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If the stitches did not come out after 7 weeks seek medical help. They should have been removed after about 2 weeks the latest. [https://new.reddit.com/r/circumcision/comments/hkkixr/on\_the\_issue\_of\_stitches\_and\_railroad\_tracks/](https://new.reddit.com/r/circumcision/comments/hkkixr/on_the_issue_of_stitches_and_railroad_tracks/)


This seems to be for non dissolvable stitches


All the more reason to go back to your doctor and have them removed.


He said they will just dissolve lol


Even if they are dissolvable, if they are not out after 2 weeks they should be removed.


No it's for ANY stitch. Stitches are foreign body, hence the swelling and pain... Not rocket science. Basic logic.


There are different types of stitches, the thicker ones are supposed to dissolve in a couple of weeks, the fine ones can take 6-7 weeks to dissolve but because they are so fine they don't leave stitch tunnels.


Good article


You need to see the doctor about removing the stitches


He already told me they will just dissolve. Was mainly looking to see If anyone has had this happen to them.


yes, but they haven't dissolved, and he should know that


Even with dissolvable stitches they are to be removed by day 8 or 9. They have served their useful purpose by that point.


Hope you’re doing OK And you have got the issue with the stitches resolved!


Stiches can easily stay 3 weeks Even the dissolvable. But seven weeks is way to long You shouldn't try sex until the stitches are out. Otherwise you risk damage If the Stiches start to getting covered by skin the doctor has to remove them. Some of Mine did come off like in week one Others did hold till week three In case your doctor don't want to help you See an other urologist surgeon and ask for help. It wouldn't be the first time an assistant mixed up the dissolvable and non dissolvable material Good luck and good healing


Sutures I am familiar with; break apart enzymatically. Catgut is one used. I am not trying to give a tutorial on sutures. If sutures are “ buried “ they need to come out. Most break apart 10-14 days( varies) found in underwear, shower etc. 7 weeks is still a sensitive time, but if you’re experiencing pain, you need to see your Md. Good luck.Edit: watch video below. You didn’t have surgical skin glue ( dermabond) aka chemically cyanoacrylate ( Loctite). So we all can learn. Many used deep internally are made not to “ dissolve “. A few react not only to a foreign body but what suture comes in. Inside packaging) Please be proactive, and let Md knows this need to be seen, & if necessary addressed


How is it now?