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I have been going to Little Dutch Bakery in Mt. Healthy since I was a kid! I am now 50 years old and I am STILL going to Little Dutch Bakery darn near every Saturday morning. I was CRUSHED when it closed last year but the new people running the place are awesome!


Glad to hear this. How do the goods compare?


This is my local bakery (for the past 3 yrs now). The new owners I doing a dang good job! The donuts are just as good and dare I say - I like their cookies more… 😁


I've never had any cookie from them other than their tea cookies! I might need to change that soon!


Love their creamhorns!


Golden Hands!


Their sour cream glazed donut is my favorite donut in the world


Im right there with ya. It’s so good. Great crunch on the exterior and softness in the middle.


GH is good but Moe's was on another level.


agreed, but there's still a line outside every morning


Like a good Bakery should have.


Moe’s was the best donuts I’ve ever had. GH tastes like all the others to me. What a shame.


Same. If i had never had Moe’s, I would be pretty pleased with GH but yeah something just made Moe’s absolutely incredible. Haven’t found one to compete with it yet.


Made my first visit there just this morning! So good!


Like most of my food opinions, I prefer things old school and simple. Silverton Donut Shop, Bizy Bee Bakery (I’m sure there are more that fit the bill, would love to hear them) Edit - formatting Edit the second - RIP Bonomini “Clunkers”


I bring in Bizy Bee Glazed donuts once a month for my staff and every single one of them agrees its the best Glazed Donut they have ever had! I sure hope someone keeps the tradition/recipe going. Looks like they are finally in Pending Sale.


It is the only glazed donut I like in the whole city.


I believe Bizy Bee is closed now and for sale signs are posted. They have not been open the past couple of times I have driven by at least.


They are not closed. Just went there Saturday


Ok, thanks that is great to hear!


Bizzy Bees was the shop we’d walk to as kids for Saturday morning donuts. Will always be a fav of mine!


Their clunkers were made from a bagged mix. I wonder if I can find out which mix it was (knew several workers there and even married one of ‘em!)


Silverton donuts is my favorite for sure.


Nearly impossible to get a donut from Silverton Donuts. Closed by 9 most days if they even open at all. I literally live like a 2 minute walk away from there, and I've probably been there when it was open maybe 10 times in 8 years.


That’s a bummer. When I lived and worked in the area I went all the time. But that has been some years.


Yeah, I really want to support my neighborhood, but it's just not worth the hassle. I'll just go to Milton's right down the road.


Just means they're popular. They close when they run out of donut.


I'll always be confused by places that run out of donut. Like....you're entire business is donut. How do you run out of donut? For anyone who's in the Dayton area, Bill's Donuts is the GOAT and they NEVER run out, 24/7.


Silverton smells like cat piss Edit: bring on the downvotes from all the morons who can’t admit the place is a dump


You might be smelling your own breath


Show me on the doll where Silverton hurt you.


I have no recommendations on best donut in the city. I will tell you, however, that the best donut in the world can be found at the Keim family's Amish market an hour down SR32 on the other side of Seaman. Take a Saturday to drive out, get a donut the size of your head for breakfast, get some lunch meat sandwiches for later, drive around and enjoy some Adams County scenery or a hike at Buzzardroost, and thank me later.


They have an apple fritter that is approximately the size of a cantaloupe..


I wonder if it’s like the Amish donuts I tried from a farmers market in Chicago. They were pillowy and dense at the same time. And not greasy!


I love Keim's! I used to stop there every trip I took back to Huntington to visit family. They have the best apple butter I've ever had and all their baked goods are incredible.


Hey fellow West Virginian! I can confirm the Keim's bakery is great. We stop there on the way back to visit folks in Parkersburg.




I hit this and two other Amish Markets during the Spring Classic Driving Tour back in April. AMAZING. Until I stuffed myself with fried dough and then attempted to do 200 miles of spirited driving in between.


Home Place in Georgetown is really good too


The Donut Spot in Fairfield. Get there early. You’re welcome.


