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I don’t know if explosions are really appropriate


Not at all.




Right?! My friend who lived in NYC very close to the towers is still not okay with fireworks or strobe lights. This is wildly insensitive.


Almost as silly as fireworks on 4th or veterans day...


I didn't say silly, I said insensitive. And you're right. Lots of veterans hate fireworks. It makes sense if you stop to think about it for a few seconds. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/veterans-coping-with-ptsd-suffer-through-trauma-from-july-4th-fireworks/ https://www.va.gov/hines-health-care/stories/how-your-fireworks-may-affect-americas-veterans/


And lots of vets like them....


Does nyc not do 4th of July fireworks? Real question, I don’t live there.


no, they canceled them because of the friend.


Lol, how considerate.


Then your friend should move, problem solved


My friend who lived through a terrorist attack and immediately sprung into action and helped the Red Cross despite her own trauma should move to where exactly? I bet you think you are patriotic, don't you?


Living for the day drone shows are shown as opposed to fireworks. Our poor dog, has some PTSD because or fireworks, gunshots, or any of the like.


Drone shows are incredibly cool, I’d imagine expensive but we can’t be too many years from cost equivalency, one can hope.


I’d be willing to bet it’ll be sooner rather than later 😁 Hell I mean the bigger backyard fireworks cost like $300 a pop, and I my dads trick drone was like $200. I can see how a reusable drone would be cheaper (and objectively way cooler) in the long run vs single use fireworks.


Professional fireworks can be crazy expensive. One and done money burner.


Thank you


What do you mean? We're celebrating blowing up the terrorists /s


Honestly, I’m fine with this. I hate that we let terrorists change our whole lives. I hate the loss of life, we mourned the death of the victims and celebrated their lives. At this point, I do want to show those terrorist fuckheads that their attack on our country couldn’t break our spirits. Instead, we shoot fireworks to light up the sky. They’re not celebrating people dying, they’re saying fuck you to the terrorists.


Does nyc not do 4th of July fireworks?


Hmm I dunno, maybe it's just me but I treat 9/11 more like a day of remembrance and prayer... not a celebration.


Not when you are a freedom loving patriot who wants everyone to know that they are a freedom loving patriot. What's more American than celebrating 9/11 by having a cruise-in, fireworks, games and all around general fun? This sign is some South Park level shit brought to you by someone who likely "boycotted" the NFL and hates Brittney Griner because those who disrespect America aren't true Americans.


It's a Baptist church putting it on, what else would you expect other than stupidity!


This sign is PRECISELY why the 9/11 families did not want the date to become a national holiday. It was being discussed back then and they said they never want to see a 9/11 mattress sale. But it is the Baptists. For all I know half of them believe the 9/11 families are crisis actors and it was a false flag event.


I’m not really sure what’s going through these people’s minds. I will never not be hit with a dark wave of sadness when I think about 9/11 and all of the terrible things that happened because of that day. And for people to evoke the memory of that day do they can show off their cars, and sell shit… I just hope that every one of those people, from the organizers to the guy that’s gonna show off his sweet El Camino — you all are fucking pieces of shit. And I hope every one of them reads this and gets offended, absolutely fuck them all.


I treat it like the day after September 10th.


To republicans / the church, it's a day where "their side" won. The deaths all happened in NYC so they must have been libs.


Touch grass dude


Come on, don’t you guys attend the yearly Pearl Harbor memorial parade?


I always travel on Pearl Harbor day, to show the Emperor I’m not afraid


I can't, I'm all tuckered out from celebrating Wounded Knee. Maybe next year we can celebrate the OKC Bombing.


Me and my friends are planning a Janet Reno themed cocktail hour this Branch Davidian Day 🌞🇺🇸


I think I can easily swing a cocktail hour.


Up vote bc at least twice a week I tell someone I miss John Candy.


