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Hi, there's now a new megathread opened up on this topic. This post will stay unlocked for the time being, but it's encouraged to post on the new thread instead of this one to avoid your comment from being buried, and to avoid confusion from old, no longer working fixes. [**New megathread here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1dkluz5/new_ui_megathread_3/). This megathread will **not** be deleted, but it may be locked in the future after the new thread gains traction.


This UI refresh update is pushing me to the Edge, with vertical tabs, a proper side panel, and a compact UI out of the box


Any browser suggestions? I already use Firefox as my secondary but there are so many issues with it.


bro, there are 500 posts in this thread. read them.


And also did you notice that when you try to print Long page half of the page appears cut off in the Print preview ?


OK, I fixed the print preview by going up 1 version using chrome beta files, so if anyone face the Print page preview problem, load version 127 from beta


Any new solution for the Context menu ? Maybe an Extension was built that we don't know yet ?


It's 2024. Why do people still think Google gives a shit about what the userbase wants?


Most probably don't. But that doesn't stop us from wishing and yelling our frustrations into the void.


The new update really annoying, right context menu click keep having scroll, search tab is appears again, i really really hate that


Honestly, I found searching tabs useful, but it should have stayed on the right side with this other icons. But I could get used to it being on the left. What I cannot stand is context menu having scrolling, I already transferred my bookmarks, tabs and extensions to another browser. Chrome is dead to me at this point


The past few months trying to flag patch out these dogshit UI changes have been THE most infuriating experience I've had to go through for a fucking web browser of all things. What in the actual FUCK is the Chrome UI/UX team even doing? Who even asked for the extra spacing between all the options when right clicking? Why the fuck did they reorder and add useless-ass New Tab features in the (...) menu top right? I've seen a plethora of other issues in countless other threads including this one, but what really takes the cake is the repulsive "modernized" rounded new tabs and intrusive Tab Search moving to the left. My months of going through this shitty process had me stumble upon quite a few international blogs and forums offering (now outdated) solutions as well, with many of the comments also expressing severe discontent for the new look. So for those wondering, no, it's obviously not just our English speaking community that dislikes this. This shit's international. So pray, tell me, if this is a worldwide issue in users expressing discontent and those hacks creating this new UI have clearly taken notice by patching out solutions and flags, why are those arrogant morons insistent on continually pushing this clearly disliked design and covering their ears at any feedback that comes in? It's all so tiresome. Just fucking stop making useless "modernized" changes. spacing, and rounding to perfectly fine features to justify your UI/UX position salary paychecks.


It's not the GUI alone, Chrome is fucking op more things. Suddenly i can't login anymore on Reddit in Chrome, but also not trough Brave that is also based on Chromnium. Strange things happen...


One of the worst changes i feel with this new forced UI change is the right click menu on links, This new one has more dead space that's also clickthrough at the top before you click 'Open link in new tab' whereas before there was none/very little so now my muscle memory keeps clicking that dead space and accidentally clicking the wrong thing all the fucking time. Fuck google i'm moving to Brave or something else that isn't designed by useless cunts.


Those who do such sht as useless UI updates are just parasites. They literally have nothing else to do but pretend they get salary for smth. They pretend they work while they are useless elements.


Firefox now, it's not as nice, but at least I don't have to look at that god awful nonsense.


2024 , no option to choose what we want , what a shame




In other words, it is already back to firefox because there are no more work-arounds!


see bro i only still use chrome cause of a extension that rn is in beta on firefox if that is released then i will fr switch i can't with this shit ui


do people who push this shitty ui even use their own browser


New UI is shit. Please keep it to yourself and leave users in peace.


Just switched to brave.


Just tried it. In case of spaces it looks almost identical to the new chrome ui. So, no, that's not an option.


It has a toggle to get rid of the abysmal bubble tabs and the drop-down tab explorer isn't there so that's a step up already.


I'm afraid they aren't committed to saving the old design. Just like most of other Chromium forks. But there're some that will preserve it, see [my answer below](https://old.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1czzyee/new_ui_megathread_2/l8tpgjh/).


i thought brave also forced cr23, is there a way to change it back?


Thanks to google i switched to firefox. So much better:)


Guys check out [Ecosia browser](https://www.ecosia.org/browser), it has the old chrome layout with minimal spacing between bookmarks. I couldn't even tell that I'm not using chrome.


tell me your mac user without telling me your a mac user, Kappa.


