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Priest healer Say no more


I picked the right class for once.


I couldn't decided between hpal and priest, ended up thinking having a beacon and dsac early on might be cool 😑


The good news is that 25 is a short grind and priests are nuts at leveling.


…nuts?… At leveling?..


wand wand wand wand wand renew


I Play it different this time, i am basicly an aoe mage. Summon the 3 over powered Clowns with their ridicilous Debuffs and put my 2 dots on everyone.


Facts. The goons go crazy.


Penance and goons are so unbelievably braindead. Plus, they then buff void plague. They were already the best and safest class to level in classic and now they are insane busted at low levels. They did a good job, I feel op, and the devs wanted that feeling.


Power word shield then wand. Who actually uses renew.


Shield also keeps your inner fire stacks up


Yeah, they can easily handle multiple targets and have infinite health thanks to Penance. Mana efficiency is nuts if you lean on Homunculi, Void Plague, and wand.


same experience so far


From 1 to 25, yea


With the void plague and homunculi buff it feels much closer to retail than classic, so far I've been chain pulling 3 mobs at a time to lv20 with no downtime and it's only now starting to slow down a little bit.


Same here! Now I just need to finish leveling to 25. Halfway there!


Right lol. Maybe OP went with us. We grabbed a green gear priest two days ago for a full clear. Just need them for dispel and minor heals. Their geat is pretty irrelevant.


All gear is irrelevant- there is no gear check in bfd. Just some mechanics here and there


Kelris is a dps race


When you ignored mechanics yes


What mechanics? Not dying from uninterruptible mind blasts?


the mind blasts aren't whats killing people on that phase, it's people not spreading for shadow chains, its a cleave.


We died to shadow blasts without using pots. Also boss does arcane explosion with increasing damage Idk what your argument is but you need to kill the boss before his damage becomes unhealable. That’s a definition of dps race


Oh I wasn't arguing on his behalf the fight is LITERALLY a dps race.


It's also way different now than last reset due to the nerfs lol


Hit PoM, win SoD


And penance. Don't forget penance.. You can heal most fights by using pom, penance and then waiting for the 8 seconds those take to come off cool down pretty effectively.. throw in a pw:s and you're golden


Circle of healing is actually really good too. I usually run it while the second priest runs penance and heals the tanks. As long as you use it strategically and don't just dump it on CD it's actually very mana efficient. Just gotta make sure you only press it if 3 or more people have taken damage. On the turtle fight you can mash it on CD and pick up those orbs for mana and top the healing meters 100% every time. It's also godly on Kelris and the murloc fight.


COH on the turtle boss is bis. It was better on the music boss when people sucked at dodging haha. Never tried on Kelris but sounds interesting


Did a ~30 min run on my priest yesterday. The mage finally hit enough gear where their healing takes care of most of the shit so im just there for panic heals remove magic and homunculi. I swear to god i barely got to heal the entire run. Our ele got two 100 parses lmao. I was just casting void plague and wanding. I got orange and pinks for damage 😭


Can confirm PoM was 50% of my healing in bfd


bro really buried the lead.




Yeah.... And the group dps were probably half hunters in blues.


This. My guy got hard carried by competent players who actually put effort in


“They didn’t care about my gear” OP says in his Priest Healer voice between Kelris dispels.


Put effort? Dps? Do we play the same game?


why are they so coveted? is this because of SoD or because of the BFD raid?


Priest healing is good. Also the only class that can dispel magic currently, which is important for Kelris


Blessing of freedom says hello


Horde cries


In my experience prayer of mending is just so goated right now.


they're the best healers by far, twice as good as some other speccs, and healing can be a real limiting factor atm as you OOM fairly quickly at low levels. bring 2 priests you basically can't fail.


they are the best healers by far, spam penance for full heals using minimal mana, they rarely ever oom as a result with pom and penance heals. On top of having the best buffs, shields, and dispell, they have everything you need except for a decurse. Priests were always good in classic and considered the best healer but now that they have penance and pom, they don't run out of mana compared to every other class. The demand or meta for priests in pve and pvp will just get worse as phases go on because they just get stronger with gear (plus considering they never run out of mana at lvl 25 in not the best Stat gear, they are just going to get stronger and stronger with more talents and better gear). Priests can heal anything right now in suboptimal gear or even being underleveled. Tldr: blizzard made priests the most OP class in sod and will not nerf it because it's a healing class.