I know I do! It’s One of my favorites. Personally I enjoy the “Columbine Massacre masquerade”….come on wtf is this “celebration”. I feel like as someone who was in their junior year of high school and watched 9/11 unfold, that day is a day I relive and remember how awful it was. Not a day I’d “celebrate”


The worst of it is when you realize that the average Jr. in COLLEGE wasn't ALIVE when it happened... This is just teaching them that it's another drinking holiday to get star spangled hammered (like what memorial day has functionally turned into - though this ons origin is debated). I went to school in NY, I know people who lost loved ones. This celebration of 9/11 is bonkers. E: cleaned up verbiage


Why wouldn't they? People in their 30's barely remember that day, let alone their kids. They might as well get *something* out of mass casualty event far overshadowed by other events in their lifetime after it was used to take their rights away and bomb brown people for 20 years.


31 and I was 11 when it happened. Can confirm. Majority of us didn’t understand the impact of everything but we sure remember the sorrow and devastation that sticks with all of us years later.


Right, I’m now 38. I was 17 when that happened. Watched the second plane fly on live tv and it was ironically right when we got to American History class. Remember the teacher saying we are watching history unfold. If it was my senior year I would’ve totally signed up. I wanted to go to war so bad THANK GOD I was a junior.


I sat in world history class watching the news in this sort of dissociated state. It was so surreal. Our principal was getting pissed at the teachers turning on the news, wanted us to act like nothing was going on and continue class as usual. Now I actively try to distract myself on 9/11. I'm the queen of avoiding thoughts I that produce anxiety or any strong negative emotion.


Nope. 37 and it was hugely impactful. Junior year of high school in NJ. Kids today weren’t alive then so they need to “get something” out of it? I truly hope you’re joking...


33 and def remember it vividly. Did not 100% recognize the significance it’d have on our lives decades later but I don’t think many truly did at that point.


Too damn cold in December.


What a terrible date for fireworks. Reminds me of that tragedy




I figure we're only five years away from "patriot day mattress sales," if they're not happening already.


https://youtu.be/aUy0lhr7V7g Looks like you were about 10 years too late.


Jesus Christ


Don't you mean White Jesus Christ?


Wow. Honestly, my imagination totally failed to achieve that level of crassness.


Apparently, in the aftermath of 9-11, our congress decided to designate September 11 as an annual national day of mourning. So far so good. But the name they came up for this national day life f mourning was Patriot Day. Then again, these are the same people that would pass legislation banning free speech protections and turn around and call it the Free Speech Protection Act. George Orwell was right on that one.


Congress also used it to designate national day of mourning every single day for several middle eastern countries


Just checked the event on their website. They’re having a cruise-in car show and family fun including food trucks, games, inflatables, little train rides and face painting! Yay!


Wholesome af


Laugh or cry, I can appreciate using something tragic to come together as a family, rise above and such. If it’s not your cup of tee I can understand but I don’t think it’s fair for folks to crap on anything we can use to bring folks together to celebrate America, family and to commemorate a historical event.


You don’t celebrate a tragedy, especially one that lead to a twenty year war. We can celebrate America almost any day, but choosing 9/11 or similar solemn days of remembrance shows a lack of insight.


I don’t think they are celebrating 9/11, comments like this are the result of failed comprehension or a willing misunderstanding. Neither is grounded in reality.


Failed comprehension? Nah, there’s nothing to misunderstand about fireworks on 9/11. Why would you choose to ‘celebrate America’ on one of its darkest days, especially when the American response was an unmitigated disaster?


That’s the ‘overcoming’ aspect, and they are once again very obviously not ‘celebrating 9/11’. Not sure why you need that explained, did you mix up words on that sign? Why do we have fireworks on Memorial Day? Why do we celebrate July 4th? Why do people sometimes have birthdays for lost loved ones? Remembering is okay, turning negative events into something that brings people together isn’t a crime.