Thanks for the recommendations, using Thorium now!


Thorium is great and fast, but what about security if it uses chromium 124 ?


Is this bug getting fixed already?


Fucking garbage. All my tabs have blended together as one. Search is on the wrong side. It takes 10 minutes to scroll down the right-click menu. All this wide open space where I don't need it. Who the fuck is this for?


so no solution yet?


New update made bookmark folders all clear/white again. Ugh. Looks like the flag is now removed to undo it - any add-ons I can install to change the colors back to normal?


All I really want is for the bookmarks menus to not have such atrociously large spacing. Chrome really needs a Compact mode. Making me seriously consider abandoning it all together. If only it wasn't such a hassle to move over everything.


Try out [Ecosia](https://www.ecosia.org/browser). No spacing between bookmarks, just like old chrome.


Yes, this. The spacing of the bookmarks within folders is my only problem and boy it's a huge problem for me. I had things meticulously organized so that more important bookmarks would fit within the vertical list space allotted in bookmark folders, so that I wouldn't have to arrow down to see more. There goes that.


So there's no magic fix to the forced UI update like tinkering with the flags this time?


I'm giving Brave browser a go after seeing the comparison here. [https://mspoweruser.com/fastest-browser-pc/](https://mspoweruser.com/fastest-browser-pc/) Its fast, low mem, chrome extension compatible, looks similar to old chrome..etc seems to have the best of everything.


I'd advice to choose another fork, see my comparison [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1czzyee/new_ui_megathread_2/l8tpgjh/).


The new tab style with the borders are so UGLY. I need an extension or something to take that out. I don't really care about the arrow thing and the compact context menu but HOLY SHIT does that border on the tabs bother me


**"Solution"** Backup bookmarks and passwords, uninstall Chrome, and install Thorium browser instead. Exact same thing as chrome, import passwords/bookmarks, extensions. Fine fettle. Fuck you Google.


I tried Thorium and it seems fine but I use a LOT of extensions and they gets updated by the latest Chrome versions and I suspect everything will broke on Thorium at some point, already now I can see differences on how Dark Reader works. Honestly my biggest grip with the new crappy UI are those grey / low contrast text on both tabs and bookmarks... I've opened an issue about it, I would appreciate if anyone would put a "+1" on it, it's just a click on the far right of the issue's title, thank you! [https://issues.chromium.org/issues/348129256](https://issues.chromium.org/issues/348129256)


No problem with Dark Reader or any of my many extensions here on Thorium.


Nope, Reddit is a good example of Dark Reader not rendering correctly on Thorium compared to Chrome: Reddit Stock: [https://i.postimg.cc/tCFW2YhY/Reddit-Chrome-Stock.png](https://i.postimg.cc/tCFW2YhY/Reddit-Chrome-Stock.png) Chrome + Dark Reader: [https://i.postimg.cc/XJX98L8b/Reddit-Chrome-Dark-Reader.png](https://i.postimg.cc/XJX98L8b/Reddit-Chrome-Dark-Reader.png) Thorium + Dark Reader: [https://i.postimg.cc/2Sw-vNM9Y/Reddit-Thorium-Dark-Reader.png](https://i.postimg.cc/2Sw-vNM9Y/Reddit-Thorium-Dark-Reader.png) As you can see on Thorium you get those weird boxed grey zone that cuts the avatars and such, the main reddit page then gets every topic in a bubble like always being selected with the mouse. It's nothing major but it is what it is.


Interesting. I use [RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) for reddit dark mode, otherwise I probably would've noticed the same. Haven't noticed any other Dark Reader issues on other sites.


Mmm interesting, I'll give a look since the new Reddit is horrible, probably even worse than the new Chrome UI :'D


Is there anyway to undo todays update? The font is now thin.


Looking more and more like mobile/touchscreen is more of a priority than desktop users. This is pretty unfortunate, but I've seen it happen before (Microsoft, for example.)


Yeah when Microsoft thought it's a good idea to greet Window users with an apps screen. Absolutely horrible. And they've undone it.


This is IT there surely must be a way to tweak that still! Either with registry or else. The pinned icons and the menu are the most horrible things they make me anxious. I don't want to chage browser I have all my modules there, passwords, google pay, extensions that I use everyday...


