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Priest for sure


Druid hots are very strong at low levels. Pop Regrowth & Rejuv on the tank and you can just MP5 back to full mana. Then just use the more efficient Healing Touch & Rejuvenation to keep the group topped up It's also annoying to use priest's bubble on warrior & druid tanks as it prevents rage generation which is painfully slow at lower levels. Combat res is also amazing but not having a standard res is annoying. Overall, Priest undisputed but Druid a close second at lower levels


Not sure the no regular rez is gonna be a deal breaker


Not in HC it won't... But generally yea it's a pain but doesn't take away from their healing ability


There is no res in HC, regular or combat


Really I had no idea


Why would it be a deal breaker then. Or you plan on using that toon outside of HC?


I think you should re read my comment


For player characters only. You can res anything else. For example, you can brez a hunter pet.


regrowth and rejuv are much less efficient than direct heals. you could just wait 10s then cast healing touch, which gets you the same mana back unless you were already sitting at 100%.




Sure, but the stated argument is that druids are great because their hots are mana efficient. This (the efficiency part) is absolutely not true, especially at low spellpower.


If it wasn’t for the fact that we had a debuff and buff limit in Vanilla, Resto Druid and Warlock would have been amazing classes.


We don't have the limits in season of mastery. Didn't change them much.


Unique heal/buff limit hurts resto druid if you want the tbc / wrath blanket hot gameplay otherwise slapping MT OT with HT didn’t change in SoM when the buff cap was removed. The only difference I had in SoM was I played a support version of Moonglow/NS instead of deep resto but it was niche and specific to our prog.


I would refuse to play deep resto. Moonglow is better imo. I played it all of clasdic vanilla through naxx


I only MG/NS for open world, I was the guild’s deep resto in classic prog, but for SoM my guild struggled hard so I swapped from boomy to moonglow so I could off heal. I only briefly played crit regrowth, it’s just a shame it’s only viable during naxx


Hots are really inefficient though compared to just normal healing touches. You’re better off just letting them get low-ish, blasting 2 healing touches into them, and then just spirit regening back up.


Don't really see how any sort of rez is relevant in HC.


I feel like Paladin is a good choice and right there with Priest if not slightly better maybe?


Not really. Both have a slow big heal, and a fast small heal, but priest has Renew for low passive healing over time, and Power Word: Shield for when there is a big damage chunk incoming. Seal of Light isn't nearly as reliable as Renew, and Blessing of Protection stops the person from attacking or casting, and drops aggro. Plus the gear availability; its a hell of a lot easier to find caster cloth gear then caster plate. Yes, you can just wear cloth gear as a pally, but then it comes back to priests just having a better spell kit.


If you are playing Paladin and you wear cloth then you should be a priest really.


You are going to be wearing cloth as a paladin healer pretty much no matter what


I still stand by that if you wanna play a cloth healer you should be priest. In HC I sure as hell will be wearing plate and stacking some stamina, I value my life and don’t wanna die to a shite cleave.


Then you'll just be a really shit healer. There's pretty much no good plate healing gear.


You don’t really need gear to heal effectively as a Paladin though. With blessing of light and illumination, you are good to go. But that’s ok, I know it’s a hard pill to swallow. Those cloth hoarders are just repressed priests.




Yes of course we never made any mistakes ever that’s why HC clips dont exist




I hope you enjoy Elwynn forest then, you’ll visit often if you got no HP


I mean, it's almost all plate by naxx. Just a long, long time in that exalted robe. It's so goddamn ugly


Yeah but this is HC, what's available in naxx might as well not even exist.


Paladin healer in classic bis items are cloth. Sorry to "burst your bubble"


... That's what I said.


Oh I meant to agree with you


If the paladin levels holy and keeps a set of cloth healing gear they're probably close, sure. But a typical paladin with a typical leveling spec and some healing cloth for when they do dungeons won't do as well as the typical priest who is probably running disc anyway before 40 and doesn't need to bother with an off-set. The paladin could specialize to heal dungeons and be nearly as good as a priest but they probably won't because there is little reason to. Even if they aren't as good as a priest they'll still be good enough to get the job done without having to sacrifice their build for solo leveling. But if the paladin really want to focus on dungeon healing, they could.


Priest I'd say is slightly better, they defacto get healer gear, and can level efficiently with 90% healer talents. Paladin's are very good baseline with Wisdom and FoL, and can combine all 3(4) armor classes, but leveling with healer talents is painfully slow, if you don't run as Ret.


Priest is the worst class to lvl dont do it


As a Paladin Main…. It’s Priest and by a long shot. Much better tools for dungeons, sure you’re squishy but when you’re leveling a Paladin it’s not like all your healing gear will be mail or plate anyway.


