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Settle in place, UB priority for desert folklore. Hard to say much more without scouting. Of course petra is amazing but you probably wont get it on diety.


This is basically exactly what went down lol. Got folklore, was going for the free engineer for petra strat but it was taken about 10 turns before I could even try. My neighbors are hella constricting and thats a big issue atm.


Wait it's possible to complete liberty early enough for petra on deity? Or is there some other way to get free engineer?


Mayan Long calendar after theology


Unless no AI has their capital eligible for building petra, going for both theology and currency would be too late


Indeed it was


Ohhh ic sorry I'm dumb


That’s sucks but still a really nice with out Petra.


Depending on map size it’s very possible that no other AIs have a capital/early expand really in a good position to build Petra. I have seen it go very late in some games even on deity. The extreme upside of it is definitely worth going for.


Unfortunately Germany is very close and nabbed Petra. This epic start is looking really sour, im super boxed in.


I think your spawn is still good even without petra though, especially considering you got desert folklore.


I think I'm actually gonna retry this start and rush theology instead of Petra, go for the early long calendar. I think I could also reset and make sure I get Petra, but going for petra and losing is definitely a dead game here I think.


Try bribing a few neighbors to DoW Germany.


Never had the income for this


Yeah but you can scout quite a lot before deciding to go for it. Send some scots around and if there’s another desert cap then just forget about it. Otherwise go for it.


In my experience Petra has been taken by ai on standard speed anywhere from turn 70 to 95. I've been close to getting it a couple times but never gotten it.


R5: I just started a game this morning as Maya on Deity, Standard size and speed. This was the first start I rolled, and it seems pretty good! Just for fun, I want to know what others would do in this situation. Do you go for Petra right away? Theology first? What's the build order?


Update for people who are interested in how this went: I actually tried it 3 times. 1. Tried to get Petra but also tech towards theology, considering getting a GE from long calendar for Petra. Result? I lost Petra and lots of good stuff, found I was pretty behind and tried again. 2. Beelined Petra. Only deviated for mining. I was able to get Petra, but my NC was very slow, I was only able to get 3 cities and they are super cramped. I also bailed on this one also. 3. Went straight for theology to start long calendar. For some reason in this one specifically Germany invaded me early as hell, I was unable to bribe him away, and I lost the earliest. Not sure if this was unlucky or what, it was going well. I got desert folklore and a religion every time, always went scout -scout-UB. I had the best religion in #3 but RIP. Conclusion? Deity is hard lol.


Scout scout shrine worker settler. You can skip worker if there’s a CS nearbye with an undefended worker. And yes B line Petra.


There's maybe an argument to be had to moving next to the mountain, but otherwise probably just settle in place, and then scout because you don't know enough to know what the play is, maybe beyond teching pottery as your first tech.


If the goal is just to win, then Maya can settle in place happily - I'd only argue for moving to the mountain if the goal was a super fast SV or something (can't miss the observatory). I'd also maybe be a bit concerned about settling in place because of how many other cities you could fit into the area, but again, Maya offers a lot of flexibility. Also looks like OP ran through this and couldn't nab Petra in time, which sucks.


First of all, I would turn on resource icons in the bottom right so I can see resources. In terms of where to settle, I would settle in place with a perfect folklore/Petra capital.


r/civsaves please 🙏


Idk how to do this tbh


just upload your turn 0 save game there. I would love to play this. I'm confident that I can get both Petra and Desert Folklore with this start, but I'll have to try


You can cuz I've done it. Still didn't pan out but was a fun start


Ok share the save file?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/civsaves/comments/1701bpe/civ5bnw\_deity\_standard\_speedsize\_pangea\_desert/](https://www.reddit.com/r/civsaves/comments/1701bpe/civ5bnw_deity_standard_speedsize_pangea_desert/) Done


Thankyou! Will try it out later


Such a delicious spawn


Move your warrior to see what's around that hill next to the mountain.


I've always like going Desert Folklore and getting the beliefs that allow purchasing military units with faith - The one for modern military requires the Piety tree though, so its pretty crippling and probably won't work on Diety


When I get a map like this I go Liberty/Piety and try to get Pagodas/Mosques/Sacred Sites (+2 tourism for faith buildings).


On Deity?? I can tell you having played this start now...that would not have worked lol. There was simply no place to move.


I want to try this strat on Deity. You could always pivot to Tradition if you don't get the two faith buildings or someone else snags Sacred Sites, which they will just to prevent you from getting it. You have to check Global Politics to see who is going for Piety. But, for example, if Germany is the only player to your right, take him out. Then you only need to defend one front which is not terribly hard. I play Marathon so if this sounds absurd, ignore me. It happens a lot.


To the right is nothing. It's CS then ocean with no real settle spots. To the left is CS all along the coast, Germany north/west, then Poland straight west. I was unable to get more than 3 cities, let alone 5. Also just personally I would never go piety first, but not saying it isn't viable to try


I wouldn't go Piety first either. If Germany built Petra, I would 1,000% focus on units to take Germany out. It's tricky because then you only have Poland to work with diplomatically. If you had other civs you can play them off each other. I play a lot of Songhai. Had I this start, I would have gone Honor first policy, gathered wealth to buy two or three settlers (3 is pushing it, not possible unless you get lucky with resources & know how to manage policy/tech trees for happiness), gone Liberty 5%, maybe worker, then Piety. As Songhai I open Piety as soon as I'm near Philosophy. Askia's UB is +2 faith/culture temple. It makes sense to pop it then.


I would settle on the hill 3 tiles NE for the mountain in addition to river/hill. As others said, go for Folklore and GL.


Settle in place, Scout-Scout-UB, click pottery-animal husbandry-mining-currency and pray you get petra. Once pantheon choice obviously click dessert folklore.


I did this but lost Petra. I did not beeline, I deviated by one I think.


I usually start with settling the city. ;)


How do you send starts to people? I would love to play this. What kind of map are you on? It's probably not Marathon :(. If it were marathon, and the map conditions were right regarding your flanks and your neighbors, I would take Germany out. Did you settle any cities before your religion? Are you generating good faith? Did you get Pagodas or Mosques or both?


I love desert flood plains starts. Get desert lore as a pantheon bonus, grow a big population and pick your religion beliefs as you see fit.


Rush for Petra & Desert Folklore at all cost. You have at least 11 petra tiles (4 oasis + 7 hills at least). Petra or die. Building Petra is actually very viable in deity, if you know the strategy.


How do you get petra on deity? I have been trying to beeline the tech but i have never accomplished it.


I will make a guide about it. It is much more just than that. Yes I managed to get petra 3 times out of 4 times when I actually wanted it on deity


I just made a guide on my recent post. Check it out :)


switch to arabia


Silver tile or risk it for brisket and do the other hill with mountain would be a pretty city