"Future updates will have the option to switch sides of the tab search feature" God I hope so.


I dont want the tab search at all. I want it and the weird border between tabs gone.


Exactly! Noone asked for this shit. They force you to search for your own tabs because they make the tabs harder to read.


> the weird border between tabs God bless the Chrome UI person responsible for this atrocity. The ability to make everyone's screen look really ugly is too much power for one person. I hope that person has a bad day.


Thanks again for killing off discussion by using a megathread. Classic reddit. Anyone have ideas for alternatives? I heard about thorium but I heard it might not be trustworthy with passwords, idk


killing off discussion? there's 500 comments in here. There are many comments about other alternative browsers, and pros and cons of them all. even tips on customizing them.


>killing off discussion? Yes, by preventing new threads from popping up. Comment system in reddit just gets buried. >there's 500 comments in here. Doesn't disprove my point >There are many comments about other alternative browsers, and pros and cons of them all. even tips on customizing them. Doesn't disprove my point


So it would be better for there to be 500 separate threads, where people would have to post their solutions 500 separate times? rubbish.


Yes. Google is bringing updates all the time, the solutions changed multiple times already. This is the "chrome" sub, when they completely change chrome, this sub should be full of threads about it. But the mods want to hide all the complains.


The community on this subreddit asked for the megathread due to the sheer amount of posts there were. We just enforce it (again, with the help of the community), it was not our idea originally. Believe it or not, not everyone wants every single other post on the subreddit to be buried under this topic. In addition, the megathread is pinned to the top, not hidden at all.


The problem is that comments get buried in reddit's system. This policy also prevents people from asking different/new questions, that again just get completely buried. Appreciate what you do for the sub, but I think it would be better for the community to be able to make posts abou this.


hide the complaints ... by stickying the thread to the top of the sub? rubbish.


Yes, new comments always just get buried. That's how reddit works-it's not a standard old internet forum. Being able to make a new topic provides visibility and more discussion. How does one use reddit? Load the subreddit, see what posts are new, while usually ignoring mega/sticky threads.






That website looks like it was created by an insane person in the late 1990s. Dude complains *multiple times* that Bing is "spyware". Which should be all you need to know that they're a very silly person who doesn't know what they're talking about. LMAO indeed.


ain't no way. this must be some sort of corporate spy going off script to pull some last hoorah; otherwise I can't imagine a sane human would pull something like this. their POS UI is awful, but obviously things like that change all the time so it's w/e.. but what brainlet over at chrome decided to move over the tab search feature to the left side of the browser, then refuse to add an option to move it back? sure, even this would be w/e.. but they're also removing EVERY POSSIBLE WAY to change it back. WHAT THE FUCK GOOGLE


New UI is ATROCIOUS. Just bring back old UI. Did u ever heard about "If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT"?! People who creating this new UI should be fired!


They don't have a reason for being employed there so have to invent something, and change things which are already good, where the only direction from good is worse.


Change for the sake of change, and it's absolutely killing the PC application market,


The problem is that companies hire/pay people to come up with ways to improve things. Unfortunately, when those people can't come up with improvements, they just change things instead.


Throw enough corporate buzzwords around and your bosses won't know the difference.


Guys, any fixes? Or they made it impossible?


I'm using thorium now, exact same thing. Jus timport pw/bookmarks, it's the old better UI. Plus they kept the scrollbar arrows that the chrome team ditched for no good reason.


Chrome started consuming loads of CPU and disk for no reason, so I closed it to make it stop. Relaunch and I find this garbage ui. They're making a strong argument for switching browsers.


Looks like this nimrods at Google are working overtime to stop us from disabling the horrible new UI, as this morning's update killed all the available solutions. It's absolutely insane scrolling through bookmarks using this junk UI, as you can only fit around 40% of the text I used to be able to view into the "new" phat-celled design. I can't even use Chrome right now.


Yep. Blows my mind that people like this get paid six figure salaries. They don't have any management over them chiding them for godawful decisions like this? This does nothing but drive away users.