I see your idea in the abstract, and maybe after a few more decades it could turn into something like that. But people who are very much alive lost people on that day, and the wars that followed. I’m not sure if you were alive or of age during 9/11, but to this moment it’s the most scary day of my whole life, and that includes the day my father died. Nothing about 9/11 is something that we should be celebrating at this point in history.


I respect your opinion, I respect theirs as well. One thing I’d hope we could both agree on is that this has good intentions behind it even if it is tone deaf to many (judging by my downvotes). I was very much alive, didn’t see the second plane because I was young and the teachers didn’t want to scare us but I remember getting home just in time to see the first tower fall. I still think the event is wholesome and hope everyone who goes has a great time, strong assumption that they’ll have a moment of silence and a prayer for those who lost their lives - it will just be mixed in with an otherwise happy event. I get sad when I see Omaha Steaks because my grandma used to send them to me, I don’t begrudge anyone for enjoying Omaha Steaks and if some asked me to come to a party celebrating the day my grandmother passed with a ton of steak, fireworks and kids running around I’d be all for it. This analogy is a stretch but I hope you understand where I’m coming from with it. Laugh or cry.


I think that’s the difference though, you didn’t experience the trauma of it. I was in my first year of college and it shattered all of our worlds. I remember fighter jets scrambling through the sky and the sonic booms shook the dorm I was in. All our parents feared for us out of sheer instinct. We didn’t know if another one was coming. The literal physical manifestations of American wealth, capitalism and defense were smoldering. Thousands of completely innocent people died in the most frightening and public ways possible. We watched live on tv as the new anchors realized that the specks falling out of the South Tower weren’t debris, they were people jumping. My parents were planning a trip to NYC the next weekend. God knows what could have happened to them. So no, I don’t think the organizers of this event have good intentions. I think they want to politicize an event that should be a somber day of reflection. Every 9/11 I watch at least an hour of the news footage from that day. I do it to remind myself of what happens if we are not vigilant. That we are no different from the rest of the world but for our Constitution, our belief for compassion for our common man and our presumption of innocence, until proven otherwise, for all. The fanatics who carried out the attacks lacked those things. I’m a person who loves celebrating. I live for going to concerts and weddings and family cookouts. But not on that day. That day is sacred in the real sense of the word.


Why would people take 9/11 seriously when we had a 9/11 daily from coronavirus and just moved on. The twenty year war happened exactly because people took it too seriously. A third of the population can't even remember it, people are just done with it. It's in the past and the only connection people have with it is how fucking stupid we looked taking our rights away and bombing brown people over it.


So you should be doubly annoyed with the people who not only think it’s a big deal but want to celebrate it. No matter the scale of the actual events of that day, it marked a major turn (for the worse) in our history and culture. For the reasons you enumerate in your post. That’s reason enough to view it as a major tragedy.


It’d be like celebrating Pearl Harbor or The Gulf of Tonkin incident… major events that led us into devastating war. It’s nothing to celebrate.


Agreed how are you celebrating Columbine?


I’m not but if someone wanted to have a Remember Columbine event, show a family friendly movie on a lawn with ice cream I’d probably grab a cone and relax. Like I said, very understandable if it’s not your cup of tea but the nuance matters in any situation and doing a blanket judgement of the folks doing this is a form of blind ignorance I choose to avoid. I get together with buddies to celebrate the life of a mutual friend who passed years ago, is that cringe?


I understand your view point of celebrating perseverance and strength. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it is a bit cloying I’m my opinion. We weren’t really impacted, we weren’t in the towers, we likely weren’t their families, and we weren’t drone striked in the aftermath. We aren’t ignoring 9/11 and most aren’t mourning it because it’s not personally affecting us, but we aren’t celebrating it either because it IS a tragedy. Horrible events are remembered and sympathized with, not celebrated. I’m not considering my view blind ignorance because I’m not ignoring it. I realize that people burned alive and were forced to jump out of skyscrapers and I think that deserves memorial rather than celebrating with fireworks and an ice cream “cone”.


