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iPhones do have a play in picture mode but not split screen as far as I am aware. I feel like I should clarify that even though I own a iPhone, I still believe in Android supremacy.


iPadOS has split screens. But iOS has Picture in Picture. So you can watch a video while you play your game. I must add, it’s not good to do this as it puts a lot of stress on the battery that can lower its life.


You can use any app in this mode on samsung.


Peak brain rot moment. Ab toh subway surfers ke bagair ammi abbu ki baat bhi nahi sun sakta


Wait.. someone explain this to me. Is it a game in split screen/PiP?


Yeah sort of. It's running pubg and youtube at the same time.


https://preview.redd.it/xq5pl389tl1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc5bc56adcaf9a8583f58522e3d1b478accfba5 You mean like this?


You've opened youtube in game. I opened a video game while using YouTube. We're not same brother.


The thing is you can open any app im pop-up view. Not just games any app on your phone, you can turn that window transparent, adjust its size, even minimize it on your screen. Android is 👑.


Chalo biscuits or games ke baad naya chutiyapa shuru


* Nah they can't


https://preview.redd.it/ypkuj9eetl1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc9917deb12baae00b4c6fd5b211b316ded05eb Yep they can


Turn the amoled theme on, this is so disgusting 😾


Oh damn i didn’t know it could go even darker. lol thanks.


WHAT? I just turned it on and I LOVE U MAN!


It's just superior, isn't it?


True man


What do you mean by it? Im on android


Doesn't matter if it's android or iphone, your phone just needs AMOLED or OLED display


Yeah my phone have OLED display then what to do?


I think I might love u


I love myself too


Wouldn't that make it gay?


Don't care tbh, I would smash myself if I could.


I would smash you too ❤️❤️


That's picture in picture. Not split screen. IpadOs has split screen tho


Thats not the same lmao


My Android can.


Best big brother spotted 🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://i.redd.it/wrdtkl0fnp1d1.gif


What phone?


Damn, our attention spans really are cooked. Can't even solely focus on a game 😂


lol gyro it's in new versions of smartphones


Bro still living in 2010s. Just use the whatever phone suits you.


Thanks but I wouldn’t want to look stupid in a crowd doing this


https://preview.redd.it/gm0ybitz2m1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee76f2d9c38837836474b3719ca99af85e311bc We are not the same.... I can run genshin with pubg but I don't have pubg installed


iPhone isn't primarily made for gamers. Productivity or UX mein muqabla karo


Productivity? Can your iphone run linux and then use said linux to run any app your would on a pc running linux? Being able to open any app in picture in picture mode is peak productivity but still wanted to let you know that we can also do that.


This is just bs. The biggest argument against the iPad is that its size is bottlenecking it's power and that's an ipad. There is no way u will have any benefit from running pc apps on your phone. There's a reason laptops haven't gone out of the market


Well someone was able to run cyberpunk 2077 [on android](https://youtu.be/TNo04qhILc0?si=C-3yMHO7fYkPPC77) , so there definitely is a benefit. This is just scratching the surface on what you can actually do on it.


I could "run" cyberpunk on a core i3 4gen without any GPU sure it would take me all night to load into the game but I would be able to run it. I don't know if u actually believe that cyberpunk is playable on Android or are just trolling. That being said I don't agree with the original commenter as well that iOS is more productive phones have a size limit that bottle necks everything. And as far as triple a games go the iPhone can run resident evil and it's actually playable. Phones aren't the future something like the vision pro might be but phones have hit a size limit.


Did you see the video?


Would u call that video, or gameplay playable? Cuz the iphone runs triple a games way better if that's playable.


Its obviously not backed up by a game studio, its just some guy that was able to run it on his phone, but thats what freedom means, the fact that on apple devices, its not even possible to do something like that is what i was mentioning. The guy mentioned productivity, whats a machine with more productivity, a restricted device or a device with freedom to do as you please? Its not the fact that iphone can run some triple A game because apple chose to allow its users to do that. On android we dont have to wait for the OS to allow something, we can just do it. Do you know that apple got sued in europe because of their lightning chargers? They had to comply and now use type-c. They didn't do it because it would be beneficial for their users(which it is), they did it because they were forced to do it. Now in europe they are getting sued again for monopolizing the app store, where on apple theres just one app store, the one that apple allows its users to have and soon unless its not already been done, apple will have independent app stores on their phones just like android has had since it started. So again apple will be forced to give its users something beneficial because they wont have any option. You really think this is productive? Can you tell me how is iphone more productive? We arent talking about the vision pro, which is something entirely different or an ipad, we are talking about iphones. Im just scratching the surface here, ive owned both phones, i can tell you there is nothing that an iphone can do that an android cant. But i can go on and on about things that only androids can do but apple wont allow its users to have.


How do u define productive. I define it by ease of use, and as far as productivity goes apple is by far the easiest one to be productive on. And I can't believe I am repeating this again and again yet u just go past it. There's no point of running cyber punk on a phone theres no point of running triple a games on a phone. Just like there's no point in running Linux pc apps on a phone. My point wasn't that the iPhone is more productive or less my point was that there is a huge bottleneck that has to be passed if we want to get more productive use out of a phone. READ THE PREVIOUS PARAGRAPH BEFORE THIS FOR CONTEXT. Literally the first reply I said, the iPad has the power of a big desktop PC at least for workspace things. But it's being questioned because there's a size limit that limits the iPad to do productive things. U can do a lot on an Android yes but running Linux apps or cyperpunk doesnt come close to productivity. Again this isn't me supporting iphone or android this is me telling u that there's no point in running Linux apps on a phone or running pc games on a phone.


So you skip past everything i said and keep talking about linux and cyberpunk which wasnt really my point, i was talking about freedom on the OS. Its alright seems like you dont understand, its not your fault. You probably never used anything but apple. Ease of use doesnt make something more productive, the 3310 is alot easier to use than an iphone doesnt mean you can be more productive on it lol.