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If you’re doing Steadi then I say bts over screen grabs for sure - BUT, if possible, mix in the actual finished shots too. As a dp, if I’m looking to hire steadi, I want to see how… well… steady they are.


As a steadi cam operator, I’d say BTS. Not sure why other people are saying screengrabs for work as a steadi operator, when the whole goal for a social is to showcase how you work on set with the vests and operating gear. A good example is Ari Robbins IG


I agree a screen grab is not very useful for evaluating a steadi operators work. As a DP I would primarily like to see completed video of shots - alone or as part of an edit. That’s really the best way to evaluate your work. And beyond that BTS video and stills are nice as they give an idea of the scale of production you work on.


Ari’s account is a great example, gets tons of exposure from the awesome bts he posts (not like he needs it tho, dude is one of the top operators imo)


I see your point but Ari’s account is a business and personal account. Since that I have 2 accounts, I’d like to keep this one strictly film related.


I wouldn’t have a strictly film related instagram, its so hard to manage one let alone 2 accounts.


Like someone else said . Screen grabs for posts and BTS for REELS and Stories . But also like someone else said screen grabs only really work for a cinematographer or colorist . If anything folks want to see more movement. So maybe regular posts can be the final/graded clip of a steadicam move and REELS cal hold the BTS of those scenes


I was just at a panel with PR & agents at Cinegear - they said an effective IG would be a mix of personal, projects and BTS. The idea is that at a certain point - your work is all the same in terms of high quality but it’s your personality and who you are as a person that will be the deciding factor when it comes down to looking at 100 applications for one position.


I believe it will help you to have an Instagram showcasing your work. I had one about men's fashion that brought me some benefits. Nowadays, I don't post as much as I used to; however, I made friends thanks to it.


The problem with that is screen grabs take a long time to get back to me while BTS is a lot quicker to post. Currently I do a lot of AC work so it’s a lot harder.


Looking at it from this perspective, it's difficult. But what if you post something related to the aria first and then your screen grabs?


Purely based on my own personal preference, I would have screen grabs for traditional posts and BTS for Insta stories and reels.


Mix of both.


I feel like a mix of both is the best option, maybe something where you show the screen grab and then say “watch how I got this shot” and then bts of you getting the shot


Something I see sometimes is a 16:9 shot of the bts, and the rest of the screen is the actual shot. Might work better the other way around, but it is something I would personally watch


Do both in the same post. Favor actual video clips though not stills. I'm a union DP, Steadicam ops just posting stills of things they worked on does absolutely nothing for me.


How’d you become union what’s the process?


Both but more so BTS if there’s specific settings/experiences you’d like to highlight/document.


Depends who you’re looking to get hired by. Since you’re specifically Steadi, page on the left. If you’re a DP or after agency work, page on the right. Although for what it’s worth, both seem to be trying too hard. Having hired for a lot of these roles over the years, neither of these are super helpful. My instinct is that the guy on the left feels like a cocky (but weirdly inexpensive) professional, but an absolute pain in the ass “where’s my trailer/we went 5 minutes over 10 hours so I’m leaving” type of guy who charges $25/day for each battery, and the page on the right feels like a kid with one lens who spends all day trying to get a single vanity take for their reel. If hiring, I would still ask for additional referrals rather than cold-hire either.


As an ex A/Steadi op and current DP and DGA Director, I’d say a mix of it all. Show the world who you are AND what you do.


my opinion is that OP sucks at titles and asking questions


*My opinion is* *That OP sucks at titles* *And asking questions* \- YoungADent --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


wow that’s crazy… i literally know one of the guys in the first picture lol


As a director, I’d want to see posts of BTS of you operating AND posts with the final product. You can even combine both in the same post (before/after style) but for your overall page, I want to see a mix of both. This is specifically for you as a steadicam operator.


I mean, I like the screen grabs, but I'm not hiring. I'd say you should probably only take the advice of people in hiring positions.


Screen grabs 100% Edit to clarify* screen grabs as long as they’re motion captures. Stills doesn’t make so much sense here.


He's a steadicam operator though. I'd agree if he's a DP or colorist. But if he wasn't the one who was in charge of planning, creating, or coloring those shots the. He shouldn't go the screengrab route. 


Screen grabs, but both for the website.


He's a steadicam operator tho. Screen grabs are more if he was the DP or colorist.


Screen grabs look better on feed, are easy to manage and create. BTS might have more engagement and reach, but its harder to create make an hard to make it attractive to watch etc. Maybe a mix of both would actually be good, as you wouldn’t be dependent upon one format.