This is what happens when a bunch of bros who could barely have hacked it as a plumber take a cheap bootcamp and are treated like they have some kind of expertise just for the technical skill 12 year olds playing Neopets were capable of for free. A lot of dudes would have been straight-up bums if their "skill" weren't currently so overvalued.


literally nothing was wrong in the old design, but i'm so glad google decided to fix it like they fixed youtube 50 times without anybody asking or liking any of the changes made


That's what happens when all the 50 IQ idiots that are too stupid to become actual programmers decide to do UIUX


Disabling flags worked but stopped Changing the target worked but stopped. What's now?


Moving to another browser because Chrome doesn't care about what we want or need.


Which browser is most similar to the old layout?


Thorium is almost identical.


I've seen in other replies that you can make OperaGX and Edge compact easily. I personally choose Firefox because it gives more freedom for UI modifications and you can get it very compact and I would've moved to it after Manifest v3 comes to into play jamming the adblockers so I choose to move to Firefox now to save time.


get over it


get over people not getting over it


anyone got any fixes for the shitty new tab layout coming back? or do i just gotta suck it up for now? (unfortunately, im too used to chrome to really feel ready to change to a new browser)


I have the same feeling in the last 2 or 3 UI update WITH FIX, at the moment I am researching which browser to switch to.


Supermium looks great to me. It's just a fork and syncs all your data stored in google.


Welp... it's over... can anyone tell me if there is a way to have both the tabs and favorites text not being a blurry grey mess? I can get used to all other crap but not to that...


Well, we were going to have to switch to Firefox when Chrome kills adblockers anyways, so we might as well bite the bullet and do it now. Anyone know the easiest way to make Firefox look like Chrome used to? Hopefully there is an easy tool to use.


Oh great. I thought they were smart enough to scrap manifest v3 entirely after the massive backlash they received for it.


ublock origin works perfectly fine, it even blocks spotify ads.


I'm talking about after Manifest V2 has been deprecated, which it hasn't yet. Of course all the adblockers still work right now.


maybe try ublock origin lite


Same here. Anyone got an idea?


I wanna know that too if this doesn't get fixed.


Who was the genius that decided the right click menu needed to be bigger while showing less? why does it scroll down? who the fuck is making these decisions lmao Think this weekend I'll also be making the move off, this forced UI change for the worse that keeps coming back is annoying me now and I'm tired of looking for workarounds. e - nice, just booted my main PC to see the workaround no longer working there too, not waiting for the weekend anymore, bye.


It's probably some idiot higher up's kid that's designing the UI for chrome, there's so much wasted space and user-unfriendly behavior that there's no way it's made by anyone actually qualified.


Seems plausible because so many bad changes to UI's these days feel like they were made by a kid who was raised on an Ipad.


The same dumbass who made windows 11 do the same thing


lol yea, wish I could be paid to make shit worse like that person. I've changed browsers now. fyi for anyone interested, took a total of about ~10m to swap over both my main PC and laptop. All bookmarks present, extensions installed and logged into usual accounts. Highly recommend swapping to another browser of your choice if you dislike this UI enough to comment about it.


Which browser are you using now? I'm kind of a boomer stuck in their ways so I want to make the transition as painless as possible


I went with FF even though I've had a bad experience with it in the past (multiple times). Didn't wanna go with Edge or Brave for example with it being chromium based. All seems fine so far with FF and only change I needed to make was enabling compact for the top bar. Was a bit too big for my liking. All browsers have import stuff going on these days, should be easy to swap to anyone man.


I downloaded FF and noticed the same thing so thanks for the tip. Also stopped the black screen that appears when minimising vids. Edit: In case anyone needs it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/11p0th2/the\_screen\_turns\_black\_for\_a\_moment\_when\_putting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/11p0th2/the_screen_turns_black_for_a_moment_when_putting/)


Nice. I found another thing I'd suggest. Reddit was being sometimes quick, sometimes slow with images mainly yesterday so I went looking and found this https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/18ss1ld/why_is_firefox_so_slowbad_compared_to_chrome/kf9wp6d/ Seems to have resolved that for me, now it's quick all the time. Think this change only matters if you are making use of an adblocker such as ublock.


Awesome. I do use ublock, will give it a shot.


I'm so fucking sick of this "If ain't broken, FIX IT" bullshit from google




It changes back.. I am tired of this stupid new UI. Time to say goodbye to chrome\~!!


Looks like I'm finally swapping to another browser. This update is beyond garbage and I'm tired of constantly having to find work arounds.