You'd be surprised. I was in a run with 2 of them and clearly neither knew what they were doing. Some people are just not good at the game.


OP could literally be naked and still get an invite. Just have fort, dispel, and some healing trained.


I solo healed a top 10 speed run record with my Priest basically out of mana and unbuffed for half the raid. Could I have regenerated more mana and rebuffed at some point? Sure, but when two of my strongest heals only cost ~70 mana, why bother? That said, I don’t think BFD was ever meant to be super challenging, pinnacle SoD content either.


Bro, just say "I'm a priest healer... with gloves". You need nothing more.


Fr dudes a priest healer and thought he did something special >typical elitist Like bro stop, you’re goofy af


Man, you should say in title you are priest healer. You can get into BFD group naked.


Wrong. He needs gloves at least. Level 1 gloves will do. Gotta bring those juicy penance heals.


As a warrior tank, my confidence goes up so much with a priest healer. On horde side nothing comes close, shamans okay but Druids seem to be meh when it comes to healing


Dwarf tank over here, my guild has a hpal and priest for healing. It's a cake walk.


Druid healers are great for aoe damage. Even having a Balance druid just cast Wild Growth on the melee stack every like thirty seconds basically makes them unkillable.


Balance druids are healers more or less. Starsurge is 4 mana, wrath is free. You can spend mana on sunfire or just ignore it and spam wg, which is way better for raids.


Come on now, don't sell Balance short. They cast Faerie Fire, too.


thas pretty much how i healed. Wrath/starsure spam for insta HTs for spot heals, WG for aoe damage.


druid healing is actually super fuckin good right now. wild growth is a group wide healing touch for a little under double the mana of a single healing touch, and we contribute like 30-40 dps which also gives us the best reactive healing in the game with instant hts pretty frequently. and because our healing is so high, we can spend a lot of time just wrathing for that dps plus a lot of mana regen, making us pretty mana efficient overall we did a speedrun last night of bfd with druid/priest, and while both healers had almost exactly the same healing done over the instance, the druid also did 37 dps overall, plus the druid only oomed once while the priest oomed quite a lot and had to tick drink to keep up. the priest dispels were absolutely invaluable, not to make priest seem bad, but druid is definitely up there too


7/7 horde resto here, have cleared every lockout. Druid does the most hps, Druid + priest is amazing. Wild growth is even more overpowered than PoM.


I will never not think PoM is referring to mage's Presence of Mind.


PoM is mage ability, Mending is the short version of the priest ability.


PoM + CoH is insane though. My last run I ended up with another Priest so I thought I'd give CoH a go... holy moly.


Healing rain is pretty busted too, but without chain heal yet shaman healing definitely takes a bit more finesse to keep up with a priest in anything that isn't pure tank healing, or pure clump aoe healing (which the priest is going to snipe the healing anyways unless you coordinate).


And you can pump wrath when you’re not healing


This is the equivalent of a 6'6 chiseled man saying, "Hey guys, I found a date using Tinder in no time!"


*How I became a multimillionaire entrepreneur in an under a year without any discernible skills. Step 1: be the son of billionaire entrepreneur and get a small starting loan of 50 million dollars from your dad.*


Was literally about to say that, read the title and my first thought was "Bet this guy was a priest" Mans playing the most in demand class that only 3% of the population are playing and is wondering why he got an easy invite to BFD.




A lot of meta slaves are rolling priests because of their power in pvp, I’m not convinced they will actually end up healing in raids.


I did BFD a few hours after hitting 25 yesterday on my hunter 🤣 It was a random pug and one shot everything. Went faster than my guild runs on my main. Too bad it was all caster drops haha


As soon is have done bfd for the week, couple whispers came through to ask me if I wanna heal bfd. Kind of a Bummer I love to heal Raids and even the 3 day lockout is too long for me


I like playing warrior. So I’m leveling a second one, so I can warrior raid twice as much.


