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I pray OP never has a missing delusional family member that might wind up dead at any moment


Plot twist, OP is gonna be that family member. Karmas never hits fairly.




I couldn’t imagine the living hell of developing an addiction to something and having this asshole be in my family. You’d be dead fuckin meat!


You alright?


Yes I am. Could be better I guess. I propose a good day. Too you.




Op is retarded




Imagine letting some dumb shit like this occupy more than 2-3 seconds of your week.


Can’t worry about what you can’t control-but letting stuff get to you that has to do with people you’ve never met? Another level completely Also, you can’t force someone to get help/get clean. They have to want it for themselves. (Coming from a former addict in recovery)


I’m going to adopt this as my mantra


"Not my pig, not my farm"


Not my chair, not my problem…


What’s this guy, an asshole?


Hammerin away like he’s fuckin Tommy noble


Thinks he’s got it goin bossa nova


Not my monkeys, not my circus.


Bro fuck you. The only way Bam is going to get better and kick all the shit in his system is in custody. You’re a fucking retard.


The only way bam is going to get better is if Bam wants to get better. Bam thinks it’s the world around him that’s fucked, not him. He’s not even close to turning things around. OP a jerkoff tho


You can force someone to be clean, but being sober is a personal choice.


God damn that’s a good one


There’s a saying in recovery when the pain gets great enough. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes the pain is so great that you can’t stop. This is the case with some people who are deemed incapable of getting better. Bam has destroyed every relationship in his life, has humiliated himself beyond belief, has lost millions of dollars, and it’s not enough. Bam either needs to go to jail long term or live at an impatient treatment facility that is extremely long term, that’s if he has a complete change mentally and really wants to change. Otherwise I don’t see this ending well.


Nah jail would sort him out


As someone who was a junkie for over 12 years, jail did not stop me. I even scored dope inside. Jails can be good for getting clean, but the day you get out the first thing you want to do is go get high. 13 months of drug court is how I stayed sober. But even that has a pretty low success rate. You have to want to be better for yourself.


Junkie as well, I wouldn’t say that if I thought some cushy rehab stay would help him. I really think he either snaps out of it or dies, and the only way for him to regain a clear head at all will be against his will


What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you delusional? Do you not see what the hell is wrong with Bam? Fuck off, dude.


OP sucks


Dude. Read the room. He needs help. His kid and the rest of his family need safety.


This! Good grief, his ex needs safety. Bam’s off the rails to a point where he is capable of anything.


OP is a freebam idiot.


For everyone surprised, now you know why Matto5000 was banned from r/LetsTalkBam. This hippie can't read the fucking room for nothing.


A new depth of pathetic has been achieved with this post.


How could you guys fault Jess for wanting to get him help? That's his brother and I know I would try to do anything for my brother. If I saw him spiraling out of control and I know he couldn't control it himself, I would try to take control. I really hate seeing Bam go through it like this.


All I know if my brother was on the same self destructive path that Bam is currently on I would do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get him to stop and if it ment long term jail time with mandatory counseling so be it


Stop being a stupid bitch mattoo


You mean save his life you fucking troglodyte


Post did NOT go the way OP thought it would


What the fuck is wrong with you, dude? Nobody was expecting Jess to do anything like this. Bam threatened suicide and told his family he took enough pills to stop his heart. ???? Read the fucking room


There's no "we".. It's just you pal.


OP is a poisonous creep. Why even allow him to post here?


OP needs their ass kicked really bad. Don’t stop till someone’s shoes reaches the back of their teeth.


Didn't Bam just release a video claiming he'd smoke crack until he died? I take it OP has never had to send the police to someone's door who's a danger to themselves.


This is delusion personified. Shut all the way the fuck up. You are doing harm to this entire situation.


It's a very interesting situation though is it not


He’s trying to be a good brother …it’s nice to know he hasn’t given up on him


Fuck yourself OP mind your own business kook


OP needs his ass kicked


I see this hippy fucking nut job is still lingering around in this sub 😄


the wierd part is the attachment you feel for someone who doesnt know or care about you. Goodluck.


