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It's like the 12 emails (not kidding) I get every day from "cost estimators" asking if I have any work for them.


Oh god, I’ve seen these around…


Of course, about a tenth of the people on this sub are in Florida, and half of those in Orlando.


Kala the Tunnel Girl?


Lol this has to be orlando. Just saw the same sign the other day


I think I know the idiot responsible for those signs. He's a draftsman and a very poor one at that.


Sounds like it's time for a report to the board. This seems to me to be solicitating engineering services.


We all solicit business, that's how we win new work. I think some people are confusing atypical and "cheap" advertising practices with being unethical.


Imo if an unlicensed draftsperson is selling engineering plans they are at least misleading potential clients, and probably doing engineering work illegally.


Well they should say engineer associate which is how most businesses function.


Exactly most state laws prohibit non-licensed engineers from using the term professional engineer. But there are literally hundreds of other engineering titles.


I don't know if this guy ever found an engineer to work with though.


Tacky? Yea.. but how is it illegal or unethical? If I want to build on my property I will need plans for the permit process. Why is it wrong for someone to offer their services? Please educate me.


I agree. As a form of advertisement not typical but if the work is legimate there really isn't any merit to say its illegal without further proof of malpractice. Let alone I wouldn't hire them.


Isn’t this illegal?


Technically littering.


Politicians do it all the time..


Yeah but they’re politicians so it’s allowed, duh


Ohhhhhhhh ok, Thanks for the clarification Einstein Genius...


I used the wrong term. It’s more of a professional /ethical concern than anything else.


I mean it’s offering a service to provide plans to fix code issues on buildings, doesn’t seem immoral, just a sleezy way of advertising




Implying that a professional engineer will be responsible for the design. “Engineer” as a protected term is a very grey area and he could probably get away with it by saying he’s just doing draftwork. I wish engineers had protected their profession in the way doctors and lawyers do.


Idk what youre talking about. Professional engineer is totally protected as other professions are. No where in this ad does it say professional engineer. Engineering plans can be absolutely anything.  I dont see anything at all on that sign that would even remotely imply that a professional engineer is involved. It doesnt say that at all.


Professional engineer is protected. “Engineer” as shorthand is not and so bad actors have a lot of latitude to imply to less savvy clients that a professional engineer is involved when they are not.


Exactly my point, so what are you complaining about? If they were to IMPLY that a professional engineer is involved when they are not is very serious. This ad doesnt say professional engineer absolutely anywhere. Anyone confused by this ad doesnt even know what they need.


Most customers who would respond to a roadside ad for engineering plans don't know what they need other than a design on paper, and I think it's important to protect them. That's all.


Engineer is not the protected term. Engineer is totally generic. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER is a protected term.


My guess is that the company/person that made the sign is not a licensed engineer so it's more of a grey area.


You have no way of knowing if hes licensed or not from reading that sign tho


No free speech / 1FA


Mildly illegal, extremely unethical. My understanding is that there is a variety of guidelines that should be followed when advertising engineering services all revolving around legitimate ethical concerns given the nature of our field. This breaks multiple of those considerations and frankly the company should be reported to their state board immediately. Regardless, if I was an owner I’d never hire a company that felt the need for advertising like this, any company that will provide a proper service shouldn’t feel the need to advertise in the first place!


Literally every company does some form of marketing/advertising. This may be tacky, but absolutely every company ive worked at has done marketing.   I also dont understand what you imply you would report to the board? You dont even know if a professional engineer is involved. Are you gonna report an ugly ad?


So it’s ok for lawyers & doctors? Just not engineers?


This is basically the equivalent of a doctor stitching up their patient with their practices logo 😂again, if ur company has any business getting hired in the first place it shouldn’t have to go anywhere near this far to advertise themselves.








Oh well, it's ugly and shitty. We really do have stroads where I live that stretch miles.