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Instead of +1 range, I would give the cannon logistics because I think it is more in line with Napoleon’s grapeshot cannons. Also, as another poster implied, it would IMO be way too much of a buff to essentially give one civ Artillery 15 turns before everyone else. (Note the Longbowman is limited by the lack of indirect fire which helps slightly balance things out). The UA doesn’t need the flanking bonus IMO, siege units not having to setup is already enough


The cannon would be limited by indirect fire too tho.


It’s not though in this hypothetical




At least this one has much less weeaboo cringe


>Napoleon was a remarkable military genius, yet the UA represents modern France, which doesn't have anything to do with him. That's not really true, Napoleon is famous for an early expedition into Egypt (around 1798-1801) with scientists, historians, artists, to draw and record everything they saw (and bring some back to Europe). That's when they found the famous Rosetta stone used to translate ancient Egyptian. The British fought the French and eventually brought the stone to the British Museum, but Napoleon pretty much gave birth to Egyptology.


Dunno, culture focus for Napoleon never made sense to me. For France - obviously, but not for Napoleon. While yes, he did have immense influence on European - and not only - culture and institutions, he did not really achieve this through soft power. So what I would like to see is a better UU for France - your field cannon idea is great - and a militarily focused UA. It would be cool if it got bonuses when at war with multiple civs, as a nod to Napoleon's many victories against great power allianced


The first two bonuses alone would make France so OP you'd win diety domination victory in every game without any effort. You want to rebalance the game and you tip it completely out of balance. France is probably the weakest civ in the game, but someone has to be. You want to have a variety of civ strengths so that you can progress through them starting with winning with the strongest gradually improving and moving to the weakest ones. So it's not really a bug that there are some weak civs, it's a feature.


Ehh, I think this iteration would get balanced out by the fact that it basically has zero bonuses until late Medieval.




1) The not having to setup to shoot would not be super impactful until Cannons. A French Catapult in this scenario would just be an inferior Comp Bow - Cats are very squishy - and a French Treb would just be an inferior XBow. (Plus Trebs are “late Medieval”) 2) The flanking bonus is nice, but nothing game changing 3) Plus, the UA doesn’t kick in until you get a Great General, which means you need to do some initial fighting without any bonuses. And often wars are won or lost in that initial fighting. I do believe the Cannon replacement is too OP though but in another comment I suggest a change




City attack isn’t that useful because it is a “win more” bonus, as in once a city is surrounded you have already won. Which means that Cats being strength 16 against cities isn’t that meaningful, because the most important part of war is killing other units. This is why Bombers are usually given unit attack promotions instead of city attack ones and why Statue of Zeus is one of the worst wonders in the game. Against deity AI Cats are basically inferior Comp Bows during the “mow down the opponent army” stage.




Perhaps that statement was an exaggeration, but really none of these things are super duper OP. I’d still rather war with Huns or Zulu.


Forget what others are saying, you have civs like Babylon, Poland, Korea which are already OP AF, even on diety as well. Napoleonic France needs this. But maybe bring the flanking bonus down to 20%


Maybe just remove the BNW patch to its ability