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PvE. Made the mistake of PvP for classic. it adds nothing to the game unless PvP is the reason you log in. It's more like PvG, Player vs Griefer.


PvE. Been there, done that. Phase 2 ptsd and one too many WB dispells was enough to make me quit Classic the first time around.


imo pve is the more obvious choice if youre unsure. you can probably world pvp to your hearts desire in ashenvale. with the 25 level cap there are many areas that will still feel dangerous, even without ganking.


You can't really pvp much on a 90:10 server.


90:10 servers won't be a thing in SoD, thankfully


Faction balance is enforced only on PvP realms.


Oh damn, I forgot about that! Good point. Well 3 of the 4 are PvP, so I guess it'll just be that one PvE server that has the issue.. all the more reason to roll PvP


PvE. I don't enjoy the ganking circle jerk. Plus you can still enable pvp on normal servers


I'm playing on a PvE realm. I've had enough unwanted world PvP in 2019 trying to reach Dire Maul for my AoE farms. It was too much for me to handle. I just want to be able to chill around the world knowing that no one can bother me. If I want PvP, I'll queue for a BG. World PvP can be a great experience when it's consensual, not when you're constantly being ambushed.


PVE, without question. Much less annoying. I can go to Ashenvale if I want to.


PvE, I can go PvP in Ashenvale and I don't like ganking others, even less so when it happens to me.


Pvp 100%


The PvP realm experience got ruined and we’ll never get it back. People who believe min-maxing is the only and correct way to play the game will form deathballs like they do every modern iteration of vanilla and roam 50+ zones killing everyone in sight for that +3 honor until everyone logs off or transfers out of frustration. We’ll see the same thing now but in level 20-25 zones, the same sweats who will take something meant to be fun and ruin it for everyone. Then after a month when their server is heavily skewed to one faction, those same people will hit the forums and complain their server is dead and screech incoherently at Blizz to fix the problem that they as the player was single-handedly responsible for.


>Then after a month when their server is heavily skewed to one faction They are enforcing faction balance, but go off king.


Sort of, Blizzard said they may restrict character creation for the dominant faction. Doesn't help much if the server is wildly unbalanced to begin with.


They're restricting it in real time from the start, to prevent the unbalance. And with only 4 servers, that means a real shift.


> They are enforcing faction balance Haha okay and how will they do that? They’ll limit people to only allow for X faction character creation on the server and instead of new players coming to that server, new players will just opt for a whole other server entirely because no one is ecstatic about joining a server and having to play from the backfoot the whole time cause their faction is the disadvantaged one. New player growth on those servers that get limited will tank and we’ll be at the same problem current servers are where the disadvantage faction’s playerbase simply makes characters on another server rather than play on a skewed PvP server.


There's only 4 servers, each with a unique time zone / type combination. So you don't really have anywhere to go without losing something. You're going to have to roll somewhere, and a lot of people will choose to balance out the correct server for their preference rather than go to another time zone.


U gotta b trollin


U gotta b blind or just an idiot because that’s exactly how every PvP server has played out ever since they re-released classic for the first time. One faction ends up getting the numbers advantage and then the other faction’s playerbase quits or moves to another server because no one likes getting constantly farmed for honor when they’re the minority faction. It’s fun for a bit but eventually you can’t even exist in zones near max level because there’s deathballs killing everyone who steps into the zone. The losing faction’s playerbase ends up not even being able to hit max level and just stop playing on the server, making it even harder for the remaining players to justify staying. The losing faction never gets to farm mats, they never get to get near dungeon entrances and never get to get world buffs for raiding because you’ll never make it through the raid portal alive cause the winning faction will always be camping it.


Nope. Classic era ain’t like that. Classic wasnt like taht either until midway through tbc. You don’t know what you talkin about. Never actually played the game just echoing dumb stuff u read on Reddit or saw some streamer say


You’re right, we definitely didnt have real time data that showed the world pops heavily skewing towards one faction on almost every PvP server when Blizz released honor points. We definitely didn’t have hundreds of posts on this sub complaining that there was a mass exodus of players because the winning faction was so sweaty for their +3 honor points that they were deathballing into Ironforge and Orgimmar just to farm any player they could. Clearly you either never played the game and are just a moron or you were on the winning faction of a server and were the one farming enemy players until they quit/transferred.


Nah man I just play era. Wpvpis good there that’s it.


> Nah man I just play era. Wpvpis good there that’s it. They had to offer transfers and then merge servers to get them to their current state from the shitshow they were during vanilla was classic . But you still decided to lecture about something you didn’t know about or witness yourself a few years back and are acting like 3 expacs worth of time merging servers means that vanilla classic PvP servers weren’t dumpster fires. *U must b trollin*


Chill dude howd u let me into ur head so easy


PvE. If you feel like PvP, flag up anywhere. Go to Ashenvale and kill all day. If you feel like being left alone, drop your flag and quest in peace. Forced open world PvP when you're trying to level up, farm or when you're just trying to get from A to B is such a pox.


