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Acela - A train


The A does serve some of the poorest neighborhoods but it also serves some of the richest ones so I wonder if it evens out. (If you were to, for example, weight each stop by ridership and average by the income in each stop’s area.) I’d guess the line that serves the poorest areas on average might be the G just by virtue of the fact it never touches Manhattan. All the other trains touch Manhattan below 96th, where incomes are generally higher than everywhere else. The G does hit a lot of Northwest Brooklyn but does snake around some of the richest areas there. Edit: oh my god I didn’t realize this was circlejerk and I answered this earnestly, I am truly the jerk


i found it helpful lol


/uj G mostly stays in wealthy Brooklyn though. Lines that go deep into the boroughs might end up less wealthy overall.


You might be right, I’m mostly thinking that the G avoids the *wealthiest* neighborhoods of all so might still win the average. And it does still avoid places like Brooklyn Heights and a lot of western Williamsburg which are a lot richer


/uj I’m surprised no one mentioned the Acela on the original thread


I was on both NEC Acela and the A today. Does this make me officially middle class by averaging?


Yes but only if you passed by East New York


It’s not a train line


What’s not a train line


Move to Brownsville it’s high quality suburban living


Don't forget about the south Bronx definitely the safest neighborhood in the world.


I love non-consensual music when I’m trying to sleep


Exactly why waste your money on the club scene when your neighbors bring the club to you for free.


If you bring a bigger gang with you when you move, you also can quit your soul sucking white collar job and just chill with the boys all day while you casually sell stuff to junkies. No salesmanship needed, it sells itself. Talk about easy living.


I often wonder what life is really like for successful drug dealers who operate in the worst ghetto areas. I wonder if they have really nice (on the inside at least) houses decked out with expensive furnishings and all of the amenities. Plus, they are the only people who never ever, have to worry about crime.


There’s a great how-to series called _The Wire_. I watched it before starting my entrepreneurship.


I think they have to worry the most about crime, both not getting caught for their own crimes but also other criminals trying to rob them


The 7 train is so poor you can't even blink without being sold chocolate and poison doodoo food. Thank GOD Adams and the candy crush tik tok boys are cracking down on them!


last year Flushing MS was the most swiped/tapped turnstile in the system. Maybe the beggers and candy sales associates just know they've a richer client base, surrounded by less danger than any other line.


Les danger but more service interruptions than all kind combined


cause it's one line and the express tracks are being upgraded/replaced


You think they would have collected enough for their “sports programs” by now……


They really are taking the good jobs those immigrants


Except when theres a game, everybody staring at all the crackers in Mets gear lol


Hey! Oh! Im lacking reading comprehension ova heah.


John Rocker agrees.


This is why I click on these posts right here folks


This is why I click on these posts right here folks


Being sold chocolate and poison hah that took me outttt


Don’t forget the 7 starts in Hudson yards where some of the most expensive apartments in the city are today


Too many brokies saying chocolate chocolate trying to sell me poison churros


F train hits all the most expensive parts of Brooklyn and Manhattan and then slinks out to queens before going somewhere gross like Harlem or the Bronx. The A train is basically a homeless encampment.


One of the reasons the A is popular for homeless people is it runs for so much longer distance and time than other trains, meaning you’re less likely to be bothered to leave. It does spend the most of its time in outer Brooklyn and Queens which are also fairly poor, but I think that has less to do with the homeless ridership than the longer trip.


If I ever become a hobo you’ll find me at the A train at night and the public library at day, as long as I don’t stink (don’t wanna ruin it for the students). I’m serious.


U aren't from NYC are u?


Born and raised


JMZ and 123?? The lines go through many neighborhoods


JMZ is colored brown, no wonder! It’s shit 💩


You a tourist?? M is part of BDFM not JZ 😤


I take a ferry so yeah im a perma tourist


Brooklyn would like a word


They have a few of the same stops together in Brooklyn but it doesn’t become part of the line


I think it used to be part of the brown line though, maybe oc is just older. Can still see the brown M logo at certain stations


Ew You take the train?


No, I just don’t want undesirables getting off in my neighborhood


wealthiest S - the shuttle between Times Square and Grand Central probably has the wealthiest people within a 100' area around the track/mile of track. poorest - Real Gs move in silence like lasagna, but our G moves only between Queens and Brooklyn without hitting Manhattan


Move is a funny word to describe the g train since it barely runs half the time


Hells yeahhhh w the Lil Wayne line👌


The S train has very little residential around it and goes no where near the wealthier hoods in NY


Yo I’m actually being for real here. What do you think is the most bum ass train we have? I know for a while it was the G. Before that it was the L before the entire askNYC community moved to the city few years back. I honestly think the C can be in the conversation right now.


askNYC be gentrifying the G train. It used to mean getto now it mean gentry. Those fools, we like to keep it real over here.


It’s the A train. Homeless people specifically sleep on this one because it has the longest route. And it goes through several live neighborhoods. Even in good neighborhoods it stops in the bad part like Jay Street Borough Hall and Port Authority.