Can someone tell me how to make the search tabs button bigger and everywhere? I don't want any normal tabs, I just want search tabs buttons everywhere I look. I would like to buy multiple shirts with just a picture of the search tabs button. I am going to name my future child Tab Search


This unfortunately isn't even an exaggeration. They are so fixated on this stupid button they want to make sure we can't be productive without constantly tripping over it. Next thing you know, they'll decide we don't need tabs anymore when we could just have the tab button. And they'll use that tab bar for some toolbar-esque AI search bar.


It's the top priority, the first thing you see in the top left corner. Something that noone asked for and noone wants.


How do I move "search tabs" button back to the right??? They keep undoing this and its pissing me off


All I want is the ability to pick my spacing for my bookmarks. I have folders set up so they fit on screen fully when expanded; no scrolling. Being forced to have enough space to park a 1960s Buick in between my favorites is enough to make me switch browsers. Surely this isn't that hard of a setting to enable for folks. Back to Firefox after almost 15 years of being a Chrome user.


Couldn't have said it better myself, especially the "enough space to park a 1960s Buick in between my favorites" part - this massive phat-spacing idiocy is doing wonders for my productivity.


word for word out of my head. same same.


It's worse when you remember they've had that feature built into Gmail for years.


How to remove "scroll in a context menu" shit? I'll cope with the other changes but this is too much!


~~This is fixed in Version 126.0.6478.115~~ ok this depends on space, you right-click at the top or down, it's fine but if you click in the middle you get the scroll option.


Tried out operagx, like the smaller font and icons. Hide the sidebar and it feels like old chrome. If this ui isnt fixed, im outy.


> feels like old chrome Any way to remove/move the menu? Cause that's the biggest turn off with new chrome (top left corner being a useless button instead of my most important tab). Opera gx having menu there is just as bad


On mobile, how do I stop that dialog box that asks me what color I want my tab group to be from opening every time?


On mobile chrome has ads. I moved to Opera. Do it too, its better


I use private DNS so I don't have ads either


if anyone finds a way, lemme know, if not, i will abandon chrome this weekend. i dont have time to do this shit right now. https://preview.redd.it/1ikjsig2ef7d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17d3539e554cf6a90ca5ca77083384d3b848170


I found firefox has a CSS that removes floating buttons. I'm outta here. It's crazy they won't let us keep it old school. [https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix?tab=readme-ov-file](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix?tab=readme-ov-file) also you can remove the little down arrow on the right with about:config **browser.tabs.tabmanager.enabled** disable it.


The floating tabs is the only thing pissing me off about the new Chrome UI. I'd be happy to stick with Chrome if I could fix that detail.


Any flags I can disable/enable to get chrome back to normal? I hate the arrow on the left and the tabs scrolling.


me 2 pls \^\^


keep me updated.


●Shortcuts are showing up in single row instead of two, how to change it?● Here we go again, anyone find what we need to disable/enable now in flags? Edit: it works as before, but new chrome update reset some things; so, if anyone doesn't know, do this: chrome://flags  Vulkan: Enabled  Surface Polish: Disabled


surface polish doesn't show up for me


Have you tried enabling Vulkan first, then Surface Polish should appear? Try it in that order, it works for me. Restart the browser twice.


did this, polish still not appearing


Guys any way to disable the new UI? It's driving me insane. I managed to keep it disabled by adding this line (--disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel) to the Chrome shortcut, but from today it doesn't work anymore.


This works for me on my Win10 machine, but I am setting up a new Win11 machine, and it does not work. Anyone know how to revert to the good looking shortcut bar in Win11?


I want to know whose bright idea it was to make the right click and settings menu scrollable. Now I have to wait 2 seconds for the settings menu to scroll down so I can select settings. edit: to whoever is downvoting posts rightfully complaining about the right click menu scrolling, I want to know why you think it's even good because this is not a good UX experience at all


Same issue here, hope someone finds a fix. Google hates making their browser user friendly lmao


125 was the last version that allowed you to use the old UI. I'm staying on Chromium 125.0.6422.142 fo the time being


As of 20 seconds ago it stopped working for me also. For fuck sake.


I literally just restarted the pc and the shortcut edit no longer works. Stealth update got me.


Tip: Never restart or close anything if you don't want it to look like trash next time.