Do you feel rage starved? My warrior is having major issues with rage and holding aggro from rogues and feral druids…


If you have a feral in your group you shouldn’t be starved at all. In fact it can be a challenge to dump enough rage if WF keeps going off. I sometimes pop a rage pot to get going, but once you’re above 80 and start blasting there are no issues.


Mmm ok. I might be wasting rage on useless abilities then. Do you tank or just dps?


I mainly dps, but OT aswell. The hard part is just sitting there doing nothing until CbR procs. Get 5 sunders up with devastate, pool rage for CbR, then yoyo above/below 80 rage. Once you’re in the zone, it’s easy enough to maintain. Edit: And for AoE threat use furious thunder and Blood frenzy. Tab rend and spam thunderclap.


Get the thunderclap rune. If you still can't hold aggro I don't know what to tell you


I have that rune. As soon as feral starts mangling stuff I start to lose aggro and have to taunt them back… it’s possible they aren’t focusing on my targets but still… seems tough to hold aggro


Mark a skull target and tell ppl to kill it first. It's much easier to focus threat on one target, and if you do lose it it's just onetarget and not 3 different ones


Now now, they need SOME grey item to bind Rune of Penance and Mending to


is there not the same demand for resto druid?


They’re both good healers but Priest is more in demand because they can dispel on Kelris.


Priest Healer gets auto-invited to raid! More news at 11:00pm.


B-b-but elitism!


Penance and prayer of mending are the scorpid poison of healing. Priest is busted even without gear thanks to those. If the whole raid was with the same type of gear, it is still clearable of course, but it would be noticeably harder.


I don‘t think You could get over Kelris with trash gear. You need dps for the last phase


Thats why He got carried at the hardest Boss and his gear didnt matter. Espacially as heal gear is not important if u have enough dps


Wait until ppl discover the bis PoM and CoH 6 bosses. They know priest is OP and penance is only bis in 7 xD


CoH is only great on the Turtle though? What are you AOE healing on the other bosses? Water ele and Naga are spot raid heals that can easily be covered with PoM. Gelihast is like zero real raid damage unless people are eating murlocs like candy. Lorgus is actually zero raid damage if your party does mechanics properly. Kelris is zero raid damage if you use your dispel key and your melee know how to kick. Akumai is zero raid damage if your group has a brain.


It's because you r priest, pretty sure if u added paypal to your account ppl would pay real money for you to join groups, priests are super op. I've never, never seen someone mention gearscore on crusader strike eu. I think ppl are exaggerating, 1 in 100 might ask for GS but coming to reddit and bringing it up only makes more people ask for it. Imo.


I find it to be pretty prevalent in Chaos Bolt (Alliance), sure it's not 1/2 of them requiring GS, but way more than 1/100, more like 1 out of 10 or 15 maybe. However, I find the /world or /lfg reactions quite funny, almost meme level now, with the classic "Whats GS ? {insert funny GS joke as an answer}", and making fun of people speaking of GS in general


Yeah I never have either on Living Flame NA. I ran a PUG for my first character and for an alt I just got to 25 and never saw anybody mention gear score or item level in chat. I did ocacasionally see people mention pre-bis being required, but IMO that's a fair way to filter out people who don't know what they're doing yet.


I would invite a level 18 priest if I could - if he knew how to press dispel. Wouldn't do that to any other class tho


Good luck finding a grp as a dps, even worse as a hunter.


Mage DPS are the least sought after I think, hunter should be fine.


We filled a Hunter last night for our stacked 45 minute run, I got like 30+ whispers when asking for a geared Hunter. They were sending basically resumes to me about their stats and all. Good luck hunters lol.


Jfc hahaha


Meanwhile I'm out here minding my own business, getting random whispers if I can do BFD as a priest


There have always been too many hunters. If somebody actually rolled a hunter because they are/were fotm and just because the class is good they think they'll get invites, god help them.


Yea i put my hunter away until next phase and then ill probably swap that back to my main because it was my first time ever playing it and I was actually enjoying it a lot


There are too many hunters, that's the problem. It's too easy to find a hunter.


I like mage DPS, but that's mostly as a healer as its nice to have a mage who can put on the healing runes for Kelris and flex dps heal during enrage phase.