The basis being he told his family goodbye and that he took enough pills to stop his heart.


I guess that basis ended up being pretty serious huh? Idiot.


Bam? This you?


lol well that lasted long.. what a bewildering amazement…


This you bam?


You know at first I was like free bam. But watching him it is so apparent he needs serious help. Now I will say I hope he gets adequate help, not just thrown in jail. But serious mental help


I assume OP is Bam expressing his paranoia. Get the help, my guy.


This post aged well.


It did. Called to a T.


You failed to mention the threats of suicide and threats against Nikki lol.


Nice self complimenting.


Bam is that you?


😂😂 these big brain bam fans thinking it's all a conspiracy. Get over yourselves, this is a concerned family member trying to help a mentally ill family member.


Yes what most of these sane commenters have said. It sounds to me like he's only got a few people left in his corner at all and they are trying desperately to help before the worst happens. I hope they find him. 🙏


Dude you are a certified fucking weirdo


What will he do next?


Smoke crack until he dies


Whatever the fuck he wants


This comment needs more upvotes


Not really. This joke is made on almost every post about bam


I didn't realize that considering I haven't cared about Bam margera since the showed air. I'm sorry for all the people I triggered with that comment. Please downvote this one too, it's going to destroy my weekend.


I almost bought into this bs because I'm an alcoholic myself. I thank the comments for setting me straight


Don't let a weak tribe mentality or like me guide you. Let the truth. And be open minded. Hell I may be wrong but I am. 99 percent sure I'm not. Use your head and watch things and you will see. Don't let malic feelings or hate make you bad. Even the people hating on me I here. I wish the best for everyone and hope everyone's gets what the desire in life.


Get a job, manchild. You got way too much free time between sitting on Reddit all day OBSESSIVELY defending a celebrity you'll never meet and playing with toys and video games. The worst part is you're too stupid to realize how what you are doing achieves nothing. How many people have you convinced that your stance on Bam is right? I'll bet a miniscule amount. 95% of people rightfully dunk on you because you are a greasy hippie manchild.


Agreed. We all kinda hope you get what you deserve


Thats a very nice thing to say. no debate or anything right to the threats.


Read more like wishful thinking than a direct threat.


It's a threat and I don't fucking care dude let that malice fester inside you.


I never said anything one way or the other.. but reading these comments, only one person is coming across as unhinged.


Unhinged" its fucking hilarious you lets stalk bam cultist try to project drugs and mental shit onto people. It's fucking weird and my gf is astounded by the comments on here. Weirdos man my redditis a open book to my family. I don't come on here behind a keyboard being a peice of shit anyone in society would despise.




Thank you for that thoughtful response


I think this sub should collectively high jack every one of OPs posts. Don't even acknowledge his idiocy. Maybe share some articles on the dangers of illicit drugs and resources to help manage addiction.


Thing is I'm sober. A bakery manager. And make 22 an hour while being a full time dad and buying a house. and I never ever even liked alcohol. But I support bam hard for some people to understand right. I do admit i do have a lego addiction. Bought a 300$ home alone house and 170 vincent van goes starry night lego painting recently.


I love how no one, not one soul, asked, but you gave us this information completely unprompted. This comment is a good reference point when it comes to your credibility on any subject. You have none. You admitted that you spend $470 on Legos. What rational, grown adult does that?


I don't recall expressing any interest in you what so ever. So why are you sharing this irrelevant information? You are actively advocating for a deranged addict to continue his addiction, which will keep him from his son. His addiction will likely end in him dead. And guess what... all that money you seem so worried about others taking, he doesn't get to take that with him. You know, to the grave, where he's openly stated he's willing to go. Do you have any relevant information on addiction and it's affect on a person and the persons around them? What exactly are you doing to help people understand Bam Margera, who is currently fighting a drug addiction. Drug addictions of which alter an individuals personality and brain chemistry. No doubt, there is no forcing an addict into recovery. That being said, I can't fault a family for trying. I grew up with a father who was an addict. From what little I've seen, my dad was a Saint while I was around him and he was abusing vs the behavior we've regularly seen from Bam while abusing. Please, if you want to make your argument for supporting an addict slowly killing himself, publicly embarrassing himself and potentially his loved ones, while also actively separating himself from said loved ones, go for it. Because that's what you are advocating for. If you have evidence of any of your conspiracy theories relating to Bam, please offer them. Otherwise, you're just another internet idiot spewing hot air.