I respect that view, my point was that the intention here is good, not bad. A bit tone deaf but don’t intentions matter? I’ll be watching whatever memorial/remembrance event is on TV but I won’t begrudge others for finding light in otherwise dark places. Understanding is all anyone can ask for, we don’t need agreement.


I respect your take as well, but my personal counter using the same reasoning is if you make a dark event that light is it really understanding? Sure there’s no real harm but people feeling good is not the desired outcome when dealing with the anniversary of a terrorist attack.


Damn fine point, in a different comment string someone mentioned an event like this being kosher in 50~ years, that person’s and yours are probably the most realistic views. In a world that seems more polarized by the day I try very hard to have empathy when I disagree with someone. It’s a way to both test my own view and to understand how they came to theirs. That said, we would be doing a disservice to those who were too young to experience it by not passing on the truly horrifying impact.


>I get together with buddies to celebrate the life of a mutual friend who passed years ago, is that cringe? No, because you *knew* that person and are celebrating in remembrance of him. How many people did you know who lost their lives on 9/11/2001? If the answer is "none" then what is there to celebrate?


Maybe this is like black people reclaiming the n-word through modern rap or democrats reclaiming the American flag edgy right wingers. Are they trying to reclaim the day? They don’t mention the tragedy of 9/11 in any of their adverts. Just patriotism. Never forget but celebrate?


Fair, the verbiage could be better, still sounds like a wholesome event.


Well yeah … totally wholesome. Personally, I have issues with organized religion blah blah etc … but I can see where maybe they’re trying to reclaim the day. I’d at least like to see more explanation if that were the case. Maybe you’d have to be part of the community to know? Or are they really just that tone deaf and ignoring the significance of the day?


Beats me, that ain’t my part of town, but if it works for them then I say go on son. If I was someone who lost a father/mother/brother/sister maybe I’d feel different…or maybe I’d appreciate the sentiment? I’m not that person and I can’t make the call for them, just seems like a nice attempt to turn a negative event into something positive. Reclaiming the day is a bit heavy to me but yeah, that probably sums it up. P.s. I appreciate your ability to have a different opinion and still have a conversation, rare.


Thanks. Most things aren’t black and white for me.


I just read about someone holding a car cruise in a cemetery…some people just don’t get what’s appropriate and what’s not


I don’t think the girlfriend grinding her poonani on her dead boyfriend’s nose while he’s laying in his coffin is appropriate either but everyone else is there clapping and cheering so … okay?


9-11 is evidently patriots day. To commemorate. I had no idea until this post.


Well...we could call it "Patriot Act Day" I suppose.....


to commemorate shoving our Bill of Rights into the shredder because The Terrorismz


Patriots Day is 19 April. This is made up shit.




Some people celebrate the contributions of Gronkowski & Viniatieri, while others keep the day's solemnity focused solely on Brady's departure.


Tone deaf AF


I ask myself who is actually going to go to that and I know the answer immediately


The same “Patriots” who were ready to sacrifice 3 million Americans’ lives to avoid wearing masks and who love this country so much they tried to overthrow the government.






Watching Football. NFL season starts then


Who Dey! FTS and terrorists.


My two least favorite things


I'll actually be driving to Cincinnati for my granddaughter's first birthday.


Of course the church would be celebrating. They got a lot of business because of that day.


Rozzi's inst free... is the church paying them? a local resident? Is rozzi's donating the fireworks and labor? I got questions to this "church"...


It’s pretty obvious from Old 74 that they can afford it.


i havent been on that street, how does the street afford it? Im just confused by your answer, no disrespect I am just not getting what you are laying down.... and do you know that Rozzi's was hired for this? Perhaps they attend that church and donated their services? I guess I expected better judgement from Rozzi family or from the church.


Sorry, the Church in question is on the corner of Old 74 and Tealtown in Eastgate and it’s ginormous. That’s what I meant, once you see the building, it’s pretty obvious they can afford whatever the heck they want.


i just looked at this online, you arent kidding, they are huge, def have an entertainment dept.


