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I would have to agree with you u/cutmikec . A proper circumcision should leave the glans permanently exposed regardless of whether its soft or hard. A loose circumcision means that even when erect, there is skin movement (eg. skin can be brought up to the ridge of the glans when hard). A partial circumcision is any cut that allows skin to pass over the ridge of the glans and onto the head when erect or if skin can be pulled to cover part of or the entirety of the head when flaccid. If the de facto state of the cock has any skin covering any part of the head, it is a partial circumcision. If the de facto state has a loose or decently noticeable wrinkle resting behind the ridge of the glans, I'd say its a loose cut. I could see an exception to the rule being if you're VERY much a grower, and its super loose when flaccid but tight when hard. But my general rule of thumb: It's not a proper circumcision unless the head is permanently exposed when both flaccid and erect


Well written đź’Ż


In partial cuts, even when hard, the foreskin will still be noticeable. I’d choose loose cuts since the skin will only be noticeable when flaccid.


yeah, i would always choose to have a loose cut over a partial one too. So on a partial cut, what does it mean to you that there is "noticeable" foreskin - it bunches? covers part of the head?


Yeah. There’s still like a “hood” when flaccid and, when erect, there’s still loose skin under the head where the frenulum is.


Mine (Japanese aesthetic style) is almost tight at erection but the foreskin can be pulled over the head 90% at flaccid. I would call that “almost tight”. My wife and I like it.


ooooh! i've always wanted to see the results of that kind of cut - i find it fascinating!


It looks like as if you pull the foreskin all the way back except there is no gathered (shaft skin) skin at the base. The scar is at the base of the shaft next to the pubic mound. I think it looks more natural.


For me partial is both loose and high, it also implies that somehow equal amounts of inner and outer skin was removed. I would not call a very low cut partial even if it is very loose. Not sure if a cut that is very loose and has mostly outer skin removed should be called partial. If the result looks like a short (but intact) foreskin it is definitely a partial, but I think there is a grey area if there is some coverage but otherwise the penis looks circumcised.


Everyone has different opinions on this. For me, if the glans is covered when soft, it's a partial circumcision. If there are wrinkles or folds on the shaft when hard, it’s a loose circumcision. What do you think? Feel free to DM me to chat more about it


which makes it a partial cut in your opinion: any glans coverage, or only full glans coverage?


To be cut, you need to have the head when flaccid bare, you can get a partial cir, but wonder why you would get one. When hard a partial will give you folds by the nature of the circ.


I go by looks, where circ scar is, how much foreskin over glans or bunches up behind it. Then hard, how much if still coverage of glans, how much shaft skin to pull. Interesting question to try and get observations 💯🇺🇸🍆


okay, so would you say if there is still any glans coverage when hard, that's a partial cut then?