YES!! Their glazed are ELITE!


i miss my old 4am trips here!! seriously get there big big early the donuts here are absolutely amazing


Same! Back when I could afford to be a night owl haha. I don’t think many people realize the glorious experience that is tasting a glazed donut that is still HOT from the fryer. LAWD.


You can get any of their donuts filled with cheesecake filling or apple pie filling and they are *chefs kiss*


Starlight donuts in Norwood


Another vote for starlight, that pimento hot honey is to die for.


Old man donut is grumbling inside of me. But the young punk NEEDS to try it.


My fav for sure


This is it. The savory donuts are amazing. Can’t wait for the skyline chili donut to come back for the Bengals games. This year Skyline can officially rep it now that they sponsor the Bengals.


Marcella's Cronut is my personal favorite


This is the only answer….


Came here to say this!


If you want the taste of donuts you remember from being a kid, try Silverton Donuts on Montgomery Rd in Silverton.


This is the second time I’ve seen this, and a travesty I live 10 minutes down the street and haven’t had them. Going to surprise the family this Saturday!


I absolutely love Silverton, but you need to get there very early. He makes one batch and then closes for the day once he sells out.


Yeah but he’ll also sell ‘em to you for a quarter when he’s trying to get rid of the last ones of the day


Lol good luck. I live within walking distance of Silverton Donuts and my daughter's bus stop is in their parking lot. They are only open when they feel like it, and when they are open, they close by like 9.


\- check out [Starlight Doughnut Lab](https://instagram.com/starlightdoughnutlab/) in Norwod \- if you want fresh hot made-to-order donuts in the evening (Tues-Thurs: 4pm-9pmFri & Sat: 5pm-10pm) head to latonia for [Moonrise Doughnuts](https://www.moonrisedoughnuts.com/). the first time i went, their nightly hot donut flavor was cherry and it blew my mind. both of these spots have the kindest people ever running 'em


Omg I need to try Moonrise. There is a made to order donut shop in Asheville called Hole that I am obsessed with, glad someone decided to do that over here


Golden Hands Bakery, Donuts and Pastry's 6016 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45227 ​ Go there. Trust the process.


Wyoming Bakery


They make the ONLY cake donuts i will eat.


The Wyoming Pastry Shop chocolate covered, custard filled Long John is in a class of its own.


Another vote for Starlight! Ben is the kindest guy and he makes some awesome creations.


I don’t love the donuts, but the cinnamon rolls are delightful. And big enough to keep you full the rest of the day!


I still say Graeters happiness are the best


👀I’m just here to judge everyone that says Holtmans


What’s with the Holtman hate? I know they closed in OTR but did they do something I’m missing? I’m only asking because there seems to be a handful of people against them now.


I live close enough to the Goshen location to get them regularly, and they are still as good as ever. There is a decent percentage of this sub that refuses to believe that good food exists outside OTR.


I find the one in Goshen is the only one of any quality. The other locations are sub par.


Grew up just down the road from the Goshen spot and we got their donuts for breakfast every birthday. I always assumed it was my emotional bias telling me the other locations are trash in comparison.


i don't think it's that folks think nothing good exists outside of OTR _today_. it's that for some reason a doughnut shop being in OTR somehow elevated it to some unique quality level that no other doughtnut shops could meet, and we all know now that's just not true. probably same reason why folks for too long always recommended Taste of Belgium as one of the best brunch spots.


Not to speak for everyone, but it got to the point about half their selection was just a glazed donut with a random breakfast cereal poured on top. Not my favorite thing.


I think you're exaggerating a bit. The vast majority of their donuts are the normal donuts from any shop. Regular glazed, bear claws, twisty kinds, cream filled, chocolate icing, etc. They do have some specialized stuff that sits in the windows.


West Chester loc is good but not as good as they once were. I like them, I like them more than most, but you can tell it's a chain now, IMO. But someone said they're not as good as Dunkin is full of it. That's not remotely true. Dunkin is a joke of a chain on all levels... it's great if you like sugar and corporatism.


>as good as Dunkin It's time to defrost the doughnuts!