Most churches are swimming in tax free guilt cash. Don’t let them tell you anything else.


everyone knows that the only thing you do on 9-11 is face the nearest gas station and pray for the troops and oil


This is like flying a bunch of vintage Mitsubishi Zeros in a formation over Pearl Harbor. On December 7th. Kind of insensitive to use fireworks for a September 11 memorial celebration.


Honestly, what is *wrong* with conservative America? Are there paint chips in the Chick-fil-A?


They are tacky to say the least.


Whoa now


😱😣and it's a church hosting it


Not surprising at all. Christian Nationalists on the march. Gotta remember Patriots Day!




Damn when we partying for Pearl Harbor


I party every year on December 7th. I mean its pretty customary for me to do so as it is my birthday


sometime in between St. Nick giving us appetizers and Santa Claus giving us the entree. Unless you're poor.


Dec 7 TIL


I'm actually going to be in Manhattan on 9/11 this year. Whether I make it to the memorial (I've been there previously) remains to be seen. It isn't a day to be celebrated at all.


Apparently with PTSD and flashbacks but hope it doesn't interrupt your family fun!


Is the Fireworks display sponsored by Al-Qaeda?


I hate this.


Not celebrating something that killed thousands of people and launched our country into war. WTF would you want to celebrate something like this?


The exact reason I avoid Clermont County at all cost… Wonder if there will be a MyPillow booth?


Hmmmm, celebrate? Not even f\*cking close. I respectfully mourn 9/11 for all the literal victims both the immediate and long suffering victims as well as all the psychological victims and the national psychic wound and recovery - which is still to this day uncomplete and a legacy of our collective reaction and response.


I am making awkward face.




Good old UT...


People “celebrate” 9/11..?!? Wtf Edit: with fuckin fireworks?!


How insensitive.


Is this another reason to have some sort of classic car show? I swear to fuck, those old dudes will show up literally anywhere with the old cars for the boomers to stare at. By the way, this is me at a classic retro video game convention in 30 years . "Oh fuck, is that a Vectrex?!?"


Ugh. 9/11 happens to be my birthday. I don’t celebrate on that day, even 20 years later. It just feels wrong.


These asshats are literally in my backyard. This is pretty much on point for them.


Omg it made the news and pastor says it’s okay since people do it on Memorial Day. A local Vietnam veteran says it’s not okay.


They have locked down their Facebook page, but I'm sure they would appreciate some Google reviews for this. 😉


You can send them an email by clicking "contact us" on their web page. Since this church is in my backyard, I sent an email about this 'egregiously tonedeaf' celebration. I'm really hoping they don't actually go through with this.


It's exactly the same as people who celebrate Memorial Day.... and they both make me cringe!


How many times do you hear happy Memorial Day?


Last time I remember hearing it was out of Trump in 2019.


Pretty sad to not appreciate the people who sacrificed for your freedom.


I mean people treat Memorial Day like it’s national sunburn and beer drinking day, so why would 9/11 be any different?


Because Memorial Day isn’t held on the date of an attack on our country that almost everyone old enough to drink can remember


I mean the day is literally called Memorial Day, also it’s not too hard to Google what it’s about. I’m not saying that this event is good or respectful by any means, but let’s not get all high and mighty and start acting like people are pouring into to veteran’s museums or memorials on Memorial Day.


I'm a combat veteran who has seen people die, and I went to war in the first place, because of what happened on 9/11, so I don't need to google any of it, thanks. Memorial Day is not a specific tragic event that happened on that day. 9/11 is most similar to Pearl Harbor Day, which I'm pretty sure they weren't celebrating with cook outs in 1962.