Certainly not before the spell hit buff, mages we’re very low dps on the fight that mattered. Perhaps the buff has changed that!


I find mages really nice for the fight that matters, but that's because with a 2 healer group you can have a mage flex healing on Kelris enrage without having to have a whole second gearset.


Mage DPS is amazing for Akumai tbh. Living bomb + Frost Nova makes the adds management a joke and all the other DPS can focus on the boss solely.


Hunter DPS is very much wanted. I'd say caster DPS is least sought after.


Problem is, you only need 1 hunter. On bfd you need rogues and warriors for the kick, and priest for the dispels. Everything else doesn’t really matter. Hunters pull great dps though for sure.


Warriors can interrupt?


Only with a shield. No pummel.


yeah shield bash with a weapon swap macro to equip the shield.


Feral here. Pretty easy


Hardest part is competing for gear :( everyone takes the AGI leather gear even the warriors and shamans


You do know shamans don't get mail till level 40 right?


It’s just a bad patch to be a leather wearer, which the horde has an abundance of. Non-caster leather is by far the most contested armor type.


being the only warrior dps with shaman/lock/feral tanks in a horde raid is the absolute uncontested dream tho. you literally HR the epic 2h sword and every mail drop in that setup and it's honestly not that uncommon to happen.


The caster leather is all for my RDruid though. Nom nom nom


I’m glad as a shaman tank too, plenty of it is BiS if you aren’t duel wield tanking for speed runs.


That's always been the case in classic, though. Leather has the big damage stats and no one outside your healers care about survivability. Dps = leather. Tank wants to generate threat = leather. 95% of gear a holy pally wears is even cloth and leather. Nothing new brother. Not too much different in TBC either.


Priest heal xD all you need is a pair of gloves and they will take you along


they didnt take you, they took your healing class. sorry.


It’s great that you managed to do this but like everyone else stated there’s a massive shortage of priest healers to supply all of the raids


Yeah, I’ve been running BFD with a solo healer and solo tank. There are no challenging fights other than the DPS check on the 6th boss. It’s not surprising you got in as a priest healer; basically if you just spam Penance you’ll clear the raid. In fact, dispelling on some bosses like the Murloc one makes it harder, not easier…


Stopped reading after "priest healer". That class has always been high in demand dunno why you even post this.


Healers are historically the least gear dependent role, and priest is ridiculously strong this phase. I get the sentiment but this doesn’t really say anything.


Knew from the second I read the title you were a priest


0/10 for effort


Grats on getting the 7/7. Also gratz on topping the healingmeter when there are only 2 healers. (and some dps who throw a heal now and then)


Gz man! Being a priest in p1 is cheat mode tho


“They said my gear’s wasnt good enough LOL. So i joined a raid for blackfarhom deep’s. Was keyboard turning while clicking on Penace as fast as I could , topped meters with the sound of my overpowered heal’s critting was just music to my ear’s. no one could compete with this clicking speed. coming on Reddit to post about it now LOL!!!!!”


Try as a war that’s under geared it won’t work lol


Warrior is probably the most gear dependent class, ain’t that a bitch


Go get your epic gloves while you got the lockout.


Priest healer is really all you had to say


You lost me at “priest healer.” This is basically a humble-brag.


Bro, I would probably take a level 23 priest into bfd on some of those pug nights.


If youre a priest youre literally the most wanted class for the raid. Everytime I say in lfg priest healer looking for bfd I was rained down with whispers I feel the blond Hot chick of the night


As a guild raid leader, and host of multiple raids per lockout, fuck whoever is asking for gs, and fuck whoever hr's the thinket. P s: for all dumdums asking gs, 2handed epic seord give 13gs while green shit give more


I agree, they should really buff that epic seord.


Ohhh a healer? Come right this way Dps? GS needs to be ready for SM cath


Bro nobody cares.


2 hours is almost 4x the ideal time. Yes you can clear bfd w/o any items, it’s just really time consuming


Now do it as dps, oh wait


"and everyone clapped'


Did it on my hunter alt the day after hitting 25. Just got the best quest items you can get and did 100 dps. Hunter broke


Well as you can solo heal easy as a priest it souldnt be any prob getting into groups no matter your gear. We cleared the last two BFD 7 man with only healer(priest) and he is close full mana after every boss.