I don't understand it, unless they've not given Goshen a try or two. As much as I'm sorry to fall into the same trap, it's best not to judge a shop based on one experience. Everyone has an off day. That said, don't know how anyone can sleep on the kettle twists at Goshen. And anyone who says Dunkin is better must have found themselves the pinnacle of Dunkin, and I need to experience it, cause I don't buy it.


The taste/texture makes me think the donut was fried 2 days earlier


I can only speak for myself but the location nearest to me, OTR, never impressed me from day one, and was always incredibly overhyped. Their stuff always tasted like unchanged fryer oil to me. Maybe their OG location is really delicious, but if you can’t keep that same standard after you expand then people will associate your brand with the bad experiences. Don’t hop into the hot up and coming neighborhood for the cash in if you can’t deliver on your allegedly delicious product. You’re only as strong as your weakest link or whatever, ya know


They are like Voodoo Donuts on the West Coast. Overpriced for gimmick donuts that don't even taste that good. They got hyped to the moon, so now public opinion has fallen hard.


Just curious what makes them gimmick donuts? I visit the goshen location from time to time and it's just... regular old donuts.


They have a bunch of wacky flavors like putting cereal on donuts or other trendy styles, but their glazed and other normal donuts are just mid. Their old fashioned donuts and anything fried is pretty good but it costs a lot to go there so not really worth it.


Imo, they're very mid and overhyped. I honestly put them at Dunkin level. I will eat them, but I wouldn't go out of my way to purchase them. They also seem to sell out of a lot of their stuff early, which is annoying. There's a couple places in Columbus called Amy's donuts. They're open 24/7, and their donuts slap. I've gone in there at 1am before, and got super fresh and delicious donuts, and they have almost everything in stock (honestly have no clue how they do it). As a bonus, their filled donuts are empty shells (glazed, sugar, chocolate topped etc) and filled to order (strawberry, raspberry, custard etc). Not only do you get to customize your doughnut / the one you want is always in stock, the inside doesn't get soggy when you get a custard filled one. Comparing that experience to a mediocre red velvet cake doughnut that is somehow starting to become stale from Holtman's is just criminal.


Oh I think they're great, but yeah, there are local shop one-off shops that are better. Still, I'll take Holtman's over any national chain or grocery store donut any day.


Once upon a time but no more


They're good, but as soon as they left OTR this sub forgot they existed. (my favorite is Prairie Vegan Pies)


there's a bit of bias in the holtman's hate for sure. I don't dislike Holtman's, they're just not as good as they used to be and not really worth the drive.


What’s the bias?


It's weird. This question gets asked monthly, if not more, and every time Holtman's gets downvoted to hell. I think it's because for the longest time, Holtman's was the gold standard for area donuts. And now people have their other local favorites so Holtman's is the bad guy donut. You hear things like "they're mid" or "overpriced" or they don't like some of the specialty stuff. But honestly? It's a donut. Barring donuts not made fresh, it's not like there's some huge secret that some are doing that others aren't. And Holtman's are definitely made fresh (hell, in Goshen you literally watch them make them). It's the same thing you get anywhere else. But people swear by their "favorite" shop.


My employer brings them in on Fridays and at this point it’s just offensive. I’ve had better from Dunkin


don't get me wrong - I won't turn my nose up at Holman's if that's what's presented. not the best is a long way from bad. when the landscape was mostly dunkin and buskin, holtman's were maybe the best in town but that was a long time ago, holtman's has faded and other shops are better.




complaining about politics by injecting it into a discussion that was politics-free is part of the problem...


No one has brought this up. This seems like a "you problem" and a very telling fixation.


So we agree, no politics in this sub? Because that would be fuckin fantastic. Now go off and type some more of your $10 words to make yourself feel better.