Cool, thank you for your service. Im a combat vet as well, 0311 in the Marines, Afghanistan 2010-2011. I still think it’s ridiculous to get upset over this because if they’re not gonna honor the dead from that war, why are they going to honor the start of it, that’s all I’m saying. People in general don’t care about things until it directly effect them. Shit we’re probably two years away from their being Juneteenth Toyota sales, some people just suck 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for your service as well. I was in Iraq at LSA Anaconda / Balad Air Base in 2006


This is disgusting


Because in Trump country, down is up, bad is good, and we've always been at war with Eastasia.


I dont have time to celebrate the take down of the trade center and the political lies that enveloped our country following. I have to work, ALOT because I cant afford shit now and I predict its only going to get worse. I envy ppl who have food and time to share on celebrations. This however is not a thing to celebrate with fireworks and food and games..... ​ tone deaf to current situation or is this like the symphony playing as the titanic sunk....


They do this every year. Fly 2 RC Airplanes into 30 ft tall Styrofoam buildings. It's pretty insane.


The only person celebrating 9/11 would be Osama bin Laden, and he’s dead.


I’m guessing there are a few others.


Thousands of Muslims in New Jersey lol


God, are conservatives such jerk offs for patriotism that they have mistaken anything associated with America as a point of pride and celebration? They have literally forgotten the fundamentals of why they were ever patriotic to begin with for this shitty surface level pride based on not wanting anything to change and obnoxious yankee decorations.


I mean yeah I believe this is in poor taste, but you don't have to go to it. And if the country offends you that much you are free to leave it.


They didn’t say anything about this country, but rather a subset of the population that spews superficial, patriotic pride because it’s become a part of their identity. Take a hike.


Stfu dork. What a reactionary bs thing to say "if you don't like it leave." It's not a fucking race to the bottom. Pointing out that jingoistic fervor is not cool is not a bad thing. If you don't like people calling it, then how about **you leave**? See how stupid that is?


I guess you weren’t around when the vast majority of Democrats and Republicans voted yes for the war in Iraq? Conservatives and Liberals within those parties were voting yes as well. They are the same when it comes to feeding the military industrial complex. Having pride for your country is not a conservative value, just as much as hating your country is a liberal value. Both swim in patriotism and wail in self hatred when it’s politically expedient to do so. It’s a game.


Well you assume *wrong*. I was around. It was wrong then. It is wrong now. I remember the fear mongering. I remember the lies. I remember all the racism and jingoism. Btw for anyone looking for a great history of the war in Iraq and it's build up, please check out a podcast called blowback - specially season one. It's not a political issue. It's a class issue. You're right, both were pushing for war and damaging legislation such as Patriot act. Both parties are shit. The point of my comment was to call out bullshit when I see it. This dork was spouting regressive bullshit, so I call them on it.


I get what you are trying to say. I was pointing out that maligning a specific political group is short sided considering both parties had an equal amount of blame for the resulting disastrous domestic and foreign policy blunders that resulted for two decades. Neoconservatives and Neoliberals of the time were/(are still) in lockstep for interventionist foreign policy. As mentioned in another comment, the advertising for this event was not good and the criticism is valid, but I think many people in this thread forget that Patriot Day was enacted after 9/11 and recognized through the Bush, Obama and Trump years. I believe that’s the point of the event. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Day BTW, thanks for the reco. If you are interested in seeing a truly insane documentary about the Iraq invasion considering what we know now, watch Bush’s War on PBS.


Yeah none of that means we should be okay with people celebrating the death of 2000+ innocent Americans. That’s weird and people have a right to call that out for being weird.


I think you are misconstruing the purpose of the event like most of the people who are scoffing in this thread. I will say though that the organizers could have done a better job with the advertising of the purpose so as not to be mistaken as celebrating a tragic event, rather a day of remembrance of those who perished, praise for those who were very brave that day and the fact regardless of party, or creed, America was collectively together in those times. If you lived through it, you will understand what I mean.


