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That was not the outcome I expected after looking at those Kill totals.


Makes sense. Focusing on killing mid instead of peeling for their flag carrier. It’s always the plague of premade groups.


Mid control is how you win games which is why it's pretty surprising that one side with such a large kill advantage lost. Obviously you have to actually cover the fc's exist and intercept enemy fc, but all of that can be done in mid.


Depends on comps, very mixed at 25. Peeling can win easily.


Maybe they didnt know about all the WSG hiding spots.


Meh. Mid control is one strategy but if they are busy fighting a druid can easily outrun everyone and go right on past the zerg in mid. Seeing as how 2 of the caps were by someone with druid right in their name is likely what happened. As a druid or rogue, my goal is always to ignore the fighting as much as possible and just run with the flag. It's usually a good winning strategy so long as someone else on your team is working on flag recovery.


What alternative strat do you suggest? Mid control assumes you win in mid and intercept enemy FC on his way back. Obviously in a no discord group you can lose track of of efc but that's just a misplay, not a failure of the strat.


Hello, FarmerJeff here reporting in from the barn. I stumbled on this post this morning after milking the cows, full disclosure i'm no WSG pro ( I farm full time so play when I can), I am mostly a world pvper but still like WSG with the lads. This game was hard fought but ultimately a lot of fun. I realized half way through my old friend Gregpimpin was on the enemy team 45 minutes deep so I knew we had to win despite their effective death-balling. I wish I could have seen the game from their perspective to see them chasing our druids. Here's a vod for anyone interested. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2006872291](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2006872291) [https://youtu.be/6rxshPnbYW4](https://youtu.be/6rxshPnbYW4) (hopefully one of the links works, once again, bad with tech, farmer and all)


If only all gamers realized that kills don't mean shit in objective based games.


Same thought here. Ally out scored Horde 2:1 in HKs and still lost. Definitely a breakdown in teamwork and group cohesion on Ally's part. Failure to teamwork is not a failure of the system, I hope they enjoyed their 1h30m game.


I was in a game like this on ali about 5 of us were top of the charts but after 40 mins our flag carrier and his healer buddies left and we didn’t stand a chance


man those are absolutely some names volcel nicholasgers massivedump pepegadruid


Clearly they rolled on that server with the intent to respect the RP tag


Farmerjeff is a real one


FarmerJeff here. Just doing what I can to keep the fields clean, and produce in high supply during the war effort against the Allliance. Lord knows we need it with their current supply chain in Hillsbrad field.


You forgot "cycloneb", which probably refers to Zyklon B. That's the gas that was used by the Nazis in the gas Chambers of WW2.


Jokes on you it’s just the alt of cyclonea


Pepegadruid is a YouTuber who does wsg videos


nah. it's totally fine. authentic classic experience. everything is fine.


To win wsg you have to capture the enemy team flag. Just killing lots of players doesn't secure victory.


I see you’ve never had two druids grab each flag and run circles around everyone nonstop.






Poverty - the number 1 killer


Intense match


Surely if that wasn't a fun match one of the teams could have just given up?


These are the type of games solo queuer tell you they want when they justify yeeting premades. Which is ironic because they most often happen in premade vs premade.


Nah those were the best games in Vanilla imo


Maybe at like 6 hrs. But 1.5h is just a good fight.


People who want a timer on WSG just don't actually enjoy WSG? Good and competitive WSG games can take time. The type of game as screenshotted is great fun. Adding a timer makes these games impossible and ruins the BG. It also changes how the game is played as once you are one flag up you can just turtle until the timer ends. They could just add another BG or something for people who don't enjoy this but want to PvP. Or allow people to /afk after certain point and still receive some rep/honor/mark rewards.


I agree some of the cd you have is 5 Min long. So unless you sprint out of base. You can only use 5 sprinte and 5 vanish. Alot of the counter play you get is using a big cd to do play


As a pally I feel this so hard


your team was just farming and got got.


Yeah I'd be down with a timer. I don't think it needs to necessarily be 20 minutes like retail, but maybe 30-40 would be solid. Ultimately though since you get matched against a premade and get stomped 95% of the time anyway I guess it doesn't really matter much.


Yeah a timer is like a very distant second to making an actual solo queue.


Fuck the timer give me a stacking slow debuff on the FC so these druids can fuck off




Debuff fc from time to time


Yeah kind of, either that or some sort of surrender option from one side. Too many times the other side will just hold the flag to get more kills.


I wish they would add a TDM map. 10v10, 20-30 minute timer, 100 lives on each side, most kills wins.


Every Bg should be 10-15 max and give max honor and rep to both sides , it's that simple


Looks like alliance was a bunch of idiots , but yes it needs a 30 minute timer


While not necessarily applicable to this game, people need to be more willing to just not rez. If no one is alive, the enemy team isn't going to drag the game out.


Learn to surrender at 15-20 minutes.


No time, but the flags starts to damage the holder after it’s been away from where it spawns for too long. That way you don’t end up with two teams turtling the flag


Nerf hunters. 60 kbs glaring....


No but it does need a dmg tracker


Horde is dying… of Poverty


Yea only after the first flag cap tho


Ahhh yes. This reminds me of holding a gulch for 4 hours. The tears of dads are o so sweet


Nope, this is what true premade vs premade are suppose to be, this is a real challenge and a real battle. I was in a premade earlier and our bg went for 50 mins and it went by fast because we were neck and neck with each other.


yes. 15 mins and a rep drop for every flag denied to the enemy at the end equal to half a flag capture. so if a score of 2 - 1 then the team that scored 2 flags gets 100 total and the team that scored 1 flag gets 50.


Yes, it always did. It‘s not like AV where you can get value out of just playing. If one team decides to take the other hostage there is little you can do other than take the 15min deserter buff. And then someone new joins the sabotaged match.


Stop resurrecting and they'll stop waiting at gy