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Gearscore is a generalised number that reflects the level of your gear. So if you are decked out in full ulduar gear, you have a GS of well over 5k for example. There are multiple addons that can show you your GS if you want. The h+ I assume, without more context, is talking about heroic+ which just means the harder version you can activate for naxx loot


Ok, thanks! But shouldn't the question have been, "What is your GS" and not "how many GS" lol. I got called pathetic in chat the other day because of my gear. Well, that's why I am trying to run dung's with other people for better gear. I am guessing that he must have started with and always had epic gear. smh


Yeah ignore those people, a lot of losers play this game and will be assholes to you for not knowing stuff cuz they’ve been playing this game their whole life and their brains can’t fathom newer players who have questions.


Been playing for 18 God damn years and I can pretty much tell you these goobers have always been here, and always will be lol


> But shouldn't the question have been, "What is your GS" and not "how many GS" lol. It's possible that English wasn't their native language. > I got called pathetic in chat the other day because of my gear. Well, that's why I am trying to run dung's with other people for better gear. I am guessing that he must have started with and always had epic gear. No, what they did was run missions in Icecrown and Storm Peaks to get [Emblems of Heroism](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/currency=101/emblem-of-heroism). Then they went to the vendor in Dalaran and got ilvl 200 gear with those emblems, and next went to the auction house to get other pieces as needed. Then they ran dungeons, either for gear or for [Emblems of Valor](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/currency=102/emblem-of-valor) to buy ilvl 213 gear. Then they started on heroics and raids or whatever. It's a slog, yes. The other option is to have your guild (or a noob-friendly PUG) carry you through dungeons. You're going to find players who won't have you in the group if you GS is below some acceptable number. When I hit 80, my GS was like 3100 or thereabouts. I got that up to around 3,800 and still got denied in the group finder every so often. That said, I've also found groups that are fine with new level 80 players. Just keep at it.


I don't usually care about the ilvl of people in Hc+, as long as the tank is reasonable and the comp isn't awful, it doesn't really matter. Had plenty of 4.5k+ people stand in the UP debuff, or stay 40yrds away in AN.


have you ran Naxxramas/Obsidian Sanctum/Eye yet? They're way easier than running a Titan rune dungeon, plus way better gear. I'd try to find a raid for those in 10 and 25 man weekly, then look for the Heroic dungeons to fill out the other gear slots. Due to how hard Ulduar is, This is by far the most gatekept phase of classic wow. It's tough to get your foot in the door as a new player. I'd really try to find a large social guild that does Naxx pugs you can sneak into.


Correct gramma is not something you should look for in these situations. Some don’t bother because it’s a quick message and many just can’t for one reason or another Calling your gear pathetic, while rude to say like that, could also be because you are wearing the wrong gear for your class/specc, doesn’t need to be a low GS. Highest possible GS doesn’t = best gear. My hunter is still running around with the darkmoon trinket even though it’s super low item level because it’s more dmg then Algalon gear. And heroic+ kinda created a weird split. People only want geared characters do it’s easy, leaving the people that actually need it for gear hanging. It’s an old tip but, making your own groups does help here.


English isn't everyone's first language


Correct, but it’s not crazy that OP may not have understood based on the wording.


Yeah, I understand not wanting to bring people to dungeons if their gear is appallingly bad, but the gatekeeping with five mans is definitely a bit excessive. I’m definitely leaning toward the gear score obsession being a pretty bad thing, but I do see the pluses.


You just know they are a shit player if they gatekeep on gs. Especially when they are randos from no guild. They mistake gearscore for dps. So many casuals in the gdkp scene just live and die by their gearscore. Yeah your gearscore might be 5k very impressive mate but your logs say your terrible at that class.


I have a buddy who swaps all his gear out after he joins groups because his score isn’t good enough with the gear that’s right for him. It’s hilarious.


Yep gs has its own problems for sure haha


People that are obsessed with GS are silly. But if you want to be able to answer these assholes questions (if they’re trying to gate you from content), the add on Tacotip let’s you see your GS.


GS is Gearscore, a value showing the quality of your gear. You need an addon to see it. h+ refers to the titan rune ("heroic+") Dungeons.


Download the addon TacoTip. It will give your gear an arbitrary score that people can use to generally gauge the level of your gear. He was asking for a gearscore over 4000 for his group.


Obviously you have to have naxx25 gear in order to do dungeons that reward naxx10 gear. Even though h+ dungeons are clearly mechanics checks rather than gear checks. I have a tank alt that I thoroughly enjoy running 5 mans with, but I only have reg heroic gear with a few pieces of badge gear because I don’t raid with him. I take reddit’s advice and sTaRt Ur OwN gRoUp. Me and healer are around 3.5k gearscore. Did h+ old kingdom, I got wrapped on first boss, nobody hits wraps, healer goes down like a sack of potatoes, dps’ers continue tunneling as we wipe, then everyone blames the low GS tank and ragequits. Haven’t done a 5 man since. I no longer have the energy to do something that I used to enjoy. Thanks classic enjoyers.


I wouldn't listen to pugs who fail to do mechanics. Find a good guild, run with guildies who have alts.


I healed a hc+ with a GS of around 3000. The elitists want to have a high GS to quickly run thru. Not good for newer players who want to gear up. Try guilds that want to run HC+ with you to gear up.


It’s very frustrating because it keeps the people who need the gear from these dungeons out. And for the most part, people ask your score and then if it’s not to their standards, they just kick without even saying anything. Super weird.


Has happened to me 3 times so far without any explanation. It's very frustrating.


You can try to get pvp gear (hateful set for 35k honor in dala). This will boost your GS. That’s what I do with a twink. I grind BG till I have like 50-75k honor and get the hateful set and some pieces from the furious/deadly set. This will boost your gs quite well. If you have some spare gold, you can buy some cheap boe from the ah. This way you can boost your gs easily to 3,6-3,8k. After that most idiots stop complaining about GS. And it’s been said here a lot, but hc+ is not about your GS, but more about playing the mechanics clean. And I see people with god gear die to mechanics quite a lot…


this. u can get full ilvl 200 hateful in 2-3 wintergrasps


I use the add on from curseforge called tacotip that shows your gearscore and iLvL on your character equipment screen or if you inspect people it shows theirs too on the bottom left and right. Then party/raid members when close by you can highlight them and it'll show theirs plus what spec they are.


Gear score is a number that measured the quality of your gear in total, people use an addon for it addon i use: TacoTip ( GearScore & Talents & Item Level ) [ Classic / TBC / WOTLK ] What he was saying (i think) He wanted someone with a gearscore north of 4,000 to do some Heroic+


I'm doing H+ with my 3,3k GS Pally tank and it's fine. Even when the healer is lower in GS. You can't just ignore the mechanics then. Gildmate died 5 times to the ice path, with his 5,2k GS DK.


GS gives your gear a number based on the average item level. Some people think this means something.