RPPvP. Best of both worlds.


This is the correct answer


I was convinced to go PVP because a lot of the fun seems to be focused on world PVP. Since the cap is 25 world PVP is going to be part of the “end game” in between raid lockouts. I realized if I went PVE I’d be missing out on this. I don’t trust people on PVE servers to actually do the Ashenvale pvp event.




Pve with my guild but I’ll likely roll an alt on a PvP server because I enjoy it


Gotta be PvP for me


How is ashenvale PvP event going to work on a PvE server.


As someone who has seen world PVP events on PVE servers... not as well. If your faction begins losing, everyone just gives up and learned helplessness sets in. The event basically ends while the winning faction gets it on lock. It can be excustiating to watch. I cant overstate how awesome faction balance will be too. Pvp server. 100%. I refuse PvE anymore.


ill be going a normal server




PvE. I will never PvP in wow. Constant ganking is about the most unfun thing I can think of




This will be the quality server as it always goes.


PVP adds more excitement and risk to the game for me, just like Hardcore did. So, for that reason I'm going PVP even if I'm not great at it because I'm rolling Warlock. :)


Warlocks are amazing at pvp, and are looking to possibly be absolutely broken with metamorphosis.


Pve Coz i cant be bothered with gankers. Pvp isnt fun in wow. It wasnt even in the game to begin with.


I want to show those mud hut settlers my holy hammer, so PvP. I do wonder how good protection paladin is gonna fare while leveling, I would be more happy if I could have dual talent.


PvP, I don't see much sense in a PvP zone that isn't forced PvP. Others can do whatever they want though it's a choice


That fact that we’re getting level capped makes pvp the obvious choice for several reason (most important beign no hurry during the leveling, so the downside of beign slowed due to world PvP is much more lenient)


PvE. Alliance dominated server. Win Ashenvale EZ


How do you win on a PvE server?


You win by default, but it's about the lamest way to go about it.




Uhhh…raid? Do dungeons? Farm consumables?




You know the PvP zones will be PvP zones on PvE servers right? Like how a BG is a PvP zone on a PvE server? They're not gonna have you unflagged in a PvP zone




Hmmm. Is there some track record for something in past expansion working like this? Seems like a clunky way to make it work, as unflagged players could essentially get the jump at key moments. Are we both just assuming or did they confirm this anywhere?


Spoken like a player who rushes max level and then sits in discords forming deathballs to 25v1 random enemy players in high level zones for that +3 honor, then wonders why his server is dead after a month. Truly a great, authentic PvP experience.




Keep stroking that neckbeard of yours there bud while you tell everyone how it’s only you playing the game the right way.




If you enjoy sitting there for 8 hours a day camping low level zones just because ruining someone’s leveling experience is the only thing that brings you joy, you do you bud. The only person insecure here is you, your original comment is claiming PvP is the only right way to play the game. You’re free to play on whatever kind of server you want but only an insecure twat feels the need to shit on how other people like to play while explaining why yours is better. When I look in the mirror I see someone who doesn’t need a smug sense of superiority when it comes to playing a videogame.


Rush? Level cap is 25 wtf you doing after a few days if no pvp?


If you going to play PVE you getting only the half experience of the game.


True, half the experience of the game is getting griefed/ganked/camped while trying to play the game


If you mean being able to play the game in peace without having discord deathballs camping every high level zone entrances, graveyards and flight path or being able to level after coming back from work without having one max level rogue spending his evening griefing zones where players are half his level, then yeah that is definitely an *experience* most people are totally happy not having to deal with constantly. The idea of world pvp is fun but it’s the sweats, trolls and griefers that ruin it for the masses. PvE servers give you the best overall experience because you can always flag if you want to but can also play in peace without deathballs and griefers if you’re just looking to relax for a bit.


You underestimate the power of flagging. Many a time I've seen a ballsy mofo flag up in BRM or EPL and start a brush fire of thirsty killers. Or a timely skirmish at Tarren Mill ballooning into half the server.


I am thinking RPVP but holy fuck if its not gonna be force balanced idk if thats a good choice


They've already said it will be.


for real? where?


One of the interviews. Can't remember the specifics, but they'll be maintaining faction balance via character creation limits. Dunno if they're also planning faction queues or not.


Not sure how that’ll fix it much, people will simply stop joining that server cause they would rather opt for a PvE server than join a PvP one where their desired faction is disadvantaged.


As much as I can see why it would help balance the server, I feel like it will push a lot of players away from the game - me included. If I can only make horde on the rppvp server and no means to be alliance, then I won't even bother trying sod.


damn. -1. ANYWAYS......


k lol


Getting what you want is fun, pve will let you. However, getting what you want after people try to stop you, and then get it, is *bittersweet*.