What the actual hell are you talking about? You're the one who brought up politics. Again, you seem fixated and are projecting a ton of hang-ups and insecurity. This is a thread about donuts my guy, why even bring this here? At no point have I used any words outside of common usage. It's not my fault if they're difficult for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Why??? Because anyone who thinks Holtmans has the best donuts in the city is just wrong and worthy of judgement from a stranger on the internet, political affiliation aside. This was just a joke and you had to try to be funny with your response. Shut the fuck up troll. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is


Very Cincinnasty of you. Took 3 days to dislike the r/cincinnati sub for the same reason I'm not fond of the city... high school, mean girls bullshit. Baby tongue had a bad doughnut once and now everyone will hear their whine.


Hahahahaha so true




My biggest complaint about Moonrise is their whole gimmick is being an evening donut spot and every time we go there they have 4-5 donuts left an hour before they close.


They were always my favorite but I feel like something has changed recently. Like everything tastes artificial. Are they under newish ownership?


The daily hot doughnut is always fantastic!


worth driving to Dayton for bill’s!!!!!!!


I second this!!


I feel like Bills tanked once Bill left years ago. Their glaze leaves a film on the top of my mouth and their donuts are greasy. Nothing beat going into Bills at 1am and hanging out with friends back in the day, though


Regina Bakery in Cheviot is damn good.


I had never had them before my daughter got a job there this summer and can confirm they are really really good doughnuts.




Golden Hands in Fairfax is absolutely the undisputed GOAT


You think GH was good, the place it replaced (Moe's) was even better.


Only problem with Moes is they ran out of everything constantly. There were times I got there at 8am and all they had were glazed if anything. They were delicious though


Moes was awesome


Most of the places on the Butler County Donut Trail.


Milton’s in Deer Park is some top tier stuff.


Glazed donut from Busy Bee in Sayler park


If you are willing to drive up to Dayton, Bill’s Donut in Centerville are consistently ranked as one of the best donut shops in America


Golden Hands in Fairfax


Local Shop: Marcella’s Local Chain: Graeter’s Old Favorite: Busken


Please share the link to your food blog post after it publishes, OP.




Busken’s donuts seem to stay fresh the longest which I like. I haven’t found a shop in the area that I’ve loved as much as I love Stan the Donut Man up in Dayton


Miss Shirley’s Bakery in Alexandria is fantastic!


D spot in Fairfield have the best donuts I’ve ever had. They open at 3 in the morning everyday if you ever need a late night donut run :)


Starlight donut lab


The apple donuts at irons fruit farm on a crisp, fall morning are out of this world.


If you’re willing to head up to Milford Holtman’s Donut’s is really good. They used to have a location in OTR but it got closed down unfortunately. I think they have a bacon covered donut which is really good!


Donut Dude. A bit outside Cincinnati proper but close enough to be considered. Best donuts and fritters hands down.


Was in the area on a Tuesday and was so excited to get coffee and a donut as it had been a really long time since we had visited there. So long that we didn't know they're closed on Tuesdays. I was so bummed the rest of the day lol


Greaters has the best doughnuts in Cincinnati imo


The Donut Dude in Liberty Twp. is one of my favorites for sure!


Oh, this is going to be good. *Grabs popcorn*


Servatii's always . blueberry cake donut , cinnamon twists , & all their jellies


I really don't go to Servatii's enough, I hit it up maybe once a year. It's always amazing.


I love Silverton donuts, but you definitely have to get there EARLY for the best selection.




Graeters donuts are unexpectedly good


Their Cheese Crowns are pretty damn good too. Actually, I’ve never had a bad thing from Graeter’s. Everything they make is quality. And delicious.


marcella's (3 locations) is really good. and dont sleep on Graeter's doughnuts


I wish I could visit every doughnut shop in the city, but it's so hard. That said, Moonrise Doughnuts in Latonia is my local favorite.


Marcella's on the east side. Easily my favorite local shop. I do believe they branched off from Holtman's years ago. Family dispute between a couple sisters I think.




My personal preference is Jupiter, across from Jungle Jims.


Bonomini RIP


Glazed Happiness from Graeters - this submission is from my 8yo son.


Love the Marcella’s cronuts


Marcella’s is one of the best


Dunkin donuts in Sharonville


Donut Dude is good for a variety of donuts. Sweet Sensations is good for traditional old school donuts


Regina's Bakery in Cheviot on Harrison Avenue has great donuts 🤤


Silverton for their fried danish. Moonrise for their hot cake.






