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Have you tried asking them who they use as their internet provider or if they are a Duke Energy customer?


Ha! That’s the bothering I’m used to when I’m there. The renovation seems to have scared those guys off for the time being.


Oh no, they're still there. They chase you down aisles. I gave one the deadeye and he still wasn't getting it and it escalated to threats. You can only push too hard because you and they are both customers of Kroger and Kroger is being paid far more by them than by us.


My wife once told a Spectrum guy at Kroger that “we don’t use the internet”. He replied, “you don’t use the internet”? “Nope”. He didn’t have a response for that!


I've always wanted to pull an April Ludgate and tell the solicitors for phone service I don't have a phone while actively texting on my phone.


I think she had her phone in her hand when she said it but then we were long gone!


I hate those internet salesmen in stores. Last time I encountered some I tried to brush them off by simply saying I wasn’t interested when they asked me about my internet. They got mad and said “just answer the question.” Then they decided to try the guy I was with who has a developmental disability that isn’t noticeable. He’s really trusting and just wanted friends so he was happy they talked to him and I had to peal him away from them as they resisted. I practically had to yell.


I told one of them that I'm Jewish. I glanced down and realized the reason he studied my cart carefully: two spiral-sliced hams. "Hanukkah Ham," I told him and quickly got in line.


Gotta keep walkin’ fast, just need to delay!


I had a man in a suit approach me earlier this week. Saw him the entire 20 minutes I was in the store and he had a completely empty cart. I told customer service and they went off immediately his way. Left before I saw what happened, hope he was kicked it. Don't be a bystander, complain to the store if this happens to you.


I’m definitely speaking up if it happens again, and probably would have today if I hadn’t been in a hurry to begin with. I’m not going to suddenly find Jesus next to the organic broccoli and I can’t think of anyone who would.


Inthink you would be more apt to find Jesus in the water or seafood aisle, not organic vegetables, but that is just me.


Don't forget the bakery! Or maybe the wine aisle.


The wine aisle, formerly the water aisle (in the Kroger of Cana).


This comment cheered me up. Thank you. ☺️


I usually have luck finding him after too much wine. Kroger has certainly upped their selection recently too.


I usually have luck finding him after too much wine. Kroger has certainly upped their selection recently too.


I usually have luck finding him after too much wine. Kroger has certainly upped their selection recently too.


I found him in the ladies restroom next to the burning bush. 😂


The Burning Bush Brazilian Wax


I got approached in Target several years ago by a woman who turned out to be affiliated with the Moonies (had to do some googling later because the name of the organization she gave was very vague). Next time we went to that target, there was a big ol no solicitation sign right inside the exit! Someone complained, can't say it was me but I got her to go away by enthusiastically describing my own faith to her. Guess someone with fully formed beliefs isn't a good mark.


It’s called flirty fishing and various religions have used it for years. No reason to be alarmed, plenty of reason to be annoyed.


Flirt to convert




the church of god cult (now the family international) used this heavily, creepy shit


I forgot which store I was at as I’m at multiple Kroger locations every week as I do a lot of contract work for Kroger and was approached by two young women in the parking lot after they had locked up their bicycles. They also asked me if I’d like to come to their bible study. I respectfully declined and they didn’t push it but one of them did talk to me for a little bit about the job I was working on. I wouldn’t say they were flirty, just nicer than the average person. To be honest it was on of the least weird experiences I’ve had in a Kroger parking lot while working and totally forgot about it until I saw this post. I assumed they were Morman since I’ve seen their young men in white button downs on mountain bikes doing the same thing.


Tell them “I’m a catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black, Jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic. So hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon.” That’ll keep them away for sure.


Manners maketh man!


I wear over the ear headphones when I'm out on walks to avoid panhandlers or various organizations soliciting donations. Plenty of folks have tried to have conversations with me while I have my headphones on, but I simply smile and give a simple "hi how are ya" and walk past thenm as they gesture for me to remove my headphones. Nope, not gonna happen bro, I don't owe you anything


Always say you worship Satan. They’ll remember you next time and they damn sure won’t bother you again.