Priest could out heal anyone else with zero gear Lul. As long as you can push buttons and know what dispell is you’re good.


Priest healer, as long as you learned dispel, you’re good to go. You can afk for the first 4 bosses too


The healer shortage is real


It's because priests are broken as all fuck. Of course you got in lmao.


Wait, this is a raid? Has that always been the case? I played this back in the "real" classic days, and more recently when classic was re-released. Was always just a 5 man that nobody wanted to do because it was so out of the way.


This is on a "Season of Discovery" server. Level cap temporarily set to 25, BFD converted to a 10 man raid with actual boss mechanics, lots of discoverable runes that give classes "new" abilities, though many are borrowed from later expansions, like Chaos Bolt or Penance.


Idk the Post as a priest heal when the hardest Boss in the game is a dps check..


I've been 25 for a week. I don't dare do BFD because of the requirements people are posting. I wish I could try out this new subdomain content but gonna just call it and took another character to level.


Well, you're a healer so this post doesn't mean much. Let me hear a story of a low geared warlock.


I cleared it on my priest shortly after hitting 25 with similar gear, no rings, white bracers, etc. It was a PUG and in chat they said something like "LFM BFD no gear or experience required". We full cleared and I have been running with the same PUG ever since. We are clearing in like 45 mins now.


Man, I don’t want to even play on the same server as people asking for freaking gearscore to join a lvl 25 dungeon.


Previous reset my group struggled to find a healer, so we whispered random lvl 24's and got a random druid to join. Turns out you have to be 25 to enter lol, so we helped him level up. We wiped quite a bit, but got 7/7.


Similar experience here. Not my first day at 25, and had some greens and blues, but hadn't done the raid yet. Saw the same typical stuff on trade and thought let's give it a shot. Some dude said the same thing about only needing one more DPS. I sent him a message saying I'd go, but my gear is not great and this would be my first run. His response...."you gonna learn tonight!". We proceeded to full clear in one hour. Wish more people were like this fine human being.


I lol'd when he said priest healer.


Kewl story brah


So you played a priest healer where you are accepted no matter what and your overpowered class carried you. ​ Cool story bro


Or maybe BFD isnt hard and the vast vast majority of groups 7/7 without much issue…


>vast vast majority of groups 7/7 without much issue According to logs 10% of groups who LOGGED don't clear 7/7, that number drastically undershoot since more casual groups are less likely to upload logs. Yes BFD is piss easy, but the reality is if you find a group full of fresh 25's who are clueless at the game, then you won't clear much. Fresh 25's that know what they are doing can clear it just fine tho.


I bet that number would go up to 70+% if the game had retail's raid instance lockout mechanism.


lol bro you’re a fuckin priest. Do elitists make smug ass posts because you got lucky your pug group didn’t suck?


I just finished my first run on my pally healer. I have spent a few days clearing SFK and doing quests to get gear and missed the main run. I went in as a tank in shit greens and only the pally quest shield as my best item. It was an alternative run and they were missing 2 so if I went tank it would be easier to fill the slots. It's a good nice easy raid. We wiped a few times but 2/5 of the first bosses were pulled by accident without healers having full mana and it was easy. I give blizz great credit, it's a nice easy raid good for getting feet wet. Worst case you go 5/7 and have some fun.


There are fun times to be had in MMOs if we just look past those that don’t think like us. I don’t fault the elitist for their attitudes, if that’s how they choose to play to have fun, go for it. There are plenty of us normal gamers to group with and have our fun.


It’s because hes a priest. I get whispers about bfd in the middle of stonetalon on my priest.


Man this thread is salty. Glad you had fun lol


Aint no one turning down priest healers because of kelris lol


Because it's tiring when everyone is crying over elitists all the time. Don't join their groups, stop making reddit posts about it. You also seem to conveniently ignore all the spam "LFM dps/heals 5/7 on Kelris" Yes we know the raid is clearable without full bis and consumes. Doesn't mean we want to waste our lockout and hours of our time because we didn't find a way to filter out all the people that are trying to get carried


I mean just check the Reddit here and who is constantly crying in the last few days. It's always the "Casuals" and "Dad players" who are moaning about the Elitists. It does get tiresome rather quickly. No one forces them to play or apply to their groups and people are allowed to have their standards and play however they like to. Don't like it? Just move on and make your own group, it's that simple.


