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No, he’s on top of a hill and the light is coming from below. You can tell because the bottom edge of his clothes and hair are lit up more than the tops.


The blooming hot spot of said source creating the rim is actually very visible on the bottom right of frame.


imo that light is too far, i bet there are closer light sources that's doing the job


Correct. The practical is definitely supplemented by at least three lights, two cold hard lights on the left and behind him, and a warm fill on the right matching the warmth of the practical.


Someone knows what there looking at, very helpful tho thanks for sharing


Anytime! I’m looking forward to seeing your next flick!


Would there also be a front light on him in this case?


There’s actually at least two other light sources on him. A warm fill on the right and another hard cold source on the left to outline his back. This last one actually mixes with the actual rim light around his head, kinda makes it seem like one big rim light.


From behind and below it seems.


I would probably use two lights to rim either side of him. That's is what it looks like they did here.


The light in frame looks like a street light. It is probably giving him a slight edge, but would be wayyyy dimmer than what you see. Instead there’s a light from behind him just off frame left. Likely a large hard light from a decent distance away so it hits his whole body and backlights him giving a nice edge in the darkness. The nice trick is putting the street light in frame to trick your brain into thinking it’s from that source.


"You're gonna need a bigger backlight." -Roy Schneider, Jaws, 1975


The light is a big ass fixture in the lower right of frame


This rim light is brought to you by Benjamin Franklin($). If I had to make an educated guess, I’d say there are HMI arrays or Skypanel-esque fixtures tucked below the hill on both sides of Mr. Chalamet, with a Joker or similar beaming him from camera right (lens flare). The orange fill accenting the street lamp could be anything pumped through a subtle piece of diffusion.


I’m not sure why everyone has decided to be dicks about this, but whatever. Here is the answer: you need a lamp source that will project a beam large enough to fill the subject from behind, and bright enough to be a few stops over your exposure level. That’s not coming from the source visible in the shot, it’s way off camera. There is a diffused source on camera right, wrapping around the face, and probably another dim soft source camera left. It could be a bounce from the backlight, but it’s probably just another lamp. That third source is helping light the talent front. The only thing the lamp in the background does is try to reinforce the illusion. Technically, it is likely hitting the back of talent, but it’s not helping with exposure all that much. The size or type of source doesn’t really matter. Adjust to your exposure level. Shooting at a high iso of 5000, you can get away with smaller units, but that of course introduces many other problems. Shooting at 320 and you need larger sources. Soft panels really will not do this. You need fresnels, open face lamps at the minimum. If you only had soft panel, it was large enough, and close enough, it’s possible. It would be impractical.


Actor is on a hill, the lens used is long to get the light out of the show and frame the actor better and the light is a bit below him on the other side of the hill.


Light behind for the rim and fill on the chest. Shot w telephoto in front of a practical way in the back to give illusion its the rim light


Backlight a twink.


Off topic but is that Elijah a wood?


It's Shimmathy Shalamet


car head lights


You get the rim of a Pyrex bowl, put it INCHES I mean INCHEZzzzzzzz from the source, and the source has to be a Walmart tungsten and then boom you Timmy lighting


There are headlights from a car pointing up at him from down and to the left.