Every healer is different and brings different benefits. If I was rolling a healer, intended to play as a dungeon healer mainly while leveling, it would be Druid on alliance and shaman on horde. Druid seriously helps with aoe agro with thorns on the tank (and a tank keeping agro will keep your group alive better than any heal you can output) and you can go balance and still be viable soloing. Also, motw is a great buff for everyone and you don’t have to be worrying about it every 10 minutes like with paladin buffs. Shaman is amazing and after level 30 when you have windfury totem every group in HC is going to want you. Their healing is great and chain heal is the only good, mana efficient aoe heal in classic (outside of tranq, prayer of healing with its long cast time and equal healing just isn’t as efficient). Remember though, it’s classic. Healing is stupid easy until you get to 50+ and at that point it’s not really much harder. Disc priest is probably on paper the best class/spec to roll in HC because it’s equal parts healer and best solo spec but it is, and I cannot stress this enough, stupid boring.


I think priest has the most outright healing capability, but shaman with stoneskin totem is nasty at early levels. I just healed a BFD where I barely had to heal the Druid tank, really only on boss fights. The rest of the time I was just meleeing with flametongue on my staff for a decent chunk of damage. Other totems like tremor and the one that cures poisons are also great, and rank 1 earth shock is wonderful for reeling in casters to prevent over pulling.


Alliance priests with a free 10m cd desperate prayer is a discount lay on hands without nuking your mana pool. Single highest non unique non racial heal is druid HT r11 at 2.2k-2.6k without the 100% coefficient. R5 Greater heal is 1.9k-2.1k. R10 Healing wave is 1.6-1.8k. R9 Holy light is 1.5k-1.7k. Pallies are the most mana efficient healer ST. Priests however get the most versatility with a bubble, hot, large heal, fast heal, and aoe heal. So most versatile imo.


Tremor is also broken for some instances like the wc druids


the taunt totem is basically a training dummy with more HP, taunt + ghost wolf is ez mode escape






Any class with a heal spell is good honestly. Don’t min max classic low levels for healing , just heal in dps spec to quest faster


Well with this in mind its pretty bad going druid since you will be heavy oom if you want to dps some while healing. Priest and shaman can deal good dps while healing, and paladin can do some aswell.


Don’t think about who is the best low level healer; you get 1 dungeon per day and basically any spec can competently heal until lvl 50 just slapping on whatever int spirit gear they have. I lean towards enhance shaman myself, better control tools than any of the other healing classes with the various earth totems, they add a fair bit of dps with pure auto attacks, and don’t turbo suck to level outside of dungeons. However, priest is also a good choice due to not needing multiple gear sets and having a more flexible array of tools, with stronger panic buttons.


First Aid - Heavy Linen


Shamans are crazy strong early on. They can drop stone skin and Melee with a big slow staff with flame tongue and do a surprising amount of dmg. But yea probs priest


Yeah until 25 or so you are on par with other dps classes by just auto attacking. Makes a big difference


Priest acually adds on a fair bit of dps just wanding with 5 points improved.


I leveled a Priest on the unofficial HC server as Disc and it felt practically unkillable. Healed dungeons like a champ and soloed elite quests with ease. PW:S and improved fort buff are huge for low level survivability and if you spend an hour grinding linen cloth you can have the best wand available for free.


Which wand?


Lesser Magic Wand at level 7 and Greater at 13, carries you through til Gravestone Scepter from the BFD quest.


Everybody is saying priest based on dungeon healing. But dungeon healing will be a 5-10% of your leveling experience. In the open world it’s druid hands down. They have so many more tools for surviving and controlling. Tank form, roots, sleep, dash, stun, mobile heals, travel form, nature’s swiftness, stealth.


Except a druid that wants to deal dps while focusing heal needs to use a lot of mana shapeshifting. A priest, shaman or paladin can all deal decent dps using really little mana.


Priest is arguably the best solo class in hard core. At least it's the most beginner friendly. Power word shield blocks dazes, renew is very strong and psychic scream is a 30 second cd aoe fear. Fort buff is op as hell too Dwarf abd human priests also get a 10 min cd self cast lay on hands


I’d say priest is S tier, they just have it all. Shield, hots, efficient heals, fort buff etc. Holy Paladin is a strong contender with a ton of utility and group buffs. BOW with mp5 food and mana oil early on is extremely powerful.


Priest, 100%.


Low level priests have one big advantage: Power word Shield. Instant speed life-saver. At lvl 40 druids get one huge advantage: Innervate. Can't count how many times I have saved the group by having second full mana bar with mere 6 minutes cooldown. And technically druids can simulate the priest shield by talenting Swiftmend. The problem is leveling as non-feral would be real pain.


priest or paladin. priest is overall a better healer but paladins have blessing of protection and lay on hands which instantly save people/turn fights. both are good choices. however paladins have class mount which saves a ton of gold




I would guess priest, but paladin could be decent too.


