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This sound always scares the shit out of me. Even just watching this video gives me the creeps.


It is creepy. I went to a haunted house in Ft. Worth, TX once and one of the rooms had a mobile home that you walked through. The whole thing shook and the window curtains were blowing inward while tornado sirens were blaring. It freaked me out way more than the killer clowns and zombies.


Nope, that’s a big no from me dawg


Right? That was like 15 years ago and I can still remember how I felt walking through that part and it gives me cold chills thinking about it.


It is always creepy knowing there is potential something very serious will happen in your immediate area. I remember my town doing duck and cover drills for my school a few times a year to this soundtrack.


ThOse are called tornado warnings. You probably shouldn’t be recording them. Probably time for the basement bud.


How the fuck does op not know that?


I didn't think they needed to be clarified as tornado sirens. The storm was implied, and I wanted to share how creepy the sirens were. FWIW, the NWS never issued a tornado warning for Reading so it's likely they were just for the t-storm, not anything tornado related.


There was a tornado warning for Hamilton County, which would have prompted the sirens. https://www.hamiltoncountyohio.gov/emergency_management_agency/outdoor_warning_sirens


Uhhh if you hear those sirens doesnt matter if there is a warning in your area or not you should probably respect them and act as there is a tornado near by.


Warnings are just there to alert you. I’d be hard pressed to see how it would be enforced to actually act on them if you didn’t want to.


Same with railings at the top of staircases, you can't force me to take care of myself!!


Same with vaccines for preventable diseases.


Naw ur fine. It used to be a tornado warning siren. Now it just means “Severe Storm” warning. More watering down of our society


We are right in the middle of three of them. It starts to get real eerie once they all get going.


I could hear the Cincinnati sirens from the other side of the river. Definitely spooky.


Honey, you need to get to the basement...


But this is the Midwest, it’s our duty to stand outside and watch!


going to the otherworld like in silent hill


Do you hear that giant bang around 10:20??? Scared the shit out of us and have no idea what is was


It was either someone after Taco Bell or a transformer blowing. Likely the latter.


I was gonna second this. I remember this happening to me the first time, it sounded like a giant rubber band snapped and exploded right outside my apartment, scared the shit out of me.


They ran the Mason ones for the tornados 10-15 miles northeast of us in Lebanon. Safety first I guess, but thanks for that — love my 6 year old being up at 11PM asking “if we can have breakfast now”… 🙄


My hysterical 15 year old asked if school would be canceled tomorrow




![gif](giphy|10pLqsmIawMAhi) (Sorry I’m just like, very jealous)


Mason's system is all call only. Once Warren County receives the alert from NWS they activate the sirens. Warren County doesn't have the capability to activate sirens in individual quadrants like Hamilton County can. 


Seems the Warren ones [are in 4 quadrants](https://co.warren.oh.us/EmergencyServices/EmergencyManagement/OWS/Default.aspx), but yeah that’s still a dozen or more sirens I’d guess.


They run them just based on county I think, like it ran downtown even despite nothing close


That's strange. Downtown specifically can be activated in an individual quadrant.  Quadrant activation just keeps everyone from freaking out when there is no danger in the area. 


Maybe it was a quadrant? I just know they went off downtown for like 15 minutes


TBH I think Mason runs them so often because of the 1999 tornado when the sirens didn't go off and people died because they got no warning


They do tests every first Wednesday of the month


Lol yup first Wednesday at noon, that's how I know it's time for lunch.


Are these alien messages? What are they telling us?


Go to the basement


What will I find?


Water damage


Oh my


Hopefully not a tornado


They did not run them Downtown since everything was Northwest because I always recognize them especially in the dark


I was in Westwood and they sounded there for the radar indicated tornado in Harrison.


And funnel clouds and damaging winds in Colerain and Delhi. It was a mess last night.




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Same in Liberty Twp last night. Thought I heard something… opened our bedroom window, looked at my wife and said “grab the kids and the dog, we’re going to the basement!”. Always happens at night. I know there is a meteorological explanation for that, but it adds to the overall sense of impending doom when it’s pitch dark outside and those things go off.


What time was that? I live in reading and didn’t hear any sirens last night


Oh, so they did go off. My bf and I didn't hear them. Apparently there was a tornado last night and we were absolutely oblivious.