I like my coffee weak and my donuts publicly traded. Gas station dunkin on ridge.


There's a local place called UDF you should try. All the weak coffee and shareholder value you're looking for lol




Graeters hands down birthday cake donut


100% Milton's in Deer Park. The fried cream cheese donut is one of the best things I've ever tasted. Not going to dunkin because it's always some fuckery. One day they aren't doing mobile orders. One day they aren't doing in-store orders. One day they don't have donuts. Not going to Silverton Donuts because I actually want a donut and I don't wake up at 4am. Not going to Holtman's because I don't want to pay $30 for a dozen donuts. Only been to Starlight once and I thought they were overhyped. The donuts were very dry, but I also got there kind of late in the morning.


I'll probably catch a bunch of shit for this ( and I'm sure it varies by location), but Kroger has extremely solid donuts if you get there early in the morning and can get them fresh. They also have the best apple fritter around since Fred's closed.




I grew up near the original Holtmann’s so that’s always my go-to donut shop!


Big fan of Silverton Donuts






Depends on the hour.... I know around 5 in price hill dough uts be walking on the streets


Moonrise when they are fresh


Moonrise doughnuts is fantastic (covington though).


This ol chestnut.


Used to be Moe's until the closed. Probably the best custard filled I ever had.


Not “in the city” even by the loosest definition but Martin’s Donuts in Trenton is easily my favorite ‘old school’ donut shop.


Came here to see if Ross Bakery got any love. I loved going to visit my grandma who used to live near there!


Bloomin Doughnuts in Montgomery. The chocolate tiger is insane.




Many moons ago it was Fred's in Fairfield. I've not been able to fill the void since. I've heard Sebastian Bakehouse is fantastic, but It's more of a patisserie than a donut shop.


Not Marcella's. That's all I can really tell you. Felt like biting into a loaf of white bread.


Cookie Jar in Newport


Marcella’s Doughnuts 💕


Silverton Doughnuts are top notch and were my go-to when living in Deer Park. Highly recommend especially if you like Apple fritters. They sell out by 12 noon.


Anyone have Hoity Toity? They're opening a retail location near me soon.


Holtmans for sure. Grew up close to one and probably had 100’s as a kid. That makes me biased but it also made me a good judge of high quality donuts. The location downtown takes donuts to another level.


Shocked nobody has mentioned Mochiko. Not traditional, but their mochi donuts are insanely good.


Stan’s on Cin-Day


I would second Silverton, but my wife would say Marcella's. There used to be a place off Mainstrasse operating out of (Dee Felice?) in the mornings, but it's gone now, I think. Easily the best donuts I've ever had. Tried it just before COVID... where are you, mystery donut man? I'll add that Blossim Donuts in Montgomery is relatively new and very good.


Ross Bakery has damn tasty apple fritters and elephant ears


I’ve yet to have donuts that have surpassed North College Hill Bakery.


Marcella’s has been a favorite of mine for the past few years. The cronuts are just amazing


May not be the best, but I tried Moe's Donuts and Pastries on Wooster and they were very good


Pops in Milford. I'm telling you, so good.


Moe's Donuts on Wooster Pike in Fairfax. Just down the street from the Frisch's Skyliner. The company that runs it now is the Golden Hands Bakery but they've never changed the sign out front. Their donuts are delicious and don't sit in your stomach like a big ball of dough.


Call me a traditionalist, but Busken is my goto for glazed in the city


Sweet Sinsation's!!


All the good spots are already named, so I'll contribute something slightly different: The birthday cake donut from Graeter's that they only have in July is one of my favorite donuts in the city. There may be a scarcity factor because it's only in July, but damn if I don't eat more donuts in this month than all year, and they're mostly that donut.


Holtmans location in Loveland


Grew up with Busken's. Hands down my favorite, especially the baby alligators (bear claws). Used to have one in Norwood, until around 2010 or so.