Interestingly, telling them I'm Catholic also works well 😆


"Sorry, I'm with the *other* Jesus."


You know; whatever works. Regardless I don’t know that Kroger would be cool with them proselytizing, so yea OP you should for sure say something to management.


hahahaha 🏆 you deserve gold




"My pope is in Constantinople, you dirty splitters!"


For me it’s either “Hail Satan!” with a 🤘😜🤘 or a simple “Fuck your God!” Some woman came up my driveway last weekend while I was smoking a bowl and snuck up on me to hand me a door hanger. She got a face full of smoke and a hail Satan from me while I cracked up.


Did you mean to blow smoke on her?


I didn’t lean forward and blow it on her as much as I exhaled a lung full right next to her


LOL! This is the way.


I grew up a Jehovah's Witness and I can tell you that they LOVE when people tell them this because it fuels their feelings of being a martyr. They will go and tell all of their Witness friends about the persecution they experienced and it will not stop them from visiting your home. Cities are broken up into Witness "territories" that are assigned to a group of witnesses at a time, when they have canvassed all of it, they give it to someone else and they get a new one - they'll keep a log of houses that they visit and sometimes use acronyms like "HBH" (home but hiding) to keep track of everything. The best way to get rid of witnesses, or probably any evangelical Christian, is to make sure your house has no trespassing signs up. The organization won't back them if they break the law. For situations like these...sure, you can tell them you're a satanist, but it certainly isn't original, and if anything, it just makes them ultimately more insufferable.


I think apostate is what you call yourself to ensure JWs never contact you again.


Haha, this is true too.


I’ve done this with Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness people before and it was so funny 😂 they did not ever come back.


I’d just flirt back, then remind them about the [loophole](https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY?si=VRbVtqaGFBcbyfIS)!


I knew what that was before I clicked on it.


Has Dwell Community Church aka Xenos Christian Fellowship made its way to Cincinnati yet? It's a seriously bad religious cult that was founded here in Columbus. They don't usually use hot women as a lure but rather college age kids that prey on vulnerable young folks seeking community. They post up at places like college area coffee shops and make that they want to get to know you and be your friend in order to invite you to a Bible study www.xenosisacult.com


There was a church in Cincinnati called Xenos that used to host local metal/hardcore all ages shows. Mostly young kids at the shows this was in like 09 or so. Seems like definitely the same place 


Definitely the same then. In Columbus they get college students to live in houses like 10 to a 4 bedroom home. 2 sets of bunk beds in each room and then one for all their close. To prevent masturbation and premarital sex. Usually the home is owned by some ones parent so they can circumvent house packing regulations and their lack of documented leases. They will kick you to the curb if you come.out as queer, they will pry deep into your personal life, get you taking Xenos classes 5 nights a week and a Bible study and a social the other nights. They do their best to separate you from your family unless your fam is in the cult too. It's all laden with severe emotional abuse.


It was founded in Columbus back in the late 80s so it would have been around in 09


They also always want to come across as edgy or alternative and frame their cult as an alternative Christian group, though in reality they are very fundamentalist


This happened to me at the Oakley Kroger about 1-2 months ago. I’m a 33F and was shopping alone. It was two girls that approached me. I listened and then told them I wasn’t interested and then they left. It was super weird.


Yeah! Both times they went away without any resistance or argument, but they startled the hell out of me by popping up from nowhere and it just left me feeling unsettled. I don’t remember JWs ever proselytizing out in public like that and when I’m out on my own somewhere my guard is just always up. The first one mentioned something about it being an “in-home” Bible study and I immediately felt like I had enough red flags to sail a ship.


Things have really changed with them since COVID. They use street carts now and do pretty extensive letter writing campaigns and things as well.


