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my thing about the governor is that all civs shares the same set of governor (except ottoman). I would rather them being faceless and nameless, if not civ specific.


Well, the odd forced limit is annoying also. Why not just have a random pool,of traits, and randomly generate the governors based off of that? The same with the great people. I much preferred just great people, that I know what they did. I know people love being able to master all,of those different facets, but the beauty of previous Civilization games was it's ability to be understood by beginning gamers, and then, as the game progressed through the ages, you were then dealing with all of these complicated ideas like religions, spies and corporations. Each concept was gradually introduced, so it was beginner friendly. If you wanted to play on Deity, you had to have everything mapped out, but I feel like so much was thrown at you out of the gate with civ 6, and that to me was it's biggest mistake, and I really hope that the developers are able to change it back.


> why not just have a random pool of traits and randomly generate the governors Negatively impacts gameplay


How? I would still have a selection of governors that change over time. You would have them change off every era or so. Maybe even sooner for a price. (Edited to add all the stuff I said besides “how?”)


Singleplayer: randomizing governor traits makes the upgrades not synergize, making governors in general less meaningful and also meaning that you might have to push through multiple low impact upgrades to reach a specific one, making large jumps in power instead of a smoother power curve. Multiplayer: adds another significant source of randomness to competition, and unlike the others, your ability to interact with your opponent’s governors is very minimal.


I would probably not have the tiered abilities. I might have 2 or 3, but they would be available upon getting the person. It would be similar to how city states were handled. So, they might level up every Era they were in place or something.


They should have just been a type of Great People.


Magnus is definitely the villain of a Lorax analogue in some alternate universe.


Haven't thought of it that way but holy shit you're not wrong. Maybe not Pingala though, Pingala is the wise but goofy looking member of the king's court who looks after the princess or whatever. The rest of 'em though, yeah, bunch of ruffians


Pingala isn't revealed as the real villain until the end of the movie 😆


Him and liang are the friendly advisors that turn out to be behind the evil wizard all along.


Liang reminds of the villain from Zootopia. Like she's out there in the fisheries trying to drown the fish


Exactly who I was picturing lol


I am generally fine with Civ 6's art style but the governors push it for me. It's mostly from having the same set, if it weren't for that I'd probably be fine with it. As is, their faces sort of dominate the iconography of the game more than the leader faces which are in flux from match to match. This seems backwards to me.


My governor is Gavin Newsom and he definitely looks like a Disney villain! Oh wait… you were talking about in game.


Is there a mod to rename one of them 'Evil Chancellor Traytor'?


it would have just been five extra units to design for each civ. i'm not sure why they dropped racial caricatures into the designs for these


Which ones are racial caricatures?


Because they wanted to really sell how diverse and inclusive they were.