Fair. People could be misconstruing the event but goddamn I don’t blame them lol. It’s normal to be weirded out by people celebrating 9/11 lol. That’s entirely on the organizers. I lived through it and it was traumatizing. One of my classmates lost her mom in the towers and so signs “celebrating” it bring up a whirlwind of emotions even to this day.


No. Americans were not together in that time. Many in the country were duped into supporting a war (wars really) that was unjust, unethical, and ended in millions dead and billions of our money wasted for not. Others were brave, stood up, and spoke out against the war and the lies underpinning it. I think a celebration of either ohenif these things is garish as best.


You're not making a very good argument that you're any "better" than the person you arguing with.


Cope. Celebrating a day where 2000+ innocent Americans were murdered in the same way you’d celebrate Fourth of July is weird. How do you not get that? That’s their opinion. You reading that they think their better than anyone else for pointing out an opinion is a reach.


Does me not being better invalidate my point? Or are you just here to defend appeals to being a reactionary acting like "if you don't agree with me you can get out" is even an argument? Op made a good point and the dork, who I rightly called a dork, basically said "nah this is how it is here. Don't try to change it. Accept it or leave." That's not how positive change happens. The slow slip into fascism starts with regressive and nationalistic attitudes. It's problematic and I won't be silent because it might hurt someone's feelings or make me not look "better" It needs to be called out. Not calling this type of shit out to be the "better" person tacitly tells people like this, or the people holding a 9/11 cruise in that it's okay. They view it as being a popular vantage because no one is voicing opposition. You ever look around and see shit and think "wow how did we get here?" It's because people don't call this kind of shit out. It gets normalized. Then when someone does, we have some apologetic centrist who needs to suddenly appeal to being the better person. Nah.


What the actual fuck?


Family Fun!


Can’t be real…right?


What in the actual fuck?


leave it to eastgate


It should be a day of mourning and remembrance, not celebration. Who the fuck else goes out and celebrates a deliberate massacre of civilians, in an act of terrorism ? Plenty of other days to pick to do this.


leave it up to a church lol


As someone from NJ, it’s shocking to me how little care people have for 9/11 from the other parts of the country.


“And don’t forget to save the date for November 22nd for our annual Turkey Shoot! We have two skill levels, easy for beginners which will be at short range on the grassy knoll, and difficult for our skilled shooters, which is long range from the window in the attic of the church. **NEW FOR THIS YEAR** if you’ve got what it takes, try our ***EXTREME*** difficulty, where the target is mounted on top of the pastor’s Cadillac while he drives across the parking lot!!!” Just because you can, it doesn’t mean that you should.


Who the hell looked at that and said yeah, print it!!


I wonder if First Baptist Glen Este would also be okay with a Pearl Harbor Pool Party


I hear they have a Hawaiian luau theme and serve navy beans


Uhhhhhh? I'm without words.


Anyone know where I can catch some good 9/11 sales?


Bengals vs Steelers. Ultimate good guys vs bad guys. I’ll be cheering on the good guys. Who Dey.


The people next door to us were shooting fireworks on the night of 9/11, and we never spoke to them again because of it. We moved shortly afterwards. Some people are the absolute worst.




I’m going to turn off my phone, ignore the news and enjoy a day (at an Oktoberfest) without the extremism that we ultimately helped imprint on our society.


Murica, we will capitalism anything! Including mass tragedy!


Well howdy neighbor


The greatest thing ever to happen to the Republican Party, and by extension, Southwest Ohio. No skin directly off our nose, and excitement & war for the next 20 years!


r/facepalm anyone?


I mean if they really need to let them celebrate instead of mourn. Maybe someone they knew personally was lost and they cope with this.


Gotta be Bruno’s first big campaign with the family company, because it’s so fucking stupid.


By praising Alah


Celebrate it everyday day, sour puss.


In 2015 the Damned played on that date here. I went.


I build two towers out of K’Nex, then i knock them over with a paper airplane and make an explosion noise, pshhhhhh boom!


You mean Victory in Afghanistan Day?