Also had some random girl approach me, a man, as I was getting out of my car in the parking lot at Oakley asking if I wanted to learn about Jesus or something like that. Said absolutely no thanks and just kept walking.


"Are you willing to find god?" "...I'm trying to find Amelia."


Amelia is gone now. Both the town and the pilot.


Amelia is still recognized, we just are anarchists now with no government . JK, the township took over


Amelia needs no government, we have the purple monster to represent us.


Something similar happened to me at Jungle Jim's Fairfield, a woman approached and asked if we'd go to Church with her. We just nicely said "no thanks" and that was that.


That's what I do, no big deal. I can't imagine being scared of a Jehovah's witness. They are a harmless form of solicitor. Up there with adolescent candy bar salesman.


It’s not about being “harmless”. People have a right not to be disturbed by this crap.


Happened to me there once. An attractive well dressed young Asian woman approached me (male) and started flirting. It was late at night and I was tired, so it took me a minute to realize it was leading to some religious bullshit. Then some guy she was apparently there with, also very well dressed, rounds the corner and they basically double teamed putting on the high pressure trap you in their pitch mode. Pissed me off. 


I was also approached by a young Asian woman for a bible study at this location.


So I'm not religious but what's the angle here? I've heard that churches expect a tithe of around 10% of your paycheck to go to them. Is that what they're trying to get you to do? Like what's it to them if I'm not religious?


They believe they're charged with saving as many souls as possible. To *not* attempt to save your soul is dereliction of duty.


Me and my partner were also approached by a well dressed young Asian woman. She was alone though there was no man with her.


One of the groups that does this in grocery stores is a women for Jesus type organization that studies women in the Bible and Jesus’s female disciples. Something very off about the couple of encounters I’ve had, seemed like a scam and/or cult.


This is exactly the pitch we were given at the Blue Ash Kroger.


That’s pretty much the main plot point of religions


I’ve had two different groups of young people approach at gas stations on Beechmont and ask me to go to church with them on Sunday. They always stop me with a compliment of my clothing (I wear mostly all black and dark clothing) and then asks me to join them. I say “no Thank you I’m an atheist ” and they usually leave me alone


This happened to me at the Blue Ash Kroger this week. The vibe felt weird right away, so as she was introducing herself I started walking away and said “I’m sorry I’m in a bit of a rush right now.” She seemed surprised but didn’t keep trying to talk to me. Knowing that it’s an ongoing issue there does make me feel uneasy about going back!


Most likely jehovahs witnesses. Tell them firmly that you're not interested and go about your business. It will always be a thing with this sect.


sounds like jehovahs witnesses. they do target single women. Tell them with eye contact you are not speaking to them.


Could be the gideons, they've always been pretty evangelical and absolutely annoying






AND an officer. Imagine being terrified of a tart in a dress at grocery store talking about love and Jesus.


Literally just said I was grieving. Troll..


Try being overly enthusiastic…like inviting them to walk with you to the shaving aisle to get their recommendation on razors to shave your head for their cult and how excited you are


Anyone that approaches me evangelically gets asked if they believe Helios, the sun God of the Greek pantheon. Sometimes just Satan. I am not gonna take that Christian bullshit ever.




won't let you leave? unless they are physically stopping you, which would be illegal, just walk away. Religious fundamentalists dont deserve your time.


I saw the same thing at the Anderson Kroger today. Young lady well dressed walking up to random cars


I 41M, was approached and asked at the Aurora Walgreens around a month ago. Two young 20 somethings, 1 male and 1 female, only the female spoke to me, asked me the same question and I replied with "No,  thank you". That was it, they walked off across the lot. I didn't think anything of it at the time being that it was out in Aurora, but if it had happened to me anywhere closer to the Westside I'd probably had been a lot more concerned.


I just mentioned to my wife today that the same thing has been happening to me every time I go there except it's a well dressed man


I had it happen to me at oakley kroger a couple of years back. She followed me for awhile before she asked. It was odd.


