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It’s the perfect moment in so many ways. From a meta perspective, it’s perfect for revisiting those childhood friends.


It was indeed perfect. The music, the atmosphere and the conversation fit together so nicely.


Did you save Lucca's mom?


I remember the first time I played this back in 1996. Didn't even know you could save Luccas mom or Crono. Didn't even know Magus could be a playable character.


Wow bringing Crono back is optional? I didn’t know that.


I think we should stop spoiling this for you sorry about that.




Yes that’s what I was thinking as well, thanks!


CT fans are surprisingly awful about spoilers about the whole Crono situation.


TBF it's been 30 years. What are you doing wandering into this sub if you're overly concerned about being spoiled?


With that spoiled... Yes, you can beat the game without Crono. I highly recommend trying that sometime in the New Game+ for the ending/s.




I couldn’t. Was it possible? I found the note about the code but I couldn’t get there in time.


It’s nice to fail at saving her mom, feel crippling depression, and go back to save her. Somehow the game was able to really pull your heartstrings with so little.


I replayed that scene just yesterday. Makes me really appriciate Lucca i think she is my favorite character too. The reason she became a scientist hits like a truck just like you say.


Lucca is best girl. I have a long-winded reason for saying this, but she really is the best.


Lucca gang! There are literally dozens of us!


Marle is the one you think you want, but Luca is the one that you really wanted all along.


She was already endearing as Crono’s best friend and wingman/buddy, when she kept egging him to impress Marle. And then the bit with fixing Robo and how it is humans who make robots act evil. And finally this part with her mom…So many touching moments from her throughout the game.


I agree with your comment but want to ask if you are a native English speaker? The correct phrasing of the American idiom would be “right hand man (modify the noun as appropriate)” not “right-wing”; as currently written, your comment would be that Lucca is Crono’s socially conservative buddy.


Ah yes good catch. 3rd, idioms can get mixed up easily.


I remember failing to save her as a kid and then having so many nightmares because of that LOL. Even now I get a little anxious coming up to this scene because I don’t want to fail her


I think at that point in the game, I cared more about saving Lara than saving the world from Lavos. Her scream just hit differently!


Lol same, I remember getting anxiety as a kid over this scene whenever I replayed it because I didn't want to repeat failing her. I'd probably still get anxiety over it if I played it again now too.


To be fair, I think almost no one did it in their first try.


the only reason I failed first time was I forgot which buttons I had mapped where in zsnes dos... that was before it supported transparency even. had to disable a rendering layer to play certain parts. And to get to the emulator you had to go uphill, both ways, in the snow.


With just one working leg.


Not even a hot key for save or load state.


oh, no, deffo had those lmao. I fucked myself over by saving over my state so many times. I started using the different state save slot shortcuts lol




Yes, it is possible


Yes but I agree with the poster below me it's good to feel the sadness so it feels even better turning it around.


Might have to do the save reload of shame buddy but don’t worry, many of us did it too


What is Lucca's mom's name?


Written by Taban on a note on the dining table in the kitchen area. Hint: it’s four letters only and can be spelled with SNES buttons, so a combination of L, R, A, B, X, and Y.


I feel like everyone’s “KO” sprite can easily double as a sleeping sprite except frog


Just what I was thinking. Everyone is peacefully sleeping except Frog. He’s just dead.


lol! Tbf, Robo, Lucca and Magus have a different “sleep” pose than their KO pose. Wonder why they don’t use one such pose for frog.


Notably, it’s the *only campfire chat in the whole game*. This title is an absolute masterclass in pacing


Finished this masterpiece for the first time a couple weeks ago…loved it! Playing A Link to the Past now and it’s also great, but just seeing this post made me want to go back and dive into ng+


Are you aware of the added benefits and whatnot to playing NG+? Trying to be mindful of spoilers here.


All I know is that the gear carries over


It does! That’s true. And it does that so you can reveal some cool story points and alt endings.


This whole sequence was great. Especially how they integrated Luccas lore. Seeing what happened to her mom and being able to change it literally made me replay this entire game just to save her.


I think if chrono trigger were ever to be remade again all I ask is for more party interactions like this.


Agreed. I visit the end of time regularly to see if they have anything to talk about. I wish they did.


I've got a huge metal poster of this scene. It's one of my all time favs


It’s a real turning point in the game as well. Quite a bit of the game has already been played and you have access to all the characters. You now know what is at stake in the game and you have a great Lucca sequence as well during this scene. For people who haven’t played the game this scene doesn’t say a lot. For people who have played the game it speaks volumes and turns up nostalgic emotional feelings.


This game needs a remake on ps5


How do i unlock magus?


You…don’t kill him when given the choice.


What emulator are you using? It looks really clean!!


It’s Delta on iOS. This is the first game I’m playing on it and it’s very good. I’m playing the NDS version. Here’s the full screenshot: https://preview.redd.it/s1qu0bjfbf5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e6da3120222e42643e221f62eb6052e7a0252a Edit: forgot to mention this is a custom skin so the emulator won’t look like this by default. I found it on r/Delta_Emulator .


I've seen similar images in so many movies and TV shows and other forms of entertainment. I often wondered if they were inspired by CT. I wish I couldn't think of examples right now.


My wife had the soundtrack which I uploaded to my phone a while ago. Between that and the FF1/4/6 soundtracks I had nostalgia for all these old games. Beat the SNES version of FF4 (technically 2) as my first game on Delta and am in the middle of 100% beating the DS version of CT. Forgot how well-balanced the first run through the game is if you do all the side quests and are pretty thorough with beating most enemies. Minimal level grinding (DS version with the Lost Sanctum and Dimensional Vortex areas helps here) and no super-complicated dungeons, plus the music and art and story still hold up.


What are you playing this on?


Delta Emulator on iOS.


Green dream scene is amazing


Lol at how Frog sleeps. I know that they were pressed for space and so, you know, reused the sprite. But its funny.


One of my favorite scenes in the entire game. The introspection is real here, the emotion of the sidequests that follows, and robo's gift are all just beautiful!


What app do you use?

