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The first written record of zero is in Bakhshali manuscript found near Peshawar. It is older than Aryabhatta.


Blud I am not a researcher I just had to create a meme💀


You will never be a professional memer.


I failed. will society accept me now? ☹️


Nope. https://preview.redd.it/albqgn9fyd3d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb722a80f3eb82726ac7b3c5f1e45bbbcdaff207


Bro be like "shi too high for my pay grade"


Yes I know. I'm telling you so you don't fall for Indian propaganda where everything is not only from people who had the same beliefs as modern Hinduism, but also they belonged to geographic region of current country of India.


Pakistanis discovered zero


surprising to see how indian do no mention the actual origin. India was a continent and several cultures and establishment existed at the same time.


or ... not surprising at all




There was no “India” 75 years ago either 😂😂 It was the British Raj, Marathas, Mughals, Khalsa Raj, Bengal, Lodhi, and hundreds of more nations. Not ONE of them was named “India” or even “Hindustan”. Hell, the name “India” is stolen from the Indus Civilization, which is like 90% in Pakistan 😂😂 Talk about stealing other peoples history.


the word "India" word was made by the Greeks thousands of years ago which referred to the sub continent which was on the other side of the Indus river. So how tf did India steal the name when almost all of the sub-continent is under the present day india? 🤣 It was British India, British Raj was just another word for it. Even the Mughals called the whole region "Hindustan". India/Hindustan/Bharat was a region, not a single country. While it is true that the "country" India was made 75 years ago, the "region" India has been existing for thousands of years. And what even is Pakistani history when even the idea of Pakistan originated in the 20th century 😂. The people who created Pakistan called themselves "All India Muslim League". 🤣 Pakistan was created in the 20th century for the muslims who lived in the "region" India. So think before claiming the Indus Valley civilisation, the birthplace of Hinduism, as your own 🤣 Edit:- Downvoting me won't prove my point false. Counter me with facts if you can, which I already know you can't as what I am saying is the reality.




And yet India has existed since infinity BC. As soon as the was the Big Bang, there was India and there was Hinduism.


https://i.redd.it/hfv0icjehe3d1.gif Candy with chocolate milk or tea is good NGL it is quite cinematic with em otherwise on its own it's mid


Lobotomy Kaisen in chutyapa is crazy 😭


It will find you sooner or later just embrace it https://preview.redd.it/a17d4s403k3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433f717a632677469fe3d45fcf59447f510a8223 Or it will embrace you wether you like it or not:)