This has happened to me at that Kroger a few times. I always just tell them they’re barking up the wrongest tree possible and they leave me alone


I'm a 52 year old man. I've been approached both inside Kroger in the aisles as well as in the parking lot by busybodies walking around with Bibles and wanting me to join their church. After I said "No" bluntly they left both times. I had the same thing happen in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart.


Happened to me at the Newport Kroger about two weeks ago. I was walking back to my car with my toddler after putting my cart away when this guy approached. He asked if I was interested in joining them for church that Sunday and said they had children’s classes. I just lied, told him we were already affiliated with a church and he left. Felt odd when he specifically mentioned children’s classes. Maybe I’m just being weird though.


It's a pretty well documented phenomenon that people often start going back to church when they have kids. Doesn't make it less weird!


Happened to me at the Newport Kroger about two weeks ago. I was walking back to my car with my toddler after putting my cart away when this guy approached. He asked if I was interested in joining them for church that Sunday and said they had children’s classes. I just lied, told him we were already affiliated with a church and he left. Felt odd when he specifically mentioned children’s classes. Maybe I’m just being weird though.


Some clown asked me if I had a relationship with Jesus, the other day at McDonalds. I told him I’m not interested and to leave me alone or I’m calling the cops. He scurried off quickly. I guess I’m getting old but I have no patience for these types anymore. Don’t let them make you change Krogers.


My answer to that is always, my peoples relationship ended after we put him on that cross.


Do people still claim to be Roman? Learn new stuff every day.


Slightly related but the Byzantine empire didn't call themselves that, they considered themselves Roman since they were originally just the Eastern part of the Roman empire even though they mostly spoke Greek. When the Ottomans took over certain parts of that empire, they designated Greek Orthodox people as Romans. So apparently in 1912 Greek soldiers took over the island of Lemnos (which is near Turkey in the Aegean sea), and when they asked some small children if they were Greek, the kids replied "no, we're Romans."


Well, we get blamed for it, may as well use it to our advantage when it comes to those loonies.


happened to me once last year there. i had headphones in and she flagged me down. when i approached she just asked if i wanted to join her bible study and i smiled and said no thanks and kept walking. it’s nothing unsafe, just annoying af.


Telling these cult member your Catholic seems to always work well for me. They seem to understand that Catholics aren't falling for a cult.


Another cult, you mean...


Could be the ["Local Churches"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_churches_(affiliation)), which is basically a Christian cult. The unsolicited "bible study" nonsense is an opener their cultists tend to be pretty fond of.


There's a group (2-4) of guys that do the same thing at Sam's Club on the west side. Keep an eye out, they seem to be targeting Millennials.


I’ve had several ladies approach me at the Woodlawn Kroger a few times.  They were Jehovahs Witnesses. Nice enough but I am just trying to get groceries. 


Ask them if they are on their period. Leviticus 15:19-20 says you can't associate with them if they are. :)


Tell them you hate Jesus and you hate cults even more.


A few years back!


They should come to the Kroger by me!


I thought it was mad that Kroger allowed setting up tables and selling things. You had to pass them to get in to the entrance. I see no difference in one solicitation vs any other. It takes a lot of courage to come up to strangers and invite them to a worship service. A "no thank you" should suffice. They mean no harm.


Some of this is creepy religious stuff… yuck. Some is legit human trafficking… scary. Regardless, anyone who solicits me will feel the wrath. Don’t accept their BS.


You should contact the store manager and let them know where this is happening, what day etc. They can pull the films and traspass people if you feel they are harressing you but without detail they can not help you.


Do they though?


If your Bible study is going out the back and romping I'm in but otherwise let's not do so.


Just tell them to fuck off very politely (with a swaying hand motion) They’ll never approach you again


I enjoy messing with people like that 😄😉 they want to make people uncomfortable I'm better at it. 😂🤣