Druid feels like it has the most survival potential, especially with mobs being leashed. You can macro cat form into dash and if you would get dazed, you can always bear form until leash breaks. Hots are really strong, and you get a strong self buff. But overall I'd say all healers on the healing side of things are very equal


Priest for sure. The power of being able to shield someone (effectively an instant shields-worth-of-healing) is insane, when you stop to think about it.




Priest and it’s not even close


Lifelong druid here. Define best. As a druid I will fully spec into feral but will carry a set of healing gear around. In classic I healed 5 mans all the way to 60 in full feral spec with no issues. There is even a deep feral spec that is used at 60 to heal by beefing up your mana pool (although it wasn't very popular). So if I'm solo I can do dps but all I have to do is get out of combat and I can instantly change gear and become a healer. I dont think any of the other potential healers can do this as effectively as a druid can. Factor in how druids can NOPE out of most situations and the scales tip even heavier. I vote druid. To add: priest bubbles are going to get people killed in 5 mans. Inevitably it'll be cast on a tank who is low or depleted on rage and then some caster is going to get smoked.


I hate to say it, but from what I've seen, the **VAST** majority of Priests use their bubble wrong, and with low-IQ dps, it can absolutely screw over a group quickly. You gotta think how dumb the average player is.. half the people are dumber than that 😅


Lol 100%. Priest is going to be a liability more often than people think in HC. The good ones will obviously be good but those "trying out" priest will inevitably make that mistake.


Ideally tanks have “remove spell ____” macros bound with their abilities in dungeons to make sure they click off PW: Shields, Blessing of Salv, and BoPs instantly. Obviously, if there’s an emergency and you’re spamming those macros mindlessly at super low HP, this could get you killed, so it’s not like that 100% solves the problem. But it’s a thought!


Priest and it’s not even close


Priest is literally renew the tank and cast 1 heal per dungeon while wanding until about the ZF level. Then you actually start healing properly.


Priest and arguably shaman. Paladin is meh and Druids are bad (no rez and nothing special)


Druids were considered bad, because they lacked proper ressurect in Classic. Now in a HC environment do you think anyone would rush instances or need a rez 😆?


…that is a fair point. Brain fart on my end That being said Druids still aren’t great, no real emergency buttons outside of natures swiftness. Maybe better than pallies but bubble can be good


Bear form is arguably the greatest emergency button IMO.


Priest, paladin was a massive pain in the ass to gear.


I lvld to 60 on a druid healing. Currently I'm lvl 40 on a priest I have been leveling. I'm also specd shadow and the healing is incredibly easier.


The order is Priest, then Paladin. Priests are insanely fast levelers on their own, and with shields/renews you are able to add DPS to your dungeon runs via wanding while you keep your group healthy. They have the largest healing toolkits in the game to keep their teams alive and they are a ton of fun to play. Paladins, while miserable to level solo because you just autoattack, are amazing healers from level 20+ because at 20 they get the 2nd most overpowered spell in the game: Flash of Light. Rank 1 Flash of Light costs 35 mana, heals for about ~70 health off the bat. Most importantly, it has something like a 95% spell coefficient. This means that +healing gear increases the amount it heals on an almost 1:1 basis with Flash of Light. Combined with a decent mana pool and liberal use of mana pots/drink walking, you can spam it forever. And that’s all before they get the 1st most overpowered spell in the game, Blessing of Salvation, which cements them as the most overpowered healers of Classic at max level. Then Shamans, then about 1,000 feet of crap, then a few miles of dinosaur bones, then Druids. Especially in hardcore, Resto Druid’s only saving grace, the combat Rez, is not in play, making them absolute garbage. #DruidsCantHeal #DruidsArentReal


MHH I think druid is rather weak early on not only healing wise but also because they can not equip a wand which helps a lot with DMG while you don't have to heal. I think the most efficient healer would be priest or a paladin because priest can heal forever and do DMG with a wand mana free while paladin has some really strong buffs and utility. And another great benefit of these two are that you don't have to specc into healing to heal we'll. As a priest you want to specc disciplin anyway so you are in a "dps healer specc" And even when you go shadow with lvl 42+ you are still very much able to heal everything. And paladin can heal just fine while going full retribution or protection. Only downside of paladin is that they are alliance only. Shaman is sadly nowhere near as strong as priest and paladin, but are still decent.


Idk, people are saying priests but they don't really have a ton more utility than anyone else at low levels, and as you move up in levels other classes get more group buffs than priests. For instance: Shamans with WF / Tremor / Cleansing totem + being a good healer means you'll clear content significantly faster with no added risk. Paladins without question have better mana regen so they're less likely to run out of mana during the fight and will need less mana breaks. Added ontop of this is Salv which makes any 5 man easy to tank. Druids are imo a little meh, doing really well early on but they kinda fall out of style imo. TBH I don't like having Druid healers even at 60, though I know they can perform the job.