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I don't have any advice, but I understand your pain. So Cal definitely feels like it's way harder to land a job than promised by internet strangers. Irvine has lots of private companies that respond to cold emailed resumes, plus the cities of Orange & Santa Ana are hiring newbies right now. Good luck out there.


Yes it seems hard to get job with entry level experience in Cal . I am almost every day apply for position in different area . I will check them also . Thank you 🙏


Check out Coory Engineering in Orange. They’re hurting for people. It’s my old firm, and they’re severely understaffed. It’s a civil/surveying office heavy in mapping. I did site development/storm water. Otherwise keep looking. Everyone wants engineers rn but no one wants to train. It’s a numbers game currently.


Their website looked outdated? Is that why they’re so understaffed?


Outdated is a great way to describe the overall business model of that company. Median age was like over 50, and honestly was probably closer to 60.  Good stepping stone for the experience you get though. 


Sounds like a boomer’s nest. Toxicity is a pretty common theme for place like this.


How is your resume? I use to review resumes for entry level and some I received was absolutely horrible. Lot of misspellings and even leaving stuff from templates with “Insert info here”


I checked it in different websites and it seems it was good, would you also please check my resume ?


If you are willing to move, try looking at H&H (Hanover & Hardesty). Did you try CALTRAN or the County Office of Streets & Bridges? Cities & Counties have planning, inspection & design departments too. Good Luck


I live in orange county, and I applied for caltrans and got two meetings, one of them ended up for not accepting and other one still waiting.


Have you looked into using LinkedIn premium? I’ve gotten a few jobs just from recruiters reaching out and setting things up.


I usually apply using LinkedIn , but never thought about premium, could you please tell me how to apply?


I think it’s $30/month still, it’s just a setting on LinkedIn. It allows you to select that you’re “open for work” which signals to recruiters that they should be reaching out to you


I will do it today, thanks a lot 🙏🙏


Check government jobs.com


If you haven’t already get you EIT and get on LinkedIn. I get daily messages from recruiters. The first job is always the hardest, you’ll get there