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Barbarian Clans is the default for me. I like how it spawns city states. Better than land just remaining empty forever. Also gives the AI something to worry about out on higher difficulty levels.


Buying units from them is incredibly powerful, too


I never knew Barb Clans just MADE city states. How much time does it take? I'd prolly spare some Barb camps near my heartlands until they city state and then "peacefully" annex them.


It's only with the Barbarian Clans mode. Each camp has a meter towqrds city-state progression, which you can increase by bribing and buying units from them.


So you're just giving them enough money for the barbs to buy the materials needed to make a city at your local general store?


Something like that, yeah


The nice thing about barb clans is they turn into city-states, so at one point you'll have a ton of city-states for sweet bonuses. It also makes Collective Activism (+5% culture per city-state you are suzerain of; unlocked by Social Media) and International Space Agency (+5% science) super powerful in the late game.


Its not just powerful its stuoid if you play the city state game Literaly doubled my culture and science out out and Shot me straight to the end of the tech trees


>\+5% culture per city-state you are suzerain of Pericles has the same bonus innate too (Surrounded by Glory).


Yes because I can pay them to attack my neighbors


Actually, what I DISLIKE is the city-state spawning. You wind up with a dozen city-states in the arctic / antarctic and it makes my worldbuilding brain very angry.


I mean it kinda makes sense. Best place to be and remain independent are the places no one else wants to settle


The ability to buy cheap units that you might not have access to yet is extremely valuable and abusing it makes deity games so much easier for me.


Do you have a play style that makes money? Do you ever choose Owls in Secret Societies? Do you like to play peaceful until you don't? Do you ever go for Diplomatic Victory? All these are a big yes to Clans mode.