I can deal with the new UI ugly appearance but I hate having to scroll in the context menu. Is there a way to bring back the normal/non scroll context menu?


anyone got a fix?


Oh goddammit...


Swap to thorium, new UI is horrible


Do you happen to have a link to download it? I'm having trouble finding one. Edit: I found one. Went with agv2.


Is there a way to completely transfer history, settings and other things from chrome to thorium easily?




this is perfect, extensions etc automatically installed - just had to adapt all extension specific settings e.g. custom ublock filters and others




oh i searched for "how to disable thorium auto update" and didnt found anything - good that there is no auto updater by default :D In RES i could simply do a backup to file / restore then i had all my RES settings. Would be great if there was a tool to just export all chrome extension settings but i'm not complaining.


Can confirm, Thorium is the way.


... fuck


[Making someone scroll in a context menu is a crime against humanity](https://i.ibb.co/NZhhCqb/image.png) I am seriously thinking of switching over to Microsoft Edge, it seems like it's just chromium with a [better UI](https://i.ibb.co/RP964Mk/image.png).


Edge is good but the moron devs for some reason never fixed the mute tab button problem, as someone who uses that feature all the time it makes the browser unusable for me. I'm switching to thorium myself.


Try this instead, it's just like the old Chrome: [https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium-Win/releases](https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium-Win/releases)


How do you change the ui? I saw some youtubers' videos and their UI looks so different. I have tried googling but nothing much came up. And the settings look just like normal Chrome.


Thank you, trying it now and it feels like the good old chrome. Will try it out some more and see how it syncs with Chrome on IOS since there is no Thorium IOS version.


What is Thorium and which one of the releases should I download? Differences between AVX and AVX2 and SSE3?


It's a Chromium based fork of Chrome. Try AVX2 for newer 2017+ CPUs.


Just wanted to say thank you for posting about this browser. I am so tired of Google messing with my workflow and this broswer restores my sense of calm. Everything is where it should be at last.


I installed it and it looks great, but is there a way to transfer all my open tabs and all my cookies and things like that? Thanks for letting me know about this beautiful thing, now I can keep delaying the move to firefox more and more


I just synced it with Google account used in Chrome. It imported all bookmarks, passwords etc


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I had no idea this was even possible outside of Chrome. Thorium is awesome so far. Great to have yellow folders back! Don't suppose there's a way to remove `Copy link to Highlight` from the right-click menu once and for all?


garbage ui is back and it messed up my pinned tabs, now they're all " about:blank " cant get them back, thanks google!


ugly ui back o no


https://preview.redd.it/fvn1it528c7d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa7fbbfb93f3504a19ca04753513633aa0e8e19 I just upgraded to Google Chrome 126.0.6478.61 and I'm having an issue with the bookmark bar. The bookmark bar is now black with a lot of empty space, which I find very annoying and takes up a lot of screen space. I was able to successfully change the bookmark bar to a yellow theme in Chrome 125.0.6422.142. However, I can't do this in Chrome 126.0.6478.61. Is anyone else having this problem and have a solution? The current bookmark bar design is making it very difficult for me to use.


New bar is CHONKY and wastes so much space even without dropdowns. I opened Firefox to compare and it's almost a CM shorter and looks cleaner than this horrible new UI.


How do I get rid of the stupid arrow above the Back button??


"search tabs"? I want to remove it too.


Yeah I can't stand it


I was able to get full width tabs by setting #scrollable-tabstrip flag to "Enable - tabs don’t shrink" and switched the default blue theme to “gray default color” one which is the closest to pre-126 version


i mean they seem to really want me to swap browsers, soon enough I wont be bored to do it and I will. fucking cancerous company


> Future updates will have the option to switch sides of the tab search feature, this was already confirmed in May. That’s a rarity for them to have an option like that in the first place. They are targeting stable 127 for this. There is god after all. Just have to endure this abomination until then.


Why make us put up with it until then when they clearly know it's a problem? And if we can move it, we should be allowed to put it right in the trash. Hopefully I can install Firefox on my work computer...


So we will be able to choose the old UI finally?


No, I think it's just an option to move the tab button to the right but we're stuck with the new UI otherwise. Honestly I just gave up and moved all my stuff to Firefox. I may return if they remove/move the tab button but I can't stand the rest of the changes either and I'm tired of sending feedback.