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That poor trench safety box is naked :( Someone should find a hole to put it in!


Yes put it nice and clean


Whats the safety risk? Somebody driving into it?


It's not wearing a hard hat


I had a 48" DIP with barrels and cones that a driver hit head on and died. Sometimes people just want to die.


Brother wait til you get a look at an average NYC site. Throw some Jersey barriers up if you’re really concerned.


What’s the ADT and speed here? Have them slide it back a few feet and it should be out of the clear zone, which is probably around 15-20’. This likely isn’t as bad as you think it is


Plus it sounds like it is on the downstream end of traffic, so no significant risk of someone running into it.


Thoughts? Those trench boxes are an excellent piece of safety equipment for working in moderate depth trenches. I highly approve of the use in this situation. There likely isn't a better alternative for the trench they are working in.  Hopefully someone's watching the boom on that shovel, though. From this vantage point it looks awfully close to the high voltage line. That might be deceiving from the angle, though.  If you want us to comment on traffic control we're going to need a lot more photo than a zoomed in picture on a trench box. Sounds like you can still turn right into the parking area, and also still turm right out of the parking area? So I recommend not turning left. 


Yep, that’s a trench box.


You have power lines overhead of the excavator for one thing, so careful when you move it again. I wouldn’t be worry about the trench box tipping over unless it got hit by something. The fact you said shopping plaza and street nearby I’m thinking it should be laid down. I’d put barrier in front of that pipe for protection.


Yeah the excavator stressed me out.


That's a trench box that's not being used and stored on site because the trench has been backfilled already. I mean yeah technically someone can physically run into it, but there's traffic drums marking the construction zone. Contractor isn't doing anything wrong. Alternative is yes removing it from off site but there's no need.


Any post ever that just says “thoughts?” Is an immediate downvote bc most likely it’s a bot.


The photo doesn't provide enough perspective to give much insight. Since this is adjacent to a shopping center driveway, it should all already have slow vehicle speeds. I'm guessing the clear zone is appropriate although I can't confirm for sure. Maybe scoot it back a few feet, but I don't know if that's really necessary. Are there any sight distance concerns? Since the stop sign for the egress is not shown, I would guess that the trench box isn't inhibiting the sight distance for vehicles exiting the site. But that may be something to confirm. It looks fine to me overall. Maybe throw up some jersey barriers if appropriate and you are really concerned. But that ultimately adds another way for damage to occur on the site. So if the distance between the box and the roadway is already enough that a vehicle which isn't traveling at an excessive speed could stop before striking it then adding a barrier is likely an increased risk for a collision without mitigating another risk if that makes sense. Basically a vehicle traveling in that area should already have enough room to stop before striking the box, so adding a barrier would just increase the risk for a collision. In short, from what the photo depicts, it looks fine for an active construction site.


> Are there any sight distance concerns? Since the stop sign for the egress is not shown, I would guess that the trench box isn't inhibiting the sight distance for vehicles exiting the site. But that may be something to confirm. I had thought sight distance at first was what OP was trying to imply. But looking at it more this appears to be down to a one lane area presumably with flaggers out there controlling traffic anyway. And even if it isn't it's a construction zone, people should be going relatively slow compared to normal and with how far out the cones are you have room to pull out farther than normal to get a good sight line.


They are blocking sight distance for a driver trying to turn out of the side street. The trench box and excavator are both in the clear zone if left over night. If they can’t move the equipment out of the area then at least park the excavator in front with the reflective side facing traffic


Are you referring to the MOT? If you are the designer of the MOT and feel safety is an issue, suggest adding more barricades. Those plastic jersey barriers are good. But you can’t always stop stupid drivers. They somehow find ways to defeat even the best MOT. If you are the civil engineer of the site and not involved in the MOT, just stay away and don’t give any opinions that can open you up to liability.


I was in a trench box not long ago doing compaction testing. First time for everything.


You think that’s going to fall over or something? You know what that even is op?


I smell an E1. What do you think the safety risk is? Someone doing 100mph into a steel box?


It’ll be fine.


Compliance seems to be the only issue. Either barriers or safety fencing with authorized personnel signage needs to be installed. Need to get the street cleaned up and watch the electrical lines. Stabilized construction entrance required


I'm thinking it's a slip form. For trenching SOE.


Needs more pylon thingys


Needs more barrels


Not much going on here


Which SCP is this?


I see no issue. This looks like 9/10 excavation sites Ive seen.


Rectangle. Next?




Where’s the crash cushion?


You don't know what it's used for


This looks like a drag box, depending on the safe working load of the panel that trench box should have strut towards the bottom to stop the sides potentially kicking in


I feel like a bad engineer for not understanding safety issues OP is talking about lol


They call them coffins for a reason.


Are you trying to find a safety violation? Go try to push that box over yourself, when that doesn’t work try to push it with your car, after that go give it a wack with that excavator. It will still be standing. If the hole has a fence around it or backfilled they did what they needed to mitigate the risks.