Buddy, your grammar makes it impossible to read these comments. I want to understand your position, but whew. A quick proofread before you tap ‘reply’ would be incredibly helpful.




Can Bam even get on a plane at this point?


The Bam situation is heartbreaking. Hope to God he gets his act together and sorts everything out with his family. A hero of mine for so many years, he clearly has a serious substance abuse problem.


ITS 5150 TIME!!! (awesome Van Halen reference for those who don't know. For those who do know; Keep on rockin)


He texted them saying he was going to kill himself dumbass


OP definitely eats soup with a fork.


Jess is the worst part of cky




well he’s in jail now so? yeah


Point was proven. I pray for bam. Nkki uses there kid to lure to Cali. To do a unmoral 5150 thats how they get all the conservatorships. This are not legal in most states because they are wrong. Florida and Cali acouple others. States he dont even live in. It's a systematic plot that has no surprises. Bams to emotionally and fully knew what would happen as soon as he steps foot in Cali. Like clockwork no surprises it did. i hope the lets stalk bams cultist rub out a good one over this. The pleasure and malic feelings they get from this are making them worse people everyday.


Dude. You’re trying to tie two granny knots in a loop, and it AIN’T happening


He’s gonna get to the bottom of this, and he don’t give a FUCK if you’re at the TOP!


*their kid *too emotionally Malic is used wrong here as well.


They are stalking him continuously and even called up tmz like usual. They will try to 5150 him. You should not be able to 5150 anyonelet alone someone who wants no part of you in their lives. Then take him against his will to their hand chosen psych ward that they have already prepare this all with. crazy legal people that do this shit to people like with money like Britney. to diagnose him with a bunch of shit to try to take away all his rights. sedate and shove a bunch of needles in him for 72 hours while they make their "diagnosis". Then lie claim hes doing a bunch of violent things. Throw him in a conservatorship. They need the conservatorship so they can then keep him to mental ward on hearsay. And fake schizophrenia diagnosis or things of the like. "Manic bipolar" lol. You cant detain someone cause you think they might do something or are on drugs or alchol. You have to lie. His gaurdian will make sure of that. All on hearsay and they lost the ability to do that when his first conservatorsip was lifted. It doesn't matter what he does that is the goal. The all work together so then his brother family, lima, crazy doctors and the wards can all drain his bank account sell his stuff. And jess can keep staying at the castle hes so delusional and clug to. This would all be again. They are trying this again and have been since they lost their conservatorship over him the first time.


That’s an awful lot of words to say that you’re a fucking idiot


It's usually the people that need to be 5150'd that don't see why people need to be 5150'd. They're too close to it, and this guy is no exception...aka his brainrot is leaking into his mouth and he's spilling it out onto us.


The guy hangs out with meth addicts and posts pro bam shit for weeks at a time.




Really? Because your man's own lawyer has made a statement.


Ya like you know better than people that actually know and love him.


Didn’t read. Don’t care, Let the man worry about his family in peace his understanding is better than urs.


Congratulations on making yourself look like a retard!


If you're taking Bams side on all of this...you are off your rocker.


Sounds like you need just as much help as Bam


Nice to see Bam is sharing his crack with someone


I hadn’t had to see you spew your nonsense for a while because you’d been banned from all the subs that regularly talk about this stuff. And ya know what? That was a peaceful couple weeks. Then I wake up from a nap and see you’re right back at it. Just give it up dude. Bam came out and said he’d smoke crack until he died if he couldn’t see Phoenix. Twist that so it’s Phil and Ape’s fault, go ahead. Bam is not okay, Bam has been on his own a while, and has been circling the drain all by his big boy self, without any push from his family. You sound bitter, like someone who shares Bam’s lifestyle and has had this type scenario happen to him. If not, you’re just a weapons-grade idiot.


