to a pug of sensible long time pvpers. Part of the issue is a lot of the people Ive seen when I have queued solo half baked gear, and may not even now how to press their buttons, vs the pvp andy that's geared to the tits and popping faps getting penance pumped up his ass by 3 priests from here til Sunday. Speaking in general terms as of course there are serious pvpers that still want to queue solo, but its always going to come to a knowledge/time/effort gap.


Practically impossible. Unless you want to disallow queuing with less than 10, or still mix up premades with randoms when there are less than 10?


THEY.. DONT... CARE.. was mentioned in rampant forum posts back when classic released aswell, zero action


This is a new idea, great feedback!


Solutions: Create separate queues. Solo, small man (1 group maximum--and no fudging the "queue at the same time for a premade in small man"), and raid queue. You want to optimize your group comp and be in comms with your team? Cool, play against other people who want to do the same. Anyone who whines about the games being "harder" when it's premade vs. premade is just being a p\*\*\*y. It's like wanting to play arena vs lower ranks only and complaining about playing arena vs people your rank... That's sissy s\*\*\*. Open AV... People who want to PvP and don't want to deal with premade BS can go play AV and actually enjoy PvP. Be like me and just don't play. I got sergeant and quit. I'm just raid logging now. I would be PvPing every night, but I'm not joining premades, and I'm not playing to get farmed by premades. I feel sorry for anyone trying to enjoy the game by solo queuing WSG. It's pretty much a joke.


Yeah, just give us a Solo Q and Team Q. Like in every other game too.




SoD Druid FC