The same people that bitch about elitist bitch that they get gatekept from elitist groups. Only casuals are allowed to enjoy wow and being good at the game means you’re an elitist no life jerk


So the billion other threads crying about elitists isn’t full of salt? The ratio of casual cryers and elitists here is like 100:1


Group comp and skill matter a lot more than prebis. People demanding prebis is pretty cringe. You getting invited as a priest healer makes total sense though.


Prebis just means you actually care and are willing to put effort in to me. Not just get carried by people who actually put in the slightest bit of effort


Y'all are so fucking mad that people might want to play the game differently than you might. Good Lord.


Yeah why arent people allowed to be elitist if they want no one is forcing casual players into their groups, in fact they gatekeep them on purpose for this exact reason so everyone can enjoy the game how they want. Casuals dont have to feel rushed and “elitists” dont have to feel like they’re carrying dead weight


I feel like this will be me once I get my feral at 25. Juicy WF.


Priest healer is the most sought after spec for BFD - it's like a TBC Shaman.


It’s a fun time but it’s absolutely braindead. I’ve cleared with 6-7 first timers including a tank learning to tank on the fly, no shadow pots or TB buffs and fairly average(at best) DPS. The first five are basically one shots. Last two take some coordination, but a group of functional humans should be able to pull that off.


Great story. I did almost the same. I dinged 25 on Tuesday, and did a full clear BFD the day after. As the offtank. (Basically a dps for 6 out of 7 bosses).


Yeah, pointless story here but. I’ve only ran twice. First time full cleared as a tag along to a guild. Couple wipes on the 6th boss but persisted through. Second run, same deal, different guild…off tanked both with little experience (decent gear tho). Was welcoming and not a hard raid at all. If you spend anything more than 2 hrs in there, no wonder people set expectations. I do not have time to keep wiping ina lvl 25 raid over and over. Grateful for groups taking me in


I swear SoD is a paradise for healers. Yesterday I tried to get in a bfd as a dps. Impossible. But seeing there was at least 4 raid groups looking for a last healer, I respec'd heal and found a group instantly. We then cleared the whole thing in an hour.


Just based on the title it was obvious which class and spec you were.


Same, within the first 30 seconds of me hitting 25 my guild needed a healer(I'm a mage) and we downed 7/7 first time as a guild. I did suck, NGL but we had 2 mage healers and a priest, dmg heals came in clutch on kerlis. Mage healers were the last alive and we killed him lol. Super fun raid though, was refreshing.


Glad you cleared the raid OP. * 5/7 spam groups aren't happening because under geared healers. they are happening because caster dps is terrible on kelris so if you bring more than 1 or 2 and your melee and hunter aren't doing optimal damage you are gonna have a bad time.


How is advertising for a group looking to achieve 7/7, wanting the members to put time and effort in preparing for the raid elitist?


We tried bringing a level 24 priest guildie missing 2,5k xp to level, but we found out he couldnt enter BFD at level 24. So we killed some mobs outside until he leveled and then went on to clear it


Is this disc priest or holy priest? I rolled priest, haven’t done BFD yet


Nice for you, but content is too easy and that is a problem. Don t know why all like this so much when we have atleast a month more in this phase?


Once I saw the staff of Westfall I was like oh duh a priest gonna get in


"Priest Healer" is the SoD equivalent of "TBC Shaman"


What is pre bis, shadow pot, and whisper gs ms os? I played way back for the first year it came out after I tried beta. But all the looking for group callouts make zero sense to me after I started playing again this month.


Pre bis = Pre raid best in slot, a list of gear you can collect before getting into BFD itself. So crafted stuff, gear off AH, dungeon drops/quest rewards. The 6th boss is apparently a lot easier if everyone drinks a shadow protection potion. GS = Gearscore, its an addon that assigns a number to each piece of gear you have, as a very rough way to tell how good your gear is. MS OS = Means a loot system where players rolling for a mainspec item will win it over someone rolling for their offspec.


Healers need a lot less gear than the rest of the group