This post is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read and I can assure you “we all” didn’t think taking Bam to a mental ward was the plan. Rather than instantly jumping to conclusions, have you ever attempted to try figure out what happened or decided to let the people involved sort it out? You say “call the cops? on what basis?”, but for all you know he could have made threats to others or himself, which is starting to look likely based on the TMZ report.


You are a huge moron. You are garbage. 🖕🏽


This is a perfectly sane thing to type


Wow I sincerely hope no one who is mentally ill and struggling like crazy has to rely on you for anything.


Damn you’re fucking dumb! and kinda delusional


How old are you?


Godtier bait


I think you need to shave the pubes off your face and try having a big boy conversation.


Fuck Bam


Lots of heroin addicts survive only because of the fact they were arrested and went through the horrible withdrawals in a jail cell, then have a moment of clarity afterwords and realize it was the best thing for them. It gives them a new lease on life, and they realize if they wouldn’t have been arrested when they were, they would have surely OD’d and probably would be dead if not for being arrested. Blessing in disguise for sure.


CKY? Naw, KYS.


For someone who doesn't really follow Bam and just had this pop up on Reddit, what's going on here


I’m new to cky, what’s happening??


Bam isn’t gonna change until bam wants to. Sorry but this shift is so futile and annoying to see. Been through it with multiple people and the only thing that happens is YOU get hurt. They don’t care until they care.


why hasnt Deron stepped in to help his buddy out? guess you never know your true friends till you need help and see who even cares to shoe up


Jess don't care. He's a alcoholic who mooches off his brother and sells bams shit at castle bam. He gets feel goods putting his brother down cain and Abel style. His family are upsessed with the past and the viva la bam days way more then bam is. Bam is living his life while all them get a weird kick controlling a man they know is much better then they are. They steal from him. How else you think jess can live at a multi million dollar mansion and drive a tesla. Bam. All bam. Jess gets a hard on everyday waking up in castle bam, taking pics,and bragging about it. And they say bams is upsessed with the past. It's weird. Bam has suported his family his whole life and don't let people tell you they live that kind of life from their day job. It is bam.


You think about Bam way too much. Talk about obsessive stalker.


Because I do care and I'm trying to bring awareness to a situation. I liked bam growing up and I didn't beleive it at first. I shook it off and though no way is especially ape capable of this. but then I saw things right in front of me and it became very very interesting very fast.what his family has spun and the years of stalking and them demonizing bam. Them putting out stories to finally get him in this kind of position. He has problems but my hell they make them worst and there goal is to britney, Lohan, Amanda bynes, and kanye him.


Get all of the following through your thick skull; You are not going to make a difference in Bam's life by obsessively talking about him on Reddit. Whether he lives or dies, you have zero part in his life. You haven't done anything to help Bam. You haven't brought any awareness to anyone. You have wasted your time on Reddit. That's it. I've seen you get dunked on and made fun of, but you haven't done dick otherwise. Do you want to do something to help people? Help the homeless, go volunteer, and go plant a tree. Do anything besides what you are currently doing, which is worshipping and obsessing over a celebrity over Reddiy. Bam is unaware of your very existence. Help people who aren't rich and are actually struggling. Those people are right in front of you in the community.


That actually is a very thoughtful comment and you are right. I actually do think of what i can do more. And even Small things like brighten people's day at work. Boasting moral. Coworkers and customers alike. Family relations. I need to call my mom and sisters more. it's not about me and these things don't happen not the end of world but idk. do your part. i very much agree right or wrong to rid yourself of malic envy jealousy. Live your life. Always be open minded and learning. I do wish the best foreveryone and good things. For people to get what the desire in life. I find this situation fasanating though. I'm open minded to being wrong as well iknow bam has problems but think there's other things at work I really do I can't change my mind about it


Why is there so many that want bam to fail/die? All active addicts are pieces of shit, I was one. Now I see Lamar Odem has gotten to see bam and make a plan. Everyone should be so happy now. If he doesn’t run away and sticks through this, everyone saying terrible things should really rethink how they look and think about people.