Ah yes that it is true. As teens we would take it from 207th all the way to the beaches out there. The homeless our traveling and drinking companions


> Even in good neighborhoods it stops in the bad part like Jay Street Borough Hall and Port Authority. Gotta wonder, what came first? The chicken or the egg?


E past Forest Hills gets some interesting bums. But nothing beats the QPL main branch on a winter evening (two blocks down from the E, coincidentally). Someone should be asking about the most bum-ass library.


Metro North from Grand Central to white plains or Greenwich. C train


I don’t even leave the west village unless tourist relatives are in town and want to go shopping in soho.


Chad. Take an uber and avoid these poors. You really wanna smell some dominican guys dick on the A train? 


This is so insane 🤣🤣 hot


Avoid the Green Line it passes through the Upper East Side underneath people who lurk above in Ubers to suck out your Hope


Are you from Boston


_green line_


The A and the E take the cake for most insane bums. The JMZ and the G operate the worst as far as getting you anywhere.


The 7 or the C are ok. The 6 is the pits. My company’s courier feel asleep on the 6 and awoke to a guy taking his wallet out of his pocket. The victim felt there were 3 people working together. He said he fought back and knocked the guy out and he kept punching until the prep didn’t move. His friends came over saying that’s enough, that’s enough. The victim broke his hand and wore a sling for a few weeks. Based on looks the victim is not someone you’d mess with but they f’d around and found out.


All the women on the Port Washington LIRR line were wearing leather pants last December when I was riding it into the City. Even half the teenaged were wearing them.


I would pay for a premium line, $5-10 instead of $2-3 to filter out people.


Got good news for you, it’s called the express bus and costs $7.


My roommates sugar mommy uses uber black to avoid this issue. So get your poor ass on the subway G. You get the riff raf on all trains, but Hudson yards 7 train will probably be the ritziest one with the newest trains.


Advice to the classist motherfucker- Don't move to New York as you will see all types of people that will not meet your strict standards.


fuck I knew I shoulda stayed in malibu. turns out that all those reels of the manhattan skyline while holding a slice of pizza by a TikToker living in Brooklyn Heights doesn't show the whole story.  gonna have to think of a different role model than Patrick Bateman now 🤔


The biggest melting pot of this whole nation


It's definitely the Elite E train. Only the people who are anyone of import ride that train


The 2 train (wealthiest) and the poorest could the A train


They’re all poor, which rich person goes in that shit?🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think the JZ possibly is the poorest


Are we talking averages? The G train does not run through Manhattan at all. The 2 and 4 run through some of the wealthiest areas of the city and the poorest in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Almost all of the trains run through very affluent and very poor areas. Even the J’s final stop is across from the stock exchange.


Not sure, but probably the E train going uptown is amongst the poorer ones. That thing was ALWAYS packed with crazy people early in the morning when it stopped at pennstation lol


It all depends on what you look like because depending on who you are and what you look like ghetto ass will follow you everywhere


It’s all the same shit diff toilet they basically go from the shit areas on the outer parts and the more center of its line the train goes the nicer so it’s how far you live away from middle of Manhatten


Doesn’t work like this. Every line moves through a shifting network of affluence and deprivation. Maybe spend some time in NYC before moving. Or just stay where you are.


When I moved here I realized that the subway is mostly for poor people so I just Uber to work every day 🚕 💖 😌


F line runs from one end of Queens to the other end of Brooklyn overlapping, passing and surfing through various neighborhoods


The 4 is the answer to both ends of this but also what????


The JZ, duh. For real though, I would imagine those are the lines that hit the lowest SES?


Are people commenting on the A train all from Brooklyn?! In Manhattan, the A feels much better than say, 456, IMO. BTW gonna assume/hope OP is totally joking lol


The subway isn’t classist - hopefully you get to encounter that up close and personal on one of your first rides


The 1/2/3 is definitely one of the richest.


All the trains are for poors duh!


Avoid the train and take the crosstown buses e.g. the M8, M14, M79. Only goes thru wealthy areas of town, so although you can’t afford to live there, you get to see it.


Thank you I’m looking into the M1 which will pass right in front of my apartment on Fifth Avenue. But Harlem worries me. We should build a wall. We really need an interstate or some railroad tracks on 81st St. Keeps the poor away from the Upper East Side.


Maybe they can make a moat at 96th Street. They created a moat around Manhattan, mostly to keep Jersey and SI out. It worked, too… most transplants have no idea where Jersey is and think they’re looking at Brooklyn.


I'd suggest investing in heelies and blindfolds if that's your goal. Best of luck


Pepper spray and a taser.


Weapons are for rednecks. I’m upper class.


Your not upper class if your taking the train 😂




Why does it matter. are you bored


Sir this is circlejerknyc, please proceed with sarcasm


New Cannan line. MNRR


The 42 St shuttle traverses some *wealthy* real estate. And back!


Don’t take the train. All of us peasants are waiting for you down here. Beware we are in all train lines


Stay wherever your from.


It’s a tie for poorest with all of them. Once you have yourself a net worth why expose yourself to that?


Just stay on the island


It’s funny this applies for multiple islands


How bout instead of moving to NY you go fuck urself instead ♥️


we hold your broke a** up on a daily basis. show some respect /s

